Bossy Little Toy
Adam couldn't stop watching the way that damn man moved as he walked.
One sure foot in front of the other led Jacob to saunter past Adam with a smirk as he carried on to the kitchen. He dented the book he'd been reading as his hands yearned to be holding Jacob instead.
There were some days Adam felt an insurmountable need to submit and let his crazy British husband have him however he liked. Jacob was a freak incarnate like he was, stemming from a traumatic backstory that disturbed even his therapist. Adam had nearly every insane (but clean) kink in the book, and Jacob could match his energy every time. Handsome and stoic, Adam could follow his cheekbones up to his ears in the light shining off of his face while he pounded into him so hard it was practically domestic violence, just the way they liked it.
He'd never blinked at having a transmasc boyfriend or husband; he treated him like a man he loved with all his heart, mind, soul and every atom of his being. Or like a toy. He'd grab Adam by his hips and move him to stroke over his length while he moaned how good of a toy he was, how perfect he was to pump his cock into until he filled him full. The muscle his husband had provided Adam with real force behind Jacob's fuck, but it also was just sexy as all hell. He wasn't too built for his size, when Adam would crawl on top of him to lie down he was still comfortable. But sometimes it just showed depending on how he dressed. Nowadays in the summer he liked to wear tank tops, so his arms were thankfully on display at almost all times.
Adam licked his lips as Jacob hummed the song they'd had their first dance to, his favorite song of all time according to him. They'd been married for over a year after dating for two. But there he was right before his eyes being thrilled by their union and still riding that high. Adam's eyes dropped to the sleek black band wrapped around his own ring finger, also feeling a rush of emotion.
He loved that man with his boyish grin and ridiculous jokes that truly never stopped coming and always made him laugh. He loved how he could be so innocent with his love and still rail him so hard he ached the next day. He was enamored with his gentleness, that he pressed against him to nuzzle with a softness only someone deeply in love could emulate.
And those freckles.
Today Adam couldn't keep his eyes off those freckles. They littered his skin like sprinkles of pure preciousness. When Jacob smiled at him, they only made it cuter. He simply could not take him seriously some days because of them. To his delight, it just so happened that Jacob was more prone to being flustered or blushing. Adam didn't know how he knew but more often than not standing in front of him and flirting would provide a heavy, dizziness inducing blush that Jacob would complain about. It made Adam want to pinch his cheeks and fuck him stupid against the nearest surface to show his adoration. He'd put him face down ass up and go to town, soaking up every whine and girly squeak that came from that head of sandy brown hair.
Adam bit his lip and raked his gaze over everything he could see. He wanted to have him now, right now. His book could wait so he dropped it, mentally remembering the page number he was on as it fell before he snuck up behind him. If he caught him off guard he'd speak with his homeland accent which was always what he was hoping for. He'd started masking with his American accent more often, but Adam loved when he was fully himself.
Carefully he slid his hands from his back to hook around him. "Hello, husband."
Jacob stilled and Adam chuckled as his neck revealed a blush that was crawling up it rapidly. "What's that tone about, then?" He mumbled shyly, glancing back at him.
"Oh, nothing," He lied smoothly. Adam liked digging his fingers into his sides to feel how he'd squirm against him. One of his favorite pastimes was turning his ticklish spots into erroneous zones. "I just miss you is all. When was the last time you received some TLC, Hubby?"
"Too long." He turned around to drape his arms over Adam's neck. "Like last night or something." It tickled Adam like nothing else when he leaned down to kiss him and started hardening almost immediately probably because he was already thinking about asking for it. A major upside of their relationship was that Jacob matched Adam's high libido caused by his Testosterone injections. It seemed like they were always at it or thinking about being at it. It was part of the way they loved each other. So much trust and intimacy had been built up over time, so many confessions and loving interactions between them had strengthened their bond intensely.
His tongue met with his and there that feeling was again: safety. They trusted each other with their lives, and would take a bullet for one another again and again if they had the closure that the other would be safe.
That just meant they got to have incredible sex constantly, and truly what more could they do to profess their love in such passionate ways?
Adam slowed down the kiss and bit Jacob's lip. He sucked in a breath and pulled him harder against him, moaning into his mouth. He chuckled and trailed his kisses to his ear. "What was that?"
"Are you trying to seduce me, love?" Jacob asked, openly pining for another kiss. "It's working very well."
