Chapter 129 - Wicked

I woke up Monday morning on the floor of Georgia's living room, under a fluffy blanket.

"Franchesca, babe, you awake?" I turned over, she fell asleep next to me last night. When I turned over I realized she wasn't there anymore. I sat up and looked around, I saw Georgia passed out on the couch, and Josie sort of splayed out on the floor, then I found Franchesca, curled up, smiling in her sleep, on a bean bag chair. I pulled out my phone.

Are you asleep yet
2:30 a.m.

Are you awake?
5:12 a.m

I assume you're not awake, but, Seb just woke up, and I don't want to wake V yet. Here's what you're missing out on.
5:12 a.m

He attached an adorable picture of Seb and Tobi looking out of the window.

Kiddo, you have to be up by now.
8:49 a.m

*whines* WAKE UPPPP
9:52 a.m

*that one chick from Les Mis voice* WHY ARE YOU IN BEEEEDDDDDD?
10:28 a.m

Your mother is at work. Sebastian is sleeping. I'm watching House.
10:44 a.m

Look, it's me!
10:47 a.m

He attached a picture from one of the times he was on house.

And YES Abi, that is me, there was a time I wasn't old.
10:48 a.m

I checked the time, crap I really slept in, it was 11:15.

I'm up I'm up.... Sorry

YES! FINALLY. Good morning Niñita.

I smiled at that text, then went onto Twitter. I scrolled through my feed happily. Then I tweeted.

@abigailleighmiranda - good morning. I slept in. (Sleepover with squad) @JosieDLoM @Ches1224 @Gigiiiiiii @CoColette

"Abi?" I heard Josie next to me. "Good morning."

"Morning Jo." I smiled at her.

"Are you on the Twitter?" She asked.

"Yep." I smiled, "smile!" I turned the camera towards the two of us.

@abigailleighmiranda - my wife (@JosieDLoM ) finally woke up!

I attached the picture to the tweet after tagging her. Then my Twitter started blowing up.

I turned off my phone because I didn't want to see responses. I sat and talked with Josie for a little while, when I heard a knock at the door.

"Niñita?" I heard Lins voice.

"Oh, that's for me." I said, standing up. "Bye Jo!" I said, giving her a quick hug, and grabbing my bag. I opened the door, to see a smiling Lin.

"¡Mija!" He said hugging me, "vamanos." He said taking my bag, and shuffling me out of the apartment.

"Hi Dad." I smiled, getting in the elevator.

"Did you have fun?" He asked.

"Yeah! And I actually slept, so win win."

We talked about Lins morning, last night, Man of La Mancha, and Chuggington until we got home, when we did, he changed the subject.

"Uh, Abigail, there's something important I need to talk to you about." He said sitting down on the couch. I tentatively sat down across from him.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked.

"No, not at all, it's just important." He sighed "Vanessa and I talked last night. We decided, you need therapy."

"For what?" I asked nervously.

"Abigail, this is our fault, we should've done this sooner. You attempted suicide." He said, and I stared at my lap. "Baby, you're depressed, you're anorexic. We have to do this."

"I'm sorry." I whimpered.

"Nope. No apologies, we've signed you up, you have an appointment for Thursday. It'll only be like, two hours." He said, and a tear spilled over my welled up eyes. "Sweetie, sweetie, no." He reached over and hugged me, "no don't cry, don't cry. You did nothing wrong, you're gonna be fine." He held me out in front of him by the shoulders, then wiped the tear away.

"I need to study for my AP test..." I said, standing up.

"I'll help." He smiled.

"Okay, I'll go grab my flash cards." I ran into my room and grabbed my boxed set of 500 flash cards, and my textbook and notebook. I went back into the living room, and Lin wasn't in there.

"Do you want something to drink?" He yelled from the kitchen.

"Sure!" I yelled back. He came back in and handed me a can of coke, then sat across from me on the floor.

"I'm so glad I didn't take this in high school." He looked at the number of flash cards that I had separated by topic.

