Flashback To College

It got passionate again so quickly, the tension had been building so sky high Adam could barely carry it. He wanted to kiss Jacob one more time so badly and when he licked his lips he couldn't help but reciprocate as their eyes locked in the bathroom, one leaving the sinks and one coming in. Jacob glanced at the door and then up, like he was praying for forgiveness preemptively.

Adam stepped a bit closer, trying to be bold and brass like he always felt just under the surface but could never get out. He didn't say anything and neither did Jacob.

Their lips just met. Politely at first. They gasped softly, that felt... right. Jacob backed him into the wall and groaned softly, a sound of relief Adam felt buzz against his lips. His body had lit up like never before having Jacob's against it. He'd had more than a few flings, but this feeling was literally electric, he could feel his hair standing on end.

Jacob confidently placed his hands on his hips, deepening the kiss with a giggle. He was excited. He was present and thrilled to be kissing Adam in particular.

And then he got really excited. He started to get hard for him and it only fueled the fire. Now they were grinding, huffing, pulling at each other to get that much closer as minutes passed. Jacob's lips wandered but it didn't feel like kissing a young adult man, he was really good at this! Or maybe his judgement was warped. Regardless he found himself shaking when his soft lips started kissing at his neck and across his jawline.

Adam shifted curiously, was it still getting bigger? He grunted when Jacob bit down a tiny bit. He knew he was noticing it. All sane thought left his mind immediately.

He had been itching to so he carefully wrapped a firm hand around his neck and squeezed with a trained grip. Jacob's arms caged him in on either side and his moan echoed against the porcelain and tiles.

"Hush," Adam murmured sharply. "You'll get us caught."

Jacob whined under his breath and tried to push for another kiss but Adam moved his thumb to his Adam's apple. If he leaned too hard it would hurt now. "Please, just one more." Those green eyes met with his and he practically melted; those were puppy dog eyes.

He couldn't deny him, not when he was already craving another one. This time he was more calculated in his want. It was delicious the way Jacob blushed and gripped at his shirt like he couldn't get close enough. Adam leaned to the side to bite him back, he was overstimulated with arousal and getting now unbearable chaffing from his boxers. Suddenly he understood all the complaining about bottom growth on reddit because he was on fire for this man.

Afterwards, Adam walked back into class as casually as possible. He was good at disappearing, he was good at blending in, and he had never failed. And he really, really needed his superpower right at this exact moment.

Cassandra noticed him anyways and opened her mouth to either greet him or roast him as friends do, but stopped short. "Got a lil issue in your boxers? You're walking funny and—," She started sniffing rather obnoxiously and leaned closer to him.

Adam panicked. "What? Do I stink?"

She hummed and invaded his personal space like always, but pulled away when he rumbled in warning. "No..." Her lips curved into a knowing grin and she giggled. "What have you been doing today?"

Trying to sound nonchalant, he muttered, "Well, I woke up this morning and took a wicked shit—,"

Cassandra laughed. "Skip to... like an hour ago and keep going." She crossed her legs and tipped her head. "And speak up."

He could lie, he could totally lie. "I went to the bathroom after lunch with you and—," Dammit, he couldn't suppress the twitch of his face, the temptation to smile was weird. "And then I went to my locker!" He gasped as if it were juicy gossip and leaned closer. "And you're never gonna believe this, but I found my pencil in there. You know, the black one? After that, I came to class with you and went to go shit out my lunch. Dairy, am I right?"

She gasped too. "And then you made out with Jacob in the boys bathroom? Cause you smell like his cologne, you're flushed, and you walked in with a smile, you just were fighting one off very badly, and he's. Not Here."

He opened his mouth to protest but nothing came out. He caught a whiff himself right then, he did smell a little like the musky and rich cologne Jacob wore. She was right but it was scary how well her nose worked. Another unstoppable reaction came over him, he blushed hard and gave her a nasty look. "Cass, that's not funny."

