Chapter 100

Oh my gosh! I cannot believe I've been writing this for so long! Ok, so, this is a chapter, is essentially just a big thank you!

As of right now, this book has 87k reads. The heck? How did that happen? I mean, look!

I was really excited about 22 reads y'all. Like really excited. I essentially just wrote this book so that I could read it.

Ok, I'm gonna do this sappy thank you after I finish what I have to do!



Q: Why are you so insistent of being a terrible person?
N: I wouldn't say I'm insistent on being a terrible person, I just am.

Q: Why are you a jerk?
N: I don't know. I was raised this way, have you met my parents?

Q: How's Juvie?
N: Honestly? It's not terrible, I mean, no ones bothering me here.

Q: Why are you so dumb?
N: Technically I have an IQ of 126, I'm not dumb.

Q: Why do you hurt Abigail?
N: I hurt her, because, to be honest, she just really pisses me off, there's no real reason.

Q: Have you ever hurt anyone else?
N: A couple of our other foster kids. Not all of them. About 3

Q: Why don't you like Abigail? What has she ever done to you?
N: Have you ever met someone and just the way they stand and talk and hold themselves just pisses you off. That's why.

Q: Favorite color?
N: Black

Q: Favorite animal?
N: Hawk

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
N: I want to an artist.

Q: Will you dig a hole for me? Then will you go in the hole? Then can Lin bury the hole? With you in it? Oh and can Luke join you? Thank you! ^-^
N: Umm... No.

Q: What's wrong with you?
N: I'm ADD. Other than that, I have a bad back, thanks for asking!

Q: Why did you do it? Why abuse someone at all nevertheless that much? She deserves such a better then what everyone has put her through. Why did you put her through that?
N: I abused her because, honestly, she pissed me off, and I could. She doesn't deserve crap. Being abused is like natural selection, if she can't withstand it, that's her issue.

Q: What happened in your past that was so devastating that you felt the need to both physically and emotionally abuse a young girl that had already had enough heartbreak in her life? (P.S. Go eat a brick)
N: My parents are just like me. That's why.

Q: Why are you so against Abi?
N: Honestly, she's such a goody two shoes I hate it so much.

Q: Dude, you have no chill. Why on earth would you abuse Abigail like that (SHE DID NOTHING WRONG TO YOU)? What in the world is wrong with your attitude? Do you need to go see a therapist, Home Asylum or hell?
N: I have chill, just, I mean, you haven't seen it. I don't need a therapist.

Q: Why do you act like an idiot every time you're with Abigail and why are you acting like a pervert?! Do you want me to chain you up and have Abigail kick your nuts and kick your gut?!
N: I don't act any certain way when I'm with Abigail, and I'm not a pervert. I would not enjoy being kicked in the groin by a underclassman either.

Q: What has Abi done to you?! You always saying she's doing the stuff you did... And don't get me started on how your friends are... And abusing her like that?! SHES NOT A DANG PUNCHING BAG. GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER! (All these flavored and you choose to be salty)
N: She hasn't done anything to me. She is a punching bag to me, that was her purpose, I mean, the 500 monthly, and my anger.

Q: What is your favorite breakfast food so I can remove it from all surrounding store because we all know breakfast food makes us happy so fess up.
N: I really like bacon.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter

Q: Why do you two refuse to believe that Nick isn't a good person? Also, I'd suggest sending him to therapy. He has some anger issues that need to be worked through.
Mr: Oh, we know he's not a good person, we just don't care.
Mrs: Therapy costs money, the only way he's going to therapy is if we get Abi back.

Q: Can I throw you in jail myself?
Mr: I don't see why we would need to go to jail.

Q: Favorite Musical?
Mr: um, I don't know, um? Cats?

Q: What's your job?
Mr: I work at a paper supplier

Q: Favorite animal?
Mrs: Kangaroo

Q; Do you love Mr. Walter?
Mrs: of course I do. I love him so much, he's my entire life.

Mr: Why?
Mrs: No thank you

Q: How do you live with yourselves, treating an innocent girl who's already been through enough that way? I'm just glad she's in better care and away from you and Nick. By the way, how dense are you that you don't see he's so mean?
Mr: It's like natural selection. If she can't handle it, she doesn't deserve to live
Mrs: Our sons a piece of crap, but he's our piece of crap.

Q: You guys are absolutely the worst parents ever! Why would you actually believe that Nick is a good person?? Did you know that he's beaten Abigail senselessly? I mean, it's not like you would care.
Mr: Oh, we don't think Nicks a good person
Mrs: Yeah, we've seen him beat her up, it's pretty funny honestly.

Mr: We take Nicks side because he's our son, that's what we're supposed to do.


Q: (Daveed) Why are you so hot?
D: Honestly, like I don't see it, but, thank you.