His teeth sunk into the Brits shoulder hard and he gasped, a sweet sound flowing out of him. "That was so easy," Adam teased him. "Are you dying for more already? Didn't you just say we just did this?" He kept his face neutral and Jacob shuffled in place anxiously. He could see the man falling into headspace at his accusing tone.
It was so fucking hot he didn't know what to do with himself, especially not when those green eyes couldn't meet his. "Always. I'm down literally any time for you. I love you."
Ugh, Adam could just die of adoration. He let his face show some emotion and cupped Jacob's cheek. "Oh, you poor baby... Do you need Daddy to take care of you?"
"You're gonna be mean to me, aren't you?" He complained dramatically. "You just want to see how badly you can embarrass me."
Adam laughed and pulled him towards the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him and stalking the man back like he just might start a fist fight. "Heads up."
Jacob stumbled and tripped onto the bed, pursued by Adam biting into his shoulder again until his voice cracked with bliss. "Fuck, Daddy!"
Adam leaned up with bright, satisfied eyes. "I could just eat you up." He ran a hand from his chest to his thigh. "Take all of this off."
He didn't move and he didn't help, he made Jacob have to figure out how to maneuver everything just to make it take longer. He wouldn't dare bump into him on accident lest he suffer a consequence, and Adam had them ready. His life partner had mastered the craft of just knowing: just knowing when Adam had something planned, just knowing when Adam needed him to reassure him and vice versa, just knowing when Adam became someone he should listen to without fail or suffer a very unfair "Or Else".
His cock brushed against the back of Adam's pants as it was released and Jacob grabbed his hips, lifting his to create the friction he so desperately craved. "Ugh, I don't think— I don't think you're ready for how much I want this."
Adam forced Jacob's motion to stop and tugged off his own shirt, raising an uninterested eyebrow. "Want what? Is tonight a night you want to get off right away?"
Jacob nodded as he admired his form. "You can torture me round two, I need you."
Adam snorted and wiggled out of his pants, watching as Jacob leaned up with interest and licked his lips. He was going to get what he wanted, he would get to fuck him. But by the way he was somehow flushed and ashen at the same time, he must have known that cumming whenever he wanted was not on tonight's menu. Some nights Adam could get him off in mere minutes really hard with a few pressure points and wicked intent. Tonight though, he was craving something he actually felt he couldn't get sick of.
"Get up, you're fucking me tonight and I'm not doing any work at all," He ordered with a grin. He pulled out Jacob's collar and leash from the bedside table and the way he switched his gaze between it and him in that innocent way like he couldn't possibly imagine what it was for that made him feral inside. The notch was pulled a bit tighter this time, he'd need it that way for later. "Good luck!" Adam encouraged with a random sunshine-y tone.
Jacob immediately grabbed him to hold down and slide his cock into his pussy frantically like he just couldn't wait. The moan that accompanied that mixed with Adam's. He was leaking so much, dripping down the length of himself before they'd even started and now warming him up from the inside out. The leash jingled a bit, a sound Adam knew Jacob had now been conditioned to equate to pleasure he couldn't handle.
He didn't take his time after easing in, he slammed in and threw his head back, prompting Adam to tug on the leash. "Head up, it can't be that good."
Every time Jacob moaned he felt pride. Racing to his orgasm made him so complacent and malleable, truly perfect for a currently submissive man who was oh-so-cute chanting his name hungrily. "Oh my god you feel so good," He gasped, leaning down to burrow in Adam's neck and pant. "Fuck!"
Adam couldn't be more thankful for a man like Jacob who knew how to fuck. Strong pumps and mind blowing grinding couldn't be allowed to take Adam's breath away too much though, he had to be aware for the right moment.
Jacob gasped and started shaking against him as his orgasm built. Adam carefully looped the leash around his hand and as Jacob's breathing started to hitch, he demanded with a sharp tug, "Stop."
His voice held the command he knew Jacob melted for, even while he worked himself up in upset. "I was so close, I was so, so close!"
Adam ruffled his hair and monitored with a few squeezes for any micro movements. "Oh, I know. You were twitching like crazy. You almost made me cum too, it's a real shame."
His poor man groaned, "I wanted make you cum. This is ridiculous!"
"Aw... The thing about that is I don't really care," Adam explained breathlessly. "I don't really care tonight in particular about you cumming or myself, I just like to hear you moan."
Jacob lost his inhibitions and started to plead with him, digging his nails into him so he couldn't ignore him. "Please. Let me keep going." Adam watched him swallow the rest of his pride and basked in his humiliation. "I-I need it so bad, Daddy."
