Louis needed a job. He was fired from his last job as a bartender because he was caught having sex in the back room with a customer while on his break. He thought it was fair enough, besides, he thought himself lucky he hadn't been caught sooner. He wasn't a nymphomaniac or anything, he could control himself, he was just a dedicated bottom and when he saw a man he was undeniably attracted to, he'd pull out all stops to get what he wanted. He was more or less addicted.
But he's learnt his lesson now, no more fucking the customers. A nice dick wasn't worth losing his job over. He knew that now, which is why he was relentlessly printing resumes, he was desperate for work. He couldn't afford to be unemployed right now since he was living on his own. Today he was handing out his resume to anyone who was hiring.
He had already been to twelve stores, he was willing to do just about anything, clothing stores, cafes, restaurants, he even applied to Toys R Us. So after a few hours, he stopped to get a juice, he needed it after all the walking and smiling he'd been doing today. He decided on 'tropical treat' which had strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, passionfruit, kiwi and crushed ice.
He slurped down the last of the cool beverage as he approached the tall grey building, he looked up at the large matte black letters that read 'STYLES', this was his next stop. He'd done some research on the company in preparation for a possible interview, and the CEO Harry Styles started out as a model for Gucci since he was sixteen and walked for many other big brands having an all-around successful career until he started up his own fashion brand.
His men's suits were exquisite and he could be seen in them any time he was out in public, shameless self-advertising that Louis respected. He put his empty cup in the bin and straightened out his polka-dot button up while taking a deep breath. He walked for the front door, grabbing the handle and letting out one last nervous breath before pulling it open and putting on his confidence.
A curvy brunette with dark wavy hair and dark brown eyes sat behind the front desk, Louis could see why she was hired to be the first person people see when they walk in. The inside of the building complemented the outside well, the walls had a glossy silver metallic look which worked well with the matte black front desk and coffee table which sat between the eight charcoal lounge chairs. It was very sophisticated and masculine which was opposite to his glittery and floral suits which he's known for.
He reached the front desk and gave a dazzling smile to the brunette woman, she looked up from her computer screen and smiled back at him, "How can I help you today?" She asked giving him her attention. "Good morning, I'm here to apply for the position of Mr Styles' personal assistant." He passed her the clear plastic sleeve that held his resume. She accepted it with a "thank you" and told Louis that she would pass it on.
Louis thanked her and wished her a good rest of her day and turned to walk out of the building to start his next endeavour, the front door opened and he locked eyes with none other than Harry Styles himself and suddenly it felt like the whole room was moving in slow motion. He was wearing a loose-fitting black button up with the first few buttons undone and his last name embroidered above the left breast. He wore black suit pants and black boots and had his suit jacket resting over the arm that was holding a coffee.
His pushed his shoulder-length curls out of his face and ran his tongue over his bottom lip, unsubtly looking over Louis' figure. Louis bit his lip and smirked looking at the floor as they crossed paths. Harry had three other men, all in suits, following behind him, none seeming to notice the way Harry was practically undressing Louis with his eyes.
Louis walked straight out the door without looking back, knowing very well if he did he'd do something inappropriate and lose his chance of securing a job there. He wasn't really interested in fashion or anything but the size of the paycheck was too good to refuse. He continued walking down the street to hand out the rest of his resumes.
"Continue on to my office, gentlemen, I won't be a moment," Harry said as they reached the hall that leads to the elevator, the men all gave curt nods and continued down the hall. Harry turned and walked back to the desk, "Aundreya, who was that man?" He asked leaning on the desk gaining the woman's immediate attention. "That's Louis Tomlinson, he just applied for the PA job." She handed Harry the resume, and he accepted it, looking over it briefly before turning back to Aundreya, "get him back here for an interview as soon as possible." He asked sternly as he walked away with the papers still in hand.
Louis got the call at around 4:00 pm, a few hours after he'd arrived home after a total of twenty-three resume drops. He was entirely in shock, not having expected to hear back from anyone, at least not the same day he'd applied. He'd only been asked to come back at 5:00 pm for a one on one interview. He'd basically had to leave right after the call with one enough time to re-apply some gel to his hair and aftershave.
