Chapter 141 - PTSD flashback

I was sitting in choir, waiting for class to start and scrolling through Twitter happily.

@ManualDeMiranda - @Lin_Manuel quick question, why do you feel the need to carry @AbigailLeighMiranda? (Not that you should stop) it's just, she's a teen.

I laughed a little, I think this was the same account that posted the picture from the apartment yesterday.

@Lin_Manuel - @ManualDeMiranda, well, I missed my time to carry her when she was a baby, so.... Ella es mi niñita. Siempre.

My heart warmed seeing that, for so many reasons. My teacher walked into class and I quickly shoved my phone back into my pant pocket, as she hated phones. We were about halfway through class when she announced our end of the year concert.

"So, as all of you know, school gets out on May 26th. So, that Tuesday evening, May 24th, we will have our end of year concert, we'll do all of the classical music we have been working on, and we will do two musical theater pieces." She smiled, she hated pop music so, musical theater was our fun music compromise. "It's up to you all to pick the songs." She announced, "I'll be in my office, when you decide on the songs, come and tell me." With that she left the room, wow, our teachers were done.

"We should do something from Hamilton!" A girl in my class named Carla suggested, and I started to freak out a bit.

"Uh, can we not?" I asked, tentatively.

"Why not... Oh, your dad." She said realizing.

"Yeah well not everything is about you and your famous father." A blonde girl names Sabyn said.

"No, it's fine." I tried to get her off my back, "we can do something from Hamilton." I relented slinking back into my seat.

"Okay." Carla said, "we could do Who Lives Who Dies?" She suggested, "or maybe Wait For It?"

"How about In The Heights?" I asked, slipping back into conversation.

"Well, your dad wrote that too." Carla added, although I was aware of that.

"I know, just, we could do Carnival Del Barrio, or like 96,000." I shrugged.

"Or maybe we could steer away from Lin-Manuel Miranda." Sabyn rolled her eyes, "there are other musicals."

"Okay," I started, "how about, um, Children Will Listen from Into The Woods?" I suggested, "and no Sabyn, Lin didn't write Into The Woods. Sondheim did."

"What about like, uh, Finding Neverland? We could do Stronger." A boy named José asked.

"What about A Chorus Line?" I asked, "we could do a fun upbeat song from Rent or Finding Neverland, and then do What I Did For Love." I suggested, mainly because I loved that song.

"I like that." Carla said, backing me up.

"Yeah." A second kid said, and I sighed, they agreed with me.


"So, how was school Mija?" Lin asked, as he was driving home.

"Fine, we're planning our end of the year concert in choir."

"Oh! Really?" He seemed excited, "oh peanut when is it?" He asked.

"Uh, May 24th." I said.

"Fantastic. I'll clear my calendar."

"Oh. You don't have to do that, I mean, if you have other plans, I don't have a solo or anything." I shrugged.

"I don't care. It's the first school event I get to attend for my child, oh gosh I'm so excited, it'll be great, you'll do great." He was practically giddy. "Do you mind if we listen to some music?" He asked.

"Who are you James Corden? Am I on Carpool Karaoke?" I joked.

"Very funny Mija, oh, and speaking of..." I cut him off.

"Rent!" I smiled pulling the soundtrack up on my phone, and plugging it into the car speakers.

"Who died?" Was the first thing I heard when I put the playlist on shuffle.

"Respect Mija." Lin said laughing.

"Evita." I said solemnly along with the cast of Rent. (OBC of course)

Lin and I were singing along to La Vie Boheme when I felt the tip of a gun lightly press against my back.

"Stand up." I heard my fathers gruff voice whisper in my ear. "Stand up, shut up, don't move." Very slowly I stood up from the bed I was seated on, and I felt him push me more towards the middle of the room with the gun. He held me tightly half in front of him with his right arm, and with his left arm he was still holding the gun. I felt the tip of his gun roughly shoved into my neck, and my breath hitched in my throat.

"NYPD OPEN UP!" I heard the police at the door and my heart soared.

"Okay listen, don't you dare move. Are you listening?" My dads voice was gruff in my ear. I nodded very slightly, still very aware of the gun to my throat. "I will not hesitate to kill you if you try and make a run for it."

"I... I'm your daughter." I forced out, still petrified in fear, "you won't kill me." That was a statement, but the waver in my voice made it evident that I was asking.

"What makes you think that? We tried once and that failed miserably." My stomach swirled nervously, and my heart hung heavy. It was true, I was the result of a failed abortion. They tried, but a second attempt would of put my mom in jeopardy.

"Please." My voice cracked with my mind on the subject.

"Just stand still!" He shouted, and pushed the gun harder into my soft neck, my eyes flitted to my left when I saw his finger slide over the trigger. I squeezed my eyes shut, for a moment willing him to pull the trigger and end it. As soon as my eyes closed I saw Sebastian playing with Tobi on the ground, and I smelled Vanessa's cooking, and I heard Lin rapping about a hawk outside our window. I felt a tear escape my eye. I didn't want that to go away too. I couldn't leave them. I opened my eyes again, and I saw 6 or 7 guns, not aimed at me but at my dad.