"Yeah, be glad." I said handing him one stack of cards. "Arts and sciences, unit 1." I smiled.

"The Enlightenment." He read.

"Uh, like, the universe was created by God? And then abandoned? Right?" I racked my brain.

"Yep." He set the card aside, "John Locke and Natural Law." He read.

"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of property." I smiled, I knew that one.

"Pursuit of happiness." Lin corrected.

"Nope, check the card. Property was Locke, Happiness was Jefferson."

"I'm so glad I'm not taking this." He rolled his eyes, and moved onto the next card.

Lin helped me study for a while, obviously, I need to spend way more time on this, but, I improved. At 5:00, I heard Daveed in the living room talking to Lin.

"You're here!" I ran out of my room.

"Yeah Kiddo." Daveed said, smiling at me. "We have to hurry, dinner then the show." He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Bye Dad!" I hugged Lin.

"Bye Mija, I'll see you tonight, have fun."

"I hate driving," Daveed said, once we were out of the building, "I hope you don't mind the subway." He said, leading me that way.

"It's 5:00, but, sure." I smiled, I mean, I was seeing Wicked, I'm not complaining about how we get there.

"Yeah, I have an idea." He said, "it requires some acting and lying on your part." He said, walking underground.

"What?" I asked.

"Limp, limp a lot." He instructed.

"I'm not faking an injury to get a seat." I said, being the goody-two shoes I am.

"It's either that or flirt with some dude, maybe you can sit on his lap." As soon as he said that I started harshly limping, I looked up to see Daveed laughing his head off. "I was just kidding, you don't have to limp."

I walked through the subway system, then stood waiting, with Daveed.

"Kiddo, why don't you have a metro card?" He asked, "I mean, you live in NYC."

"Lin doesn't trust me enough to let me take it alone." I said.

"Ah, I see." We finally made our way onto the train. Daveed held his hand on my shoulder. "Hold on tight Kiddo." He said, grabbing a pole, then pulling me into him. I immediately grabbed the pole, and tried to take up as little space as possible in the crowded car. I stayed there, like stone, until the car stopped, and people rushed in and out, eventually someone rammed into me, and I tumbled to the grimy subway floor, before I could get up, someone stepped on my hand, then my leg, then my back. "ABI!" I heard Daveed yell, then I felt a hand grab my wrist. He yanked me up.

"I hate the subway." I grumbled.

"You okay?" Daveed asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You're an accident prone child." He said hugging me into him, so I was facing forward with my back to his chest.

"Hi!" A 20 something year old woman came up to us. "I'm a really big fan can I get a picture?" She asked.

"Of course." Daveed smiled, she was grinning ear to ear, as she took her phone out and got a picture with him. I was sort of in the picture. I mean, as Daveed had one arm around me.

We finally got to dinner, at a nice place downtown. Once we were seated and had ordered, Daveed pulled his phone out.

"Sorry A, I want to see this picture the lady took." He scrolled through his 'photos of' section quickly, and found it. "Um, Abi, she didn't know who you were." He said, laughing a little.

"Show me." I said, also laughing a bit, I mean, I wasn't famous, but, hey, 'big fan'. He handed me his phone and I saw the caption.

@laurinda_spykes - I met this amazing rapctor (rap actor) on the SUBWAY today! (And some kid, maybe a niece or family friends daughter, IDK)

"One sec, I'm checking the comments.

@chirrdna11 - well, she's white... They're probably not family.

This one made me laugh a bit, because, you know Daveeds mom is also white.

@clarastranka - actually, uh, that's Lin-Manuel Miranda's daughter. @abigailleighmiranda

"Okay, they figured it out." I said, handing him his phone back.

"Awesome for them." Daveed smiled. We sat and talked about random things for a little while until our food came. I grinned as the bowl of caesar salad was place in front of me.

"Thank you so much." I smiled at the waiter.

"Thanks." Daveed said to the waiter as he placed a steak in front of him.

"Thanks for dinner." I said to Daveed, as I took a bite of my salad.