"Oh, alright–," He cut short when Jacob shuddered and aimed up, pounding right against Adam's G-spot. "Goddamn!"
A cocky chuckle burned out of him despite his headspace. Adam knew Jacob knew what he liked, the man was exceptionally smart. Nuzzling into Adam's neck again he lost his control and started growling primally with every thrust, licking up his neck like the taste of his skin was going to be what got him off.
Multiple times the man in charge tried to force himself to stop Jacob but every time he was either conveniently hammered into harder or was so close to cumming he couldn't bear to make him stop. "Oh, Jack,
good boy!" Adam arched his back and let out a wild snarl, pulling his face to stare into his eyes. "F-fuck me harder, but you're not allowed to cum."
Jacob nodded slightly, still chasing after it. "You feel so fucking good, so fucking good. I wanna cum."
"Ugh, you won't b-but–," Adam trembled at the slam Jacob achieved and let himself fall into a blissful oblivion. The world faded away as Jacob drove him toward a vicious orgasm. A sudden need overcame Adam. "Jack, bite me."
He was such a good boy, truly he was. Teeth sunk into Adam's neck hard until he was shouting his climax and pulsing around the cock jumping inside of him. "Daddy, ugh, Daddy you feel so so good!" Jacob plunged in and his eyes rolled at the gush of fluid and the strong milking Adam achieved.
He could tell it was getting too hard not to cum with him, Jacob was letting out shattered sobs and eager little noises interchangeably. The desperation in them only brought Adam more pleasure, he wanted him broken. "You little slut! Stop!"
His lip quivered pitifully but he froze. "Please. What can I do to please you? I wanna cum so bad." Jacob kissed up his neck and whined. "I want to please you, Master."
A pleasant tingle settled in Adam's spine. Damn the man for begging so well, he was a clever little shit that knew what would move him. "I guess I can't keep saying no forever, you're such a good British slut." His hand smacked against his face rapidly as Jacob started pumping his hips without thinking. "St-Stop that." He didn't seem to hear him, a silly little grin lifted his face as he let out a blissful and strangled giggle. "I didn't say you could keep going yet," Adam tried again a bit louder. "Jack, pull out."
Jacob finally responded with a vigorous shake of his head as he buried himself deeper. "Please don't make me!"
Adam grabbed his collar and pulled, effectively bringing him closer and choking him out. "You're gonna do what I fucking tell you to or I swear to god I'm going to fucking hurt you," He whispered into his ear. "Pull. Out."
Still, Jacob hesitated, begging under his breath. "Please, please, please, I need it, I need it–,"
Jacob pulled out and Adam smiled at the tears welling in his eyes. The man could slip so deeply into his submissive headspace that it became who he was. As far as he knew in this mindset he was actually hurting and aching over it, Adam was hurting his feelings and breaking his heart.
If only the world knew he liked to let himself be sexually manipulated in bed. Adam never could be any kind of terrible to Jacob, but in the bedroom almost everything went. He'd continued to disobey on purpose, he'd been giggling because he loved to break rules when he could find the courage. He was craving the cruelty.
Adam kissed the tears away and licked some up. His tears gave him the urge to take them away under the sadistic enjoyment. Now he was ready to let Jacob have whatever he wanted in the world.
But then Jacob pulled away with his eyes shut like he had fallen asleep.
Before he could react, he lifted him and dropped his head to start eating him out skillfully, releasing a pleased hum under his breath. His tongue stroked over his t-dick at the perfect pressure and he shoved two fingers inside to stroke at his g-spot, the perfect combination for Adam.
"J-Jacob, oh my god," Adam mumbled. His hips rocked and Jacob nuzzled in further. "I didn't–,"
A brand new sensation filled Adam and his eyes went wide for two reasons.
Jacob was working at a diligent and completely even pace but... his eyes weren't locked with his looking for approval. His begging had ceased. Him eating him out wasn't to woo him into letting him have his way when if he was aware, he'd know damn well he was allowed anything he wanted now...
It was almost like he was in some sort of trance.
Adam grabbed his hair and pulled to ground himself, filled with turmoil and worse, raging lust. Needing control was one of his biggest flaws and Jacob was so openly encouraging it. "Baby, you slipped so far for me," He drawled. "I shouldn't b-be taking advantage– we need to talk about– oh~."
Jacob must have felt the way he was clenching around his fingers because he started sucking on his t-dick with the perfect suction.