Of course she had to squeal so loud the teacher hushed her and people started to see him. She smiled at the teacher. "Sorry!" Then to Adam, "Look at my face; do I look like I'm joking?"

He cracked a smile, there would never be a time where he didn't make fun of Cassandra like he was being paid to piss her off. "Actually you're snickering at me like a third grader so... yeah. You do."

She glowered and sighed dramatically. "Okay, fine. Whatever. If you don't wanna know about the hickey on your neck then—,"

"What?!" Adam was pale as fuck! If he got a hickey everyone would know within a 50 mile radius. His hand went to his neck as if he would be able to feel it. "He left a hickey?!"

This time her squeal was under her breath. "I knew it! The sexual tension was so bad it was getting hard to eat lunch with you guys."

Just then Jacob walked in quite animatedly, and immediately got flirted with by the girls sitting up front. It killed his mood, Adam watched as the sunshine-y man got anxious but he just couldn't end the conversation because he was too nice. It tickled Adam like nothing else how different they were even though he'd never admit it.

Jacob laughed awkwardly and shook his head at them. "Yes, I'm single."

Ally brushed her hair behind her ear and smiled charmingly. "So you are available."

His brows raised for a split second in surprise. "I'm single, but I'm not emotionally available, you silly goose. I'm kinda invested in someone right now," He revealed boldly.

It nearly dashed Adam's heart to pieces but he tried to refuse to let it hurt him. "Right now" meant "later" could be her turn. It stung and he sighed in exhaustion. Why had he ever bothered?

Her lip poked out. "Damn, that sucks."

Jacob looked right at Adam and smiled a little. "Not for me."

Cassandra coughed loudly to hide her laughter when Adam slid down into his seat and groaned, "Fuck, man." He was jerking him back and forth more than he was doing to him, he was sure of it.

"Just fuck already and get it over with," Cass groused. "I feel like I'm watching a soap opera. Stop pushing him away!"

That's all Adam wanted to do when he sat next to him, stretched, and turned toward him with a smirk that could strike him dead. And a bite mark on his neck. "Everything come out okay?"

He froze for a second, confused and indecisive about whether or not he should even engage when he was too close to or already falling. Then the joke caught up to him and he laughed. It was full and genuine, what a stupid way to flirt. And his goofy ass smirk just sealed the deal that this guy was a complete clown.

Jacob watched him with a small laugh of his own. "Okay, calm down, I'm still working on my routine. No need to gas me up."

"I think I'm having a panic attack," He giggled back as his head banged against the desk. "Go sit somewhere else, you're a distraction to my craft."

Instead, Jacob scooted closer like a menace. "Okay, can I sit on your lap instead? That is technically somewhere else."

Adam gasped in horror, though his smile was stuck. "Stop it!" He whisper yelled firmly.

"I can't," Jacob protested back. "It doesn't turn off."

Cassandra leaned forward to catch his eye and wink. "But does it turn on?"

Jacob's silly smile grew and he placed his hands behind his head to recline. The bite was on full display for him and it was obvious enough to make him wonder how hard he'd actually done it. "I'd like to think so," He mused. "But you'd have to ask your mate."

Adam stood abruptly. All the blood was rushing to his head and now his body was starting to act up too. He wanted to kiss him again to get him to shut up. "I have to go to the bathroom."

Mrs. Mislande frowned. "Didn't you just go before class?"

He sighed painstakingly as Jacob snorted behind him. "Round two."

"He's got the runs," Jacob whispered to Cassandra as if he couldn't hear him. "Get it? Cause he's running off?"

She giggled until Adam gave her a dangerous look, but continued when he looked away.

"You drive me nuts," Adam seethed as the teacher denied him. He wasn't going to move seats though.


Jacob poked his side seven fucking times before Adam rolled over in bed to glare at him. "What?"

"Happy anniversary!" He teased joyfully. "We've been together three whole years!"

Adam rolled his eyes and booped his nose. "No, we haven't even been married for a year yet. That's the real anniversary."