And even if he didn't have enough time, he stopped for another juice, because he was craving it and needed the energy. He really needed to consider starting a coffee addiction. He was currently sat in one of the charcoal grey lounge chairs in the lobby of the Styles building. He was wondering if his encounter with Harry earlier in the day had anything to do with this impromptu interview.
The phone rang behind the desk where the same brunette woman from earlier still sat, making Louis jump slightly. "Yes, sir. Right away." She spoke into the phone before hanging up then standing up on the spot, "he's ready for you." Louis stood and brushed his shirt down and smiled at the secretary, "thank you." She smiled back in return, "Just down this hall is the elevator, take it to the top floor."
Louis did as he was told and walked to the elevator and pressed the circular button that read '28'. He felt his heart rate rise as the elevator did. Being in a room alone with someone as attractive as Harry Styles makes him weak at the knees. But he couldn't be thinking like that, he needed this job and he had to be strictly professional.
The elevator bell sounded indicating that it had stopped. The doors slowly pulled apart and Harry was standing there already, hands held behind his back, he looked up from the floor through his thick lashes and Louis couldn't help but imagine what other positions Harry would have to be in to look at him like that. He shook the thought when that sinful smirk made its way across Harry's face. "Hello Mr Tomlinson, I'm Harry Styles." The taller man had his hand stretched out which Louis shook graciously and they both noticed the size difference between their hands and Louis was the first to pull back.
He cleared his throat, "I definitely know who you are, I love your work. And please, call me Louis." He added, hoping the flattery would buy him some points. "Sure, Louis. Any piece in particular you like?" Harry asked after he'd gestured for Louis follow him to his office. "I know you copped substantial criticism for it, but your 2015 black and white floral suit is one of my favourites," Louis said honestly.
Harry's face flashed with surprise, "Interesting." His face was unreadable, they reached a grey door that went from the floor to the ceiling, Harry pulled it open and Louis watched his bicep flex through his shirt, "after you." Harry gestured for Louis to walk through the door and he did, and Harry bit his lip watching the sway of Louis' hips as he followed him in the room. "Take a seat on the couch," Harry asked and Louis did as he was told.
He looked around the office and it was rather large but not unnecessarily big like some other CEOs would have. He had floor to ceiling windows taking up a whole wall, giving a breathtaking view of the cityscape. His desk was matte black with a MacBook sitting on it and three white chairs surrounding it. Opposite the desk was the three seater couch, with two single couch chairs on either side, which matched the ones in the lobby, and a matte black coffee table facing a wide screen TV on the wall next to the door.
"Do you like my office?" Harry asked, noticing Louis looking around at everything. "Uh, yeah, it's lovely," Louis spoke getting embarrassed at his short attention span. "Thank you. Now. Let's get right to it.-" Harry started, sitting on the single lounge chair closest to Louis, "-why do you want this job?" He leant back in his chair entwining his fingers and placing them in his lap. Louis followed the action but looked away as soon as he realised he was looking at Harry's crotch.
"Well, as I said before, I've been a fan of your work for a long time. I think your use of femininity for male attire is so important to today's toxic ideas of masculinity. As a gay man myself, I appreciate your implications that not all men have to dress like they don't care what they look like." Louis finished and Harry felt something coil in his stomach when Louis mentioned his sexuality. But he simply nodded at the statement, "and do you have experience being a personal assistant?"
"Honestly, no, but I'm very interested to learn." Louis felt like that question could be a let down in his case but Harry wasn't showing any emotion in his features, which shouldn't be turning Louis on but it was. "Right. So why did you leave your last job?" Harry asked, opening his legs wider and sliding down the seat a little and if Louis didn't know any better he'd think Harry was peacocking him. When the question finally registered in his brain he felt his face go pink.
Louis felt like he may start sweating. He wasn't sure what to say, "Uh... Creative differences?" It came out as more of a question and Louis wanted to slap himself in the face. He sounded incredibly stupid and he wouldn't be surprised if Harry laughed in his face. Harry smirked at the smaller boy, "being a personal assistant may vary in your hours. You'll obviously have a set time schedule, but I may need you earlier or later than that. Are you willing to give yourself to me like that?" Harry asked completely serious and Louis felt his eyebrow quirk up and his dick twitch in his pants.
