Ryee's Help
Ours was Alliance Science Service, but when Governor Schwer came to power 11 years ago, he made us local. Director Genevieve Schmidt confronted him in public, and she vanished. Can DS do something?
Ryee sighed, and it rumbled on my skin. I can gather evidence and submit reports, but councils must discuss. This takes much time. Unified worlds can take swift action, but Areon is Alliance only. Your Planetary Minister is Sau, and I can ask a diplomat to visit him—
Sau? He is leader of the Kleideu Council! He has no power over Areon!
How is this possible? On Ryee's display, a list of Areon's governmental officials showed on the Areon Hub. Manfried Sau was listed as Planetary Minister.
Vonn's display only listed the Areonic Council of Lilmerica, and a warning flashed. Contact With Kleideu Requires Permit. His hand shook as he waved it off!
Across from us, Citsa startled and waved down her menu. Looked at Ossy's screen. He nodded at her. I trembled.
Ryee waved down his menu. Friends, we must be careful. They are monitoring us. I run progs to give them different information. My mind can hide what we say. They see holos of us discussing work.
We are all careful. It is not enough. If not for their relatives on the Council, I would fire Ossy and Citsa. Ado cannot do this without many proofs of their incompetence. He submitted reports while we were there. I expected him to dismiss them. He gave a loud sigh.
Patasia had a lot of conflict with them, but they kept her upset. Brun Koch was Lead Scientist and ignored it. His father, Bram, was on the Council and he kept us reminded of it. Derees trembled. Now, both Brun and Bram serve on Areon's Council.
Vonn put a hand on his shoulder. In fact, he chastised Patasia for upsetting them, the day they took her for The Therapy. Both Citsa and Ossy were red-faced, obviously upset, but the EDs ignored it. They came straight for poor Patasia. Derees had a tear on his face and the DF took him. Forgive me, my friend, but Ryee must know. I lost too many fine scientists.
Derees sobbed, and Ryee hugged him. My poor wife! Vonn brought a healer for both of us. In those days, we could ask for a healer. I woke up on our bed with her in my arms, but she stared. Her healer was Sia Runge.
I startled. My aunt?
Vonn stayed with us for days when not at work. Sia told me Tasia is Elshar. If our government knew this she would be sent to D'sharr. People throw rocks at anyone weak! She would die fast. Angry much of the time and cruel to our boys. And she is expecting. What future for my poor children? I see bruises on them every evening. Just lastweek, Wisper came from the school and he cries and she yells at him to stop! Puret, my eldest, takes his punishment and I fear he will have injury soon with me gone.
Derees, you should leave her—
If I do, she will die, and I am her killer.
I put a hand on his shoulder. Derees, you are a good father and husband to her. Puret can protect his brothers for a short time. And, Vonn, you are a fine friend to their family. We must strengthen one another. Our work is the future of Areon. Feeble words! His poor boys!
Derees hugged me and sobbed! I fear for you, Adia! You are so young, and for either of us, if we set off an ED, death waits. I trembled. I did not want Ryee to hear that!
Ryee gasped. His sorrow rumbled on us, on our skins.
Every night, I rush home in fear that I find that my wife has gone to them! Sometimes, I stay later, because I cannot bear to face it!
Ryee and Vonn joined in the hug. Dear friend, I shall help you in any way I can! Our government cannot stand long with so many citizens who suffer as you do. There is hope that the Rads will lose popularity. Many enemies wait to depose them, Tan said. I will trade very hard to bring Sia to you again.
Your ba was correct. There are many trade disputes involving Areon, so many that Cevit Ion, Seventh Galaxy Minister, has grave concern. Ryee sent warmth and calm into us. If you can convince your wife to see my healer, Pas can offer healing. He knows Elshar and Areonian healing.
We cannot afford a healer—
We heal all who come to us! My traders can obtain any Elshar herb and many Areonian.
Do you think he can heal her so she does not harm our children?
Ryee looked away, concentration on his face. Smiled. Pas thinks he can help her. He healed many Elshar slaves who became violent, and helped them ne to be. Some live in my colony. With their permission, progs give herbs to help them calm. There is hope for her, my friend.
Oh, thank you! Derees sobbed, but Ryee hummed and stroked his dark hair. He calmed and sat up.
Vonn straightened and patted Derees' arm. We have hope. I expect to find many problems in Ossy Koch's work, and Security cannot ignore it forever. I wonder which progs Citsa Wilnes ran just now? Let us discover what they are doing.
He nodded. Ran hygiene on all three of us. I smiled. It embarrassed me to cry before them, but our shared tears helped me feel stronger.
Vonn waved down the privacy screen. "Derees, are you ready to help me with our review? If we do this first, Ryee can help Adia, then we may trade later."
