Daddy's Boy

Jacob sat next to Adam on the floor and watched him type on his computer with an impatient whine. "Daddy."

Adam paused for a split second but continued on. "Hm?"

"How are you?" He asked nosily, pushing his head into his lap through the arm rest hole on his chair. "I'm terribly bored."

He had to pause for a second, remembering that question in his particular British dialect was really just the opposite meaning in America. 'How are you?' meant 'What are you doing?' to him. Patting his head he muttered, "Writing music. It's that time again but I can work from home now to be with my baby, it's like paternity leave." He chuckled at his own joke, scratching at Jacob's scalp when he purred like a kitten. "I freaking love your accent, you're so cute."

So quickly he seemed to forget he was there, though. He hit the backspace button rapidly and started the line again. "Daddy?"

Adam snapped back into his body but barely. "Less demand but someone's gotta do it."

Jacob tugged on his arm and whined louder and more pitifully, casting his very best sad eyes up at him. "Please, come hold me."

He groaned softly, then it grew into a wail of adoration. "Damn it, Jack! You're so cute! How is Daddy supposed to ignore that?!"

He just giggled, "You're not! And I'm not Little, I'm just lonely. You've been working for seven hours straight. You missed elevenses and lunch." His eyes went sad again and he sulked against his thigh. "I miss you."

Adam sighed and saved his work. "I'm sorry, honey. I get so sucked into it. It's like everything stops existing." He looked guilty and embarrassed but this was a regularly occurring thing. Being neurodivergent sometimes meant he hyper-fixated on things to the extreme, but he wasn't ready to let it ruin his marriage for anything.

Jacob pulled his head out and watched his arms bulge with muscle as he pushed up to hit the power button and closed the laptop. It was so sexy for no reason he could find, watching Adam do domestic things just turned him on sometimes.

Adam glanced at him, then did a double take and frowned. "Don't you bite your lip at me."

Jacob blushed, unaware he was even doing it. Then he smirked. "Why?" He knew that question drove him crazy, he just wanted to provoke him a little.

Adam stood so fast his seat rolled back and nearly tipped. Jacob found himself slammed against the wall with his husband's hands trailing between his legs. "Because this. Unless you want this, don't bite your fucking lip at me. It makes me jealous." One hand raised to brush a thumb against his bottom lip and Jacob swallowed his whimper as best he could. He loved when Adam got like this. He loved to be helpless at his hands. "Your lips are so soft... I could kiss you for the rest of my life. I could drown in you."

Sound escaped Jacob involuntarily, a soft swoon. "Someone's excitable today. I love it."

Adam chuffed and grabbed the collar of his shirt so he could twist and pull him into a domineering kiss. "Probably why I was disassociating so hard. I'm feeling... extra dominant." He let go and backed away, stretching himself out and exhaling a cleansing breath. "Five days after my shot I always get irritable and like I just wanna pinch your cheeks until you've got bruises." His eyes got unobscured as he brushed his hands through his hair and Jacob's knees nearly gave out. "Or squeeze you till you pop. The cute aggression; It's very real."

Jacob scooted closer and poked out a lip. He rubbed at his eye and tugged a little towards the bed. "Daddy, come snuggle me! You can squeeze me till I pop."

His eyes softened just the slightest bit and he nodded to the bed. "You need a nap. You're acting sleepy, baby. I'll come too and we

He grew irritable and upset suddenly, it was uncontrollable so much he felt like starting to fuss. Adam always said he was sleepy! Taking naps meant less attention! He complained with all his heart, "I don't want a fucking kip, I want to snuggle! You're not listening to me, goddamnit!"

A cold chill swept over him as soon as he was done, freezing him to the spot. He shivered. That was the most incorrect thing he possibly could have said. He could taste the shift of energy.

Adam recoiled like he was shocked and an offended look crossed over his face for a second. "Did..." His eyes traced to the right and back again in disbelief. "Did you just curse at me, Little Boy?"

Tucking his tail between his legs, he nodded. Lying would definitely get him a harsher punishment. Maybe he was a little tired, but it was too late to tell him that now. Adam definitely knew for sure. "Sorry."

He sighed and shook his head, walking to sit on the bed and pat his lap. "Ten."

"Five," Jacob bartered as he shuffled to lie across it.

Adam tugged down his pants and gave him a preemptive spank. "Fifteen. Starting now, every time you try to negotiate with me I'm just going to add that number to your count."

He squeezed his eyes shut and sniffed. When Adam was disappointed in him it hurt worse than any spanking. Being regressed made it painful enough to cry. "I said I was sorry..." He looked back at him and Adam set his jaw stubbornly. "You heard it and everything."