"Ah, sod off, you just don't want to spend our dating anniversary with me!" He cried dramatically, rolling onto the floor to fake cry. "No it's fine, I understand. The clown novelty has worn off..!"

Adam pushed down the covers and rolled off the bed to fall directly on top of him. "I'm naked, you're naked, why do you think I asked you to sleep naked?"

He heard him smiling as his fingers pushed into his hair. "You know what'd be so hot?"

"What?" Adam pulled up to straddle him and giggled. "Bro, why are you so red?"

Jacob grabbed his hips and squeezed with a glower. "Fix it."

"Husband, why are you so fucking red?" He laughed. Sometimes Jacob decided to be annoyed and offended by being called his bro, because he had earned this marriage and his love. "Swear to god you're a menace, you know that right?"

He nodded proudly and lifted to kiss him. "I wanna fuck in the car."

Adam had to laugh. "What?! That's your end all right now?"

He nodded, burying his face into his neck to hide his embarrassment. "It's daytime, the sun is out and you'll get all sweaty and it drives me crazy."

"That's so weird," Adam mumbled apprehensively. Jacob was weird, he was attracted to how Adam smelled when he got sweaty. It was only slightly ironic that he knew the name for that kink and it was nearly his husbands maiden name: Olfactophilia. "You would've hated Jezibel, my scent changed three weeks into HRT and I smell so much better now. But it's still not pleasant."

"You just proved my point, it's all those manly pheromones. Makes me want to break your back and then let you have a turn breaking mine in the car." When Adam looked unimpressed, he whined. "And there's a chance of getting caught. How does this not speak to your kinky ass?"

Adam hummed and bit down on the juncture of his shoulder. "Oh, it's speaking. Did you ever think maybe I'm hungry since it's early morning?"

Jacob reached up onto the bed and grinned to himself. "You're gonna bleed me out, Dracula."

"Not for food—I mean," He avoided Jacob's coy smirk in shyness. He could not confuse the two. "Not for blood, for dick," He rumbled. "I wake up horny every fucking day. Put the knife away."

Jacob chuffed and slumped into his chest. "Bully."

"Buttslut," He shot back, pushing him backwards.

Jacob would have none of it, he pushed back and snapped, "You're not gonna pin me."

Adam wrapped a skilled hand around his throat and squeezed hard, Jacob melted and he used the distraction to pin him easily. "You were saying?"

His smile knocked the wind out of him as he wrapped his arms around him for a tight hug. "I love you, Adam~!"

"I love you, too," He muttered, effectively trapped by the hug. "Let go!"

"I love you, Adam," He repeated cheekily, kissing at his forehead rapidly. "I love you sooooo much. You're so handsome. I love when you hold doors for me and smack my butt when you walk by!"

Adam started to struggle harder and chuckled. "No. Stop it."

Jacob wrapped his legs around him too. "I love how sweet you are! You think you're not romantic but you just swept me off my feet. You're so strong and sexy. I can't wait for you to get me pregnant."

Adam groaned and licked him to see if he'd let go. "If I could you know I'd be trying all the goddamned time, Jacob. I'd be breeding you for every fucking meal."

Jacob sighed wantonly and started to grind against him. "We can pretend," He suggested giddily. "We could pretend really, really hard~!"

"We could?" Adam asked in disbelief. "I think about it every fucking time I have you with your back arched like you do for me." He moaned under his breath and watched Jacob's muscles flex with his movement. "I actually don't think about much else."

Jacob bit the inside of his cheek and puckered his lips to blow out a quick breath of shocking pleasure. "Think you could ride me until I cry right here?" When Adam lifted with eyes brightened, he kept talking. "I want you so bad I can't even be bothered to fuck on the bed. I want you here."

Adam got a cocky look to him as he scooted back until he was just above his cock. "You wanna know the best part?"

Jacob was about to answer but Adam slid on so easily, he was so slick and ready for him that it forced a lewd moan out of him. "Oh my stars, that is the best part!"

