Kiss The Groom

Adam didn't want to. If anything, this was the worst possible thing that could have happened to him. "Why are we doing this again?"

Jacob chuckled and kissed his cheek, then his lips. "Wedding superstition. We have to sleep apart the night before."

He tried to be mature about it, but his eyes watered. His lips curled in and they shared a quick giggle. "I can't believe this is happening. We're getting married tomorrow."

"We won't see each other for..." Adam watched in wonder as his supercomputer husband calculated basic math his own brain would never figure out. "18 hours give or take."

Adam slumped against him. "That's too many hours."

"I know." Jacob sighed as his phone rang and he frowned. "I have to go, Just Call Me Liz and Friends are taking me to the hotel they rented so they can terrorize me to sleep."

Adam couldn't help his giggle. "It's your fault for waiting so long for a bachelor party. They've been here a week, got you fucked up the first night, and have done nothing but that. But they promised not to have you hungover at our wedding. Don't let them forget." He kissed him tenderly and rested his forehead on his. "I know you'll have fun."

The second Jacob left, Adam banged his head against the wall and turned to see his very best friend smirking at him.

"You love him!" Cassandra cried giddily. She then started making kissy faces and swooning. "Oh, Jacob," She crooned as she lowered her voice to mock him. "My manly urges are bursting out of me! I can't wait to marry the fuck out of you! Terfs can cope and seethe!"

Adam laughed and crashed on the bed. "That's enough, Cass. You're so ridiculous."

"Ridiculous is crazy," She deadpanned as if she were hurt. Then she brightened like the sun. "I'm so happy for you! You look sooooo handsome!"

He snorted as she climbed onto the bed and swung her feet back and forth like this was one of her girly little sleepover parties she was always inviting him to. The best part? She didn't really like many people either like him, so it was always just them. "So...?"

He fought off the smile as best he could and kept his eyes on the TV. "So what?"

"Are you excited?" Her big goofy smile and little happy dance just pulled the laughter from him without consent. "I know you're excited!"

Adam flopped over and groaned, "I'm so excited. Remember when we said we'd never find anyone?"

She scoffed and batted at his leg. "Shut up, you were always fine and you knew it!" Her finger twirled a braid around it. "When you started growing that scruff I was like, goddamn boy! He's a whole man now!"

Adam smiled and scratched at the now clean shaven area subconsciously. "I was so excited when I noticed the pedostache," He belly laughed.

She gasped and waved her hands through the air to erase the memory. "I was concerned, boy! My first thought when you showed up at my door unannounced was you was about to tell me what house you lived in."

He rolled his eyes. "It wasn't that bad."

"You started crying and I was just, 'Serves you right, fucking creeps showing up at my door' and then you smiled and I was so shocked!" She squealed and climbed over him to grab the takeout menu. "Let's smoke weed and talk shit."

Adam grinned even bigger. "I knew you were my best friend for a reason. Chinese?"

"Korean," She corrected emphatically. "But you have to order it in Korean." She handed him the phone and sat politely, a dreamy look on her face. "Okay, I'm ready."

He sighed as if she were annoying him and dialed the number. "좋은 저녁입니다. 배달을 위해 주문하고 싶어요."

Cassandra pretended to blush and fanned her face dramatically. "Ugh, Korean inflections are so sexy. Dallas talks dirty to me in Korean, you know, and—,"

"Cassandra! Ew!" Adam laughed through a gag. "They're getting me a translator."

He ordered quite happily, fending off Cassandra's fake orgasm noises and stupid lip bites. She was an absolute menace, but she was his best friend. They met at a coffee shop a year before college and her goofy ass wouldn't leave him alone after they indefinitely took each other's coffee. He could share anything with her, she had been with him through some of the hardest parts of transition. She was his rock, and vice versa.

After he was done he hopped up to use the bathroom and came back to shoot off a boy band move. "You think he thinks I'm hot?"

"He totally thinks you're hot. Everyone flirts with you guys." Cassandra sighed wantonly. "I hope Jacob and Dallas are having fun with his British friends."


Just Call Me Liz squealed and tackled Jacob in a hug. "Ugh, I'm so excited I could just die!"

"Me too," Jacob groaned. "I'm gonna take a Benadryl and knock myself out so I actually get sleep for the wedding. I'm so nervous." He sat on the couch and buried his head in his hands. "What if he changes his mind?"