"You're welcome, I'm glad to do it." He said, smiling at me.

Dinner was great, afterwards we made our way back to the Gershwin theatre.

"Do you want me to take your picture in front on the theater like you're a tourist?" He asked, as we were walking in.

"I'm okay thanks." I said laughing. Once we got inside he grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to merchandise.

"What do you want?" He asked, as we were standing in line.

"I don't know." I said, "like a t-shirt." I shrugged.

"Okay, okay." He said, as he got up to the counter. "Hi, could I get, the mug with the New York City skyline, the purple shirt, and, well, I guess the t-shirt. Oh! And a souvenir program." He smiled at the cashier, then looked back at me. "That cool?" He asked.

"Daveed," I started, but he clasped his hand over my mouth.

"Shh." He said, and I rolled my eyes.

He payed for the items, then took his bag then handed it to me.

"Daveed I said a t-shirt." I said, as we walked inside the auditorium.

"I got you a t-shirt, I don't know what you're complaining about." He said smirking. "Hey, Kid, it's not a big deal, I'm happy to do it."

"Okay, thanks." I smiled.

"Like I said, happy to do it." He replied, as we took seats in the front row. "Okay, now we're taking the touristy pictures." He said, flipping his camera on, "smile!" I smiled and he got a picture of the two of us.

"You're posting that right?" I asked.

"Yep." He said.

"Can you send it to me?" I asked.

"Of course, one sec." He texted me the picture. "Now we should probably turn our phones off, I don't know if this production has a Lin, but I don't want anyone to think we're bootlegging." I laughed a little, and shut my phone of, putting it in my purse.

The show started with the monkey sounds. As soon as the lights went down I started crying, like, instantaneous tears. I was finally seeing this. I'd been a hardcore fan for years. Alyssa Fox was on for Elphaba, and I found it very hard to believe that she was a standby. She was insane. Carrie St. Louis was a brilliant Glinda as well.

I was in tears for so much of the first act, I know Daveed noticed, and was a bit confused, or concerned. I think some cast saw me, I mean, front row seats. The show ended, and it was fantastic, right as the curtain call ended, I turned to Daveed.

"Can we stage door?" I asked excitedly.

"Uh, Kid, follow me." He took my hand, and brought me onstage. "Carrie!" He yelled.

"Oh my gosh!" I heard her squeal, she ran back to us in her bubble dress, "Daveed Diggs! It's amazing to meet you. I'm such a huge fan." She was ecstatic.

"So are we." He said, smiling, holding my waist.

"You brought Abigail!" She squealed a second time, "oh, sweetheart, it's so great to meet you." She hugged me.

"You know who I am?" I asked, somewhat dumbfounded.

"Of course I do. You've been all over the news, also, everyone on Broadway knows everyone else on Broadway's business, so, yeah, we all know you. Would you like to come backstage?" She asked.

"We'd love to, thank you." Daveed said, following Carrie backstage. My face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, this was the best day of my existence. Carrie was leading us to her dressing room. On the way, she knocked on Alyssa's door.

"Ally! Daveed Dig..." She was cut off.


"Ally, he's right outside the door." Carrie said, and I couldn't help but laugh. "He brought Abigail." She added.

"Why do I have to be the green one!" She whined from inside her room.

"She'll be out in a minute." Carrie said, leading the two of us into her room. "Can we get a picture?" Carrie asked, grabbing her phone from a table.

"Of course." Daveed smiled, and wrapped his arm around Carries waist.

"You too Abi." Carrie said, and I came over, only for her to wrap her arm around me, and get the picture.

"I don't know if people do this when they come backstage, but, can you sign my playbill?" I asked, somewhat nervously, pulling the Wicked playbill from my purse.

"Of course I can!" She said, taking it, and signing it with a sharpie she had on her desk. After signing it, I heard a knock at her door then I heard the door open, I spun around to see Jonah Platt walk in.

"Carrie, why are you hoarding Daveed Diggs? And Abi Miranda?" He said.

"I'm not hoarding them." She protested.