He kissed his back crestfallenly. "I'm sorry, too. Rules are rules. Count."

Obedient to no end, Jacob counted each one with a gasp or a soft whimper. Adam didn't go easy on him, these were the consistent smacks of his ass he got when he talked back to him like that. It was rare and practically unheard of but it did happen, and the consistency relaxed him even as he blinked tears out of his eyes.

Adam let him up and brushed his lips against his cheek to taste his tears. His words came out soft but he used his hands to sign it too. He was always a little quiet after discipline but it was also to help him learn sign language when Little. "All done. I'm sorry I had to spank you, Jack." He even sounded sorry, he was always cut up about it when he had to discipline rather than spoil.

Jacob clung to him and shifted on his bottom, it would definitely sting to the touch until the next morning. "Kip."

"See?" He teased playfully. "You are sleepy. Come snuggle with Daddy and after I'll make and pour you a Rosie Lee."

Jacob perked up, the pain disappeared for a moment and he grinned happily. "I like tea."

Adam blushed a bit and planted a kiss on his lips as he tickled him a bit. "I know that, you're a British Delight."

Giggling, Jack poked him in the chest. "And you're my American Menace."

He smiled broadly and dropped his head. "That was so fucking cute. I'm so lucky to have you, you know that?"

Jacob was always shocked underneath the haze of being his Little to see how openly infatuated Adam would look when he regarded him. His head lifted and the smile on his face said I Love You over and over again until he had an urge to kiss his cheek. He was shy, this was a man he trusted but he was so vulnerable like this. "Thank you."

He pulled him back to lay down and they climbed up the mattress to snuggle as he had asked: with Jacob clinging to him on his side, face buried into his chest and Adam's arm holding him there. "For what, baby?"

"For taking care of me." He got quieter, more nervous as he whispered, "For not hurting me like... Like he did."

Adam squeezed and shushed him gently, rubbing under his ear. He was in a calmed frenzy, he hated when Jacob was thinking of Oliver, especially when he was Little and he'd do every single technique at the same time if it meant no panic attacks. "Daddy will never touch you like that when you're Little. You're just a baby. You're my baby." He kissed the top of his head. "No more big thoughts or I'll put you in a diaper."

He had to swallow his pride at some point. When he could feel himself trembling with trauma that threatened to burst from the seams and tear him apart at any moment, now he had a choice:

He could live through three or ten or fifty horrifying flashbacks as he screamed until his throat was raw and Adam raised his voice only so he could hear him over the auditory hallucinations Oliver had instilled in him...

Or he could be Little, and escape back to just before all of the trauma started but with someone safe and kind to his very core. Even during pain play with that dangerous look to him Jacob could feel kindness and caution ebbing from him. He felt energy too strong from having to always read the energy of the horrible people around him, but Adam's was generally pleasant. Adam never made him afraid of him, he could regress safely and openly in their home and tuck into his neck to smell that homey scent his side of the bed carried.

"Can you diaper me anyways?" He whispered. He was humiliated and horrified with himself, but Adam pecked him again and got up without a word.

He did glance back at him and smirk over his shoulder though. "What does my baby want to wear today?"

He almost got out of bed but the way Adam's eyes flashed with warning rendered him paralyzed. "I— I want to wear something pretty today."

Adam beamed like the sun for a second before his smile disappeared like they always did: quickly. "I have just the thing."

He diapered him first and sat him in front of the mirror at the edge of the bed with a ruffle of his hair. "You're so cute I can't handle it. Arms up."

"Up," He parroted immediately. Jacob didn't know why, but he liked to repeat things sometimes in Little Space. Maybe it helped things stick, maybe he just liked to match the inflection with his own out of curiosity.

Adam tugged a seafoam green dress down and circled around to look from the front. "Aw! You'd win all the beauty pageants, you're so pretty!"

Jacob twisted to watch the dress shift with the movement and looked at his hands against it. The color comparison was wildly gorgeous, he liked looking at his sprinkles in the mirror, they were enhanced with this shade of green and blue. "I love it, it's perfect."

They crawled back into bed and Jacob passed out almost immediately. Adam was comfort like he'd literally never known. When he was with Adam he was confident nothing so terrible could happen to him again. Being aware he looked like a teenager frightened him often, and he'd gotten plenty shady comments before from older fans.

Adam had threatened to shoot every one of them in the throat, some even to their face. So Jacob was safe sleeping in his arms, because Adam would do anything in his mighty power to protect him so he could be Little.

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