Adam started hyperventilating as his orgasm approached fast. He felt like his entire body was being lifted, his dominance was enjoying having complete control over his husband. "I love you."
Jacob fluttered his eyes open and gazed at him dreamily. It was too much and Adam cried out as he started twitching and growing slicker with how hard he was cumming. The fingers inside didn't stop stroking either, it multiplied his pleasure until he clenched his fists and groaned helplessly.
To his surprise and possibly for the first time ever, Jacob didn't stop or slow down. He knew very well Adam got extremely sensitive, testosterone made it just under genuinely unbearable for him to continue with button growth stimulation.
Already overwhelmed he squeaked, wondering if the sides had changed and knowing they had. He was paralyzed and gasping so high pitched it was nearly forlorn. Jacob's eyes were beginning to look clearer, like his soul was seeping back into his body as a wicked glint appeared. He finally found motion and tried to jerk his hips away but Jacob was faster and hooked his arm over his legs to keep him still.
Adam came again when Jacob smirked at him menacingly and pumped his fingers faster. Two orgasms were crushing his mind, he couldn't think!
He growled in frustration and Jacob growled deeper, louder, enough that it made him go limp. Was he still holding the leash? Could he pull at it?
Blinking, he realized Jacob had pulled away and was grinning down at his struggle. "Got you."
His cock was dripping and hard, beautiful even in the dim lighting. Jacob followed his gaze and gripped the base, stroking himself and staring at the blissed out expression Adam was wearing.
Sometimes during their play the sides would randomly change. Adam never saw it coming because Jacob was always such a good little toy for him.
Now Jacob was stroking faster and grunting out, "My Bossy Little Toy..."
The rumble to his voice made him want him badly, he needed him to at least cum inside of him.
Then he realized that was the point. Adam was being punished.
"No, please," He whimpered, trying to sit up to at least put the tip in his mouth and suckle but he could hardly feel his body.
Jacob let out an extended moan and spread Adam's legs open more. "K-keep begging, I might let you have it."
Adam did his best but his words were slow and he was so distracted and upset. They never had done something like this, Jacob always gave him a heavy load. That meant it was over the second time for Jacob, and Adam got to revel in the feeling.
But Jacob bit his lip and stuttered out a shaky, "I envoke my f-free use card."
There was that pesky, arousing rule: when a card was evoked that was that. He couldn't say no even when he was as overstimulated as he'd ever been unless an injury had occurred. "Okay, just go easy on me."
A thick groan dropped from him as his eyes landed between Adam's legs to watch how he'd drenched himself with the delicious cream he provided. "Why?" He mocked, his hand gripping his cock tighter. A dark, purely villainous tone made Adam shiver. "Is tonight a night you want me to be kind?"
As much as Adam tried to respond, he couldn't stop watching. It was so hot, he wanted to feel how hard he was, how warm to the touch his cock was getting as it filled with more blood.
When Jacob had called out his free use Adam had expected him to cum inside of him. He'd given his acknowledgment, he knew he wanted it so badly.
Instead Jacob cursed and flushed, spirting load after load against Adam, close but not quite what he wanted. Adam choked on his breath in a mix of arousal and immense sadness. "H-how could you—?"
Jacob kept pumping his cock but slower, smirking with satisfaction at the mess he'd made. "I'm not done with you, Toy. Roll over."
He barely had flipped over before Jacob slid back in. "Thank you," Adam whined.
"Oh Adam, how very sweet of you," Jacob chuckled. "You're welcome."
Suddenly Adam felt chilly, like the A/C had turned on. Upon turning his head he realized he'd pushed Jacob just the right amount.
Abyss, Adam's blade, was tightly clutched in his hand and Adam hadn't a clue when he'd grabbed it. Maybe he'd grabbed it while he was pounding into him enough to distract him. Maybe he'd planned for this all along.
God he was so in love with this crafty son of a bitch.
Jacob must have felt the way Adam quavered around him because he hummed, a cheeky smirk taking over the regality. "I love the way you become a slut for me when I've a knife in my hand." He leaned down to kiss up his back with Abyss pressed into his side by the flat engraved face. Adam couldn't help his shiver, and Jacob's cock twitched with delight. "You're getting wetter and I've done nothing but threaten you... Shameful."
So that was the game. He'd have to slut his way out of this precarious situation. He didn't even have to be asked once.
