Chapter 110 - Please Talk To Us
My period was not cooperating. I got it on Tuesday, and it was Friday, it wasn't even beginning to lessen. Which means, I am seriously considering carving my uterus out of my body right now. Although, right now is 6th period Pre-Calc, so, carving out ones uterus is probably considered, 'abnormal' and 'concerning'.
Class let out and I made my way to the front of the school, and sat down waiting for Lin to pick me up.
"Hey princess." Luke walked up behind me, "why are you sitting here all alone?" He asked, joining me on the bench, I instinctively scooted away from him.
"I'm waiting for someone." I replied coldly.
"Alright, I mean, you can come hang out at my house, if you want." He scooted back next to me.
"I'm alright." I said, standing up.
"Don't be like that princess." He said, and I finally saw Lin's car come into the parking lot.
"Please. Don't talk to me." I said, grabbing my back, and running across the parking lot to Lin's car.
"Hey Niñita, why didn't you just wait until I got up to the pick up?" He asked, as I sat in the passenger seat.
"Luke." I whispered, yanking my phone out of my bag.
"I don't like Luke." Lin said, oddly calmly, then I looked over at him, he was gripping the steering wheel tightly.
"I don't either." I said, as he maneuvered his way out of the parking lot.
"I would assume." He said, laughing a little.
"Yeah." I awkwardly laughed, checking Twitter.
@MariaWasInnocent: @abigailleighmiranda GOT THE SCRAPBOOK!
I laughed a little seeing this, then I saw someone reply to it.
@JamalIsBae: @mariawasinnocent @abigailleighmiranda Wait? What?! How do you know????
@MariaWasInnocent: @jamalisbae @abigailleighmiranda It was on Gregorys snapchat story!
"What are they twittering about on the Tweeter?" Lin asked, taking a right.
"They're twittering about my scrapbook." I replied, liking the tweets.
"Sweet. Tell them I say hi." He said, stopping at an intersection.
"Okay?" I said, sort of questioning it, but none the less, I tweeted.
@AbigailLeighMiranda: @mariawasinnocent @jamalisbae it was really sweet! Thank you! Also, @lin_manuel says hi.
"Lin say hi." I said, videoing him as he drove.
"Wait, what, oh, must we video this? Ok, Hi!" He smiled at the camera, keeping both hands on the wheel.
"Thank you." I tweeted the video with the tweet.
"I said just tell them, but that works too." He shrugged, pulling for into the Rodgers parking lot.
"Why are we here?" I asked, mentally groaning.
"I have crap to do, my stuffs all here." He said, stepping out of the car. I got out of the car too, and started walking towards the stage door, Lin's presence behind me instigated a mass of screaming. I turned around and saw him smiling really brightly. He ran over to the barricades to start signing things, I stood idly by, waiting for him to finish. I pulled my phone out and snapchatted Lin signing things for screaming people, then flipped the camera to my Jim Halpert face. After taking the video, I shoved my phone into my bag, and stood waiting, when Lin finally finished signing things he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.
"I'll be in the lobby if you need me." I told Lin, walking towards the lobby as he walked towards his dressing room. I sat behind my little stand on my phone for about a half hour until I got a text.
(Come backstage)
It was from Lin. I got up, and started to make my way backstage, when I got there I realized, like, the majority of the cast was there.
"Why is everyone here?" I asked, kind of bluntly, "it's 4:47." I clarified, "isn't call at 6?"
"We kind of, really need to talk to you." Pippa said.
"Is this an intervention?" I asked, slightly concerned, "because you're all here, and you need to 'talk to me' I swear I'm not on drugs." I looked around the room.
"We know you're not on drugs. I swear, you wouldn't know cocaine if I threw a handful of it in your face." Anthony said.
"I wouldn't, all I know is that cocaine is white, I would probably just think it's sugar." I admitted.
"Ok, so, we're not going to throw cocaine at your face, because you're going to think it's sugar and eat it. Anyways, could you go grab Daveed? He should be here for this." Lin asked, and I nodded, I walked upstairs, ands it to Daveeds dressing room, I knocked, and heard him inside.
"Daveed?" I asked, "Lin wants you." I said, to no response. I decided to just open the door, I heard him inside. Bad idea. As soon as I opened the door, I got hit in the face with a nerf bullet.
"Oh! I'm sorry Kid." I heard Daveed say, as I unstuck the bullet from my forehead.
"Oh no, it's fine, Lin wants you. Besides that however, why are you shooting the door, and 15 year old girls, with a nerd gun?" I asked.
"It was my idea." I heard Josie's voice, and I turned to my right, very confused, to see Josie.
"Wait, why, Josie what are you? Daveed, why?" I fumbled my words not knowing what to say. Why on earth was Josie in Daveeds dressing room playing nerf? I asked myself.
"I have a life that you don't know about." Josie said, setting down her nerf gun.
"Ok, but, why don't I know that you like to hang out and play nerf with Daveed Diggs?" I asked and she just shrugged.
"Alright Kid, you said Lin needed me?" Daveed changed the subject.
"Oh, yeah, backstage." I pointed behind me.
"Come on child." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him as he went backstage.
"Ok, great, you're here." Lin said, as Daveed, Josie, and I got backstage.
"This is an intervention." I stated, looking around the room, everyone was here, and I was starting to get nervous.
"No, no it's not. We just wanted to talk to you." Lin said, sitting me in an empty chair.
"Yes it is. That's what this is, when you bring someone into a room and sit them down saying we wanted to talk to you. I'm alright I really am."
"Abi we all know you're not ok. That's alright. Just, what's going on? Because something's going on." Anthony said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Nothing's going on." I protested.
"That's a load of crap. Please, what's going on?" He persisted.
"Nothing." I said, fingering the hem of my white dress.
