First Kiss
Jacob was still minorly exhausted from his show when Steven and Hazel approached him with grins that looked suspicious in retrospect.
He couldn't stop thinking about that guy, the guy he'd learned was named Adam. Named after the first man (according to the Bible anyways).
More like the first man on his mind.
Adam was so fine. His hair was windswept and gorgeous and almost curly, moderately obscuring eyes he felt stole pieces of him away every time he made contact with them. His jawline and those cheekbones, ugh, he was just so aesthetically pleasing to look at. He was muscled too, but in that gentle way that told him his body was good at containing it. He knew he was strong, he'd seen him lift speakers like they were cartons of milk. The black he wore 24/7 contrasted against his pale, nearly luminescent skin but he looked hispanic in the face. His skin looked soft and Jacob longed to run his fingers over it.
But more than anything, the man was mysterious. He was quiet, shy perhaps, and hardly ever left his apartment. Jacob had managed to have two conversations with him blushing like a fool that mostly amounted to, "Excuse me," or worse, "Hey uhhhhhh... S-sorry, I-I..." and then walking off as fast as he could to have gay panic where he couldn't see it.
At his shows he had done well until Saturday evenings show. The crowd was lively and one of the biggest he'd ever had so he pulled out all the stops. As far as he was concerned, if people weren't crying with laughter or shaking their heads ruefully, he wasn't doing a good job.
He looked out at the audience for a brief second and spotted his father, Oliver, near the front. A cold sweat and a fever broke out on his skin and he was tempted to ask security to escort him out. But that would cause talk, people might find out how disgusting he was to the touch. His heart pounding as he saw his father trying to wave at him imploringly, he forgot 60% of his shtick. He paused as an untimely flashback hit him and masked it by drinking water.
Then he'd felt Adam watching him carefully. That was another thing: Adam's way of looking at you felt like he could set you on fire. It was so intense, and Jacob felt it prickling against his skin before he'd even known he'd come to his show.
Setting down the glass he looked at the crowd again, trying to find the eyes seeing into his soul. Someone knew he was masking, but who?
His eyes landed on Adam's and though it was a split second before he had to look away, it felt like eternity. Adam was seeing him. He got so self conscious he'd blurted as a 21 year old man, "Holy shit, the guy I have a crush on is here. I'm incredibly ill prepared. Nothing I've said tonight makes me sound like an eligible bachelor except that I'm severely mentally ill."
The audience cheered and laughed, looking around to try and find the mystery man.
Jacob internally cursed his parents for ever meeting so that he would be in this situation until the girl next to Adam, a girl he recognized as Jasmin, shouted he was interested.
His mind tunneled to that and filed it away in the back. Adam was interested in him?! How?! Why?! They'd barely talked and every time Jacob looked or sounded like a total fucking dumbass!
That moment exactly was on his mind as Hazel and Steven told him they'd reserved a table at a fancy restaurant he loved and invited a couple of the people who'd gone to the show. "Yeah, yeah, sounds fetching," He'd agreed distractedly.
They'd loaded him in the car after insisting a he take a shower and dress up a bit, so he was wearing a deep green button up and jean slacks. Nothing too fancy, but eye catching enough to make both of his friends smile broadly and pull him into a hug like proud gay fathers.
Jacob melted into them. They were warm and kind, so very loving as they kept him going. Steven had sat through panic attack after panic attack while Hazel prepared him a warm meal and some aftercare.
So he would follow them to the ends of the Earth, and they'd brought him to the very last place he'd expected.
Right into Adam's arms.
Or, close enough.
When he walked into that restaurant, his eyes were magnetized to him. He now recognized that tingling sensation. Heat flooded to his face when Adam smirked just a tiny bit and chuckled from across the bar. He must have looked as surprised and terrified as he felt.
The dinner was awkward, at least at first. They could barely look at each other and Jacob hadn't had time to hype himself up. Did he really look good enough to be sitting across from a smoking hot trans man with dangerous eyes and a smile that stopped his heart?
He was also aware of Adam observing him out of the corner of his eye. The conversation was animated because Steven and Hazel were too bubbly for their own good. Jasmin, the girl with Adam, was making Jacob even more nervous. No one knew what happened between them, did they? The self consciousness was suffocating. Was she really setting him up with one of her best friends? Did Adam know?