Adam readjusted himself until he was pressed against Jacob and his cock was as deep as it could get. It was pushing against his cervix and it ached, but Jacob had very specific rules for him to follow and he was dazed and starving for more. He arched his back until his chest was against the bed and Jacob slapped his ass in confirmation. "Oh fuck, it's so fucking hot to watch you do as I've taught you to," He groaned, running a hand to squeeze Adam's neck and pull until he was sitting on his lap. "You know I could hurt you, don't you?" Adam nodded quickly, internally begging for it. "Aw, but I could never."
It frustrated him so much he started bouncing on it, trying to beat his disappointment away with pleasure. "Th-then at least fuck me, oh my god... I love your cock so much~."
He'd thought Jacob was letting him get away with it until a stinging turned cold sensation caught his attention and he found a small cut had been placed on his thigh. He couldn't stop but he watched it fill and trickle a bit. "Blood," He observed stupidly.
He could feel his pupils dilating, he could feel how his skin raised with goosebumps and the sweat starting to accumulate from the sight.
"O-oh, wow," Jacob sighed. "I hardly ever get to have you while I'm teasing you with it. You're absolutely heavenly." His thumb swept up the substance and brought it to Adam's mouth for him to hum and suckle until he was limp with the euphoria of it all. "I'll let you feed if you'll be a good toy."
"I-I need more!" Adam couldn't believe Jacob had him begging when what felt like minutes ago Jacob was crying for him. "I need just a little more, please, please, please!"
Jacob forced him face down, grabbed his hips and started using him however he wanted. He jackhammered into him, losing himself and his control as he roared his pleasure. "So good, such a good fucking toy!" Adam got just enough air in to scream his name and Jacob laughed like he was bullying him. "Oh! It talks!"
A tremor through Adam's body turned Jacob on even more but he couldn't have helped it. "I'm close, please, please— fuck!"
Jacob fucked him right through it and filled him with a sound so terrifying Adam nearly came again. He didn't stop, he kept going at the same pace until his sanity was replaced with a mix of romantic ADHD crackhead and deranged sex addict. His hands dropped from his hips, now Adam had to brace himself as Jacob dragged his nails down his back and grunted. They moved quick, he couldn't decide where to put them because he was in love with all of Adam and wanted to touch everywhere all at once. "Oh my— I'm gonna fill you again right fucking now."
He slammed in so hard Adam almost cried out in actual pain. Instead he face planted and sobbed into the mattress.
Jacob sighed blissfully, brushing a hand through his hair as he slowly pulled out to watch Adam drip with his semen onto their brand new sheets with satisfaction.
His ears turned back on and he flipped Adam over to cradle against his chest. "Talk to me, love. Any notes? Are you okay?"
"You tricked me!" He accused in the smallest, whiniest voice he'd ever heard. "Let's get married again."
It took everything in Jacob not to choke up but he failed anyways. "I'd get married to you every day if I could. Do you need to be clingy and small?"
Jacob grinned and scooped him up. "Aw, look at how sweet you are. A grumpy dwit, no doubt." He situated himself to lie on his back and Adam insistently climbed on top to squeak and trill as he made himself comfortable.
Adam sighed, "I wanna live here."
"We live here together," Jacob mumbled sleepily. "You sleep in my bed. It's wonderful."
"No, right here!" He complained. "I wanna stay like this forever."
He blushed, he couldn't help it and had long since stopped trying. "You already live in my heart."
Adam climbed up to press his lips to Jacob's cheek in the cutest way and nuzzled in further. "I just wanna like... ugh, stay here. Cause I like you."
"Only like me?" Jacob pretended to be heartbroken but Adam shook his head enough that his hair got messy and it was adorable.
"I love you."
It hit him like a train. Jacob was an addict. "Say it again."
"I love you." The periwinkle eyes burned into his before he slipped down to bunt into his chest and stilled. "You're my home."
Adam passed out before he could hear Jacob cry about how blessed he was, and he made sure not to disturb him as he slumbered.
Sleeping like this felt perfect. More often than not they spooned and they loved that too, but Adam liked to climb on top of him and listen to his heartbeat so he urged for it when he could. He liked to have Jacob clinging to him because it just made him feel protective and strong for him, however if Jacob whined enough he'd climb on top with little begging.
The first thing he did when he woke up was grab Abyss and slide the blade carefully over a pinched section of his shoulder. Then he reveled in the sting and waited.
It was truly magic, and a little unnerving how quickly Adam picked up the scent. His slow breathing became a deep inhale and then a growl of satisfaction as his eyes opened to find the source and latch on. "Thank you," He slurred against his skin.