"Then why don't you talk to us anymore. Why do you stay by yourself, why don't you laugh, why are you so different from when we first met you?" Lin asked.
"I'm not any different. I'm fine, nothing's abnormal."
"Don't pretend like nothing's going on." Lin said, "do you remember what I told you yesterday at the stage door? It's ok to be weak." I nodded a bit to tell him that I understood. "Just, so many people love you, there's no reason to be upset."
"I hate myself." I whispered.
"What?" Lin asked.
"You heard me. I know you all heard me."
"Okay, sweetheart, please don't say that, why? Why would you say that?"
"Because it's true. At this point I'm just bothersome. I keep screwing up, then you all have to deal with it. I'm tired of being the person who screws up."
"What on earth do you mean 'I'm just bothersome'?"
"Every time something happens to me, all of you are really involved, and you shouldn't have to be. You should be able to live your lives without having to worry about whether or not some sophomore is having a good day. You should be able to live your lives."
"Don't you get it?" Lin asked. "You're part of our lives." As he said that, I returned to playing with the hem of my dress.
"I shouldn't be." I whispered.
"Stop talking like that. Stop. Right. Now."
"I'm just saying that, I'm..." I trailed off, "I don't deserve to be here. I don't deserve any of this. I... I, Nick was right." I finally got out.
"Nope. Nope. That's not true. Holy crap no. I don't even know what he was "right" about, nope."
"I'm a waste of space." I wrapped my arms around my bloated torso.
"No you're not, I don't know how to deal with this." Lin said standing up, which just made me feel worse.
"Please, I'm sorry. Lin, I'm so sorry. I'm just, I'm a lost cause."
"What on earth is that supposed to mean? You're a lost cause? So we should just stop caring about you? News flash, you're not alone anymore. There are other people in the world you give a crap about you. I don't care about you because you need someone to, or because you want someone to, I care about you because I love you." Lin exploded.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"Sweetie, no, don't be sorry." He knelt in front of me, "don't be sorry. Please."
"I just, I don't want to, people, and I'm," I started crying, and sobbed out a random jumble of words.
"Shh." Lin said, "come here." He stood up, and opened his arms, I, in turn, got up and hugged him. "You're my daughter. And I am so so lucky."
"Thank you." I whispered.
The show was going on, and I was sitting backstage on my phone. Usually I wasn't backstage for the show, but, I kinda felt like it. I was sitting on the steps with Daveed, Pippa and Jon.
"Is it normal to be really tired, like all the time?" I asked, somewhat randomly.
"Yes." Jon said yawning.
"I think that's pretty common in your family." Pippa said, "I mean, your dad comes into the theater every day with like 4 cups of coffee on a tray, and they're all for him. And according to him Vanessa's sleepy too. What is it with the Miranda family and sleep?" She somewhat ranted.
"Well, what about Seb?" I asked.
"That ones confusing, every time I see him he's asleep, but according to your dad he has never slept. Ever."
"He doesn't sleep." I clarified, then a shock of pain ran through me, causing me to double over. "Oh crap." I squeaked out.
"Woah, what happened?" Pippa said, putting her hands on my shoulders.
"Period." I replied, still hunched over my now throbbing uterus. (A/N: my apologies to my 1% male audience. My. Apologies)
"Oh. How long has this one been?" She asked.
"4 days so far." Daveed said, and I looked at him with a mix of confusion and fear.
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"Josie." He replied simply.
"Wait, what? What's going on with you and Josie?" I asked.
"She's pretty cool, we hang out from time to time."
"Why am I just now hearing about this?" I asked.
"I don't know. I can have friends."
"Wait, wait, wait. Abi," Jon interrupted, "are you trying to tell me, that your period makes you double over in pain?"
"Yes." I said, nonchalantly.
"Dang, I'm sorry." He said.
"Where's Thayne?" Pippa asked.
"Well, he generally has chocolate on hand." She explained standing up, "oh, I see him. One second Abi." She stood up and walked over to Thayne.
"Why does Pip need chocolate?" Jon asked.
"I'm not quite sure." Daveed said, as Pippa came back to the steps dragging Thayne behind her.
"Why does she need chocolate?" Thayne asked, with a mouthful of chocolate.
"She just does." Pippa held her hand out for the box.
"Ok, ok." Thayne said handing it to her, and she in turn handed it to me.
Shortly after this, the show ended and I was waiting for Lin, so I could go home and sleep.
"¡Mi hija!" He exclaimed, coming out of his dressing room.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Take my backpack." He said, sliding it off and putting it on my shoulders. "Dang, my backpack is bigger than your back." He laughed a little, "jump on, I'm carrying you out again." I laughed a little, then jumped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He then went out the stage door, to the insane screaming of fans. "Niñita, there should be a sharpie in the outside pocket of my bag, can you grab it?" He asked.
"Sure." I reached behind me, and managed to grab the pen. "Here."
"Thanks." He said, signing someone's souvenir book.
"Can you hand it to your daughter?" The girl asked Lin.
"Oh, sure." He handed to book up to me, along with the pen, and I signed my name right above Lin's, then handed it back down.
Lin signed things for a while, until he finally escaped the barricade and let me off his back.
"LIN! YOU DROPPED YOUR HAT!" Someone in the barricaded area yelled.
"Oh crap, Niñita, I'll be right back." He ran back to grab his beanie, when I felt arms wrap around my waist, and lift me up.
"LIN!" I screamed, and right after, I felt a hand clasp over my mouth.
"ABI? WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard Lin yell, running back to where I was standing. "WHERE DID SHE GO? WHO TOOK HER?!" I heard him yell, and I saw him looking into the mass of people, which was the last thing I saw before I was shoved into a van, and I blacked out.
Thanks for reading!
I'm really evil
- Abi
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