Chapter 10 : Healing

It was morning, the sun was rising over the horizon. John, Nathaniel, and Melanie were beside the cart. The cart was parked away from the road, in a clearing of the woods.  John and Melanie sat on stools, while Nathaniel leaned against the cart. Adar was sitting in the cart, leaning against the side, visible to all three who were eating breakfast.

Adar had refused to eat that morning. He had eaten the night before, but he had no appetite in the morning.

Cooked pigeons were what the three were eating, along with apples and Apple cider to drink.

Adar wore a different blue sleeved shirt that morning. Nathaniel had packed a few extra shirts and had given Adar one to wear. The  shirt seemed a bit large on him, especially the sleeves. Melanie had smiled when she had seen how big the shirt was on Adar, she tried to conceal her laugh but it soon followed.


Melanie looked forward and saw Adar looking up at the sky, seemingly lost in thought.

A bird had flown across the sky, catching Adar's attention. He looked up and saw it briefly. His attention then turned to the clouds. He and his mother always played a game with the clouds. Imagination was a great thing to have on a boring day like the one he was having. It was always good to have someone to talk to as well.

Adar turned and looked at John.

"John, do you know how to cook? "

John had finished eating the little bit of meat on the stick and looked at Adar. 

"Yes, I take pride in my cooking. Why do you ask?"

"No reason." Said Adar." I was merely curious." 

I didn't expect him to say yes, Thought Adar, I guess people do have unpredictable talents.

"He also knows how to sew and sing lullabies at night." Said Nathaniel, smirking."He would make an excellent mother."

Adar laughed, immediately remembering he had a wound as the pain started. He placed his hand on his chest to try and relax but found it hard to stop laughing. Nathaniel had joined in on the laughter.

"There is nothing wrong with a man knowing how to cook." Stated Melanie.

"What man cooks?" asked Adar, after laughing. It was quite odd thinking of a man cooking. Back when he was a boy, all the men of the house went out and caught the food and brought it home for his mother to cook. His father and brother, Cane, would have laughed at the idea of a man cooking. Even more so if it would have been a man like John, a former Mercenary.

Melanie immediately took offense to their mocking. After all, her father, who was a man, taught her the skills of cooking that she now possessed. She found those memories comforting, and usually held onto them to overshadow the bad ones.

"Several men cook! Have you never heard of chefs? Cooking is a necessary skill." retorted Melanie, laying her stick, on which she ate her pigeon, on the ground.

Adar raised a brow." Do you know how to cook?"

A look of disbelief crossed over Melanie's face.

"...Yes I can cook!"

"Well when we get to the town, then will you cook something? " asked Adar.

"I will!" Exclaimed Melanie."And you won't taste any of it!"

Melanie arose and looked at John.

"John, would you mind if I fed the horses some apples?"

"No need to worry about that." Said Nathaniel. "We have plenty of oats-"

John cut off the rest of Nathaniel's sentence by giving a penetrating stare, then looked at Melanie and smiled." I see no problem in that."

Adar glanced at Melanie, making eye contact with her. She immediately frowned and looked away, walking to the front of the cart with the apple in her hand.

"It seems you have struck a very sensitive spot." Chuckled Nathaniel. " You shouldn't have doubted her cooking skills."

John sighed." Adar, I fear of the similarities you possess with my brother." 

"How long until we reach this town?" asked Adar.

"A day and a half at the most." Replied Nathaniel." But I will not be staying to long. I will make my way back."

"Why?" asked Adar.

"I am on a bounty." Smiled Nathaniel."And I intend to collect large this time."

"What about you, John?" Questioned Adar.

"I will be in the town for a few weeks." Replied John."I retired from mercenary excitement. I am but a mere physician now. I travel from town to town, like a circuit."

"Then why are you traveling with Nathaniel?" 

Nathaniel grinned." He wished to cook for me and met me about two months ago." 

John sighed," We write letters to each other.  Through a letter, I discovered that he was near were I was at the time. I decided to accompany him until I reached the next town. which is the one we are headed to."

