Chapter 137 - I Have So Much Work To Do
Lin's POV
Abi's appointment had finished and I was sitting in Dr. Dubois office talking about test results. Abi was in the waiting room.
"Alright, so, based on our testing and my having a chance to talk to her, I've concluded that Abigail is suffering from three disorders." She thumbed through some papers on her desk. "Firstly, well, you were aware of this, she's anorexic, which is very treatable, simply through therapy, so that's good." She grabbed a second packet.
"She can do that therapy with you right?" I clarified.
"Yes, I'd recommend it as well, the um, the second and third are a little more serious. So, based on her testing and how Abigail acts and recalls things, and what you've told me, she has Bipolar Disorder, or Manic Depression." My heart sunk a little, I mean, I knew she was depressed, I just, having a doctor say it, having it be real, I hated it.
"Okay." I slightly nodded, "and, what's the treatment for that?" I asked.
"We're gonna put her on Seroquel," she handed me a piece of paper explaining the drug and a prescription, "it's an Antipsychotic, it's totally safe for her, just one a day."
"Okay." I nodded again, looking over the paper.
"The third, I actually still have a couple questions about this, you said she gets nightmares?" She asked.
"Yeah." I nodded
"Do you know what they're about? Does she tell you?" She asked.
"Yeah, um, her most recent one, it was about abuse in a foster home." I said, both confused and concerned.
"And how often do this occur?" She asked.
"2-4 times a week." I said.
"Okay, these dreams, are they real, like, flashbacks?" She asked, to which I nodded, "alright, yeah, the third disorder, she has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD."
"Oh." That was all I could say. That's what veterans are diagnosed with, not my 15 year old.
"Yeah, that's the usual reaction. Abigail um, what happened in foster care, what happened to her, her dreams, her nightmares, that's PTSD."
"It's just," I sighed, "she's a kid. Was what happened to her in foster care really bad enough to give her PTSD?" I asked, knowing the answer.
"Unfortunately so, we'll treat it, use Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, which is explained, here." She handed me another paper. "And we'll use an SSRI, which is a kind of antidepressant, so, I recommend Celexa." She handed me a second prescription and informational paper.
"Alright." I gave her a little smile, and looked over the drug information.
"Okay, so, about therapy, the therapies we're going to have her on, would once a week work for you?" She asked.
"Yeah, preferably Monday nights, neither of us work Monday."
"Yeah, that'll work," she flipped through a planner on her desk, "how's 5-7 Monday nights?" She asked.
"That's great, that'll work." I nodded, and made a mental note to tell V, I mean, she's kinda the planner in the relationship.
"Okay, there's just one last thing I want to ask you about, and this'll be quick. With the depression, I wanted to ask you about her self-harming." She said, and my breath hitched in my throat, and my heart started pounding.
"Um, is she, is she hurting herself?" I asked, somewhat terrified.
"Oh, oh no, I'm so sorry, I phrased that wrong, no, I just meant, it's a depression side effect, and it's just, I meant, keep an eye out for that."
"Okay, so, she's not hurting herself?" I asked, relieved.
"Not as far as I know, just, keep an eye out for that, and, well, I think we're done." She said, and I stood up.
"Thank you so much Dr. Dubois." I smiled, and shook her hand.
"You're very welcome Mr. Miranda, I will see you and Abigail Monday." She smiled and I left her office.
"Mija?" I said, walking out into the waiting room, I saw her sitting in one of the chairs, attempting to read a magazine, obviously not enjoying it. "Time to go sweetheart." I said, and she set the magazine back on the table.
"How'd it go?" She asked standing up.
"Well," I sighed, "can we talk about this in the car?" I asked.
"Yeah." She nervously wrung her hands, she knew it wasn't good news. "Is everything alright?" She asked.
"Everything's going to be just fine." I said, and wrapped my arms around her, "come on." I said, and started to walk her out to the car.
"Okay, so, what happened?" She asked once I was pulling out of the parking lot.
"Well, oh gosh, I don't know how to say this Mija. According to your doctor, well, she says, you have Bipolar Disorder." I looked over at Abigail, and she was absentmindedly braiding the ends of her hair. "She also said that you have PTSD."
"Wait what?" She asked, dropping her braid, and looking at me. "Post traumatic stress?" She asked.
"Yeah peanut, that's your nightmares." I carefully reached over and rubbed her shoulder a little, this probably was a bad idea, I mean, I was a terrible driver, but well, she needed this right now. "We're going to pick up your meds now." I said, turning towards a pharmacy. "Then we can go home, and relax before the show."
"I can't relax." She said.
"And, why not?" I asked, pulling the car into a parking space.
"APUSH." She said.
"Oh yeah, that's tomorrow." I said, she had her AP test tomorrow. "Well, I'll pick up some soda, some candy, I'll help you study." I said, getting out of the car.
"Thanks." Abi said, getting out of the car, "you don't have to do that." She said, walking around the car.
"I know." I said, and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, walking inside. I went over to the pharmacy and handed the lady Abi's prescriptions.
"We'll have these out for you in about ten minutes." She smiled, looking over the papers.
"Thanks." I said. "Okay Mija, let's go grab study stuff." I grabbed her hand and started towards the area of the store that sold really unhealthy food. I filled a cart with a couple sodas and red-vines and pretzels, and pretty much anything that looked good within reach.
"Prescription for Abigail Miranda!" I heard Abi's name over the intercom.
"Okay Peanut," I said, and went over to the pharmacy. "Abigail Miranda." I said, coming up to the desk. Once we got her meds, and payed for the food, we got back in the car.
Abi's POV
The show had ended and I was planning on pulling an all nighter. I'd been so preoccupied with everything in my life, my AP test had fallen by the wayside. I was walking into the living room with my textbook, flash cards, test prep book and notebook.
"Hey kiddo." Lin said, he was sitting on the couch, with a bowl of pretzels.
"Hi." I smiled, and sat down on the floor with my study stuff.
"Don't kill yourself Mija." He said, laughing a little.
"Yes, but, I mean, as long as I pass the test it's alright." I said, flipping open the test prep book.
"Okay sweetie, let me grab the food, I'll help out." He said, standing up.
"Okay." I said yawning as he went into the kitchen. He came back into the room, and handed me a plastic bucket of gummy bears.
"All the soda I bought has caffeine." He said, pulling out the two liters. "You got this." He handed me a bottle of Diet Coke, which I drank straight from. I pulled the bottle down, and saw Lin take a picture.
"What are you doing?" I asked, laughing a little.
"Twitter." He smiled, typing on his phone. I rolled my eyes and pulled my own phone out of my pocket.
@Lin_Manuel - No goodnight tweet tonight, the daughter and I are pulling an all-nighter to study for her test tomorrow.
"I'm gonna die." I said, then face-planted on my textbook.
"Abi, are you asleep?" Lin asked.
"I'm absorbing the words." I groaned, sitting back up. "Okay, I can do this."
Hiya! This is on time!!
Anyways, thanks for reading!
- Abi
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