Chapter 21 : Too little too late can cause some hearts to break

Harry's P.O.V

I hurry in a rush to call Liam he instantly picks up "hey we have a little problem". "Yea me too mate". "What is it"? I say "nothing" I lie "Harry" Liam says "I know your lying". "Ok fine so funny story".

" Harry what happened"? "Um when we were playing truth or dare Zain dared me and Louis to do 7 seconds in heaven and he insulted us. So Louis smacked him across the face with a crutch and he call the cops we got sent to jail and  made a plan to leave".

" Now Louis is still there with a couple of homophic people. He told me to run and I said no he begged so I said fine saying my last goodbye to him before hearing a gun go off".

"Oh my god what HARRY you left Louis in a prison". "Yea" I said rubbing the back of my neck "well" Liam said "I have some bad news also Zain caught your house on fire it spread to the neighbors. Niall he saved her kid before it fell down on him and now we are at the hospital. Niall is not doing well he is on a breathing machine".

"Oh my god is he gonna make it"? "Well the doctors say he only has a week to live". "What" I say "are you kidding"? "Afraid not" Liam said "oh my god I'll be there soon I need to go get Louis". "But how"? Liam asked "prison break" I say "oh god I hope you don't get caught". "I won't" I say before our call ends .

"Here I come Louis" I'm at the prison with in 20 minutes they gave me 10 minutes to talk to Louis before i was sent away. I made an escape plan with him then around midnight sirens and alarms went off. "Code red, code red prisoner trying to escape" I run out the doors with Louis before we jump into the car stepping on the gas leaving cop cars behind us.

"Pull over now" they yell I refuse before going off track losing them. "What is happening"? Louis asked confused "Niall is in the hospital and has a week to live". "What" Louis said "I'll explain later" I say then we arrive at the hospital looking for Niall's room till we spot the blonde hair boy and Liam holding his hands and by the looks of it he's been crying.

"Liam"? Louis and I ask "what's wrong"? "Niall he he stopped breathing he's de-" Liam says before crying causing us all to cry together. "But Louis and I never got to said goodbye" I said wiping tears from my eyes "I know" Louis said patting me on the back "but just think he will be in our hearts no matter-".

*sniff* I look Louis in his glossy eyes before he cries "Ni-all y-ou were the the best brother ev-er" before he puts he face in Niall's chest "you will be in a" he wipes his eyes "better place now love you bro". They spent every minute there till they had to close a bit Louis yelled "wait 5 more minutes please".

" I'm sorry we can't do that guys". "Please" Louis pleaded getting down begging for those 5 more minutes "ok tell you what the nurse said you can stay the rest of the night I will be here so just come and get me if anything happens I'm 2 doors down". "Thank you Mrs" I look at her name tag "oh just call me Diana". "Thank you so much Diana we couldn't have done this with out you".

"It's my pleasure guys, ok I'm gonna head to my room remember if you need anything don't hesitate to get me". "Ok" Louis and I nod once Diana leaves the room Louis is next to Niall holding his hand I hear him say "please little lad your strong you can get through this I mean you got through asking Ellie to be your girlfriend again. And that house tumbling down on you. Look truth is I don't want something that can be bought for my birthday or Christmas even though they are 15 and 16 days away. But that's not the point the point is instead of getting something that is like overly expensive I want you back Niall I wish you would recover that is my wish".

His eyes began to water again "you ready to go" Liam asks me and Louis "can we stay here"? Louis asked turning to Liam "sure mate". "Thank you". "No problem" later that night Louis fell asleep by Niall's side trying to see if there was some hope that it was just a misunderstanding and he was no longer there.

Harry had held Louis while Liam kept watch on Niall they rotated every hour and nothing happened that night it was true Niall was probably not with them anymore but Louis kept hope in his heart that Niall would be ok 

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