Adar nodded," How long had you not seen each other, before meeting up again?"

"To long." Said Nathaniel."I'm already 29! My God, how he has aged."


John was sitting at the table in his house, a small candle was placed in front of him. He had been living in a small cottage on the outskirts of the town where he was currently working. He had a small living room, with two extra rooms. The wood floors were bare and plain. Only two chairs and a table decorated his home. He had become accustomed to his home, even though it was only temporary. He had been traveling from town to town in hopes of helping people with his talent as a Physician.

He pulled out a thin knife and cut into the top right side of an envelope, following through to the left side. He put down the knife then pulled out a letter and unfolded it, placing it above the candle light to read it clearly.

It was written to John, by Nathaniel.

Dear John,

I know it has been awhile since we have written to each other. I must apologize for having faltered in my promise to write to you once a month, but I have urgent news to bear. Rumours of Langstrom have found their way to some of the taverns where I am currently investigating. He is supposedly recruiting new members for his militia. A rumour, of great importance, was I lucky enough to have overheard. A few men stated that Langstrom was to be found in Maryland.

I have been trying to hunt Langstrom with little success, until now. I ask that you consider wielding those swords of yours once again and join me on this final hunt for Langstrom, that we may bury those scars of long ago. I will be stopping by your town about two days after you have received this letter. I can only hope you will agree to it, for this may be our one and only chance.

                                 Sincerely, Nathaniel

John put the letter down. He couldn't believe it. This was his break, his chance to correct his mistake. Only his brother could be so relentless as to have been hunting Langstrom this long. It had finally paid off.

Finally, thought John, the time for my reconciliation has come.


The group had started to move again. John was riding the horse, and Nathaniel driving the cart. Melanie was sitting across from Adar.

"Are you ok, Melanie? you've been awfully quiet." Said Adar, a look of concern on his face.

Melanie paid no attention to Adar and asked John a question." About the Willis family,  how did you come about to meet them ?"

John was riding his horse on the side where Melanie was. The back of her head was all he could see, while he had a clear view of Adar's face. He saw Adar, seemingly, stare at Melanie for a second then look away, signs of irritation on his face.

John felt the tension growing more and more uncomfortable. He spoke to help better the situation.

"Years ago I used to live in that town. I was born in England, but I migrated here when I was about 16. Nathaniel heard about my many adventures and followed shortly after. I had no idea what trade of craft I wanted to work in. So Instead of wasting my time in searching for a particular trade, I began to work in all areas of crafts. I had found my way to the town and Mr. Willis took me in, teaching me how to work on a farm. His farm isn't as large as it used to be, but it is still there with the minimum number of animals."

"How was England like?" asked Melanie, turning to face John.

"Not as lively as the colonies. I came here for a more entertaining life. Many of my cousins had come here for a visit and returned with stories that left me in awe. But I was only 6 when my cousins came back with these stories; I probably would have believed them if they would have said that the colonies was a magical kingdom."

"You would have believed them if they had said that the colonies was the home of Grindel, from the story Beowulf." said Nathaniel.

"Maybe, more convincingly the Farie queen or perhaps the home of ordinary people."

Adar looked at Melanie. She kept her head turned and it appeared she would keep it that way for awhile. She really is being childish, thought Adar, all I said was my opinion. But what do I care?


Cane sat away from the rest of the group, who were resting under the shade of trees.  Randolph's group had pleaded for a break, most of the youngsters had not received good sleep and were feeling tired. Cane had grudgingly allowed for a short stop.

"He is like a nocturnal animal." Said Randolph coming over to sit near Seth and Norman, both were lying against small trees. The rest of the group sat in a well shaded area among the trees, eating packed fruits and conversing about their journey so far.

"Yes he is quite the energetic man when he wishes." replied Seth." I believe that is only a small part of it. The real energy will come out once he ensues a battle."

Norman had his legs spread out flat on the ground, his sword laying across his legs.

"To tell you the truth,  I think I have seen him like this once before."

"When?" asked Randolph.