"No one needs to get hurt, especially not her." I heard one of the cops say, and as he said it, I saw Lins head pop up from the crowd. He came. I tried to make eye contact, but then heard a gun go off. I was terrified, but I felt my dads gun leave my neck, and I knew it wasn't him, then I saw him bent over clutching his leg. The officer shot his leg, so he'd let go of me.

I was in some sort of a shock as I felt two hands steer me out of the room, and out onto the balcony hallway of the hotel. I felt Lins arms wrap around me, tighter than ever before, and I inhaled his scent. The scent of our home, and of my family. And I realized I was safe again.

"Mija? Peanut? Peanut please what's going on?" Lin asked, and I looked around me, I wasn't at a hotel, I was in the car, Lin wasn't standing and hugging me, he was kneeling on the curb his hands on my shoulders shaking me.

"Dad?" I asked, now aware of the tears streaming down my face. "Dad what happened?" I asked, scared.

"I don't know, honey, I don't know you just started shaking, and you stopped singing, and you kept staring, and then you were crying, honey are you okay?" He asked, looking as afraid as I was.

"He had a gun." I forced out, "Ryan, he, he had a gun, and, and he, he, he was gonna kill me."

"Oh, oh sweetheart." Lin said, hugging me, like he realized what was going on.

"I'm scared Daddy." I whimpered, "I'm scared."

"Shh," he said, rubbing my back, "it'll all be alright, you're safe now peanut, I've got you, daddy's got you, you're safe."


Lins POV

"To handcrafted beers made in local breweries!" I sang, and looked to my daughter to sing the next verse, but all I heard was the recording, she stopped singing, and was staring straight out the windshield. Her eyes had this glossy look and I started to freak out. "Abigail?" I asked, "Mija, you okay?" After I said that, I saw her small frame start to shake a bit, and she started to cry. "Abi?" I asked again, "honey you're scaring me what's going on?" I kept looking from the road to her, terrified for two reasons. "Kiddo, I need you to talk to me, if you can hear me please say something." I looked at her, and she just kept shaking. "Oh gosh." I was starting to freak out, and La Vie Boheme playing was not helping but I didn't know how to stop it. I was frantically looking for somewhere to pull over, so I could check on her. I finally found an open spot on the side of the road, and prayed my parallel parking skills wouldn't fail me now. I carefully parked the car, then ran around to her side, throwing the door open. Out of instinct I jabbed my fingers onto her pulse and found it beating quickly, like she was scared.

"Uh, excuse me." I heard a voice behind me, "um, I'm a fan and..." I was fuming, can they honestly not tell that this is not the right time to ask for an autograph.

"Not now!" I yelled, not bothering to look behind me. Right as I said that I felt a pang of guilt rush through me, he was a fan, I shouldn't be mean, I mean, this was a once in a lifetime thing for him, I don't want him to remember me like this. "Wait." I said, "I'm sorry, that was rude." I turned away from my daughter for a split second, "do you want me to sign something?" I asked the boy, who was walking away from me.

"Really?" He turned around excited.

"Yeah, I just, can you come over here? I can't leave her." He nodded frantically and ran over to me, yanking a ten dollar bill out of his wallet. I smiled and pulled a sharpie from my back pocket and drew a little goatee on Hamilton, then signed my name.

"Thank you so much." This kid was shaking he was so excited.

"Hey, I'm sorry I was rude, I'm just, I'm kind of in the middle of something." I said, looking back at my kid, who was now fully crying, tears streaming down her face, as she looked out in front of her with a glossy look to her eyes.

"It's fine. You could run me over with your car and I'd thank you." I heard the kid say, then I heard him running away.

"Mija? Peanut? Peanut please what's going on?" I asked, holding her by the shoulders.

"Dad?" She whimpered, finally coming back, "Dad what happened?" She asked, the same fear in my eyes was in hers.

"I don't know, honey, I don't know you just started shaking, and you stopped singing, and you kept staring, and then you were crying, honey are you okay?" I tried to explain, then gave up, she wouldn't understand what she just did.

"He had a gun." She whimpered, through tears, "Ryan, he, he had a gun, and, and he, he, he was gonna kill me." That's when it hit me. She had a flashback, oh this was way worse then the nightmares.

"Oh," I said in realization, "oh sweetheart." I said wrapping my arms around her still shaking body. I felt her little weak bird arms go around my neck.

"I'm scared Daddy, I'm scared." She admitted, and I rubbed her back, she didn't deserve this, granted, no one did, but she's my daughter, she doesn't deserve the crap in life, I just, I want to make her happy, and do everything I can to make her realize that she's special and important. Just as this thought was going through my head she hiccuped into a sob, I rubbed her back a little, that was adorable.

"Shh," I said, trying to soothe my terrified little girl, "it'll all be alright, you're safe now peanut, I've got you, Daddy's got you, you're safe."



Okay, good night now...

WAIT! What should I call you guys? (My readers) if anyone has an idea, please comment!

Thanks for reading!

- Abi

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