Chapter 4 - The Vacant Room
The Vacant Room
"Did I tell you what Mundus asked me before he left the castle over a year ago?" Cerus asked Erian.
The hallway they were walking through was a diagonal stitching of black cinder blocks. Weaving through the wall and ceiling cracks were leaves and vines blossoming flowers that glowed like little suns. That same live vegetation was found inside and around the entire castle. It was the building's supply of light.
Erian glanced up at Cerus. The taller demon met his eyes in anticipation. "Why are you telling me this now?" Erian asked him, breaking their eye contact.
"Well it wasn't till now that we've actually been able to find time to talk. We've just been so busy since Blethinette came to earth."
"Yes, it was rather peaceful being sent on my own tasks without you." There was genuine relief in his words.
Cerus smiled. "You know you missed me."
"Simply tell me what it was that Mundus asked," Erian sighed.
"Well, he asked me why I attacked Reyna that time long ago. You know. After Ram's defeat."
Erian's left eyebrow perked in interest but he stayed quiet.
"I told him it was because I wanted to prove to uh...our queen that I could be trusted and my excessive time living with the humans didn't soften me." His hands came up in a shrug.
"Did he believe such an obvious lie?"
Cerus turned solemn. "I think he knew it wasn't my choice. I think even when I was actually attacking her he knew the truth. Or at least he suspected something."
"I do not think it matters. Even knowing what it was, he still chose to come with us, so why tell me this?" Erian snapped.
"Why not?" Cerus laughed. "I haven't talked to you in a long time. Why not start with some juicy gossip?"
The Seer rolled his eyes. "Useless."
Their pacing finally took them to the end of the hallway where a spiraling set of red steel stairs beckoned them. The thick pillar in the middle of the tower was from where the steps protruded. The swirling rail that secured the stairs from the other side resembled thickets of dry, twisted branches adorned with thorns.
Spinning with the cold, fake branches were spools of warm vines housing the same flower lights from before. They lit the way up as the two demons climbed the steps that were wide enough to allow them to ascend side by side with room to spare. Upon reaching the top of the tower, a hallway entirely composed of polished, hardened lava lead the two demons closer to their destination.
Cerus spoke up again. "So how is Azul?"
The stare Erian gave Cerus was, for once, not full of spite. "She is fine, as always."
He smiled warmly. "That's good."
"What about that mutt of yours? I have not seen him."
"Flow? He's around outside somewhere. Poor guy is a little sad that so much is going to be replaced by our lands. He really likes the smells and sights of the humans' world," Cerus said with a sad sigh.
Erian scoffed. "Do not tell me you will miss it as well?"
"A little. But it's how it is so too bad." Cerus shrugged.
Once again they fell into silence as the hallway of volcanic rock began to showcase huge double doors made out of dark, heavy woods like mahogany, oak, and maple. They all towered high enough to reach the soaring ceiling. The only way to differentiate between the doors was by their different colored frames. Each entrance's was bordered with melted down semi-precious jewels.
"We should let Mundus at least talk to her." Cerus' friendly voice once again floated to Erian's ears.
He sighed. "Do you not know how to shut up?"
"You know what I'm getting at!" Cerus harshly said as he came to a stop.
Erian did as well. "Just as you know we will be killed if we allow that!"
Their pause permitted their fuming words to hang in the air long enough for them to sizzle out. They continued their walk.
"You know how he probably feels," Cerus softly said.
The exhale Erian released was drawn out. "We shall see."
The rest of their pacing was done in silence that actually lasted. At last they arrived before the set of doors they were looking for. Cerus eagerly knocked.
It took a few second before an answer was received. "Enter and make haste," Mundus muffled voice said.
They did and stepped into the huge and mostly empty room. Mundus sat alone on his bed. His elbows were resting on his knees as his palms held up his bowed head. By his feet was his long, black, sleeveless coat that was usually adorned on him.
Erian and Cerus stood by the doors. Cerus' face held a tint of concern while Erian's was a mask of neutrality.
"What message do you relay?" Mundus muttered, head still down.
"We came to tell you tomorrow morning at sunrise we're taking off. We'll meet at the portal," Cerus said.
"It is in the room beside yours. To the left from exiting this room." Erian added.
Mundus' head shot up. His sights leered at the wall before him as if trying to sear through it in hopes of finding the portal. For it to have resided so near, he thought.
Cerus took a step forward. "Mundus?"
