Chapter 124 - All Day
"Kiddo, wake up." Vanessa shook me awake.
"Morning mom." I yawned, but halfway through my yawn I started hack-coughing.
"Oh, you're definitely still sick." She said.
"I just coughed, I'm sure I'm alright." I said, pulling myself up in bed.
"No sweetheart, you haven't seen yourself. Wait here, I need to get a thermometer, you're sweating." She quickly left my room, rummaged in her bathroom for a minute, then returned with a digital thermometer. "Okay, put this under your tongue." She said, sticking the thermometer in my mouth. "Your dad has rehearsal all day today, and I have court, so you have to go with him. Come here." She got up from where she was sitting on my bed, and grabbed my hand, pulling me behind her as she went into the kitchen. She flipped through her keys, and unlocked the medicine cabinet, pulling out several bags and bottles.
"Mom?" I tried to say while keeping the thermometer under my tongue.
"Hmm?" She turned around, looking at me lovingly. Just as she turned around Lin came into the kitchen.
"What's going on?" He asked, stuffing his laptop in his bag.
"I was getting Abigail medicine, and other stuff for today." She said, sifting through the pile of medication she created on the counter.
"Why is there a stick in her mouth?" He asked again.
"Lin, baby, I love you, that's a thermometer." She said, and just as she did, the thermometer started beeping, indicating that it was done. She immediately turned around and popped it out of my mouth.
"I didn't know we had a thermometer." I heard him mutter to himself, as he put a moleskin notebook in his bag.
"Awe, sweetheart, you're sick." Vanessa said checking it, "102 degrees." She said, setting the thermometer down, and hugging me. "Okay, I'm packing you stuff for the day, cough drops, Advil, ibuprofen, and I'm packing you some food." She shoved all of this into a bag, which she handed to Lin, "and you," she said to Lin, "take good care of her."
"She's my daughter too." He rolled his eyes a little.
"Well, Mr. 'I didn't know we had a thermometer' I was just reminding you."
"Well, you're Mrs. 'I didn't know we had a thermometer'"
"True." She consented.
"Are you okay with that, or are you going to take your insult back?" He asked.
"Well, as long as it's you, I'm happy." She said, smiling at her husband. This very precious married couple moment, was interrupted by Seb crying.
"I'm coming Homeboy." Lin said, rushing off into his room.
"Your dad has a bed in his dressing room, get some sleep." She kissed the top of my head. "I love you, I'll see you after the show." She took Seb from Lin, and put him in the baby carrier. "Wish me luck today!" She called back to the two of us, as she left home.
"Good luck!" Lin yelled. "You ready to go Niñita?" He asked.
"One second." I went back into my room, changed into jeans and Toms, then came back out.
"Awesomeness. Come child." He took my hand and started towards the door, "wear this it's freezing outside." He grabbed his 42nd Street sweater from the doorknob and handed it to me, I slipped it on, it was big on me, but, I was sick, I don't need to look nice.
"You know you're going to have to wash this now." I said, as I stepped out of the apartment.
"Why? Oh, the fever. No biggie." He wrapped his arm around me. "V was in a rush, she probably took the car, which means we're taking the subway." He said, leading my toward the nearest station.
"Why are we going to the theater when everyone else is going to work?" I asked, getting on the crowded train. Lin managed to grab hold of an empty pole.
"At least we don't have to go at 8:30 most mornings." He said, pulling me by my arm towards the pole. "Hold on Niñita." He said as the doors closed, I wrapped my left arm around the pole, and Lin wrapped his arm around me as well. "Creepo, 5 o'clock." He whispered in my ear. I turned to my right and saw a dude, like, staring at me, like, staring into me. It was terrifying.
"Yeah. This is my issue with the subway, it's not how crowded it is. It's that." I whispered back.
"I get you there." He said. The train finally stopped, and I rushed off quickly, Lin following. He grabbed my hand. "Sorry, I have to hold onto you, I just, it's not safe in New York. I'm not letting you go again."
"It's alright dad." I said.
"God I love that word." He said, squeezing my hand. He shuffled me into the theater in front of him, and the two of us went into his dressing room. "Okay, I have a cabinet meeting," he handed me a pillow that said 'lets party like its 1776' "lay down." He said, and I laid down in the couch/bed in his dressing room. As I did this, he flung a blanket over me, "I'll be back in like, five minutes." He kissed my forehead. "Don't go anywhere, you'll be safe." He said, starting for the door.
