Today is Friday and a lot has happened so far. Firstly, I never got an email saying I was fired. I checked again and again and eventually asked my teacher who seemed surprised since Mr Reyes hadnt told her anything about intending to fire me. She was curious to know why I had assumed that I was getting fired, and I had to fake and excuse and leave before she got too suspicious. Since, I wasnt fired, I have been going to work every day and, luckily for me, I havent seen Xavier at all. He is rarely in the office these days, and whenever he needs to send a message to me, he does so through Linda. I actually don't mind since it makes me get to spend more time with her - she is quirky and fun with a humorous personality, and I appreciate this, especially now that my bff Audrey is so busy hanging out with the cheerleaders and we rarely have anytime together anymore.
I also havent seen Asher since that day and I do hope that Xavier hasnt given him a hard time. I found out that they always argue, usually over business deals. Xavier had formed his own company, Reyes Industries, when he was in college, leaving Asher to run the family company, Reyes Inc. Both brothers were in a constant rivalry, always trying to out-do the other and I was always reading about them when I was free during work.
Which was what I was doing now when Linda poked her blond head into my office, and I quickly closed the tab that I was reading. Heavens forbid that I would look like I was stalking my boss. I looked up at Linda, who was carrying a box, probably a gift from a boyfriend or something.
"Hey Candy" , Linda said, casually sitting on my work table. "This just came in from the boss, he said that he expects to see you there tomorrow evening.", as she spoke, she slid out an envelope from the pocket of her skirt and handed it to me.
I ripped it open under her watchful eyes, and saw a very fancy looking invitation card which was for a gala taking place tomorrow evening.
Wait a minute. Aren't we free on weekends. And why would Xavier invite me after what happened between us. Is this a plan to embarrass me? In which case in need to think of an excuse not to go.
*Gee sorry Linda but I can't make it tomorrow. I don't have a ride and I..."
"Oh yeah, Mr Reyes said that you should give this envelope...," she pulls out a similar envelope from her jeans pocket, "...to your friend and tell him that he is invited and he can drive you to the location. What was the name now Johnson or was it Hording or?"
"Jordan?", I gasp.
"Yeah that's the one. So why did you say that you can't make it again?"
I am running out of options and I say desperately, "I don't have a dress to wear and since it's such a formal event, I wouldn't want to embarrass Mr Reyes by..."
"Oh thats no problem, Linda smiles and reaches for the box which she hands over to me. It's all taken care of."
I groan in frustration. There is no escape. I have to go to the gala.
"Lighten up darling, you are literally wrinkling before my eyes", Jordan says, as he applies eyeshadow on me. I really do not know why he insists on putting make-up on me, but he seems happy, so I don't complain.
"I can't believe I am going to a real rich people gala all because of your rich boyfriend."
"He's my boss, not my boyfriend", I correct.
"Oh yada, yada, yada. Same difference. Now hold still while I apply the lipstick."
I cringe as he butters my face up and remember the conversation I had had with my parents trying to convince them that this was legitimate. They refused to believe me and even called Xavier up to confirm it. Luckily, Linda picked up the phone and vouched for me, which seemed to do the trick. They only allowed me to go on the condition that Jordan followed me, so I didnt bother to tell them that he was already invited.
With all the distractions, I had barely had time to open the box Linda gave me to see the dress that Xavier had given me.
"Voila you look stunning" , Jordan's voice drags me back to the present and I stare at my reflection. Its cliché I know, but I hardly recognize myself. Gone is the mousey girl who no one could see in class. I look like a model or something, and I see Jordan nod approvingly.
"Now go and put on your dress, while I change", Jordan said, ushering me into the bathroom where he had kept my dress. We hadn't put it on earlier for fear of staining it.
I opened the box and sitting there, was the most gorgeous emerald green dress that I had ever seen. I gasped in shock and delight. This dress was a beauty. It had a zip at the back which made it convenient to slip in and out of, without smudging my makeup.
(A/N; This is more or less what the dress looks like)
Carefully, I shimmied into the dress and did the zipper up. I looked in the mirror one more time and I was pleased with what I saw. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a selfie which I promptly sent to Audrey. She was going to flip when she saw the dress.
Then I heard a knock on the bathroom door, and Jordan's voice, "Hey Candy, we should start going."
I made my way out, and was pleased to see Jordan's face nodding appreciatively when I was fully under the light.
"Candy, you look stunning. If your billionaire boyfriend doesn't notice you in this, then he's a blind fool."
I giggled. "Come on", I said, pulling him to the car, "we don't want to be late."
The center where the event was taking place was on the other end of town which was an hours journey and we didnt want to be late. On the drive we caught up with each other, and I found out that Jordan was being offered many jobs at different industries, including both Reyes Industries, and Reyes Incorporated. I congratulated him, and he waited for me to sober down, before he announced, a bit somberly, that he and his boyfriend Brett, had broken up.
"He was such a liar and a cheat" , Jordan said, and I patted his thigh affectionately. I had never liked Brett because I saw him as a gold digger, and I was happy that Jordan had dumped his sorry behind.
"Don't worry" , I smiled, "you'll probably meet a rebound at this gala."
Jordan laughed a bit, and my smile grew.
"Speaking of romance at the gala" , Jordan smiled, and I groaned, knowing what was going to happen next. "If Xavier tries anything, go with it, but make sure it's what you want."
I was blushing horribly as Jordan prattled on. "Don't do it in an obvious place of course, but if, maybe he has his own hotel room, then yall can do the deed."
"Is that all?", I murmured, looking uncomfortable.
"Well yes. Oh of course. Don't forget to use protection. I am not ready to be called Uncle Jordan yet."
He winked at me.
I groaned.
"First , Jordan, I am under-aged. I am seventeen..."
"Turning eighteen in four days time", he murmured.
"That's beside the point. Besides, Xavier isn't interested in me...that way"
"But are you interested in him?", Jordan pressed.
"I mean, he's hot and all and I..."
"That's not what I mean Candy. Do you feel your heart race around him, are you jealous of every woman who has been near him, and do you want to be safe in his arms, even when he is the one who hurt you? Look me in the eyes and answer honestly. How do you feel about Xavier Reyes?"
"I think I might... I think I have a crush no... it feels deeper than that, but Im not sure what it is yet."
I boldly meet Jordan's eyes as he smiles at me, and then at our destination.
"Looks like we can figure out your feelings tonight," he smiles.
He parks the car and we both step out to find our way inside.
Im right here if you need me, Jordan whispers in my ear, as we go to the entrance, where Linda is waiting for us. She is wearing a strapless golden dress which sets of her blue eyes, and her hair is curled to perfection. Frankly, she looks stunning.
"Candy" , she squeals, running over to tackle me in a hug. She pulls back and stares at me.
"You look amazing" , I beam at her.
"Not as hot as you", she says admiringly, and I go red with pleasure. "You were almost late though. Where is your friend"
Her eyes travel to Jordan who has been staring at her with an expression of wonder, and she seems to forget how to breathe.
"Umm.. hi" , she squeaks, and I have to suppress a smile. They are both going starry eyed over each other, and it is fun to watch.
I clear my throat and both of them suddenly remember that I am here, and they break their eye romance for a second.
"Let's get you both in" , Linda smiles, and we follow her into the event, where Jordan and I have seats next to each other at the colossal dinner table.
"Dude" , Jordan says as Linda walks away, you did not mention that your coworker was hot.
I laughed heartily, scanning the room for Xavier, who hadn't arrived yet.
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