Slowly, things got better. Hazel and Steven bragged about him until he was so red he broke out into a sweat. "Guys, I'm not that great," He'd muttered, glancing over at Adam who had been openly staring before he was jolted back to reality.
"And," Steven added. "He's so hot. I mean this guy walks out of the shower in a towel and we have people banging on the doors and windows."
Hazel slapped Jacob's back hard enough for it to sting, but he was just being proud. "He's a total fucking catch. In every way."
"If you don't hit it, I will," Steven kind of joked with a laugh.
Jacob's eyes slipped shut as he started to get dizzy. If anything, they were making him more shy. Steven and Hazel thought he was that hot? Holy shit. He would definitely let Steven fuck him, as best friends of course. "Okay, okay, I'll talk."
Adam chuckled. "That would be a good place to start."
Steven cleared his throat softly at Hazel and caught Jasmin's eye. "I think my car alarm is going off but I don't remember where I parked it. Can you guys please come help me find it? Paparazzi is really common around these parts."
"Why would—?" Jasmin looked confused for a second but then it clicked. "Oh, you're so right, Steven! It's crazy out there, we'd better bring Hazel too. I'm only 4'10." She didn't even glance at Jacob. Maybe she was pretending nothing happened.
Hazel giggled at Jacob giving him his most obvious "Please don't leave me here he's way too fucking hot" face. "You two have fun, we'll be right back."
Adam watched as they left, taking a deep shaky breath before he clasped his hands and glanced up at Jacob. "If it helps, I'm nervous too."
Jacob groaned. Did this man know how fucking gorgeous he was? "I know. I
haven't— Ugh."
"Why don't we start easy?"
Adam taking control had ended with them bantering and flirting, and Jacob felt like he'd been dunked in adrenaline. He was actually talking to Adam, and their hands had brushed more than once.
Jacob fell in love when he told Adam he really did have a massive thing for him, and then facepalmed because that was filled with innuendos he hadn't meant, but Adam grinned. "Don't worry, I know what you meant..." He looked anxious for a second. "Me too. Also the other thing is pretty common knowledge."
It was in fact common knowledge that Jacob was packing, and it was truly on accident. He'd posted a picture in grey sweatpants and that had done him in but it hadn't been an issue in so long he'd almost forgotten about it.
By the time they had downed six glasses of wine, Jacob was slightly buzzed and Adam was giggly. He was flirting a bit harder now, and Jacob reached his hand across to take Adam's in his own. It was monumental, Adam was soft to the touch. His hand turned over to grasp Jacob's and his breathing got thicker.
"You have soft hands," They mumbled in sync.
Jacob fell again. "Let me take you home, it's nearly closing and they aren't back yet."
The hardest thing in the world came to be: Jacob had to let go of Adam's hand.
They lapsed into a staring contest and Jacob could see a flicker of upset. He stayed quiet, scanning Jacob's face. "Okay."
The drive they spent talking intently, asking questions to get to know each other, existing near each other. It felt like he couldn't stop talking, but Adam seemed positively thrilled and happy to listen to him rambling. Smiling, Jacob pulled up to Adam's actual house, that's where he'd said he'd like to go.
He was a gentleman, so he walked him to the door. It was modest but beautiful but that's not what he was focused on.
Adam licked his lips as he turned a bit to glance over his shoulder at Jacob, who would swear for the rest of his life that over the shoulder was Adam's perfect angle. Moonlight illuminated his eyes and Jacob nearly collapsed to the ground. "Thank you for bringing me home. I... I had a really good time."
Jacob was frozen for a second and Adam's gaze flickered to the left. Sensing he was about to go inside, Jacob grabbed his hand. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" He blurted. That's what he was thinking about but he hadn't meant to say it! More embarrassment flooded him and he wanted to curl up into a ball and die.
The corner of Adam's lip lifted and he stepped closer, just a bit, causing a tenseness to sweep over Jacob. "It didn't exist until I first saw you." Smiling all the way, his cheeks started to fill with color.
Oh stars. Jacob was actually very afraid that he was having a stroke, but stepped closer to Adam until he had to tip his head down a bit. He liked him blushing, he was pretty in the moonlight. "I've never been in love with a ghost before."
Adam snickered. "Because I'm a ghost singer? I expected vampire jokes but I guess you're just not like the other guys, huh?" His teasing tone was making the night humid in and of itself, this man practically controlled the weather.
