TW: ...this entire fic is problematic as fuck. i'm not very sorry 🤷🏾 there is technically nothing wrong with this 😂
Dating two brothers that hated each other a bit more than loved each other was awesome, and a little exhausting at times for Adam.
Dating literally identical twins also posed a serious problem too, especially when they both liked to mess with him because they were both goofy little fucks.
A freckled, sandy haired man with a permanent shit eating grin approached Adam and he sat up, enamored by everything he was. "Good morning, Mine. How did you sleep?"
"I-I slept well," He muttered, trying not to show he hadn't the faintest clue which twin this was. "Did you... also?"
The mystery twin snorted. "Well after what I did to you last night, I'd like to think so."
Adam brightened. "Hey, I'm not a submissive so knock that cocky shit, Jack." He smiled anyways and leaned into the kiss Jacob was providing, only to have him stop just out of his reach.
"Gotcha! You'd think by now you'd know the difference," Will teased, pecking him anyways.
Adam blushed and grumbled they were identical identical, meaning even the man they'd known for nearly 10 years couldn't even lie to himself and say with absolute certainty that he could tell the difference 100% of the time. "What is it you Brits say? Sod off?"
Will chuckled and nodded. "There you go, yank." His hands found Adam's body and he rumbled, leaning in for a more exploratory kiss.
Jacob sauntered in and stopped mid-step, raising a humorously irritated eyebrow. He was a bit more jealous than Will. "What's all this, then?" He asked, motioning between the two. "I sure hope I didn't interrupt something."
Adam opened his mouth but Will hooked a sweet arm around him and pulled him close just to piss off his brother. "Actually yeah, if you could piss off that'd be swell."
Jacob scoffed defensively. "Or what? I fell in love first."
"That's not true and you know it," Will rebutted quickly. "Tiffanys lying looks terrible on you."
Jacob clenched his fists and they stared each other down. Will pulled away to stand up taller but not before Adam could feel his heart rate pick up. There was no way he didn't feel bad about that, it was a low and terrible blow. He deserved to get his ass kicked.
Adam cleared his throat, ready to stop the dog fight in its tracks. Back when they'd all first met, Adam had already known he was trans. They had met a decade ago, but with the British twins being so similar, he hadn't actually known there were two of them for an embarrassing few months. Then one day they showed up at the same time and scared the shit out of him. They'd fallen for Adam at the same time and had some nasty fights about it before they'd become the Vee polycule they were today. He could tell both brothers were a bit extra hostile today even if they were best friends by every definition. "Can my boyfriends cooperate so we can have a nice breakfast? Two boys fighting over my attention is awesome, but my stomach is starving for attention."
Twin smirks made him slide out of his seat to back away with both hands up. The men had that look again. While it may be true he didn't mean it sexually, he knew he had revamped the game. Both had a hunger that needed satisfying, possibly the cause of their frustration, and Adam was the only thing that could satisfy it.
"You're just famished, aren't you?" Will crooned as they closed in.
"I believe he said starving," Jacob corrected sinisterly.
Adam's back bumped against the wall and he stared them both down as intimidatingly as he could while being hot and bothered. "Hold on now, I meant for like sausages and pancakes and—,"
"He's totally fucking with us starting off with sausages." Jacob snickered and put a hand over the left side of Adam's chest, Will reciprocating on the other side.
They effectively had him pinned, and even though they had no crazy relationship, they often worked as a well oiled machine together. They were two halves of one mind when shit went down.
It was so hard not to be turned on times two Adam didn't even try. They kissed him one after the other, at a perfect interval. Their brotherly rivalry over him had gone from boiling over to simmering in the years past. Together both had found a middle ground to meet at, even if it was mildly unconventional and spoke to kinks buried inside of Adam that he never wanted to vocalize.
Some kinks were meant to be just that: a kink tucked away inside that you got off to sometimes and never spoke of aloud. Maybe every once in a while you might seek it out on the dark webs in places your mother would burn you at the stake for. Other times you might find yourself writing about it, or reading about it.
Either way, some things you just didn't say.
But he didn't need to say it to his twin brother boyfriends. They just knew.
Two pairs of green eyes with a scalding and cold heat to them took his breath away and held it hostage, he couldn't breathe from the absolute Godsend (or maybe Satansend) of having them both.