"Very ready." He took a deep breath, as if preparing to dive. They rose and moved to Ossy and Citsa's area. But Vonn startled as Derees touched his shoulder. Would I be frightened to scrutinize their work? Vonn is brave.
"What can I do to assist you, Adia?"
I waved to make the console visible. A featureless white box with a holographic display. Because I kept it in alt space, all my progs were intact, and all the recordings from the explosion. Ossy stared at it.
"What work do you need to accomplish? Which goal is next?"
"I need to analyze all of this data so we can avoid another explosion. What happened to my program?"
He pulled a green terminal cube from his pocket, 6 cm on all sides. Larger than the cube in my pocket. Much larger than my Alliance terminal coin! "I can run many progs to determine this, but it will take time."
I smiled. "Scientists have to be patient. While we wait, we can measure and mix." I waved for simulants to bring materials for us.
Ryee watched as I waved up my progs. Demonstrated what each did. As I worked, he replaced each with a more efficient one.
"How do you do this? Did you study server instruction?" My sister taught me a lot, but my skills were meager.
He laughed. "I merely watched my good friend Be~saech. He is our Master Server Instructor, and he showed me much for my work. I must travel oft, and cannot ask of him. "
A simulant's arm came close, and I jerked my hand away from the wooden rack. My face burned. Once, the hard joints pinched my arm. It was very purple for a week. Citsa said I had no self-control, because I winced.
Here, the server can measure and you need ne simulants. His mind led me to the new progs. No simulants? And a prog that hides them from my sight, yet shows them to the others? Derees also used it. Ryee wrote this for him, because simulants upset him constantly, and he noticed.
Tears jumped to my eyes. I never dreamed that my friend had such trials. Patasia's station was here where I sit.
Ryee put a hand on my shoulder. Warmth calmed me as he hummed.
Eicken's Guides did not allow me to mix any isotope of ANW with the new progs. But, I was surprised that any mixing could be automated at all. Quite a bit of all the others' got approval from Safety. I noticed my sister's mark on many of them. Smiled, big.
"Look at her, how she smiles. I think she has feelings for him."
Vonn glared at Citsa. "You are one to talk when you and this man share disgraceful things. Do you know how your telepathy leaks? And yours, Mr. Koch?"
Citsa sputtered. "How dare you listen to us!"
"I have no choice. As I said, your telepathy leaks. It is a matter of honor to tell you that I hear, is it? Derees and I had to alter your safety procedures 147 times for you, Miss Wilnes, and 205 times for you, Mr. Koch. We will review you weekly. I sent this report directly to Security."
"My father will remove you."
Vonn paled, but smiled. "Not before our two weeks is up because you cannot contact him, and I will not. Come, Derees, we have trading."
"I will help—"
"After you traded for that disaster irradiation chamber for Adia?" Derees laughed.
"You will never trade for this department again, Koch." Vonn pulled his friend away.
Both protested, but our section head ignored it. Derees kept looking back, face deep red. Vonn kept pulling him along.
As they passed our area, Ryee stood. "I am happy to help with trading."
Vonn gave Ryee a huge smile. "May I see your TS record?" Traders Service record? Derees nodded and smiled. Took several deep breaths.
He waved a twinfingered hand, and oranged a bit.
Ryonne~, King of Ye~. Unified Diplomat to Emperor Ry'nao. I gaped at his holo. His redviolet Diplomatic Service uniform with a longcoat over the onepiece. The wide medium blue sash filled with pins. A king? And he serves the Emperor? I merely knew of kings from fairy tales, as a child!
There was no crown of heavy gold on his dark curls. He wore a satiny flat hat with smooth faces that looked soft. Same shade of redviolet of his DS uniform. Trim on every edge would be the gold of Tessite, a mineral that gives strength. I had never even seen any, it is so rare. His expression was not a smile, but friendly. Serious. The kind of expression Uncle Asha encouraged me to have on my record.
The screen, with his most recent trades, had various kinds of ships, powerful weapons, and scientific equipment from more planets than I could name!
Vonn gasped and bowed to him. But he slid his left leg back so far it pushed a chair out of place. He stared at Ryonne~ as he struggled to bow lower.
Should I bow also? Derees tried. I curtsied, but it seemed inadequate. With my left knee forward, I bent and let my long hair fall to my left. Kept my gaze on his golden eyes. An Elshar bow Uncle Asha taught me to use if I ever saw a trade inspector. Ryee's broad smile at me startled me!
"Friends, please rise and be comfortable!" He helped Vonn up with one arm and Derees, the other. "I am ne here in any official capacity, nor have I any influence in Areon's government!"
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