The demon prince finally turned towards them. His bare chest tightened with his movements as he straightened from his slouch. His eyes were tired.
"I'm sure you know this but we have to kill Reyna." Cerus continued to talk as if discussing the weather.
Mundus said nothing.
Cerus continued. "We were thinking—"
Erian shot him a glance.
"I was thinking," —Cerus corrected upon seeing his glare— "that you could, if you wanted to, talk to her or spend time with her or something before, you know, we—"
"If it is you wish to bring her back, I can easily hide her with my Sight in some place that is far from here," Erian said, both interrupting and surprising Cerus. "I know your own Sight Mahou needs some more honing, so I do not mind doing this for you."
Mundus rose and walked up to the two demons. All three held each other's gazes and a veil of memories fell upon them. It detailed their shared events from the human world and the demon world: battles fought, emotions sparked, and laughter shared. The veil ventured deeper.
The three demon adult faces were replaced with youthful counterparts of wide eyes and grins bearing still growing fangs. A kinship from centuries past flared within their chests and for a brief moment, all was forgotten save for their recognized companionship.
The haze of the past lifted and reality came into view once more.
"Together in the name of almost innocent mischief, we were all friends once," Cerus said with a grin. "I'd like to think we still are."
Erian closed his eyes and sighed. He opened them to say, "Yes, I would like to think so as well."
Mundus remained motionless but there was now a faint warmth to his face.
"That's why we want to at least give you that. We all know how Reyna' fate and Erian and me have to make sure it comes to that, but if you can't do it, we..." Cerus trailed off.
Mundus at last reacted and smiled. It was small and blossomed from his friends' odd, but appreciated, sense of affection. His face then abandoned all emotions as he spoke, "I shall confront her upon my father's castle and accomplish the deed myself. I demand you do not interfere upon the coming of such a time."
Cerus' eyebrows shot up in surprise. Even a hint of disbelief crossed Erian's face.
"I shall rendezvous with you upon tomorrow's light," Mundus said and turned away from them to show he was done with the conversation.
The two demons stared at their prince for a few moments before slipping out of the room. They closed the doors behind them.
"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow as well," Cerus said, almost sadly, to Erian. "I gotta go find Flow now."
Erian nodded and watched him walk away before taking off in the opposite direction, towards his own room. As he paced, Azul's warm voice filled his head.
"Erian," she spoke. "Mundus was not alone."
What do you speak of? he asked her as the lava halls transmuted into raw, unpolished opal.
"The Shadow Spirit was in there with him."
Erian glanced at the black ring on his finger. It was, was it?
Back down the hall, returning into Mundus' quarters, the Shadow Spirit manifested before the again seated demon. It emerged from the shadows casted by Mundus' discarded coat.
"It seems your friend's Spirit told him of my presence. Azul is her name, yes?" it said, as its body took the form of a nameless silhouette. "She is a different Spirit."
Mundus eyed him with interest at hearing his last sentence.
The Shadow caught it. "Ah. Do you now believe what I had said earlier?"
He remained quiet but it was an acknowledging silence.
"That is why she does not need the same nourishment like your Lina or your companion's Flow. Even though their forms are distinct, those two are the same, unlike that of Azul's." The Shadow shifted closer. "But are you already aware of that?"
Mundus leaned back from his hunched posture and roughly spoke, "Spirits manifest through and as distinct forms and bodies. A number of such, when paired with demons, enhance their demonic Magika. Other Spirits possess powers of their own which they bestow upon their masters through their mutual fusion."
"If you know this, why do you ask me of their existence?"
Mundus shot to his feet. "Exactly, Spirit! Why? Why does the manifestation of Spirits occur? How is it Azul's existence is of such greater distinction when compared to Lina and Flow's? How did such a fate happen to be bestowed upon her? Of where do Spirits manifest? What is the composition and manifestation of Spirits?"
The Shadow stepped up to Mundus and stretched its frame until its dull, emerald circles for eyes met the demon's own. "I can't answer that."
Mundus growled and thrust his face closer to the unflinching Shadow. "If such answers you shall not bestow upon me, account instead your self-proclaimed knowledge of Ayame."
The Shadow fell from its silhouette body and took the shape of a black puddle on the floor. It shot across the room like a large, falling raindrop. Once it reached the heavy doors, the Shadow pulled off the ground like a marionette. "You know what you have to do if you want to know of that."