What kind of corrupt world did he live in where both Jacob and Will were kissing at his neck and groping wherever they'd like to until their hands met between his legs? He couldn't stop the trembling moan and the way his legs gave out.
Adam was putty for a dual assault, they could do whatever they wanted to do to him whenever and he would just take it. He sighed as if this were the last thing he wanted to do when he was always thinking about it. "Fine."
Will and Jacob cheered and high-fived without even looking.
"Looks like we've still got it," Will chuckled as he pushed off to make his way to the kitchen.
Jacob scooped Adam up despite his growl to put him down and brought him back to bed to strip him naked. "Look at all of this beauty," He muttered hoarsely."I'm tempted to lock the door and take it all for myself."
Their bodies were the pretty much the same, too. Stripping them would do little to nothing to help Adam decide which was which. Maybe a mole could help, but he could almost never remember which had what where, especially since both had freckles. Even naked, the brothers were the same kind of sexy, the same kind of built and delicious. That's what he was thinking about, he wanted all of the above. "You guys are awful horny today. Is there something in the air?"
Jacob upticked an eyebrow and tousled his hair thoughtfully. "Oy, William!"
"You think there's something in the atmosphere today?" He called back, ignoring the deep blush and frantic head shaking Adam was doing.
Will hummed loudly. "I dunno, Jack. Sounds like a load of poppycock to me, it does!"
Jacob burst out laughing with Adam and rolled his eyes. "That is does, mate. How long for vittles? Do I have time?"
There was silence for a good ten seconds before Jacob asked again. Will continued ignoring him (like brothers do) but right as Jacob settled over Adam, he appeared leaning against the door with a butchers knife. "Whatcha doin'?"
Jacob glowered. "I'm going to fuck our boyfriend into the ground, what does it look like?"
Will pointed with the knife, pleased that Adam's eyes were locked onto it hungrily. "Don't we have a first blood rule?"
"No!" Adam scolded fiercely, trying to break out of the lust to be serious and stern. "Don't go hitting each other over good head and good pussy like before we got together. You guys are ridiculous!"
Jacob tilted his head down at him. "Now... why would that be ridiculous?"
Will crossed over and leaned down to kiss Adam, spinning the blade backwards so the sharp end was away from his neck while he pressed the dull end into his jugular just enough to know it was there. Adam gasped his excitement and Will tossed a sly look Jacob's way.
No matter, Jacob was far more methodical than his insane brother. Not that he wasn't insane. It was probably a little batty to have his younger-by-a-minute brother holding the dull side of a knife to their mutual boyfriends neck while Jacob spread Adam's legs and dove in for a meal of him.
Adam shuddered at the sudden warmth into Wills mouth and the knife pressed harder, a silent, 'Oh hush, we haven't even started with you yet.'
Will took his time exploring every iota of Adam's kiss, feeling his bodily reaction of intense enjoyment building. He loved this man dearly, it seeped into his bones. He made Will cry in worry, he'd been there for him. Right now, he wanted to give the pleasure of loving him back. He pulled away a bit to watch Adam's face contort with pleasure. "Are you already ready for us? You should be ashamed of yourself."
But the shame felt so good. It wasn't even shame, he just was a hyper sexual goth that found physical intimacy to be his most sincere way of showing love when he failed to emote facially. Receiving it was overwhelming every time. He wondered if it would be different if they weren't related closely. "N-not ashamed. Not at all... It's
not— f-fuck!"
Will grinned when Jacob bit Adam's thigh just for fun and his cheeks filled with a wanting color. "When I'm done cooking you breakfast, I'm going to break your back. For now I'll let my shmuck brother have you." He walked to the door but paused dramatically, as he always kind of was. "Just know I'm coming for you next, Mine."
Adam lived in heaven. He was absolutely sure of it as Jacob moaned gratefully against his clit. "I could live between your legs and die a happy man, but I'm just dying to fuck you."
He rose like a son of Apollo, golden rays of sun through the window turning his hair into a halo. His shirt came off and he unbuckled his jeans. Eyes right where he was supposedly dying to be, his tongue darted out to taste his lips and his cock was released to stand at attention.