Dallas wrapped an arm around him and patted his back. "I promise with my whole chest that he won't. Cass is with him a good 30-80% of the time, and she never shuts up about him." Jacob chuckled and he nudged him playfully. "She says he's always rambling about how much he loves you and all of his gay fantasies of picnics and walks on the beach. I don't think there's a single thing Cassandra doesn't know about you."

Jacob nudged him back and blew out a breath as Liz sat in front of him with a cup of tea for his enjoyment. "Yeah, I know all about you. Strange things you two do in the bedroom but can't say I'm not happy with the "random" things he brings up." Liz giggled and he patted her head. "You know you don't have to service submissive me. I can get a Rosie Lee myself."

She shrugged and sat back on her bottom to mess with her hair. "I do it to everyone, don't get your knickers in a twist. Save that for after the ceremony."

"Adam told me he has a surprise for me. He says it's really big and I might hate him for it." Jacob's leg started bouncing so fast Dallas got up to get him a muscle relaxer and a sleep aid. "I don't know what it could be."

"Take two each of these," Dallas instructed kindly. "You'll wear yourself out. Weddings are big."

"When are you getting engaged?" Jacob teased to a wink.

"Any day now."


Jacob was ushered out to stand at the altar and at that exact moment, he realized he was about to get married.

He'd been so calm when they got there: he didn't drive anyone crazy, he wasn't groomzilla, he didn't feel faint. Though he was excited, he was mute with it. The man had gone nonverbal the second he woke up but thankfully Dallas and Just Call Me Liz were accustomed to the spells.

He was patted on the back and walked out to stand where he was now. There were a lot of people there, there were press at his wedding. It annoyed him but they were going to be the ones getting the best pictures, and Adam had said he wanted to broadcast his love for him. So that's exactly what Jacob had done by allowing them.

The string band they'd hired was nation renowned. He knew the pianist personally and knew they were as talented as he was with it. Canon in D just felt right for them the second they'd heard it, with Jacob's favorite instrument and Adam's colliding to make a beautiful, aching with love kind of song.

His disassociation ended and suddenly he was lucid. He looked out to the audience and saw many of their friends; a few old, a few new. There was a ginger couple he didn't recognize immediately, but he couldn't escape the feeling that he should've. The husband pointed out Jacob's stare and the woman waved nervously.

A pang in his chest turned to confusion. Where had he met the woman before? Her eyes were so familiar... After a moment he jerked his gaze away, falling deeper into his head.

His father was banned from the event and security had done their job with little question. Alex was there just near the front waving with Jester, his husband. Both were the asexual photography gays, and were of course perfectly dressed to the dress code. Liz smiled at him and Cass verbally squealed, so Dallas put his giant hand over her face and shot him a thumbs up.

Jacob smiled microscopically, and then his heart dropped. This was taking a very long time...

Had Adam run off on him?!

He glanced at Cassandra but she didn't seem to catch his drift. She winked obnoxiously and shimmied her shoulders, no doubt talking about their honeymoon. He could almost hear her shouting, "Twelve more hours till honeymoon sex!!!!!" as loudly as possible.

Jacob looked to the officiant, a friend's father. "Is he coming?"

Greg smiled big at him and nodded. "He's coming, they just sent me a text."

"When?" Jacob stressed impatiently.

Then the piano started playing.

He broke out into a hard sweat and turned his head to the side to take in the single most beautiful thing he'd ever seen:

Don, his soon to be father-in-law, holding on for dear life to his wife because he was crying so much he couldn't see. His tux was a bit off kilter, like he'd had a struggle, but it seemed to have been smoothed out just enough. He was smiling so big, and Daun, his beautiful soon to be mother-in-law, was on the other side, smiling even bigger.

But right in the middle and behind all of that, was his husband. Or his soon to be husband.

And he couldn't see him until his parents moved to sit.

Jacob's heart tried to climb out of his throat, Adam looked so confident, so happy.

He'd stopped, halfway down the aisle with a mischievous smirk that said he was up to no good. His dimple was showing, and Jacob started to uncontrollably smile at him. "What are you doing?" He shouted over the music to a few laughs. "Get up here, dammit!"

"I'm memorizing this," He hollered back with his arms raised to the sky. He pumped his fist and Jacob laughed, he knew what he was doing.

He was distracting him from the pang in his chest over not having parents at his wedding, so Jacob let it work.

