Chapter 5: stay with us please you are my everything

   Louis P.O.V

I wake up in Harry's arms. Before rubbing my  eyes I look at the sleeping boy and shift a little hitting my ankle  "Ow" I yell he quickly wakes up. "Oh my Lou are you ok"? "No" I say holding back tears "my ankle really hurts and why is there a cast, and why don't I feel good"?

"Lou what do you mean you don't feel good"? Before I can answer I pass out. "Oh my NIALL" Niall comes running downstairs. "Harry what happened"? "It's Lou he said he woke up and yelled ow, questioning why he had a cast and why doesn't he feel good and before he could answer he passed out".

"Oh god ok I'm going to call the doctor Harry your mom is a doctor right"? "Yeah" he said. "Ok then we need to go to the hospital now".

Harry and Niall pick me up and run to Niall's car before he opens it and Harry has me on his lap saying "stay with us Louis please".

  He hugged my body crying he hiccups please before I go still and can't move "Niall" he cries "he he's de dead".

Niall steps on the gas getting pulled over "um sir you know you were going faster than the speed limit".

"Ya" Niall said but my brother is on the verge of dying please let us go". "No can do sir". The officer says Niall looks back at Harry and mouths "how's he doing" Harry puts a hand over my heart that soon stops .

      Harry's P.O.V

"No, no, no, Louis stay with us please". I cry harder into the boys chest that is no longer beating. The officer asks Niall if I'm ok and, Niall responds "no his child hood friend here in the back his heart stopped beating".

"Oh the officer says can I see your brother". "Sure" Niall says he looks at Louis. "Wait, wait ,wait you guys are Niall Horan, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Oh my god ok follow my car".

He says he turns on the sirens and we follow behind him about 5 minutes of shortcuts. We are at my mom's hospital the officer takes us in by the front desk and stays with us to make sure Louis is ok.

"Boys I hear my mum say what are you doing here"! she said surprised she looks at Louis then me in my now glossy eyes "oh honey what happened".

"Lou h-he w-woke up and and he turned his foot the wrong way and yelled ow. I woke up and asked if he was ok. He got scared and asked why was there a cast on his foot and why wasn't he feeling good.

Before he answered he passes out so I screamed for Niall to come.  I told him what happened and he went passed the speed limit getting pulled over by this cop.

Harry motioned toward the cop and once he knew who we were he asked what happened. and I -  I said Lou- Louis die-died".

I said crying my mum had a look on her face before hugging mine  and Louis lifeless body. "I'm so sorry she said so what happened at the first hospital you went to"? She asked.

  I said "They were saying Louis definitely broke his ankle. They teased him saying we have good news and bad news. But then  they said oh wait now that I think about it it's just bad news". " Louis asked what impatiently, and the doctor laughed and said he can't play football.

Then Louis got all upset and said I can't play football then I'm gonna get kicked off the team. The doctor called in a bunch of nurses with needles and they all poked Louis.

We thought it was amnesia but it wasn't". I said crying again "then we left and I flipped them off and we refused to pay".

My mum spoke "what did the needles have in them color wise"? she asked "black I think". I said "oh no what's Louis blood type Niall"? "B why"? he asked "just wondering she said ok follow me". We follow her into a big room and she examines Louis checking his heart beat nothing.

Checking his blood pressure nothing. "Harry honey I'm sorry to say this but Louis is no longer with us".

"What". I say rushing over to him I began hugging him. " Louis if you can hear me please wake up please". I say

"Harry nothin happened" Niall said. "Fine" I say I call for a nurse they come rushing in I ask them to draw my blood.

They do with the same liquid that they injected Louis with and my last words were .

"I love you Louis William Tomlinson" and then everything went black.  

( How heart warming that Harry would die for Louis and what's cuter than his last words being I love you Louis William Tomlinson)

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