That was awfully suggestive, but he was sure Harry didn't mean it the way it seemed, "O-of course" he stuttered, his throat feeling a little dry, he shifted in his seat, trying to adjust himself in his pants as subtly as possible. Harry sat forward in his chair, "good, good. Well, what about right now, are you willing to give yourself to me now?" He asked and Louis almost choked on his own tongue. He was definitely being suggestive. "I-, i-is this a test?" Louis asked, looking around for cameras or something to prove this wasn't real.
Harry's smirk only grew, "l can assure you, Louis, this is not a test." He moved to the edge of his seat and his knee touched Louis' and he felt the shorter boy tense. "I like you, Louis. That's all the questions I have today." Harry stood and Louis was at crotch height for all of two seconds before he stood, feeling much too flustered for a job interview. Harry had his hand stretched out and Louis took it in his own.
He stared at the way Harry's thick fingers wrapped around his hand and almost enveloped his whole hand. He felt his dick harden even more in his pants and he needed to get out of here soon before all professionalism goes out the window. "Thank you for your time Mr Styles," Louis spoke quietly, trying to defog his mind but he still managed to notice the sharp intake of breath from Harry. Louis turned to leave with haste, he even made it all the way to the door, that was until he realised he didn't have his phone.
He turned around to get it but bumped straight into Harry's chest before he could even take a step. Harry's hands grabbed at his hips to stop him from falling backwards. Louis slowly looked up into Harry's eyes, who was looking down at him already, his jaw tensing and the sight made Louis gulp "sorry" he whispered but Harry didn't say anything. Louis felt his hands tighten on his hips and he let out an involuntary whine at the sensation. "Fuck." Harry breathed gripping even harder at Louis' hips.
They held eye contact the whole time, and Louis could see Harry's eyes darken and he bit his lip, the closeness getting too much for him, his self-control wearing thin. And apparently so was Harry's because he watched Louis' lips and then looked back up him "fuck it." He said before moving his hands to cup the back of Louis' neck and pulling him in to kiss him, Louis was taken aback but kissed him back nonetheless.
Harry's tongue pushed its way into Louis' mouth and Louis was a moaning mess, he tangled his fingers in Harry's long curls and have a small tug to test the waters and Harry pulled back, Louis bottom lip between his teeth and he groaned. Ok, so, Harry liked having his hair pulled. Good to know. Louis chuckled humorlessly and pulled Harry back in by his hair and reconnected their lips to which Harry slid his hands down Louis' back to cup his ass.
Louis threw his head back and moaned and Harry took the opportunity to move down to Louis' neck. He left a line of soft kisses before attaching his mouth on his pulse and sucking there, loving the feeling of Louis withering under his hold. Louis clawed at Harry's back, pulling his shirt up, he gave it a small tug and Harry lifted his arms over his head, helping Louis get it off. He threw it to the floor and looked at Harry's bare chest, tanned and muscular with tattoos scattering the surface.
He bit his lip again, trying to suppress a moan. Harry took a step toward him, closing the gap between them. He grabbed Louis' thighs and hoisted him up all too quickly causing Louis to yelp in surprise. Harry smirked at the boy leant in close to whisper in his ear, "I've got you." They pressed their lips together again and Harry walked them over to his desk. He sat Louis down on the edge and reached for his top button, staring at him all the while.
Louis just looked back into his green eyes, panting and too nervous to speak, afraid he'll ruin the moment if he does and that's the last thing he wants. Harry undoes all his buttons and slips it off Louis' arms, making sure to slide his fingers down his skin, wanting to touch every inch. He looks at Louis' tanned torso and bites his lip, he takes his index finger and drags it from the base of his neck down to his pants, "fuck you're beautiful." His voice was so deep and raspy and Louis might cum untouched just from the way Harry's looking at him like he wanted to devour him.
"Are you gonna fuck me, or what?" Louis couldn't help himself, he liked the way Harry was staring at him, but he needed to be touched before his dick fell off. Harry let out a low growl and stepped toward Louis, pushing him back roughly and Louis had no time to react before his pants were at his knees and Harry was putting his cock in his mouth. "O-oh fu-uck" he felt like all the air was knocked out of his body and he arched his back off the table.