Adam's mouth watered. The sight upper curve, the head glistening with pre because Jacob was an oversupplier of his need, the girth combined with a length the gods must have kissed themselves was calling for him to put it anywhere in his person. "You have such a pretty cock," He murmured seriously. The gay man had seen plenty of dicks, but both his boyfriends' were genuinely pretty.
A delighted grin broke out on Jacob's face at the compliment and he gripped the base to stroke it. "You're pretty. My pretty boy."
Adam scoffed and rolled his eyes. Deep down, if one were to be persistent, Adam was a Brat that was nearly impossible to tame. Often the twins would bottom to his whims but not this time. He got to act out a little by saying, "Whatever."
Jacob loved his edgy boyfriend, and the need to show him that flooded him. He'd been in love since the day they'd all met, and because a rare phenomena like having an almost truly identical twin in both looks and personality, his brother had fallen too. They'd known Adam was The One from the very beginning, regardless of who realized it first. Jacob kissed Adam's forehead and pushed him back, grabbing at his thighs. "No. No, this isn't right..." He mused quietly.
Pulling Adam up, he sat on the bed and forced him down onto his cock, facing the mirror so he was sitting on it in reverse. "There we go. You need to see how dashing you look."
Adam swallowed as Jacob's hand gripped at his neck and squeezed hard. "H-harder." It tightened until Adam's pale face started to turn red.
He clenched around him and Jacob sucked in a sharp breath. "Fuck. Bounce, baby. Now."
One arm guided his movement, the other held Adam's neck ferociously. Every bounce felt like it would shatter his spine or break him somehow. He loved these brothers but one of the main perks was that they were both incredibly kinky and shared a lot of his deranged fantasies. "J-Jacob, your cock feels so so good~!" Adam gasped.
Jacob bit down on his neck again until it stung and he grunted in pain. "You feel so fucking good, Mine," Jacob murmured darkly. He was possessed with his arousal, he often was a sexual creature but it was just how he loved. "So warm and tight and wet for me. I love that you're subbing for us."
Adam felt lightheaded at the praise. The electric feeling of their thighs slapping together was only heightened by having to see the full scope of it in the reflection of the mirror. He bit his lip and groaned, it was making him crazy for more. Jacob's cock was rigid inside of him, and he could see how creamy he was getting it. "Fuck!" His eyes rolled when Jacob's long fingers found his swollen clit to rub. "Ohhh my god~..."
Will scoffed from the kitchen. "Are those rookie sounds I hear, Jack?"
Annoyed, Jacob grabbed Adam's hips and literally lifted him almost completely off of his cock. "Try this on for size, you curtain-twitching cunt." He slammed him back down and Adam screamed out a sob, head falling back.
Jacob was doing one of his favorite things in the entire fucking world. He and William were six inches taller than Adam and packed with enough muscle that picking up Adam was hardly a task, not that he couldn't do the same. Jacob used him like a toy or a cocksleeve and indulged in that with a wild growl. "Ugh, look at all that cream you're drenching me with."
Adam coughed out a happy sigh and lifted his head as much as possible. He wanted to watch everything, but his eyes were too unfocused. Behind him he could just barely make out the menacing eyes of Jacob over his shoulder. Adam could tell he was enjoying himself even through the focused and stoic mask. It was so hot he cried out again, his voice cracking euphorically.
"That's more like it," Will praised idly.
Jacob drew in a sharp breath and slowed, now focusing on depth instead of speed. Every meeting of their hips was a pound that had Adam sounding like he was sobbing. Maybe he was. "Oh, yes," Jacob cooed condescendingly. "Cry for me." Going harder got him his wish, at least in a way.
Adam's eyes watered and he blinked it away, letting them fall down his cheeks. He didn't know why deep penetration stimulated his tear ducts, but Jacob loved it. It would drive him into hyper mode and it always made for a good time.
That was one difference between the brothers.
Jacob loved to make him cry his pleasure.
Will loved blood-curdling screams of pleasure.
"You're being downright pitiful over my cock," Jacob teased with a chuckle. "I love it."
Adam's head turned to kiss Jacob's cheek as another wavering cry burst from him. It being so close to his ear made Jacob grip tighter and pull him off. He set Adam on the bed and put him face down ass up to slide into him again, still making sure to use the mirror. "Ugh, there we fucking go," Jacob moaned happily. "You're such a good boy milking me like that."