Jacob decided not to say anything else stupid and make his move.
He slid his hand up Adam's arm to his cheek, feeling goosebumps rise as Adam's eyes widened a bit.
He leaned in and Adam met him halfway.
Electric euphoria filled Jacob from head to toe. Kissing boys was awesome, kissing Adam was end game. He would never kiss another, and as it deepened he moved one hand to Adam's waist to pull him closer and hopefully dazzle him. There was no insecurity, Adam was returning the kiss just as nervous but surely. A soft groan broke from him and Jacob returned it.
It hadn't crossed Jacob's mind all night, but suddenly he felt primal urges rising. He wanted to make love to this man, because he was certain he loved him.
Love at first sight existed.
Sadly, they had to pull away for air. It was a wretched reality that their lips ever had to not be interlocked.
Adam was red down to his shoulders and slumped against Jacob hard. "Oh my god, that was the best kiss I've ever had in my life."
The Brit was disassociating as he tried to figure out what exactly was the maximum heart rate one could have before they exploded. His body couldn't stop reacting with flutters and tingles, and now he could feel more of Adam against him. He was so limp Jacob grew concerned. "Are you alright, mate?"
"I have low iron from an accident a long time ago. I've got llama syndrome," He chuckled at his own joke, raising his hands to push himself up carefully.
Jacob grinned and tried to figure out a way to keep his hand on Adam's hip now that his hands were on his chest and still be polite. "You've got what?"
"I pass out." Adam shook out his hair and cast a longing glance to the side. "It doesn't happen too often, only when uhm... when I'm feeling intense emotions."
"Let me walk you in at least," Jacob pleaded seriously. "I would be so mortified if you passed out and got hurt."
Adam nodded quickly. "Good idea."
Feeling a little humorous and cheerful that he got a few more minutes, Jacob shut the door behind him. "No funny business. I promise."
The dark haired beauty turned to smirk at Jacob sinisterly. He could just tell he was going to tease him. "Now don't say that, I thought as a comedian you were all about funny business."
Jacob's legs moved before he could stop himself. He backed Adam against a wall and stared him down. "Please don't say that. You'll tempt me enough to..."
Adam placed a hand on Jacob's cheek. "You're been tempting me for months. Every time you became a flustered mess I was tempted. I've been tempted all night. Reap what you sow, man."
Jacob lost control, and their mutual anxiety turned to hunger as their lips met again. This time it was easier, the pressure wasn't necessarily on yet. Jacob didn't know when his drive had taken control enough that his thumbs were rubbing the bare skin at Adam's waist but he immediately felt his body light up.
Adam was cool to the touch.
Most men ran hot, and when he also sat at a ridiculous heat level it was discouraging for snuggles. As Adam's hands roamed up his chest, Jacob wondered if he liked to cuddle. He would love to cuddle Adam and let the world disappear.
The goth pulled away suddenly and groaned. "Fuck, I just realized you have no idea what you're getting into."
Jacob quirked a brow. "Do you have any idea what you're getting into? I'm off my rocker."
Adam's cheeks grew a dusting of shy red. "You promise you're not secretly a loser?"
He giggled. "Well... not the kind that's going to pressure or disclose anything that may or may not happen at your discretion."
"Show me your worst, and I'll decide." Adam pulled him closer and undid a button. "But I doubt you can get crazier than I can."
In the blink of an eye Jacob was topless and grinding against Adam as they gasped their pleasure and gripped each other close on his bed. Jacob had a hand pushing against Adam's thighs as he focused on pleasing him. His eyes were the haziest version of his naturals, almost lilac when they weren't shut tightly with a moan or for a kiss.
"Are you stalling on me?" He teased breathlessly, smirking at Jacob's faux annoyed glower.
"First I need your standards lowered to the basement," Jacob laughed, slowing down to feel the friction of their pants pressing together. Every drop of blood he owned was right between his legs to no fault of his own. Adam was just fucking ethereal, and every soft sound was only making things worse.
Adam however rolled his eyes. "You're packing and you know it, shut up."
"Crass words from such a pretty mouth." Jacob kissed him again and let the smallest iota of sanity slip away. Jacob bit Adam's lip and he grabbed at the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. He must have liked that. "I can't fathom how I got lucky enough to get my very own bottom."
Adam genuinely laughed at him, big grin and all. "For tonight I'll let you believe that."