Harry hollowed his cheeks and bobbed his head around Louis' cock, his hands gripping at Louis' thighs, holding him down to the table. Louis moaned and wriggled on the table, his toes curling as he came in Harry's mouth. He just laid there, breathing heavy and when he opened his eyes Harry stood back up wiping his mouth and if he hadn't just cum that sight would have made him. Harry hovered over him, going back to suck and bite on his neck while he rolled Louis' nipple between his fingers.
He felt like he was getting hard again already and he wanted to make Harry feel good. He grabs a handful of his hair and pulls his face back up to kiss him, he worked his tongue in Harry's mouth in a way he knew drove men crazy. And just when he knew Harry was hooked he pulled on his hair again and leant into his ear "Now I want you to fuck me on this table. Bend me over and fill me up." He then pulled his earlobe into his mouth and he heard Harry moan and grab at his ass, squeezing his cheeks in his giant hands. Louis nipped the lobe for good measure then pulled away.
Harry gave him one last kiss before flipping him over and Louis heard him undo his zipper, he bit his lip in anticipation. He felt Harry move from behind him suddenly he was next to his face and Louis felt his eyes roll into the back of his head when he saw the size of Harry. "Wet me, baby" Harry run his thumb over Louis' cheek and Louis propped himself on his elbow and grabbed his hand. He first grabbed his index finger and slid it into his mouth and he could see Harry bite his lip watching Louis intently. He put two more in his mouth and sucked on them until Harry pulled away and thanked him.
Harry was huge and Louis couldn't wait to have him deep in his hole. But for now, he inserted the first finger and Louis took it easily, "two. I want two." Louis groaned and Harry did as he was told. He added a second finger, working them in and out of Louis' beautiful pink hole. He added a third and worked to find his prostate, which he knew he'd found when Louis let out a loud moan. "Like that, baby?" Harry asked and Louis could barely make out any words. "Y-yes, so-so good" he whined pushing back to meet Harry's fingers. "Yes, who?" Harry stopped moving and Louis groaned, "yes daddy." He tried and knew he was right when Harry's fingers started thrusting into him again. So he has a daddy kink too, that shouldn't surprise him, he practically screams daddy.
He took his fingers out and Louis whined again but Harry shushed him. Louis heard the familiar wrapper and waited patiently. Harry rolled the condom down his dick and grabbed the bottle of lube from his bottom drawer, applying a generous amount to his latex wrapped member. "Ready baby?" Harry asked as he grabbed Louis' hips, lining his tip up at Louis' hole, "yes daddy, please fuck me" Louis begged and Harry pushed in and Louis almost screamed at the stretch.
It didn't take long to adjust though and then Harry was thrusting in at a steady pace while Louis continuously moaned and grabbed at the edge of the table to steady himself. "D-daddy" Louis moaned and Harry tightened his grip around Louis' hips, probably leaving marks. "Feel so good, baby." Harry groaned, and grabbed a handful of Louis' bum, relishing in the way it jiggled as it met his hips. He went for a few more thrusts before he spoke again, "want you to flip over, baby. Wanna see your face when I fuck you" he waited till Louis nodded then he pulled out and Louis turned over on the table.
Harry grabbed under his knees and pulled him toward himself at the edge of the table and pushed back in. Louis fell back onto his elbows, holding himself up and Harry stopped to put his legs on his shoulders, opening Louis up to a different angle and Louis moans only got louder so he knew it was the right move. Harry watched as Louis continuously threw his head back, and then brought it back to look Harry in the eyes, biting his lip. He saw the way Louis' knuckles were going white with how hard he was clenching his fists.
Harry was close, he could feel the familiar coil in his stomach. "H-harry, I'm close." Louis stuttered out, his voice going raspy from how much he was moaning and yelling. "Me too baby" Harry bit his lip and moved his hands up to Louis' waist so he could hold him more steadily as he went all out for his final thrusts. Louis yelled out Harry's name and spurted onto his stomach and the sight sent Harry over the edge. The boys were panting and sweaty, coming down from their highs.
The stared into each other's eyes as they caught their breaths. Louis leaned up and tucked a loose curl behind Harry's ear, "that was, amazing" he smiled at Harry and they couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Did we just do a real-life bad porno?" Louis added and Harry laughed at the boy, he leant forward and placed a gentle kiss to his forehead before pressing his own to it, "the difference is you got the job."
Another one shot for me to practice working on smut, idk if its too cheesy, but tell me what you think! x.
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