He started a lazy pace, leg day was important, and this was his favorite way to do it. The soft meetings of their hips, with Jacob bucking to meet him halfway because he couldn't stand not being fully submerged in him, were so pleasant and unrestrained. They made love right next to their bed, and Adam leaned down to kiss Jacob gently.

Jacob's hands grabbed Adam's ass and lifted him. Adam obediently moved his legs up higher so he could use him like a stroker. The change of angle made Jacob whisper, "I love you."

Adam's goofy husband didn't know you weren't supposed to drop the L word during sex but it was hot. When he was fucking into him and picking up the pace like that, he made eye contact and told him he loved him because he did. It was genuine and sexy. "I-I love you, too."

"I get to keep you because we made out next to a urinal." They laughed but it was quickly turned into them drawling each others names and going faster.

The passion they'd felt that day was still with them, they couldn't have waited until the end of the school day and they couldn't have waited to get on the bed. They were obsessed and now Jacob's hips were making pornographic memories better by a sharp slapping sound. His licked his lips and Adam flushed, he was so focused on him. Burning hazel eyes with flecks of honey stared into his with a kind of love he could only call godless lust. "If I cum first, are you going to milk m-me as my punishment?"

Adam hissed and wrapped two hands around his neck. Ever since they'd tried it, he'd had fantasy after fantasy plaguing him. The very idea made him feel aggressive, he wanted to milk this man in every position. "Yes, and I'm gonna make you do it in that pink skirt you love so much."

Jacob started frantically chasing his orgasm and ended up taking Adam with him just a bit after his cock started to pump loads as deeply as possible. It was primal to cum inside of Adam, marking him in a primitive and historic way. For both of them the very best part of sex was the way their orgasms manifested together being men: growls and swears and trembling bodies pressed together as two husbands came together violently.

Jacob rolled his hips and giggled when he found his dick just wasn't going down. "Please milk me?"

Adam smiled in a daze. "I thought we were doing it in the car?"

"We have all day to fuck and eat, we'll make our way," He protested, whining all the while. "I deserve it."

He got off of him and went into the living room to the hiding place where he kept surprises. Jacob had looked for it before, he'd torn apart every inch of that room looking for the spot and came up with nothing.

Adam returned and gave him a grin that actually scared him. "I got a new strap, and this time it's going to work so much better."

Jacob let Adam pull on his skirt and then push his fingers inside of him. Soon that electric buzz in his spine was beginning to become unbearable with him already being sensitive. "A-Adam, that— you're gonna make me cum."

His cold laughter made him closer. "Oh, I haven't even begun to make you cum yet. Lay on your back." He didn't actually even let him, he pulled his fingers out and flipped him himself, stroking more lube onto his strap with menace in his eyes. "One of these things is not like the others," Was all he said, pushing into Jacob to firmly bottom out. He let him try to catch his breath before grinning. "I call it The Fear of God."

He was about to ask what he meant by that but it was much thicker and a couple inches longer then he was used to so he didn't get it out before Adam did a deliberate shift and it started to vibrate on top of everything.

"O-oh my god!" The vibration was all encompassing that deep inside of him, he couldn't comprehend anything instantly. His lungs dragged in euphoric breaths as the incredible feeling started to build and his cock stood rigid with shock and pleasure. "I-It-t's a-a-a—," The sentence was stuck like he was a skipping CD, and Adam pushed on the base of his stomach as he started an even thrust.

"I missed fucking you like this," He praised roughly, leaning down to kiss over his agape lips. "I love seeing your face cause you're so pretty, baby."

Jacob blushed, he was embarrassed by Adam's gaze and how obvious it must be that he was thrilled with being fucked by Adam like this. He was shy when he felt like a girl watching her powerful husband take care of her. Being fucked on his back was unusual if Adam wasn't riding because he always came the hardest staring at Jacob's ass and watching him clench. But he did like to see his face drenched in pleasure he was providing.

His blushing forced Adam faster with a low rumble of starvation for him. "Dear god, you're gonna get me off first i-if you don't cut that out." He cupped his face with both hands and chuckled sultrily. "I fucking love when you blush for me while I fuck you. Good boy."