Q: (Anthony) Will you and Jazzy adopt me?
A: Maybe, hey yo Jazz? You down to adopt?

Q: (Thayne) If you could be a different character in the show, who would you be? Love ya baby!
T: I would play King George, but I would want to be Jefferson, he's just sassy. And, I love you too, sweetheart.

Q: (Daveed) What would you do if your hair wasn't beautiful and poofy?
D: Well, I guess I'd play Burr. *looks at Leslie*

Q: (Dean see chap. 12) When somebody gets adopted by a Broadway cast, why is your first instinct to tell them to hide potatoes in the theatre?
D: Because I really love potatoes and how funny would it be to see someone randomly find potatoes backstage?

Q: (Thayne) Abigail thinks you're the most attractive out of the cast. Does that make you feel awkward since she's kinda your daughter? Love you husband!!
T: Awe! ABI THANK YOU! YOU'RE PRETTY CUTE YOURSELF! It's not awkward, I mean, I'm very attractive, and I feel like she's more along the lines of my sister. Thanks Honey! I'll see you later.

Q: (Cast) I love you guys! If you could change one thing about how history played out for your character, what would you change?
Lin: I don't really know. I mean, how his life played out is why I'm here.
Leslie: His family didn't die. He and his wife and daughter were very adorable.
Phillipa: I wish she lived to see Hamilton's story told
Daveed: I wish he got found out with Sally Hemmings.

Q: (Pippa) Who is your least favorite person in the cast?
P: Currently, um, Oak, because he snuck up behind me at the Stage Door yesterday and I screamed and scared the fans.

Q: (Jasmine) How are you such an amazing singer? It literally shouldn't be possible.
J: Hard work and college. Thanks love

Q: (Anthony) If you dyed your glorious hair, what color would you dye it?
A: I don't know man. I think blond.

Q: (Lin) Who is your favorite child, Sebastian or Abigail
L: I do not like you. I mean, Sebs more low maintenance but I can have a conversation with Abi. I refuse to answer this.

Q: (Oak) What's your favorite kind of tree?
O: *glares at you and rolls his eyes*

Q: (Chris) Heyyy what's up man?
C: Sup bro? How's it going?

Q: (Renée) If you played another Schuyler sister, which one would you play?
R: Peggy. There's so much room for sass.

Q: (Leslie) If you did something else for a living, what would it be?
L: I would want to man the stage door

Q: (Jasmine) How do you feel that Peggy, one of the more forgotten characters from that part of history and this show for that matter, has become such a staple in our fandom and we just can't stop loving her?
J: Dang girl. Um, it's cool, and it's nice to be loved.

Q: (Cast) Do you find Abigail to be like an adopted daughter? What is your favorite thing about her!
Lin: Well, legally, she is my adopted daughter so yes, I like her obsessive love of musicals
Leslie: I really do, and she's just a sweet person to literally everyone.
Daveed: She's essentially my niece, I like her sense of humor.
Ariana: She's the strongest person I know.

Q: (Anthony) Why are you such a protective cinnamon roll oml?
A: I don't know. I just got pissed off, who wouldn't?

Q: (Thayne) are you a princess, and if so, can you teach me how to be one?
T: Yes. I am a princess. I'll be teaching a class on Tuesday, would you like to come?

Q: (Lin and Vanessa) What was your very first reaction when you heard about Abigail's bruise at the store?
L: I mean, I was there. I had just left a meeting about why it's important to help foster kids because of what can happen in foster homes, then I saw her. She was obviously afraid and shy, and hurting. It was like she didn't realize the bruise was there. I got really pissed off, and I looked into it.
V: I mean, Lin came home and couldn't stop talking about her, for hours. He thought it was unfair, and no one deserves that, he was really passionate about it. That's when I realized we should do something.

Q: (Cast) Why did you feel that it was a good idea to trust and love Abi at the drop of a hat when nobody else really would?
C: Just that reason. No one else would love her. We all need someone.

Q: (Thayne) Was there ever a point in your life where you suddenly realized that cookies were glorious, or was it like a thousand-year-old instinct that was just always there?
T: Thousand year instinct. I'm a vampire

Q: (Thayne) How are you such a Princess?
T: My dad is a King

Q: (Lin) Why are you so precious?
L: Why thank you. I do not know. My apologies.


Q: How are you so amazing?
M: Awe. Thanks. I'm really not

Q: Camping or Hotel?
M: Camping.

Q: Favorite color?
M: Pink

Q: Favorite animal?
M: Piglets

Q: Vegan or Vegetarian?
M: Vegan (I'm not but if I had to, I'd be vegan - all or nothing TBH)

Q: Horses or goats?
M: Horses

Q: Have any of your close friends or family died?
M: yeah.