Mundus bared his fangs and harshly sighed through his gritted teeth as he watched the Shadow Spirit slither through the opening between the doors and the frame. When it left, Mundus settled back on to the bed. The hardly used covers still held their cushion and they comfortably cradled his bare back and arms.
Residing within the room neighboring mine, he thought, pensive eyes staring at the ceiling. There was no denying he still cared for Reyna. Such was why he had to be the one to face her and grant her the outcome she could not deny.
Hours passed and darkness fell outside. Though there were no windows in Mundus' room, he felt the grogginess that night usually graced upon all. Instead of succumbing to it, he rose from the bed, took his draping coat from the floor, and put it on as he stalked out of his chamber. He turned left.
It had never been his intention to explore Blethinette's stronghold. In fact, on the rare occasions he was actually residing in the castle, Mundus hardly ventured anywhere but to the throne room, the war council chambers, or his own quarters. To have the portal so near without sensing it was probably the reason Blethinette was not worried Mundus' room was next door.
He stood before the doors identical to his and opened them. He entered the empty and dark room that was a mirror copy of his in dimensions and color. He paced around, wondering where the portal resided. His slow striding eventually lead him full circle to the room's entrance. Mundus gazed around again only to look up at the ceiling. Keeping his sights up, he walked to the middle of the room. It was there where he sat, dipped his head to his chest, and slept.
When morning came, Cerus was the first to arrive. A sleepy Flow was trailing behind him. They entered to find Mundus standing in the middle of the now lit room. His arms were crossed and a smirk lit his face when he saw the Shape Shifter.
"Morning, Mundus," Cerus said with a smile of his own.
"There is no time for delays," Blethinette said as she entered the area followed by Erian. Her Guard, Radi, also accompanied them with Lina behind her.
"Master!" she beamed when she saw Mundus and rushed over to him. She embraced him with a happy smile. "This one knew Master was in the castle, but Mother's Guard kept this one away."
Radi rolled her eyes. "Please. My lady asked me to give you those orders."
Lina glared at the female demon. "This one does not like you!" she said with spite and stuck her tongue out at Radi.
Mundus raised a curious eyebrow at hearing Lina use a proper pronoun to address someone.
Blethinette feinted a gasp of surprise. "My dear Lina! Why do you treat my Guard so?"
The blade Spirit gave a genuine squeak of shame. "This one is sorry, Mother!"
It took all of Cerus' willpower to prevent himself from comforting Lina as her heartbreaking face looked at him. She was quick to bounce back though.
"Master! Here!" she said and proudly presented Mundus with his sword. "This one kept it safe and sharp as Master asked this one to do."
He took it with a smirk and inspected the sheath. Its lacing was intact, and the guard was impeccable. When unsheathed, the blade shone razor sharp. Mundus fastened it to his makeshift belt. "I am quite pleased, Lina."
Lina gushed and trembled with happiness as a gasp of joy escaped her. "Really, Master?"
Cerus could not help but smile at the cuteness that radiated from her. It was only seen by him, apparently, for both Erian and Radi grunted in disgust.
"Return," Mundus ordered Lina, his annoyance with her starting to rise.
"Yes, Master!" the still elated Lina said and did as she was told.
"Are you now finished? We must hurry," the queen's frigid voice said. True to her words, Blethinette quickly paced to the back of the chamber and lifted one slim arm to point at the top right corner. Immediately a large oval containing blurs of dark green and deep black appeared on the ceiling where she pointed at. She lowered her arm and faced the group of demons.
"Quickly now, my dears," she spoke. Erian and Cerus nodded and walked to the portal. It was big enough for them to jump up and go through it together, Flow included.
Mundus, however, was still standing in his spot.
"Is something wrong?" Blethinette asked as she neared him. Agitation dripped from her.
"Simply a message, Mother," he said, passing by her as he calmly walked to the portal. "Heed that strange Spirit of yours and maintain the balance it speaks of."
The queen gave a tight, forced smile.
Mundus stood under the demonic gateway and shot his mother another look before saying, "Do not fret. Reyna shall descend dead upon my blade."
Blethinette's smile broadened into a genuine one and her eyes gleamed with delight.
Radi, who had stood by the room's open doors the entire time, gave Mundus a small wave of farewell before he jumped up and disappeared through the portal.
Author's Note: I don't know why I'm writing an A/N I'm so sleepy... Hmm... oh yeah. So I can thank you all, so...
Thanks! Hope you guys are enjoying it and stuff. I'm all excited 'cause this story has 200 reads already. Ha!
Appreciate all the support. ^^
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