When he stood in front of him and took his hands, Jacob wanted to die. The tux he was wearing matched their color scheme in a way that was borderline unfair. They'd gone with green, gold and periwinkle, and the results were stunning.

Jacob's was just a regular black tux, but with a white and green and gold paisley for the undershirt. It was truly beautiful, he'd marveled at the way his eyes were practically glowing with color. He felt handsome, and then Adam, his incredibly stylish partner, had to come and blow him out of the water like an asshole.

Instead of his colors being the undershirt, his suit was periwinkle and mostly black and gold paisley, with a black undershirt. He was dashing, he was radiant, and he was returning his smile in his own way. Jacob had never seen the man so self-assured, so in the moment, and never had he seen him this visibly elated.

It was like the blankness disappeared.

"Jacob?" He snapped out of staring and squeezed his hands. "You're crying a lot."

Jacob groaned and wiped at his face. "I think my eyes are watering cause you're so freaking handsome, my God."

A few chuckles could be heard as Greg started the ceremony.

Jacob was trying to multitask: he was listening intently to what Greg was saying, staring into Adam's eyes, feeling the manic energy they gave off, and trying to read his mind. "What are you thinking about?"

"You." It was simple, not dirty but pure in a sense. He was thinking about Jacob, and that's it. From the shine in his eyes he could tell Adam was falling in love with him again. Jacob was helpless not to follow suit.

After a few minutes of gazing into his eyes, he brought a hand up to stroke across Adam's cheek, he was enamored with the rich skin that met his tan fingers. It amused them their difference in complexion, how mystical it felt just for them to touch so innocently. His eyes traced to Adam's and he stepped forward to stare up at him with complete adoration, his eyes were glossy with love and it made Jacob blush.

They met in a kiss.

Immediately everyone started crying out in horrified shock and crowing with laughter.

Cassandra cried, "Damn it, Adam! You had one job!"

The boys were so damn gay they'd forgotten they were at their wedding and had to wait to kiss. Both startled out of their moment and gasped their embarrassment.

Adam laughed into his hand as his face turned red as cameras started flashing. "Oh my god, that moment is immortalized. I can't believe I forgot."

Daun, his mother, was wheezing in her seat because she knew her son to be responsible to a large extent but this barely surprised her. "Shame on you, son!"

"I'm so gay," Jacob groaned, turning to apologize to the hysterical Greg. "I'm so sorry."

"My son and his wife did it at their wedding," He reassured with a cackle. "I'm starting to think it's me! I'll hurry up."

So then they had to keep straight faces until their vows. Jacob thought every stupid thing was funny, and that had been stupid as all hell. But he was competitive and Adam was doing a really good job, though his eyes were starting to get glassy from how hard he was holding it in.

Their hands intertwined when Greg finally turned to them. "Who wants to do the vows first?"

Jacob looked to Adam and he nodded. "Okay, I'll go first."

"That is not what I meant," Adam protested brassily.

Jacob chuckled and almost kissed him again but stopped himself. "Adam Joseph Johansson, I fell in love with you the moment our eyes met at Julliard," He confessed shallowly. "I saw you and then I saw this moment, and I swear to every star in the cosmos I will be here for you. You saved my life, you made everything more bearable for a world I was sure was going to crush me and defied all odds just to be here with me for this moment. I have never been happier than I am with you, and I will spend every minute of every day trying to make you just as happy as I am with you."

Adam dropped his head and sniffled. "Damn it." He turned to Greg and then didn't ask anyways, he just kissed his hand. "I hope that's okay, this is killing me."

"No problem, it's your wedding."

Adam looked up at Jacob and smiled. He was a man of to the point gestures and that one struck Jacob right in the heart. It was so wonderful he started to tear up before he'd even opened his mouth. "Jacob Alexander Olfax, I never thought I'd find my one until I saw you blushing at me like a complete idiot in the hallway." He allowed for laughter but his expression didn't change. "As much as I didn't want you to, you made me fall in love with everything you are, and everything you do. You are every star in the sky, you're my music, you're my entire world. I swear to God I'll spend the rest of my life cherishing you to the fullest extent."

Jacob smiled and Dallas wiped at his face for a second, then gave up. "It doesn't work if you keep crying."

"Blast it, I'm ready," Jacob laughed, squeezing Adam's hands hard and getting the same energy back.

It was almost time.