Q: Favorite character in Adopted by Hamilton?
M: The cast, but legit, Abi, I mean, I've developed her so much.

Q: how do you gain followers?
M: I don't know. I had no followers when I started writing this. They all followed me first.

Q: How do you feel about Leslie, Lin and Phillipa all leaving July 9th?
M: I have it on my calendar as "die"

Q: What inspired you to write this story? And what/who inspired Abigail's character?
M: I don't know. I guess, I wanted to be Lin's kid, and I me ally wrote this in Bio. Abigail is essentially me and one of my best friends combined.

Q: What's your favorite Hamilton song?
M: AHHHHHHH WHY? Hurricane

Q: What's your favorite band?
M: I don't have one

M: I honestly don't know why anyone's reading this.

Q: How are you so awesome?
M: Why thank you. I don't know

Q: How are you so talented in writing?
M: I don't know. I just try and use correct grammar.

Q: How are you so precious?
M: thank you! It's because I'm a 5 year old in the body of a Sophomore. I'm actually the definition of cinnamon roll

Q: How much longer do you think the story will be?
M: The date in the book as of right now is April 15th. I will be ending the book when it reaches Lin leaving. Sorry. It'll be a really long book. I'm so sorry. I don't want to stop writing.

Q: How did you save Andrew Chappelles snapchat story?
M: My friend ( stargold28 ) saved it for me with a app called Casper.

Q: How did you come up with this story?
M: honestly, I have no idea, I just wanted to be Lin's kid TBH.

Birth Parents (Ryan and Linda)

Q: Are you crazy?
R: not clinically
L: anymore

Q: Why are you so ignorant?
R: I'm not ignorant. Where are you getting that?

Q: Why are you poopheads?"
L: Wow, real mature.

Q: You have Abi up, then just decided to show up? Idiots.
R: Yeah, I mean I saw my daughter on the news.

Q: I don't get this, Abi was legally adopted and you terminated your rights three years ago. Why don't you just go away?
R: We got some of our money back. We can support her again.
L: Also, she has crazy connections now.

Q: When you give a child up you are quite literally signing papers to terminate your love for them. You would have no reason whatsoever to step back into Abigail's life. By trying to take Abi back, are you just trying to ruin Lin's life for giving her love when no one else would, or do you have some ulterior motive that will only benefit yourselves? I have a feeling that you fully intended to give up Abigail soon after you allegedly won your rights back, which will never happen in a million years.
R: I don't have any ulterior motive, I mean, she's my kid
L: I gave birth to her. I'll always have rights.

Q: Why on earth would you throw your own daughter to very bad foster homes? You have a gifted daughter and is currently traumatized by Nick, her own "Fostered brother". See, this is why you shouldn't gamble and drink. Ryan and Lisa, bringing Abigail back isn't going to make her feel better now because this is your own fault.
R: We were broke. We couldn't care for her
L: We need our daughter back, it doesn't matter if it's not good for her.

Q: Why do you want her back now that Lin already adopted her? You gave her up when she was 13. You want her back now?! I'll murder you in your sleep!!!
R: We just want our daughter back. Is that so illegal?

Q: Why are you so crusty?
R: I don't really know...
L: What does crusty mean?

Q: Why do you want to get Abigail back? Besides her being your daughter what is motivating you to get her back?
R: We saw her on the news, on social media, people were talking about her.
L: Also, this chick has major connections in NYC now.

Q: Why gamble and risk losing everything? You lost a beautiful daughter. Who can do makeup in like 3 minutes? Who is set to almost everyone she meets but is paid back in cruelty. None of it would have happened if you didn't gamble it all. So I ask again, why risk everything and gamble?
R: I gambled because you can also win. Which I just recently did. We're loaded now. It's great, we have huge house back in Oregon.
L: Also, Abi's not always nice perfect and sweet.

That took way to long. Like, oh crap. Y'all ask a lot of questions. I hope you liked them. So, here's a little bit about me!

This is me! ^^^ I'm 15 years old, I live in Idaho (not saying exactly where) I'm very obsessed with Hamilton and oh dear I need help. I act, sing and play piano. I don't know what else to say, I'm pretty boring.

I always update at midnight because I start writing at about 9 o'clock, it really is a long process. I write every night before I go to bed, so when I don't update one night it's because I fell asleep with my phone on my face. Whoops.

Also, the adoption process in this book is extremely rushed. It took place in 5 months. Most require 8 months of placement and then about a year until it's legal, other than that, it's mostly accurate. My family currently adopting, so I do have first hand experience.

I have been in 2 years of Spanish so my Spanish is obviously very bad. Please if you find a mistake, correct it! It wouldn't bother me! I'll be really grateful! Seriously!


Thanks for reading!

- Abi

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