Chapter 116 - Easter Bonnet Day
Lin's POV
Tuesday morning I was sitting on the couch, Vanessa had already left for work with Sebastian. Abigail wasn't up yet, I will never understand how she can sleep through Seb waking up. I was on Twitter, scrolling through, my ever growing Twitter feed, when I saw picture of Thayne.
@abigailleighmiranda - @thaynejasperson puts competitive eaters to shame. I've never seen a grown man eat multiple steaks and dessert.
I laughed a little, then replied,
@lin_manuel - @abigailleighmiranda @thaynejasperson our local madman strikes again. BAHAHAHA
I was reading through some of the other replies, when I saw this,
@burningthefandom - @abigailleighmiranda I feel like you could beat @thaynejasperson in competitive eating.
I have no idea if that was supposed to be a joke, or a compliment, I mean the general public didn't know she was anorexic. Needless to say, that pissed me off. I scrolled down a little more.
@thaynejasperson - @burningthefandom I mean, if we were competitively eating salad, she would destroy me... But... I win in the meat department.
That made me a little happier. Abi and Thayne had always had this cute brother/sister relationship, I was glad he was backing her up.
I scrolled through Twitter more, and found something Rory posted.
@mrroryomalley - MY FRIEND IS BACK! @abigailleighmiranda
With the tweet was a picture he took of he and Abi at dinner, I was in the background shamelessly shoving meat into my face, but they both looked pretty darn adorable.
"Morning Lin." I heard Abigail yawn, walking into the living room.
"Morning." I replied, looking up at her, she was already dressed, which I applaud. "Easter Bonnet today!" I said smiling.
"Yep." She smiled back, I was glad that she was smiling.
Abi's POV
Lin and I got to the theater around noon-ish, and I was sitting in his dressing room, on my phone, when I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Lin yelled.
"Hello my love." I looked up from my phone to see Jonathan Groff standing in the doorway wearing a giant pie hat.
"Groff. You look, oh gosh, um, I have no words." Lin was laughing as he stood up to give him a hug.
"Thank you. I feel very, you know, in style and all." I was laughing pretty hard in my chair, oh Groff makes me laugh. "Hey kiddo!" He smiled in my direction, and gave me a little wave. "Oh, Lin, they need to talk to you on the stage."
"Alright." He got up, and shoved his phone in his pocket. "Can you watch Abi?" He asked, and I mentally groaned, I'm not five.
"Actually no, I have to get refitted, they screwed up my costume. Does she need to be watched?" He asked. No. No I don't.
"Yep. I'll ask these doofuses. It's okay." Lin walked out of the room, and I followed home giving Groff a hug on the way out. "Watch my kid." Was all Lin said, and he lightly pushed me towards Andrew and Javi, who were talking.
"Cool man." Andrew said, swinging his arm around me. "Why aren't you in our Easter Bonnet skit?" Andrew asked.
"Because I'm not in Hamilton." I said, sort of laughing.
"Well, neither is Javi." Andrew said, "he's an alternate."
"Said the swing." Javi someone coughed.
"I'm on more than you." Andrew accused jokingly.
"I'm talent, look it says I'm talent." Javi said to Andrew holding up his Easter Bonnet lanyard that indeed said 'talent'
"Yes, but it does not say you are talented." Andrew replied, putting the emphasis on the ed. I laughed, and looked up to see Andrew videoing it.
"Snapchat?" I asked Andrew.
"Snapchat." He smiled, putting it on his story. "Speaking of," he held up his phone, so the front facing camera was facing him. "Guess who's back!" He smiled, then turned the camera towards me, "tada!" He cheered, "Lin's letting us watch his kid."
"He trusts us." Javi said in the background.
"No, no he doesn't." I disagreed, right as the video cut out.
"You should sing." Andrew said, adding the video to his story.
"Why?" I asked.
"You want to go into this, sing something. Come on! It won't be bad!"
"Yeah, you can't be worse than Andrew!"
"I will actually tear your throat out." Andrew threatened the laughing Javi. "Ok, shut up, for like 5 seconds! Ok, Kid, sing for us."
"Ok, um," I took a little breath, "is this a lasting treasure?" I started, "or just a moments pleasure?" I smiled a little, "can I believe the magic of your smile? Will you still love me, tomorrow?" I sang a verse, finishing the video.
"Beautiful." Javi said, when I finished.
"And it was from Beautiful!" Andrew said happily.
"Thanks Javi." I smiled at him.
"Anytime." He smiled back. Javi was simply the greatest.
During the skit, Lin had me sitting inside his dressing room. He said that they were only going to be in for a couple minutes, and that I should be safe backstage. Although, he told me not to go anywhere.
"Excuse me?" Someone was knocking on the dressing room door.
"Yeah?" I called back.
"This is Lin-Manuel Miranda's dressing room right?" The man asked.
"Is he there?" He was obviously confused.
"No." I was confused as he didn't realize where Lin was, "this is his daughter." That was weird to say.
"Oh! Can I ask you a few questions?" He asked, still through the door.
"Uh, sure." I shrugged to myself, and opened the door, standing in the doorway.
"Awesome, thank you so much." He came in, and sat down, I did too, although I was awkwardly sitting on Lin's chair, as the reporter had taken mine. "Alright, so, let's just, start, shall we? You're Lin's adopted daughter right?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah." I smiled nervously.
"So, you were in the foster care system for quite some time, and you once said, publicly, that you were abused in one home, would you mind going into more detail?" He asked, and it threw me off. We're starting with this?
"I don't think so, it's still a really touchy subject." I replied awkwardly.
"Come on, just, what happened?" He pushed.
"It was abuse." I looked at him, "what, what did you think it was? And it sucked, and I don't want to think about it."
"Does it have anything to do with your recent suicide attempt?" He asked, and my heart dropped.
"No." I said swiftly.
"Since we're on the topic, why did you attempt suicide?" I cannot believe he was asking this.
"I'm not comfortable talking about that." I said, coldly.
"Okay, so, were you upset when you woke up in the hospital? Like, were you upset you failed and were still alive?" He asked, and I actually cried.
"Please leave." I said.
"Just a couple more questions." He said, and didn't wait for permission, "you're parents, your birth parents, they abducted you, so, they're alive, why was it that they lost custody. Were they unfit parents or did they just choose to throw you out?" I was fully crying at this point.
"Get. Out." I heard Lin's voice from the doorway. "Leave her alone." He said.
"Oh! Lin-Manuel Miranda! It's alright she let me in." The reporter said, turning around.
"That doesn't matter. She's crying. Leave." He seemed serious, it scared me.
"She's old enough to make her own decisions." The reporter, protested, but I got up, and walked over to Lin, and before I even got to him, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug, holding my head against his chest.
"She's 15. Please leave." He said.
"Alright. Nice meeting you Abigail." He called back to me.
"Niñita, are you okay?" He asked me, and I nodded. "Okay. I'm sorry. For future reference though, never open the door. Never ever again."
"I'm sorry." I choked out.
"It's okay, don't be sorry. Don't be sorry."
Sorry for the crap ending
Guess who's updating slightly early???
Me! Because right now it is 10:06!
Thanks for reading!
- Abi
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