"An incident had occurred in a town. A witch was supposedly lurking there. We were sent to deal with this witch. What we found was far more powerful."

"Really?" said Randolph, sounding doubtful.

Seth smiled." We have another unbeliever here, Norman." 

"I reckon we do, Seth." 

"Its not that I don't believe it, it just seems hardly possible to accept the fact that witches are real, the one with supposed power I mean. Are they not just Satan worshipers?"

Norman nodded," Many of them claim to be Satanic worshippers and beg that the church councils forgive them, when they are caught and discovered of course."

"What are you implying when you say the word' claim?' Are they something else?" Questioned Randolph, sounding more and more curious.

"Many of them, from what I have seen, are not as dangerous as you would believe." Said Norman. "The 'true' Satan worshippers do not ask for repentance. They smile wickedly and announce their beliefs. Many a times the true witches are not caught; mostly, the superstitious neighbors point fingers at neighbors they despise." 

Randolph raised a brow. "Have you ever met a true Satan worshipper?"

Seth and Norman looked at each other then back at Randolph.

"Sure." Said Seth.

"Its part of our job." said Norman.

"Do all of them believe in Satan?"

"Why don't you ask them." said Norman.

Seth smiled,"Norman always was the one to suggest silly ideas. Our knowledge is limited when it comes to witches. Not all of them believe in Satan, many believe in other gods that have some how found their way from across the ocean. And as Norman said, 'true' Satan worshippers do not deny their beliefs or ask for repentance. They are often the unsuspecting people in your town."

"But do they possess power? As in magical power?" asked Randolph.

Seth thought for a second before answering. "Most of them don't need it. They usually already have power within the town. As they are often the ones who point the fingers at the falsely accused witches. But from my experience years ago, yes, they possess tremendous power. Nothing like you have ever seen or imagined."

"What exactly happen-"

"Are you women ready?" Interrupted Cane. He had walked in front of Norman, staring at all three."  If you have finished gossiping, then tell the others that we are leaving now. You all could stay here and hope to catch up with me later."

Norman sighed," And here was I about to tell the story of Thomas the hero."

Cane looked at Norman, as if to say something, but then thought the better of it. Instead he walked off, leaving an awkward silence amongst the three.

"I guess this conversation is over." Smirked Norman, arising from his reclined position.

"Yes I suppose the story of Thomas the hero will have to wait for another day." Said Seth.


Melanie had been riding in the front seat of the cart, alongside Nathaniel. She had said that she wanted Adar to have more room to sleep. Nathaniel had chuckled when he heard those words.

Adar lie in the back of the cart, his desire to sleep had gone away, ever since the little argument that had begun with Melanie.

I didn't expect her to be so offended, thought Adar, she could have at least said why it offended her so much.

He had felt the soreness that morning. Now it still ached, but not as much. It felt horrible to be immobile because of pain.

"How are you doing back there, Adar?" asked Nathaniel turning around.

"Fine," replied Adar.

"We''ll be making a stop in a bit once it gets dark." Said John peering over the edge of the cart and looking at Adar.

Adar nodded.

"I am waiting in anticipation." Said Melanie, joyfully."I wish to start a new life in the town. The Willis family sounds nice and you stated that there might be a few there my age."

" I emphasized the word 'might', Melanie."  smiled John, moving forward to better talk to Melanie. "And the Willis family live a small way from the town, half an hour or so."

Adar stared up at the sky. He didn't want to stay in the town, unlike Melanie, he didn't want to start a new life. Every time he did, everything was ripped from his grasp.

I can't get my old life back, thought Adar, but I sure can strip Langstrom's away.

He felt helpless lying there, frustrated and angry that he could only do so. The sun was going down once again, like it had the past nights. He put his forearm over his eyes.  Tears began to form, he hated how he naturally covered his eyes with his forearm each time he neared tears. That habit had been since his childhood. Now he tried his best to combat back the tears. The cold feeling of his mother's necklace in his hand sent a wave of warmth throughout his body.

I am helpless now, but soon very soon I won't be.