Curious but unwilling to give up being in charge, Jacob decided to tease him a little. He trailed kisses and flicks of his tongue to his neck and shoulders and bit down every time Adam tried to touch him. He chuckled darkly and gripped Jacob's hair only to nearly shock the man into his grave.
When Jacob bit down harder, Adam didn't gasp in pain. He moaned until his voice cracked with the stinging and shifted to grind on Jacob again. "Fuck, yes!"
Jacob yanked back to stare at the beauty that was Adam licking his lips and muttering, "Please let me have the pleasure of blowing the hottest comedian on the planet."
In no conceivable universe could Jacob have denied him with that soft pant. "You don't have to, but I'm not gonna stop you."
The sight of Adam on his knees was going to make Jacob's give out. Another absolutely fetching angle was his haunting eyes looking up at him with mischievous delight. "Unlike you, I won't shortchange myself," He told him as he tugged his pants down. "I'm very good at this."
Jacob swallowed as the man before him grabbed the base and recoiled. "Bite off more than you can chew?" He joked weakly.
"How the hell is your scrawny ass packing... eight inches?!" He exclaimed, dropping a kiss to the tip and licking his lips with a happy little grin.
Before Jacob could properly respond with something stupid and nervous sounding, Adam slid his cock into his mouth. He pressed a hand on the door to brace himself and tried not to sag down it. His mouth was notably colder than he'd expected, but still warm enough to combine and make every movement he made staggeringly good. "O-oh my god, Adam." His head banged against the door and he bucked his hips involuntarily.
Adam gagged a little and Jacob immediately felt bad, but then he locked eyes with him. There was a cocky gleam in there. Jacob didn't know why.
He took a deep breath and took his entire cock down his throat like a fucking porn star.
Jacob's legs gave out and Adam pressed his hands against his knees to keep him steady. A series of grunts and gasps burst from him and he lightly placed his hands on Adam's head to memorize the dazed face and the blissed out eyes he was wearing. "F-fuck, you look so fucking gorgeous with my cock buried to the hilt." It was nothing compared to when he pulled off. The hands holding his hair tightened hard and a burning moan tore out of him. Adam was going to make him crazy with this cocktail of adoration and lust he was giving him.
Adam snorted at Jacob's wince. "A trick I learned in college."
"Thank god for college," Jacob whispered in awe as the man began to bob his head and swirl his tongue over the base. "Oh my god, Adam if you get me off right now I swear to God I'm going to fuck you until you're obsessed with me."
The man on his knees slowed. He blushed heavily, and Jacob could practically see the obscene thoughts floating through his head. He wanted to be the one to satiate and satisfy every one of them. "What?" Adam mumbled nearly in inaudibly against the head of his cock. Everything that this man did turned him on even more, especially his quiet. "Something on your mind, mate?"
Sarcastic. This man was so sarcastic. More heat had Jacob holding his face to pull him off. "Can I undress you? I want to kiss everything I can in case this is my last chance."
Adam cringed. "Ooo, I forgot to say I'm trans. Usually I'm so uncomfortable I say it right away." He shrugged like it was over and Jacob wanted to laugh himself dead.
A startling sensation rose within him. If he knew anything about America in his three-ish years of residence, it's that more than most places it was a bigoted, hateful place full to brimming with bigoted hateful people. How many had turned down this absolute godsend simply because he was who he was? It made him angry, and then it made him want to protect him or at least take some of the load. "I don't think you're aware how absolutely perfect you are," Jacob proclaimed softly, drifting a thumb over his cheek. "I'm so blessed I can hardly see straight."
"Ugh. Dammit." He flushed hard and Jacob stalked him backwards, letting him scramble as he unclenched his fists and dove for a heated kiss. Carefully he tugged his pants down to fully behold the absolute perfection that was Adam Johansson naked and biting his lip as he watched Jacob leak like a teenager. "Are you sure?"
"Shhh... You just might snatch away the last of my self control."
Adam took a steadying breath. "Show me."
"Next time I'm going to eat you out until you hate me, but I can't wait," Jacob giggled and caught his eye. "Don't hold your breath."
Sliding in, Jacob nearly busted immediately. He had to pant his way back down to a reasonable amount of pleasure before he bottomed out firmly.
Adam squeaked. His eyes went wide and he ran his hands over Jacob's chest. "Holy fuck you're m-massive."