"Don't worry dad, I won't kill myself if you're gone for five minutes." I don't know why I said that. It just happened, I didn't mean to. I looked up to see him holding the doorknob, froze can staring at me.
"Abigail," he said, making eye contact, "I will be back in five minutes. Then we're going to talk about what you just said." With that he left he room, locking it behind him.
I sat there nervously regretting my words, I tried to scroll through Twitter to get my mind off of it, then I was on a blocking spree, I couldn't take the harsh words against me anymore, I felt really bad about it as I did it, like these people didn't mean what they were saying. But every time I saw something negative about my voice, my personality, my attempt on my life, I blocked them. It wasn't the best course of action, until I saw this.
@burningthefandom - that pic of @abigailleighmiranda stuffing her face from Daveeds snapchat story explains so much.
Below it was a picture from Daveeds snapchat story of me, shoving half of the crust from my slice of pizza yesterday into my mouth.
@toniettedie - @burningthefandom and she's just a slob, pajama pants? Doesn't she work at the show. Professionalism please!
@burningthefandom - @toniettedie I think she's wearing the PJ pants because she outgrew all her jeans, if you know what I mean.
"Phone." My head flew up to see Lin standing over me with his hand out, expecting my phone. I clicked it off, and set it in his hand, he in turn, put it in his pocket. "Abigail, why did you say that?" He asked, sitting down on the couch.
"I overheard you and Rory talking yesterday." I admitted, "I didn't mean to, is that true, I can't stay by myself anymore because of what I did?"
"I'm not going through that again." He said, "there is no way in hell that I am going to go through that day again. And if that means that you have a security detail, well, you're going to get a security detail."
"You have to trust me again." I said.
"No I don't." He said, "you don't know what it's like. You don't know how it feels to wake up at 3:00 am, because you hear thumping around, to go into the kitchen to see your 15 year old baby girl going limp and falling onto the kitchen floor." I looked at my lap, "you don't know how it feels to hold someone's limp body, and try and convince yourself they're going to make it. You don't know how it feels to see someone you love slip into unconsciousness, because they hated themselves, and they stopped caring." He was yelling, I was terrified, this wasn't normal.
"I'm sor..." He cut me off.
"Abigail, have you ever sat in a hospital waiting chair for hours too afraid to wake up someone you love because you're afraid that they don't want to wake up. Because you're scared that they'll open their eyes and be devastated because they truly wanted to die." He was staring intently at me, "I do. I know how that feels. Abi, I held you on the kitchen floor, you were limp, I kept telling Seb that you were fine that nothing was wrong. I wasn't telling Seb that sweetheart. I was telling myself that."
"Dad, I'm..." He cut me off again.
"That was the most terrified I have ever been, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, you deserve a long happy life, with a husband who loves you, and a gorgeous apartment, and children, and your dream job. You may think you don't deserve that but you do, and I will fight for you every day until you have it. Now, come here." He opened his arms, I sat up and gave him a hug.
"I'm sorry dad, I love you." I said.
"It's okay, I love you too." He stroked my hair back, "I love you more than you know."
Hiya! Okay! This is early!
Okay, I don't know how to get letters to Lin. I sent mine in February, when he was still in the show, so, yeah, IDK. Sorry.
Also, I'm going to start adding new content into previous chapters. Every time I do this I will let you know which chapters have been updated in this end A/N, so if you want you can check them out.
I want to say that this is not the best ABH Fanfiction on this site, I'm almost 100% sure it was the first, but you should definitely check some more out. Seriously, there's better stuff out there than mine.
I'm not an author, or even a writer. This is the first thing I've written that wasn't for school, so, I'm not the best person to go to about inspiration or help with writing.
I wrote this book because I wanted to get the story out of my head and onto paper.
I live in my head, what's going to go into the next chapter is almost always in my head 24/7. It's going to be hard to stop writing this when the time comes. So I've decided once I've finished this story, I will be publishing Adopted By Hamilton One Shots. These will basically just be one shots that involve Abi, and her friends and the characters and plot I have created. So, I'm excited for that.
Thanks for reading!
- Abi
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