Adam couldn't help it, his body was so desperate for Jacob he couldn't think of anything else but the cock now hammering into him at a ridiculous pace. "O-oh fuck, I'm gonna cum, yes!"
"Cum for me, then." Jacob's fingers clawed at his hips and he leaned closer. "You're allowed to this time. I won't make you beg."
He fucked him skillfully now and Adam came apart with a whimper that grew in volume until he was squirming under Jacob's strong hold. Everything in his body told him he was high, his arousal was on cloud nine and the release was so good he could only praise Jacob. "Yes! Th-thank you! I l-love being your toy!"
Jacob moaned lowly and his cock twitched shortly after. Jacob's loads were heavy, Will's loads were fierce. The amount of friction that cut down as Jacob pumped into the incredible pussy of his boyfriend was as amazing and world shattering as always. "Fuck, Adam~. I'm so proud." He stroked inside of him to keep it going as long as possible, but finally pulled out to cross around to the front of the nearly limp man. "Be a good toy and clean off my cock."
Adam wanted to complain when he slipped out but was quickly happy with the cock in front of his face and enveloped it in his mouth. Their combined taste was his strange addiction and he pulled off to lick right down to the base and look up at Jacob. He wanted the attention, he craved it from them like water in a desert.
More than satisfied, Jacob blushed at the periwinkle gaze, eyes brightening as he pushed more hair from Adam's face to see his stare clearly. They were so sexy, that half lidded periwinkle tone drove him wild and he wasn't going soft. "Round two."
Will cleared his throat, appearing out of nowhere as usual. "Not so fast, twit. My turn, you get to take out the french toast and make sausages and eggs."
Jacob grumbled and shoved into Adam's mouth one more time. "You cunt. Can't you see I'm busy?"
Will stalked up to him and pushed his face into Jacob's ear. "Move or I'll make you." He tugged off his briefs to reveal a hard cock red with anger. "Don't look like you're doing anything but pouting, mate. It's my turn."
Jacob rolled his eyes but departed to nakedly finish their breakfast, which was hot in and of itself but Adam was trapped staring up at Will.
Jacob's gaze was hot; Will's gaze was cold. It made him shiver as Will crouched to grab his chin. "You've gone and made me jealous with how Jacob had you crying. Now I have to hurt you."
Adam bit his lip as another roll of pleasure passed through him. He was a pain junkie, and one brother was more likely to give it to him than the other. "Please," He implored in his most sincere and starved voice. "I need you to."
"Stay just like that." Will kissed him hungrily, tongue slipping into his mouth. Hands found the side of his head to hold him in place, but he soon pulled away to snort. "Why are you so fucking red in the face? I feel like my hands on the sun."
Adam could not and would not ever say why, but from the tundra behind Will's eyes, he already knew. He just wanted to further fuck with his head about that secret kink, there was a downright evil pride to it for Will. "I can't help it," Adam fibbed slightly. Sure, he could continue to lie to his therapist but he couldn't lie to these intensely smart men that wanted him broken.
"Oh, you poor thing," Will murmured in a babying voice. "You just want to believe you don't know any better but that's not true, now is it?"
He got behind Adam and positioned his cock while he grabbed his hair to force him to look in the mirror. Will loved to humiliate him until he was so lost between arousal and shame that he couldn't tell the difference. The brothers loved to mind fuck him. "I-I know."
"Who do I look like?" Will raised an eyebrow and tousled his hair thoughtfully as he pushed in an inch. "Fuck. Come now, don't be shy."
Adam was trained, he realized that now. His mouth spoke before his mind could force him not to. "J-Jacob."
The younger brother grinned. "Who is he to me? A friend? Co-worker, perhaps?"
"Your brother." Adam wanted to shut his eyes as his blush reached his shoulders but they rolled back instead as Will bottomed out firmly. "Fuck, yes!"
Will smiled at his pleasure lop-sidedly. "That's odd, weren't you just fucking my brother minutes ago?"
"Yep!" Jacob replied from the kitchen. "He totally was and he came all over my cock like a slut!"
Adam pushed his head into the bed and pressed against Will harder, fucking himself slowly on him. "Ugh, my god... I-I was! I can't help it! I swear!"
A sharp and stinging smack to his ass made him gasp. "You're a liar," Will hissed. "But I won't make you say it. Not today. Not this time." One hand slid around his neck from behind to keep his head up and the other tightened in his hair. "Pick a god and pray."
