Jacob smelled the air and sighed contentedly as he pulled into his driveway. Work had let out early due to poor impending weather and Jacob hadn't thought twice once he got the okay to leave. He'd briefly caught someone muttering, "Christ, he really is infatuated with that man of his, huh?"
He totally was, but that wasn't fully why he'd sped down the interstate.
"I came as fast as I—," Adam crashed into Jacob before he could finish his sentence with the strong hug that forced his breath away. After a moment of surprise, he wrapped his arms around him and felt warmth filling his heart. "I'm—,"
"Home," Adam finished with a croak, sighing his content. "Welcome home, Husband."
They met in a kiss, then a few more. Jacob couldn't quite fathom how he'd found a man who was so good at these tender, lazy kisses but he kept going until Adam grunted and nipped at him. He hated being babied. "Are you excited?" He teased lowly.
His husband shook his head and pulled up his shirt to burrow under it. "No. I'm... scared."
"You're adorable is what you are," Jacob murmured as he began a gentle rock.
Adam was the most reckless man he'd ever loved. He'd pick up a snake or spider with no fear, he'd walk right up to a bear and punch it in the face, he'd take a bullet for a stranger and could definitely do some serious damage if he decided to become a serial killer. More often than not Jacob worried because with his depression came the feeling that he was unafraid to die and couldn't because he'd tried, so he'd try everything and anything multiple times.
But now a low rumble turned into a loud crack and he jumped ferociously into him and started to shake. He was so scared his breathing went into soft wheezes.
Jacob filled with protective instincts and pulled him out of his shirt to comfort him better. "I brought you something."
Adam wasn't hearing him, he was nearly hysterical in a silent way that told him his body was in flight, fight or freeze. Hyperventilating shallowly he stayed frozen to the spot. He was already a little paler than the average half hispanic boy but now it was a paper whiteness that heightened Jacob's concern.
He cooed at him sympathetically and brought him into their bedroom first. "Is it okay if I touch?"
Periwinkle eyes lifted to his and he nodded. "Please."
Truthfully Jacob liked when Adam relied on him heavily like this. Normally it felt like Adam was always taking care of him, whether Little or not, and he wanted to provide the same way Jacob did. Now he could provide something better than money: his undying attention and protection.
His hands brushed over Adam's cheeks as his eyes welled with tears at another rumble. "It's gonna be okay. I'm here."
"I like the rain," He mumbled with a trembling monotone. "I just... I don't like the loud noises."
He was so tense, his shoulders were rock solid under Jacob's fingers while he tried to relax the muscles there. Sometimes he didn't even know Adam was upset until he felt near his shoulders because that man kept every negative emotion right there. "I know, baby. Do you wanna cuddle in here, or should we go to the basement and cuddle by the fire?"
Adam nodded to the latter and raised his arms. "Carry me, probably."
Jacob was left to interpret why he was answering a question that hadn't been asked but was more than happy to snuggle him to his chest. Quickly he found out why: Adam's legs gave out the second he sat him down.
Now he was a bit more concerned, Adam was still so pale and the sudden crash of thunder had him crying out and curling into himself. He could understand being overstimulated and could only imagine his oversensitive senses made it so much worse, so he promised him he'd be back and rushed up the stairs. The sobbing couldn't stop him from doing his tasks but he hated to leave him down there even if it would be quieter.
If he could just beat the next sudden clap of thunder, everything could get better from there. He just had to beat it before Adam became inconsolable, which wasn't too often but still possible with how stressed he was lately.
Jacob tore through the house to grab food, water, Adam's blanket and what he'd snagged from work, then his own blanket.
Practically falling down the stairs he reappeared at Adam's side and jammed the plug for Adam's blanket into the wall, then swaddled him in it. Adam's calm only came when the blanket began to warm, and Jacob smiled adoringly as his eyes cleared a bit. "Better?"
He nodded. "Uh huh. Thank you."
Jacob cleared his throat and picked him up again to sit on his right on the couch. "So, you know how you were telling me pigs were the best thing ever?"
Adam nodded, a bit of life seeping back into him. "I love pigs. They're so cute."
His husband grinned and unveiled what he'd gotten him to watch Adam light up and gasp. The pink piglet was the perfect size for snuggling, Jacob was only mildly jealous he had to give it away. With microfiber fur and baby blanket soft ears, it was a perfect sensory item to squeeze and cuddle in the absence of either of them. "I got you a little friend."
Adam blushed and reached for it demandingly. "Don't call it that, it's a stuffie and it's mine and I love it."
Jacob laughed and pressed the pig into Adam's chest. He felt like melting onto the floor the way he cradled it to him carefully and squeezed hard with a happy grunt. "You get to name it."
"Butter," He blurted surely. "Butter the Pig."
Raising his eyebrows and chuckling, Jacob reached over to ruffle his hair. "Would you like to sit on my lap?"
Adam's eyes darted to him with temptation. "Yes."
He didn't move though, so Jacob raised his arms to entice him. "Come here, love. I just want to hold you."
"I'm feeling shy," He murmured just a bit louder than the rain they could now hear. If Jacob could keep him distracted like this the storm might just pass by without an episode.
Jacob blushed for no reason and tented his brows in adoration. "You're feeling shy? That's okay," He assured, suddenly coming up with a plan. "We can work our way up."