The stutter from such a wellspoken man healed something inside of Jacob as he started to pump shallowly. "I'm trying not to bust, don't make it harder than it already is."
He gasped softly and gripped his shoulders. "Y-you wouldn't be the first."
"I'm trying to be the last." He punctuated that with a raw thrust, their moans synching as he started a much faster pace. Adam cried out and arched his back in the most delicious form of art Jacob had ever laid eyes on. It made him twitch with the need to fill him and show him what a good boy he was. He settled for brushing a hand over his neck. "Can I?"
"Please!" The second Jacob wrapped a firm hand around it his eyes rolled and Jacob lost his mind over it.
A second hand joined the first and he battered into him. He knew how to fuck, he knew how to make someone cum. It was ingrained into the deepest parts of him. That obsessive need to pleasure made him blind to his needs as he started grinding at the end of every thrust, not caring if he was too deep. "Ugh, good boy. You're taking me so well."
The pale skin, the strong shoulders and the tone was quickly met with Jacob's tongue. He wanted to taste the sheen of sweat starting to gloss over his skin. A light press of his hand at the base of his stomach and Adam clenched around him. "O-Oh fuck, Jacob!"
Fun. Jacob was having fun tearing this man apart from the inside out. He wanted to hear every sound he could possibly make. "What's that now? No more brilliant quips?"
Adam pulled him closer quite insistently and giggled breathlessly. "You feel amaz-zing." He managed to break up the word into two, snatching a gasp in the middle. "B-but you'd better watch your mouth."
Intrigued but never deterred from the motion of his hips, he slowed to indulgent, hard thrusts. "Or what?"
He tried to respond but the slam at the end of every meeting was choking him out. "Oh my go-od, where have you been?"
Jacob kissed him because he felt the same way. His hips stuttered when he bit his lip in somehow a sweet way. "Being an idiot in a corner, probably."
Adam pushed him back to watch his face and moaned happily. "Y-you're so sexy it's stupid."
Jacob grinned and nuzzled into his neck. His hands slipped under him to lift his hips and pounded into him until he couldn't even process the nails dragging down his back. He could barely understand Adam crying out, the deep tone making a way for an airy, "Oh fuck, yes!"
He was swept off his feet by strong, mind blowing pulses and realized the wetness was heightening. He pulled back to watch Adam's lips part with a whine and his cheeks flush. It was so hot Jacob couldn't stop watching and his orgasm rode up faster than he could stop it.
Adam's voice cracked as he held on for dear life while Jacob chased it and placed his lips on his forehead. His motion got wilder and rougher enough that his thighs started to get wet and Adam went completely silent. Another hard squeeze had him watching as Adam drenched him.
"Fuck, that's so hot!" He snarled and shivered with each gush after. He couldn't hold it anymore, he buried himself as deeply as possible until Adam coughed and filled him with a load so strong it hurt.
Adam chuckled as he grunted in pain. "Okay, I'm seeing the appeal."
Jacob didn't want to pull out, he knew he'd be hard again in five minutes. The mere action was a waste of his time. "I think I really have to woo you now," He muttered animatedly. "I think I have to try really, really hard."
He collapsed in bed next to Adam and pulled him closer to stare at him. "You're splendid."
Adam cracked a small smile. "I've never heard anyone in America call anything splendid. I think I'm the first."
They giggled and Jacob brushed some of his hair out of his eyes. "I suppose you're going to kick me out now."
Rolling his eyes and tugging until Jacob was lying on his chest, he mumbled, "You've had too much to drink—,"
"I'm sober," Jacob laughed.
"It's late."
"My brights are amazing."
Adam tipped his head up with a finger and kissed him confidently. "And... I want you to stay."
The ache in his voice made Jacob's throat close. He wanted him closer. "Can you go again? That made me so happy it circled back."
He grew delighted and nodded. "You have no fucking idea how horny Testosterone makes me. It's wild."
Jacob leaned up to kiss him and pin him down. "I'm going to ask you to tell me your story one day, and I want to absorb everything that made you this perfect."
Adam searched his face curiously. He looked horrified, then accepting. His face didn't show it, it was all in his eyes. He'd realized how serious Jacob was, and then they dropped to stare at his cock. "That was so romantic..."
Jacob beamed. "I'm a sap, I can't help it."
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