Jacob seized, Adam's praise sent a current through him. "Th-thank you, it v-vibrates really hard!" He gasped finally, grabbing onto his shoulders and pulling him close desperately. Adam's eyes scorched into him, he loved when he could see him openly enjoying pleasure because he got a glower that could melt through titanium. "I-it's so g-good..."

Adam watched his eyes roll back and felt hostility toward the action. He slammed into him harder and quickened, excited to watch him cum as he wrapped a hand around Jacob's cock and squeezed. The man's back arched and he tossed his head at the fingers brushing over his tip. "Yeah? Does that feel good?"

Jacob nodded and cried out. "Yeah, yeah it feels so good please keep fucking me harder!" He lifted his head and leaned up to watch his cock leak over with precum onto his skirt. It must have been humiliating because he bit his lip and giggled, "D-Daddy, yes please!"

Adam could not think of a better way to ruin this man's life with milking than to give him both orgasms at the same time but it was all skill and patience. He stroked and watched Jacob choke as his face went pale and his cock got rock solid in his hand. He stroked in time with his hips and slowly picked up the pace again. "F-fuck you're so fucking cute.
I—," He paused suddenly and smirked, Jacob was squirming underneath him. Now he knew what he needed to cum. "Sit still," He snapped.

Jacob's eyes shot open and he nodded. "I-I-I'm t-trying b-but—!" He bared down and growled hard like he had lost his mind, earning a slap. "Again! Oh my g-god slap me again!"

Adam slapped him twice and his hips stuttered. "You're such a fucking slut." His lips found his neck to kiss and his tongue ran along his collarbone excitedly. "I could eat you alive right now," He whispered.

Jacob was trying to giggle but instead it came out as an extended exhale like he'd been kicked in the stomach when Adam leaned down to lick over his nipple and twist the other. "Ohmygod, yes, keep— don't st-stop! Y-you're making me feel s-s-s—,"

A sharp slap to the side of his ass and Adam could feel how hard Jacob was trying to milk the strap. He was lost in pleasure and Adam wanted him to suffocate in it. "Be a good sperm cow and let me milk you, I want my whore covered in it."

When his hands squeezed around Jacob's cock and he was fully submerged in his ass as his strap vibrated, Jacob gripped the sheets and whined, "J-just a little more, I- Oh fuck I'm cumming!" His cock started to twitch and he fucked into Adam's hand desperately, watching thick stream after stream burst from him with a vengeance as his mind melted. It was all he could do to drawl, "Yes," under his breath over and over while the waves crashed upon him.

Sweet, hard moans spilled out of him and Adam grunted as the jerking took him out too. That had been a serious test of self control and stamina for him, he'd been close a good 60% of the time and thought he'd cum immediately for 89% of that. Jacob was grinning from ear to ear. He was so pretty, especially with his legs pulled back so Adam could watch his cock make a mess on his skirt that turned him on all over again. "Happy Anniversary, Jacob," Adam panted.

"Happy," Jacob reciprocated with a breathless laugh. It was all he could say for now, that just rocked his world. His ass was still twitching like he wanted to go another round, and he did. He was already ready to be bullied by his husband's strap again until he was an incoherent pile of flesh and bone.

Adam happened to glance up as he surveyed the mess he was about to start fucking into again and his jaw dropped. "Shut up."

Jacob's eyes strained for a moment to see Adam, then up where he was staring.

Jacob had shot off so fucking hard by Adam's hand that he'd gotten the ceiling in his cum shot. In Adam's efforts to make this an anniversary he wouldn't forget, he'd definitely succeeded.

They started to laugh and snuggled into each other, Jacob gasping at the strap still buried in him. Adam kissed all over his face with increasing passion, he was losing himself in it and Jacob went limp with joy. Finally he snarled and bit him where he had all those years ago. "I'm gonna be cocky about that forever. Again, we're going until I'm covered in it, too."

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