He scooted just a little bit closer and turned on the TV. The news came on and he cursed loud enough to accidentally jump scare Adam away from him as he scrambled to change the channel. He caught a glimpse of their county having a tornado warning but switched it just before it was said. Tornadoes caused catastrophic meltdowns because they were so loud, one had passed by real close and Adam had fainted in the tub with him. He'd rather never experience that again.
A more pleasant show came on and Jacob sent Adam an apologetic look. "Take your time."
Adam was visibly annoyed, piercing eyes were burning a hole straight through Jacob's cheek as he got comfortable and settled into the plush couch. After a few minutes of him ignoring him and managing not to smirk, Adam started to pout instead.
He wanted to be closer to him, but if Jacob wasn't going to pay attention to his behavior he was going to have to make that happen himself.
Nervously his leg twitched but Jacob didn't respond, he let him see that he wasn't paying attention with a tiny involuntary yawn that happened right on cue. A few long seconds passed before Adam got a micro millimeter closer to him, and then a full, bold inch.
Jacob's brows almost darted up in surprise but he stayed immersed and started fidgeting with his hair. Since he'd met Adam it had gotten so much thicker and silkier because of Adam's fascination with having his hair perfect to the very singlest of them.
The sound of Adam shifting the pig caught his ears and he realized Adam was staring at his hand intently, like he wanted to hold it and he was bewildered about it.
Or like it was speaking to him.
Jacob had to fight off a laugh at that thought and let it upturn for him to grab. His fingers spread but he didn't look, he let him have the private moment to himself to realize Jacob loved him and loved him enough to know his shyness was just repressed insecurity, and that was okay.
Just as he thought he'd lost him, a cold few fingers ran over his own with fascination. His fingers followed behind to brush with Adam's in a breathtaking display of simple passion. He wanted to hold his hand too, enough he would fight for the privilege. They intertwined softly, then a bit more sure when Jacob squeezed him firmly.
A soft shaky sigh of relief made Jacob smile as rumbling sounded overhead steadily getting louder.
He frowned at the ceiling wishing he could tell the sky to shut the fuck up but instead he got something almost as good: when the roar got to deafening Adam jumped to Jacob's side of the couch with his arm pressed into his.
"A bit more comfortable over here, are we?" Jacob asked with an enlightened, slightly teasing tone. "Not so much stretching."
Adam glanced away bashfully and began to bounce his leg so hard it was a blur. "...Yeah. I like being near you." There was a slight edge to his voice that was him trying to say that should've been obvious, but the softness around it made Jacob beam.
He turned his whole head to look at him and let himself get trapped staring into Adam's eyes. "I like being around you, too. You're so sweet like this."
Adam's ears turned red, a rare sight enough that Jacob just had to glance in amusement. "I don't know why I feel like I didn't know that."
Jacob wasn't going to deny himself much longer, he was just waiting for the perfect moment to do it. "Fuck, you're precious."
The color spread to his cheeks and Jacob leaned over to kiss him with gentle hunger. Not only did Adam need to know he needed him, but he needed to know he wanted him more than anyone else he'd ever met. Constantly being famished for him in any way was the only constant in his life.
Adam dropped the stuffed pig and climbed into Jacob's lap bravely. He grabbed his bottom to pull against him and work his hips until a moan dropped from him. "Would you let me touch you more, just a bit?"
The question shocked him enough he didn't hear the thunder. He made a mildly uncomfortable face before he grabbed his hands and placed them on his chest under his shirt. A brief hesitation shocked Jacob right back when Adam tugged his shirt off in what felt like slow motion. "Would you do more?"
"Than touch you?" Jacob inquired hoarsely. He wanted to cry so hard at Adam putting his hands where he used to not be allowed to touch. "Yes, yes I could. I can do things to your body no one else can do." His hand brushed up against Adam's cheek and he shivered. "Do you think I could make you moan your praise in every language you know?"
Fingertips skimmed over the shells of Jacob's ears and he started rolling his hips with his hands wrapped around Adam's waist. "Let me show you," He implored. "Let me teach you how to be brave."
Adam nodded and swallowed a whimper. "Yes, okay."
Jacob flipped them and kissed down his neck feverishly. "This is all about you, just relax and focus on my touch."
Adam took a deep breath and Jacob forced himself to slow down. Gentle kisses right down his jugular and over his Adam's apple made the goth purr under his breath, hands nervously squeezing Jacob's shoulders. "That feels good."
He paused. "Does it? Can I try something else?" When Adam nodded he started teasing at his skin with his teeth like he might bite him. Every time he'd tense against him in excitement and then Jacob would go back to teasing.
"Can you please just—?" Adam started weakly. But he stopped and dragged in a soft growl when Jacob finally caught his flesh between teeth. "Oh, I like that a lot."
Jacob raised a careful hand to alert him he was going to be doing something fun with it. "Spread your legs." They spread immediately and Jacob used how proud he was to press until he could feel him pulsing against his palm. He kissed him a bit more aggressively but pulled back to replace them with sweeter kisses.
He was finding he really did want to be gentle.
Adam dragged in a breath and rolled his hips. "Can you take off my pants? I..." His lips pressed together and he tried to cover his face but Jacob shooed his hands away.
"Tell me what you want," He demanded softly. "Anything you want."
"I want you to touch me without clothes." His husband clenched his fists and his lip trembled. "I'm emotional."
He hushed him, doing as told with little tugs. "Let me take care of you. You don't have to do a thing but feel good, and pay attention to me. Okay?"
For a second he could see his strong husband in his eyes, but they softened again and he nodded. "Okay."
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