Chapter 135 - Therapy

At the end of the two show day, I was walking around with Lilly, figuring out who was stage dooring. Her job was to go room to room and ask, then once she had a list, to read it off at the door. She knocked on my dads door.

"Yep!" I heard his voice, and Lilly slowly opened the door.

"Hi, uh, are you two stage dooring?" She asked, and I stood off to the side.

"Always." Rory smiled at her.

"Yeah, I mean, Abi hates it, but yeah." Lin smiled at me.

"I don't hate it, it's just, it's cold outside, and there's a lot of screaming."

"Yes there is a lot of screaming Mija, can you help me with something?" He asked me, and I nodded.

"Alright, Lilly, you'll be okay to finish?" I asked.

"Yeah, thanks." She said, and turned to leave.

"Alright, what do you need help with?" I asked.

"Can you load the mail into my backpack?" He asked, referring to the mail pile in the corner, "I've been putting it off for like, a week, and it came back to bite me."

"Yeah, of course I can." I said and bent down with his backpack, and started loading the obsessive amount of mail into his backpack.

"You can wait on the boxes. I think I'll procrastinate on those a little longer.

"Alright." I said, pilling all of the boxes and setting them aside.

After a couple minutes I had finished, and I was pulling my own backpack on.

"Alright Kiddo." Lin said, taking my hand and pulling me towards the door.

I was standing off to the side as he was signing things, I looked out into the crowd of people and my heart splashed into my stomach.

"Dad?" I whispered.

"Yeah Mija?" He said handing someone's book back to them.

"Mr. Uh... Mr." I fumbled my words, and ended up shyly pointing to Mr. Walter standing in the mass of people.

"Okay, uh, let's go." He said pulling me in front of him. He walked me out of the barricaded area, and started to walk the two of us back to the car. He drove home and I sat in the front seat, hugging my backpack. "Hun you alright?" He asked, turning into the apartment building's parking lot.

"I'm fine." I whispered.

"Sweetheart, please stop saying you're fine, I can tell that you're not."

"Then why do you keep asking?" I asked

"Just trying to help." He said, parking the car.

"I know. It's just, I don't know." I admitted, getting out of the car. "He's gonna follow me for the rest of my life, Somethings going to follow me for the rest of my life. What's the point in running from it anymore."

"Shh." He came around the car, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "let's go inside, and I'll make popcorn, we can watch Harry Potter."

"Dad, it's 10:47." I said, getting in the elevator. "I think Seb will hear Harry Potter." I said.

"You make a point Mija." He said, and the car stopped on our floor. "You don't have to go to bed right away though." He allowed. "I'll stay up with you, we can reply to fan mail, or, something else." He tried to think of ideas.

"Are you trying to think of ways to get around me going to bed?" I asked, following him into our apartment.

"Sort of." He admitted.

"Why?" I asked, going into my room.

"I don't want you to, you know..." He trailed off.

"I'll be fine." I said, getting into bed in my clothes.

"Alright." He kissed my temple, "goodnight Mija, I'll see you in the morning." He turned my light out.

"Goodnight Dad, I love you."

"I love you too. Sweetheart I love you, sweet dreams." I heard the door shut and I knew that he left my room. I fished my phone out of my pocket and flipped it on, going on Twitter.

@Lin_Manuel - Homeboys in bed. Mini-Me's in bed. My better half's in bed, dogs in bed, I'm in bed. You should get in bed. Gnight.

@AbigailLeighMiranda - @Lin_Manuel Gnight

I replied to Lin, then continued scrolling.

@Lin_Manuel - Mini-Me, I thought you were in bed. Go to bed

I gave up on the internet, and rolled over in bed, and closed my eyes. I replayed the days events in my mind then my mind couldn't hold onto a thought for more than a couple seconds. I pulled my blanket over my shoulder and snuggled into my pillows until I finally fell asleep.


I woke up to Tobi leaping on my stomach.

"Tobillo! Get back here." I saw Lin run into my room, whisper yelling at the dog.

"Morning." I smiled, sitting up.

"No, no, no it's not." He pushed me back down into bed.

"Yes it is." I tried to protest.

"I'm doing Dad things this morning and you're going back to sleep so you can properly enjoy them, now, sleep child." He pulled my blankets over me.

I laid in bed on my phone, and waited for Lin to be done 'dad-ing'

"Okay Mini-Me, you can get up now." Lin said, opening my door.

"Thank you Father." I sat up in bed, and threw my blankets off.

"Of course kiddo." He smiled, then left the room. I got up, pulled a sweater on, and slippers, and walked out of my room, only to see Lin holding Sebastian on his hip, and with the other hand, pulling Vanessa down the hallway.

"Did you make breakfast?" Vanessa asked, laughing a little at her eccentric husband.

"Why yes I did wifey."

"Awe, that's sweet." She leaned over and kissed him. "And you Mija, you nervous?" She asked me.

"About what?" I asked.

"You have your first appointment with Dr. Dubois today." She said.

"No me gusta." I said, crossing my arms.

"Nu uh, not right now, right now we're enjoying pancakes, we can talk about therapy later." Lin protested, pulling a chair out at the table for me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, my smile left my face as I saw the food in front of me. I had to eat it. I had an appointment with a therapist today, and Lin was excited about making breakfast.

"I'll go get coffee." Lin said, walking into the kitchen, I looked to my right, and Vanessa was preoccupied with Sebastian. I quickly cut several pieces of my pancake off, and I quickly put them in my hand, and let my hand fall to my side. Within a couple seconds I felt Tobi, eat the food out of my hand.

Through the entire breakfast I was putting pieces of pancake into my napkin, which I ended up shoving in my pocket.

"Okay Niñita, go get dressed, then we'll go to Dr. Dubois's." Lin said, after Vanessa left for work.

"Okay." I smiled, and changed into jeans and a forest green sweater. "I'm good to go." I said, emerging from my room.

"Awesome, just a couple of things." He said, as we left the apartment. "She'll give you a couple tests, then you're actual appointment will only take about an hour."

"Ugh." I groaned, getting into the car.

"Just be honest with her sweetheart, she's there to help. She wants to help you."

"Okay." I said, wringing my hands nervously in the car.

"Alrighty Mija, you'll be okay, I'm glad you're going through with this, honey."

"Yeah. Also, thanks for breakfast, it was great."

"Aw you're welcome, I'm glad you liked it."

"Yeah, it was really good." I lied, and continued to wring my hands. I didn't want to go to therapy.


Hi, sorry it's 8:21.

So, I have my 'Abi runs away' one shot written. Please please vote:

1.) include it as part of the book

2.) post it in the book, but don't make it part of the actual story

3.) delete it no one cares

4.) send it to people independently if they want it. (You'll need Twitter or Insta)

I want to thank you guys again for being so nice to me about what I'm going through.

So yeah, thanks again for being so understanding, it really means a lot

Thanks for reading!


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