Recorded Video of Women Dancing.
Everyday, Shaytān inspires people to do evil disguised as modernity and civilization. Most of the time, Shaytān attacks us through our weakest link, women. The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:
ما تركت بعدي فتنة هي أضر على الرجال من النساء (متفق عليه) "I've not left behind a worse tribulation for men than women."
This is not in anyway to accuse women of being inherently evil, but because women are, by nature a point of attraction and weakness for men. Allāh says:
زُيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ حُبُّ الشَّهَوَاتِ مِنَ النِّسَاء "Alluring unto man is the enjoyment of worldly desires through women..." Q.3:14
While commenting on the above Hadīth in Riyādus-Sālihīn, a sheikh said:
فالمرأة هي محل متعة الرجل، وإذا نظر إليها فإن دواعي النفس تتحرك، ولذلك أمره الشارع بغض البصر، وأخبر أن له الأولى وهي نظرة الفجاءة وعليه الثانية
"The woman is a source of enjoyment for man. If he gazes at her, his emotions are stirred. It is for this reason that the Law Giver (Allāh) has commanded him to lower his gaze, and pardoned his first unintended and unavoidable look at her but will be reprimanded for his subsequent look at her."
He continued:
فسماها شهوات؛ لأن النفس تشتهيها، وتطمح إليها، وتتعلق بها، وقد جعل النساء في هذه الآية في أول هذه الشهوات -والله تعالى أعلم- لأنها أعظم هذه الشهوات، فالرجل قد يجمع المال من أجل أن يتزوج المرأة، وبعضهم لربما يجمع المال من أجل أن يواقع ما يواقع من الشهوات المتصلة بالنساء، وهكذا الرجل قد يحصّل ما يحصل من المراكب الجميلة، وما أشبه ذلك لربما يكون مريداً بهذا -كما يفعله بعضهم- أن يوقع بالنساء، ولربما استأجر الرجل هذه المراكب وهو لا يملك شيئاً من أجل أن يتشبّع بما لم يعطَ، لعله أن يوقع في شباكه امرأة غرّة تنخدع به
"He (Allāh) referred to woman as worldly desires because she's attractive and desirable to the mind. He has put women ahead of all worldly desires- and Allāh knows best- because she's the greatest of all desires of this world. A man may put together huge amount of wealth just to be able to marry a woman; some men even gather money just to enjoy sexual gratification with women; some purchase exotic cars or some other expensive stuff just to satisfy their carnal desires with women. In fact, a destitute man may rent a nice car that he never own just to deceive a woman and lay with her..."
It is for this reason that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:
إن الدنيا حلوة خضرة، وإن الله مستخلفكم فيها، فينظر كيف تعملون، فاتقوا الدنيا واتقوا النساء فإن أول فتنة بني إسرائيل كانت في النساء
"Life in this world is sweet and green, and indeed, Allāh has made you successors there to see how you will behave. So, be cautious of this world and be cautious of women, for indeed the first temptation of the children of Israel was due to women."
One or the latest fitan on the social media is the #DanceForHusbandChallenge which many of our sisters haven ignorantly fallen for. This challenge requires that a housewife records a video of herself dancing for her husband (twerking and all sorts) and posts it on the social media for fun and competition. These videos shall be rated by viewers and a winner declared.
Let me state here that there's NOTHING wrong in a woman singing and dancing for her husband. Islām permits in matrimony certain things that are prohibited outside of it. For instance, while exposing one's nakedness to another is HARĀM, it is HALĀL between spouses without any restriction. Spouses may strip in front of each other for fun and gratification.
However, the limitation to such actions is that it must strictly be private. Islām prohibits that couples expose to the public their private affairs, even if it be for fun. The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:
إِنَّ شَرَّ النَّاسِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ مَنْزِلَةً يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ: الرَّجُلُ يُفْضِي إِلَى امْرَأَتِهِ، وتُفْضِي إِلَيْهِ، ثم يَنْشُرُ سِرَّهَا "The worst of people in status before Allāh on the Day of Resurrection is a man who has intercourse with his wife and she has intercourse with him and then he exposes her secret."
No doubt the so-called #DanceForHusbandChallenge is one of the worst form of TABARRUJ that can only be inspired by lack of bashfulness and respect for one's marriage. There's nothing funny or entertaining about it. Allāh warns:
وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ الْأُولَىٰ ۖ
"Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as pagan women used to do in the olden Days of Ignorance..."
Sadly, majority of our men today have become DAYYŪTH with absolutely NO PROTECTIVE JEALOUSY for their wives. How would any sane man allow his wife to record a video of herself dancing for him in the first place, let alone allow same to be shared on the internet to be rated by perverts and eaters of dogs and swines? To achieve what? No wonder that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said;
ثلاثة لا ينظر الله عز وجل إليهم يوم القيامة: العاق لوالديه، والمرأة المترجلة، والديوث
"There are three people at whom Allāh shall not look on the Day of Resurrection: the disobedient child to his parents, the female that dresses and acts like a male and the Dayyūth."
While commenting on the above Hadīth, one of the 'Ulamā' said:
ولا يصاب بهذا الداء العضال إلا عديم المروءة ضعيف الغيرة رقيق الدين، فتراه لا يبالي بدخول الأجانب على محارمه ولا يبالي باختلاطهنَّ بالرجال أو تكشفهنَّ. بل يعجب المرء حين يرى هؤلاء من أشباه الرجال يشترون لنسائهم الثياب التي تكشف أكثر مما تستر، وتشف وتصف مفاتن الجسد وهو فرحٌ باطلاع الناس على عورات نسائه ومن ولاه الله أمرهن، مفاخر بتحررهنَّ من العفة والفضيلة وسيرهنَّ في طريق الفاحشة والرذيلة، ومثل هذا ميت في لباس الأحياء
"No one is afflicted with this deadly disease but the one deficient in character, weak in the heart (lacking in jealousy) and bankrupt in religion. You find such a person unperturbed about strange men entering upon his wives and female relatives and he is unconcerned about their mingling with men or stripping in front of them. One is even more shocked to see such men purchasing for their wives clothes that leave a larger part of the body uncovered and ignites perversion. He is excited to see people looking at the nakedness of his wives and other women under his guardianship (sisters, daughters). He's proud of them stripping themselves of bashfulness and honour while leading a life of evil and debasement. Such a man is dead man in the garb of the living.
This is the sad reality of the world we live in!
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