Chapter 117 - EduHam (1)
Lin's POV
I was getting really worried about Abigail. I feel bad when I harp on her about eating, but, she needs to eat. I feel like I should sign her up for therapy, I also feel like she'd really hate that. It wasn't healthy, she just, she hadn't eaten anything in days, literally days. The last time she ate, and yes I'm keeping track, was lunch on Sunday. That's two straight days without food.
I don't know what to do here. I mean, how are you supposed to deal with this? I don't want to shove food down her throat, that doesn't solve anything, she needs to want to eat. I have no idea how to do that. Maybe I should sign her up for therapy. She won't like it, I don't even know if she'll talk, but, at least she'll know I care. At least she'll know someone cares.
I don't know if she knows anyone cares. Sometimes I think she thinks she's alone in this, that she's only hurting herself, and that she's the only one that can get hurt. I think she thought that way with the suicide. I just need her to realize that she has people rooting for her, who want to help her, she just needs to give us a chance.
I was sitting in my bed, contemplating getting Abigail into therapy, when Vanessa sat up as well.
"Morning." She smiled.
"Morning." I replied, still somewhat deep in thought.
"Whatcha thinking about?" She asked.
"Do we need to get Abi a therapist? Or like, into a group?" I asked.
"I think we need to. She's gonna hate it."
"Crap, I know, I'll do it, I'm not telling her today, she's already nervous enough about her speech."
"Alright." She smiled, and seeing that made me smile as well. We were enjoying this rare quiet moment, when we heard Sebastian. Yep. Makes sense.
"I'll get the Sebster." I said, getting up.
"I'll make pancakes." Vanessa offered.
"Gluten free blueberry?" I asked, excitedly.
"Of course." She said, getting up.
"Yes!" I jumped a little. She's the bomb. I went into Sebastian's room, and picked him up from bed, carrying him into the kitchen. Once there, I set him on the ground, and he started running around the house, giggling.
Abi's POV
"Abi!" I woke up to Sebs little voice from somewhere in my room.
"Good morning Sebbie." I said, yawning, "why are you in my room?" I asked, looking to see him sitting on the floor beside my bed. "Not that that's a bad thing." I smiled, and lifted him up to sit on my bed.
"Mamas making pancakes." He giggled, laying down over my stomach.
"Is she?" I asked, smiling at the little boy.
"Yes!" He grinned. "Do you like pancakes?" He asked, boy, he was talkative today.
"Yes I do Sebby." I smiled.
"Well they're in the kitchen." I heard Lin, and looked up to find him standing in the doorway.
"Dada!" Seb yelled, jumping up and running over to Lin, who immediately scooped him up, putting him on his hip.
"You too Niñita." He said, and I laughed a little, then got out of bed.
"What time is it?" I asked, once I was out of bed.
"Like, 8:30." He said.
"Why are Seb and Vanessa still here?" I asked.
"They're coming to EduHam today. To watch you perform, and give your mini-speech."
"Ugh. Don't remind me." I groaned a little.
"It is finished right?" He asked.
"Yes of course." I said, "I'm not an idiot."
"Okay, you're just, like, high-key protective of it, and I want to know!"
"Lin, it's about you." I said, sitting down at the breakfast table.
"You make a valid point. Your valid point changes literally nothing." He said, and I laughed.
"Sissy, pancakes." I heard Seb say from his baby chair.
"Ah, does 'sissy' want pancakes?" Vanessa asked, I looked at Sebastian, who had no idea I hadn't eaten in a couple days, and took a deep breath.
"Yeah." I smiled a little, and the smile that spread over Vanessa's face was priceless. I took a bite of the pancake sitting on my plate, and looked up to see Lin grinning to himself, as he ate. I had no idea I had this affect on them. It was just food.
We were walking to the theater at 9:00, I was carrying Sebastian in the little baby carrier that went on my front, so Sebs head was resting on my chest and his cute little legs were kicking around my waist.
I was carrying Seb because I wanted to, Lin was still adamant about me never having to work again, which means he was carrying my backpack, again.
"So, Abi, Lin tells me that you have been very secretive about your speech..." Vanessa said, and I groaned a little.
"Lin! I'm giving this speech in like, I don't know 3 hours, it won't be the same if you know it beforehand." I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, okay." He said, "you're gonna be in the audience for the Q&A right?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"Okay, I'll have Thayne run it. He's energetic, he can get around the theater."
"Thayne, good to know." I smiled to myself, I had a very long list of potential embarrassing questions for the cast, I could convince Thayne to let me ask them.
"Oh crap." I heard him mutter. "Partners in crime." He said, and that made me laugh.
"Oh! Stage door. Fun." Vanessa smiled, and Lin wrapped him arm around her, kissing her cheek. We walked in the stage door, with a mass of people taking pictures of Lin and Vanessa being the couple they were, and maybe a few of me with Seb sleeping on me. I mean, he was pretty cute.
"Is everyone here?" I asked.
"Um, most people should be." Lin said, looking around the stage door area, seeing people's coats and bags.
"Awesome." I smiled, "I have to run something past the girls? That cool?" I asked, taking my backpack off of his shoulder.
"Sure, be careful with Sebbie though." Lin said.
"Thanks!" I smiled, and headed towards the ensemble girls dressing room. "Hola." I smiled walking inside.
"You brought the baby!" Alysha ran over, squealing.
"Wait, baby?" Sasha turned around, "GUYS THE BABY BROUGHT THE OTHER BABY!" She yelled, and I couldn't help but laugh, I really loved these girls.
"Quick question," I cut in, "any of you know something mildly embarrassing about any of the cast? Because I'm in the auditorium for Q&A." I sat down on the couch in the room.
"Um, Oak sometimes misses his Schuyler Sister cue because he's dancing like a ballerina backstage." Ariana said.
"Yes Ari. Thank you." I laughed out. "I feel remarkably evil."
"You should, now, smile." I looked up at Carleigh, who took a photo of me and Seb, who was tugging on my hair, from his little carrier. Then she started filming herself, and I turned my attention back to Seb. "Abi's hanging out with us, and she brought Sebastian, I mean look." I assume that she turned the camera back to face me, but, was more preoccupied with Seb tugging my hair.
Ok, I'm sorry about today. I was working a golf tournament all day, and my phone was at like 20% for the majority of the day. I accidentally updated (again) I couldn't let you guys know, I'm so so sorry. I feel really bad.
It's 11:39 right now
Love y'all
I'm sorry.
Thanks for reading!
- Abi
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