"I'm a huge fan." Jonah said to Daveed smiling, and shaking his hand. "And you, Miss Miranda," he tousled my straightened hair, "I'm excited to see what you're going to do in life, and frankly, I'm shocked you're not doing it now."

"Thanks." I said, dumbfounded, and touched. "Uh, could you..." I trailed off, and just handed him my playbill and a sharpie.

"Of course." He said, using his knee to write on. He signed his name, then handed it back to me.

"Thank you." I said, quickly putting it back in my purse.

"Can we get a picture?" Jonah asked, pulling out his phone. Daveed and I both nodded, and got a picture, this is quite honestly, one of my top five best days.

"I'm finished!" I heard Alyssa yell from her room, then run into Carries. "Daveed, I'm such a huge fan thank you so much for coming tonight." She said, instantly regaining her composure.

"You were fantastic, seriously, we loved it." He said.

"I could tell, Every time I looked into the front row, you were either grinning or sobbing, or sob grinning." She said to me.

"Sorry." I giggled, "I'm a big fan." I said.

"Oh gosh you're adorable." She said, hugging me. "Why did Hamilton get to you first?" She whined.

"This is the best day of my life." I whispered to myself. "I didn't realize you all knew who I was." I said, confused.

"You're like, Broadway's Sweetheart." Carrie said. "Everyone knows you." She added.

"Aside the point," Jonah said, "Tony nominations are in the morning, you nervous?" He asked.

"Nah, if I get the nomination, cool, if not, someone else in the show'll get a nomination, and honestly, they'll be great."

"Daveed, you're gonna get the nomination." I said.

"Well, I'm not waking up at 8:00 to find out." He said, "that's way too early."

"How about you Abi? Are you gonna watch the nominations?" Alyssa asked.

"I don't think I have a choice. My dads kinda attached to the show, I'll be up anyway because we have a one year old child and a dog, and if I don't want to get out of bed, my dad has been known to fireman carry me out and into the living room." I said, which merited laughs.

"Wait, Lin-Manuel Miranda has carried you out of bed?" Jonah asked.

"On multiple occasions." I said, laughing a little.

"Why am I surprised?" This one came from Daveed, "sometimes he'll carry her out on his back when he's stagedooring." He said.

I got to meet the entire cast of Wicked that night. It was amazing. Daveed and I took the subway home, being that it was 11:00 it was less crowded, so we got seats. As we road home, I posted several times. First on Instagram. I posted the picture of Daveed and I in the theater.

@abigailleighmiranda - @daveeddiggs took me to see my favorite musical... Couldn't be happier.

I smiled a little at my subtle reference, then posted a little three picture collage of the pictures I got with Alyssa, Carrie, and Jonah.

@abigailleighmiranda - I had the honor of meeting the incredible @alyssajoyfox , @carriestlouis, and @jonahplatt . Thank you so much for an incredible night.

I posted all of this on Twitter as well, then texted Josh. The kid I met at EduHam.

Guess what I did tonight!

Most likely something that I'm going to be jealous of, but please, go on.

I didn't text back, I just sent him all of the pictures I got at the show.

You want me to kill you. You want me to be sad. Well then. (Fiyeros really hot)

I know right?

Daveed walked me up to my apartment, I kept thanking him for the tickets, and all of the stuff he bought for me. Once I walked inside the apartment, Lin was waiting for me on the couch, like the dads in sitcoms that wait for their daughters after dates with the quarterback.

"How was it Niñita?" He asked.

"It was amazing." I said, and started gushing about everything.

"Okay kiddo, we'll talk in the morning, it's bedtime, he shuffled me into my bedroom, and I got into bed. "I love you." He said turning my light off.

"I love you too." I said, and within one minute, I was asleep.



I'm so incredibly sorry.

I have one more thing to say --->


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alyssa was my Elphie in the tour. She is amazing. She's currently the standby on Broadway, so, I had her in for Elphaba because she is yes.

Time: 4:32 a.m

Word count: 3,379

Thanks for reading!


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