Melanie was staring into the flames of the little fire that John had started.

"It's getting cold." Said John putting his hands over the fire. Nathaniel did likewise.

They sat on the stools around the fire. John and Nathaniel wore their long black coats, while Melanie was wrapped in a blanket that John had lent her.

"We should see if Adar needs a blanket." Said Nathaniel.

"I'll go check. " Said Melanie. " I'll be back soon."

She got up and headed for the cart parked a few yards away. It did not fit in the small clearing of the woods where they were. They had set a lantern in the cart to help spot it, should Adar need help. The horses were tied to a tree that was large and thick, a deciduous type.

I feel bad for the way I talked to Adar, thought Melanie, but I doubt he feels bad for the way he talked, so why should I?

Melanie came in the view of the cart. Adar was beside the it, he had climbed out and made his way to the end of the cart.

He was attempting to stand, grabbing the side of the cart to steady himself.  He managed to place both hands on the side and stood straight for a few seconds before his legs buckled. He groaned and whispered something under his breathe.

"Adar!" yelled Melanie, automatically running to Adar's side. He attempted to stand once more, turning to see her headed his way.

"What?" replied Adar, sounding frustrated.

"How did you get out of the cart!?"

"I catapulted my self out." Smiled Adar, a look of determination on his face.

"What happened? " said John following shortly after.

He saw Adar kneeling beside the cart, his hands gripping the sides.

"Good Lord, Adar. Did you climb out ?"

"Yes." replied Adar. A look of humiliation was on his face. " I was... just..." He didn't finish his sentence out of spite.

Looking down, he released his grip on the sides and felt himself slump. Before he could land on the ground, Melanie reached out and grabbed him from under his arms. Adar was surprised, especially upon seeing how much Melanie struggled. John stepped in and took over Melanie's hold on Adar, grabbing Adar's left arm and putting it over his neck and lifting him up.

"If you wanted to accompany us, Adar, you could have just asked." sighed John. "In fact, you should have asked. You can't do it on your own right now, you are still recovering."

Adar hesitantly nodded.

"You are very foolish sometimes. You worry me to much Adar. " Said Melanie, walking beside him.

Adar smiled." Maybe I should get hurt more then I could see your pretty fac-"

"Don't even."  Said Melanie cutting him off, and folding her arms.

"And for the record, It was horrible acting. I could clearly tell you were acting. " 


Adar sat on a stool next to Melanie. John had given up his seat and was lying on the floor.

A rotisserie device was built over the fire. A raccoon, that was caught by Nathaniel, was being cooked over the fire.

"How long until we eat?" asked John.

"Hold your horses, John." Said Nathaniel, as he turned the stick, slowly and diligently making sure that the meat was being cooked evenly." You cannot rush perfection."

A small argument between John and Nathaniel ensued.

Adar grinned.

Melanie looked over at Adar and smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

"Could be worse." chuckled Adar.

"I wish to apologize."Said Melanie, putting a strand of blonde hair behind her ear." For the way I acted earlier. It was quite silly of me."

" It is I who should Apologize." Said Adar.

" I didn't mean to offend you. And if it's not to late for you to accept my apology, I would like to try some of your cooking once we are in the town."

Melanie smiled from ear to ear ."I would love you to."

Melanie's blue eyes drew Adar in as he looked into them. A sensation, that was alien to him, coursed through his body as he continued his gaze on Melanie. He had never felt anything like it.

Suddenly a shout came from Nathaniel. Adar looked over and saw John and Nathaniel wrestle, rolling around on the ground. The stool was knocked over, so Adar assumed John had tackled Nathaniel.

"Get off of me John! The meat will not be cooked right!"

"After you take it back!" yelled John." Admit I am a better cook than you!"

Melanie looked over as well and rolled her eyes, smiling as she did. " I swear all men are the same."

Adar smiled, realizing he was enjoying the moment. He was glad to be alive.

Can I ever live a new Life? And would this be it?  Adar pushed those thoughts back.

He would see what life had in store for him.

                    End Of Chapter


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