Jacob let out a shaky breath and stared at the ceiling as his boyfriend, his sanguinarian, fed off of his blood with a happy grunt. Many times it had crossed his mind to wonder what was so special about his blood in particular, as Adam had said again and again that his was in fact special. "Question."
Painstakingly he pulled off but his eyes stayed on the cut as it filled with more. "Answer." His voice was husky with arousal, it was different and the same as sexual arousal. It turned Adam on everywhere.
Jacob glanced at him and then again because stars it was just so fitting for him. A real life edgy goth vampire as a boyfriend, what were the odds for a kid who grew up on My Babysitters A Vampire and What We Do In The Shadows? It excited him enough to ask, "You've told me before my blood is generally better than others. Why?"
He got to watch as Adam's pupils dilated when he spoke, how he licked his lips and tried to focus on anything else but couldn't. "Five seconds."
Jacob gasped, this time in pleasure because he was skillfully suckling now, not just licking his way to happiness. He knew what to do, he knew how to do it and it wasn't like anyone had taught him how. He'd expressed his independence with it before. "A-Adam~."
It was like he hadn't heard him at first, he hooked his arms under his and pulled him up to lean against him. Adam sucked so much stronger it had Jacob's head lolling back. Moments like this felt more like an energy exchange, like Jacob could give him something better than the money in his pocket and the love in his heart. It was more than sexy too; Jacob could give Adam something most wouldn't. That made these times intimate and lovely regardless of how he kind of felt like feeding him forever.
A soft moan and Adam pulled off, blushing his embarrassment. "It's sweeter, but not in the way you're thinking. My blood lacks iron, it's... not right. It doesn't satisfy the urge. I can tell others before have lacked the right habits, the right eating schedules and... circulation." He slowed to a stop and then turned away as a tiny tremble ran through him. "Jesus Christ, I need a fucking exorcism."
Jacob turned him back and grinned before pulling him into a hungry kiss. "I get a kick out of it too, don't worry. I like satisfying you."
"You always cut a little too deep than when I do it for you," He scolded, attempting to keep his gaze when Jacob could feel the last bit trickling down his torso. "You're gonna make me take it away."
"It's not depression, that's why I don't let you feed me as much as I feed you." Jacob raised an eyebrow daring him to deny it but Adam nodded surely. "I really hit the jackpot with you," He mused happily, adoring the way Adam's eyes turned bright and his then glossed over as they slipped back over to watch the crimson liquid.
"Please." Jacob wasn't even sure if Adam knew he'd started begging but it was so hot and amazing and interesting he pulled him back to keep feeding.
Adam put a hand to his chest and stopped him. His eyes filled with curiosity and an eyebrow raised then dropped, he was having an internal conversation with himself again. Sometimes Jacob longed to be in there with him to understand how his mind worked and what he thought.
A finger drifted through the cut and pressed down. Jacob watched bewildered until Adam pulled away and nodded, though his eyes darkened again with upset. He was cutting himself off. "You were bleeding too much."
"I feel fine," Jacob protested shallowly. "Maybe bleeding a little too much for you is okay."
Adam gave him a shaky smile. "Alas, the government keeps me from feeding on you to my hearts content."
He laughed. "No. Don't start."
A dramatic hand went over his forehead and he clutched at his heart with the other. Jacob knew he was going to do that stupid anime voice he hated and loved all the same. "I've known no blood as filling, and yet my heart grows weary that I cannot continue lest I lose my self control!"
Jacob laughed harder and wrestled his hands away to grin at him. "You think you're not funny, but you make me laugh all the time."
Another quick internal conversation made him choke up suddenly, his eyes grew misty, then wet. "Let me cook for you. Just relax on the couch, and I'll feed you too. Then we shower. I'll shower you down and kiss everywhere. And then a full body massage."
How romantic. Adam swore up and down he was so unromantic he was afraid Jacob would leave him for not measuring up, but right then he stole his heart again. "You don't have to."
"I want to," Adam countered genuinely. His voice was slipping away from that normally cool, slightly condescending tone he carried all by accident. Now he was aching in his voice even if his face was neutral. "Let me worship you."
"I can't go again," Jacob giggled but Adam cut off the rest of his quip with a kiss.
"I don't need you to, I need you to let me love you while I'm able to express it."
Damn it! He passed the feelings to Jacob and he nodded. "Okay."
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