Will was a wordsmith, he loved to let his deranged self out to play when he fucked Adam. As a dramatic and theatrical man, he went for the most cinematic approach more often than not, but he was good at it. He craved disturbing things and he would stop at nothing to get them, no matter how villainous his art form was.
He would never truly hurt Adam in any ways that weren't safe, sane or consensual, but he tended to give a hell of a show when he was pent up.
Adam panted out a weak, "Please," and Will fucked into him from 0-100.
"Oh my fucking God, you got such a sloppy load." Wills head fell back for a few indulgent thrusts of his hips before he went rigid again and his face filled with color.
Sometimes, Will would get what Adam called "an episode" after going second. Everything about it hit him at once and he went flying into a manic state. He rumbled and forced himself deeper while picking up both of Adam's legs and spreading them, placing him in a wheelbarrow position. "Our precious little cumdumpster. Such a good little slut for us to have."
Adam was suffocating in the bed because his arms refused to work to lift him enough so he could breathe. Will was getting so fucking deep he swore he was slamming into his cervix with no remorse. Will wanted to feel every inch of him and he varied between soft moans and hard grunts of bliss. "You feel so fucking good. I love you."
He always told him that before he blew his mind right out of his body, and he delivered as usual. He pressed Adam onto the bed by his hips and roared at just how much tighter he'd gotten.
Adam's eyes crossed as wail after wail turned into trembling at full force. He was going to cum, but his mouth wouldn't form any words but, "I- uh- o-oh fuck me, h-ha-harder!" He begged.
Will made sure every meeting of his hips and Adam's ass hurt, bringing both of their pleasure to new heights. "You're gonna make me cum so fucking hard, but I want you to first. Be a good fucktoy and cum hard on my cock."
He didn't need to ask Adam twice, he was already climbing fast and he whimpered from the pit of his stomach. The pleasure and euphoria mixed into an all consuming void he was being sucked into. It felt so good, and Will would get what he wanted as soon as he asked with the wild pace he was going at. "Now! I'm– Yes!!"
Adam fisted the sheets and coughed weakly, trying to regain the oxygen he was being deprived of by his orgasm. Will slowed even with his cock beginning to jump. "Turn over."
With his head dangling over the edge of the bed, he was looking into the mirror again. At this angle he could see his ruthless Will grabbing his thighs again to put him in mating press. "Fuck, your pussy is so fucking fetching all covered in cream. I'm going to eat you out after this."
He watched Adam clench and slid back in until Adam gasped and tried to control the depth by squirming away. "No, no, you fucking sit still. Take. It," He spat. "I'm going to get as deep as I can and I don't care how I have to get it."
Adam grinned a bit too big, Will must have caught it as he tried his hand at arching his back, forcing Will to slap him silly. The sting turned to bliss and he laughed. "F-fuck! I'm sorry."
Adam blacked out at the first thrust and Will shouted his joy. "Christ, Jack were you really that pent up?!"
"Oh, yeah," Jacob confirmed, walking in with three plates he set down quickly. "He was giving me that look that always gets a bigger load. You know the one."
Will started pumping inside of him again faster and Jacob squatted to regard a fucked out Adam with a smirk. "You alright, love? Your cheek is redder than the other, did you misbehave?" Adam nodded weakly, licking his lips as he imagined Jacob shoving his cock into his mouth. "You look like you're in pain."
He was in fact in pain. Will was hitting deep and it hurt, but that was just heightening every sense he had. Jacob was more comfortable with his knife and slapping because he was trained and careful. Will liked to fuck him deep, choke him and hurt him from the inside out with his cock. It was so wonderful he could only slur something completely unintelligible to Jacob.
Jacob grabbed his head and kissed up his neck hungrily. "After we feed you, we're going to fuck you again. It's definitely something in the air."
Adam seized when Will paused to swirl his hips, adding his load to the mix with a content sigh and strong twitches. "Never forget whom you belong to."
Adam could think of nothing else when Will cleaned him up with his tongue while Jacob set the plates on the bedside tables and pulled the blankets to cover Adam. He got to be fed every bite whether he liked it or not, because despite his high preference for his Dominant role, they took what they pleased from him and he was no match for a twin typhoon.
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