"Adam Joseph Johansson, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Adam nodded surely. "I do." And then his eyes brightened with joy. He seemed to just realize this was it.

"Jacob Alexander Olfax, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Jacob squeezed again and cheesed at Adam like a little kid. "I really truly do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband." Greg paused and snickered. "Gay wedding kiss!"

All of the photographers started taking rapid fire photos as their lips met and the audience cheered. If anyone was meant to be together, it was those two. They didn't need any other additions or partners, their love was so imperfectly perfect it was unfair and cruel to present it so openly, but one couldn't help but cry too as they pulled apart and cried how excited they were to each other.

Greg spread his arms as Monarchs and Death Hawk Moths fluttered out of their cages. "Presenting Mr. and Mr. Johansson!"

Jacob laughed at Adam's mother's reaction, she screamed and started ugly crying right then and there. It was a surprise to her and he knew he'd never hear the end of it from Adam's father. He was happy to shed his last name and take Adam's, he was the man in the relationship anyways.

Adam pulled him away from the people crowding and towards the bathroom. Jacob let himself be dragged along as he rode the high of being Mr. Johansson now. "What are you doing?"

"People detox, it's in the plan," He mumbled back, pushing the doors open and bunting into Jacob's chest to start sobbing. "H-holy shit, we're married, Jacob!" He cried joyfully. "We got married right now and now we're husbands!"

Jacob rocked him and choked up too. "I love you so much. You're already a wonderful husband." He looked up at the ceiling and imagined the sky instead. "I'm so glad I made it out alive."

Adam pulled back to watch him cry even harder than he was with his head in his hands. He was about to comfort him but Jacob whooped and tackled him to the floor. "You saved me," He whispered. "You're my American Menace in shining armor."

Below him, Adam giggled. "My British Delight." They met in a kiss that they didn't care to stop, but they did have two more big things before little things. "I'm so hungry."

"God, me too," Jacob sighed, pulling him up and dusting him off carefully. "Are you ready for our first dance?"

Adam nodded surely and they walked out to enter into the main ballroom again.

Cameras shuttered and both imagined headlines along the lines of, "Gay comedian and husband sneak off for freaky wedding sex!"

They met in the middle of the dance floor and Jacob draped his arms over Adam's neck. He knew what song was going to play, but he started to tear up anyways when Adam placed hands on his waist. He loved Slow It Down with all his heart, it was perfect as their wedding song. "Fuck, this is so romantic."

Adam licked his lips and pulled him closer. "Yeah totally, hey did you know we can kiss as much as we want and everyone has to be excited by it now?" He giggled at Jacob's happy flush and nod. "I'm so happy we're married, Jacob. I love you to death."

Jacob let him twirl him and giggled like he had a crush because he did. "I love you to the moon and back."

Face brightening, Adam pulled until they were pressed against each other harder and started to sing to him. His voice was powerful even soft so only Jacob could hear, and it moved mountains inside of him. He leaned closer to hear him and bask in everything he was. 

Adam stuttered and his voice caught on a happy sob. "Sorry, it's coming in waves..."

Before Jacob could tease him about it, Adam dipped him and held his weight easily for a kiss as he brought him back up again. Jacob didn't want to part again, he held it until they could no longer stay connected by the lips and then swooned. "Oh my stars."

Adam chuckled and pinched his cheek, basking in the whistles and applause. "You're so cute." He tugged him close and got a minutely nervous look. "Your surprise."

Jacob hummed and kissed him again. "You didn't have to get me anything. You are enough."

His new husband had to pause to start crying again against his chest, mumbling incoherently something about that's all he ever wanted to hear.

Their song ended and instead of bringing Jacob to the reception, Adam pointed Jacob's attention to the red headed couple. "Jacob, do you remember Rebecca?" He asked plaintively as he tried to pull himself together. "Your para you said you missed?"

Jacob's heart simply grew three times too large as the woman crossed over to him with her burly husband and they shared matching smiles at him. "Look how you've grown," She whispered as she choked up. "Might I've a hug, Mr. Johansson?"

Jacob yanked her into a hug and felt a part of his inner child heal when she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. "I thought you forgot about me."

"I never did," She promised. "I think about you every day, I'm so glad you're still here. I'm so glad your husband found me. I'd nearly given up hope."

Jacob turned to Adam watching with an egregious but joyful amount of tears running down his face. "Surprise. I found you parents you deserve, Jack."

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