Jinyoung blinks and blinks, but no words come out. Jaebeom smiles warningly, squeezing his hands around Jinyoung's, not breaking the eye contact.
"Do... do you mean it?" The younger asks, his expression tells Jaebeom he really cannot believe what's happening and the older can understand why it's hard for him considering everything that's happened recently and how Jaebeom has treated him.
"I wouldn't say it if I don't mean it," Jaebeom smiles. "And I would really appreciate if you actually wake up and I can stop fearing I might lose you one day."
"You might still lose me if I wake up, accidents happen and you know, life. And also there's all—"
Jaebeom starts shaking his head as Jinyoung speaks, brushing off the meaning in his words and how he gets carried away in something that doesn't matter at the moment.
"No, you know I don't mean that." Jinyoung presses his lips and curves in a way that looks like a cat from an anime, both incredible cute and surprisingly endearing. It's the most adorable pout Jaebeom has ever seen and as he watches the other man a wave of affection strikes him so hard he feels like he'll lose his balance. "Would you wake up soon so I can take you on a date?"
"It's not like I— wait, what did you say?" The younger's eyes are so wide when he realises what Jaebeom said, his lips parted in a small O.
Jaebeom didn't even think of saying that, it just escaped him as he was overwhelmed by his feelings for the younger, speaking out loud what he had been harbouring in his heart for so long. Something he hadn't even thought much about it but now he realises how much he wants it.
Embarrassed, the older tries to keep his cool and not look as unbecoming as he knows he does with his cheeks all red and hands sweating a bit. Love confession wasn't in his plans, not when he isn't even sure how Jinyoung feels about him, but he'll have to roll with it.
"I mean... if you're okay with that, I'd like to take you on a date... when you wake up. You know, a normal date? Have delicious food that you can actually eat?" Jaebeom feels like he's just rambling and he feels his face is burning, his whole body feeling hot even in such a cold day.
"Date as in... romantic date?" Jaebeom can barely keep the eye contact at that point, feeling so awkward and uncomfortable. His body wants to run away and save him from the embarrassment of exposing his feelings, but he fights that urge.
"Y-yes, if that's okay with you. I think at this point is very evident how I feel about you," Jaebeom tries to explain, doing his best to look as composed as he can. Jinyoung looks at him with wide eyes that seem to glow. "I like you... a lot... as more than a friend."
Jinyoung doesn't reply in words, but it's almost not necessary because his whole face lights up and he looks blindingly happy, happier than Jaebeom has ever seen him. His smile is wide, open, making his eyes so tiny with the crinkles at the corners that just look like cat whiskers. His own heart races as he sees how overwhelmingly happy Jinyoung looks in that moment, bringing his other hand to cover his mouth, maybe trying to contain his contagious smile.
He looks unbearable beautiful in Jaebeom's eyes.
"That was a lame and awkward confession, was it not?" He teases himself, just to hear Jinyoung's laughter, the crinkles by his eyes getting deeper as the rich sound not only fills his ears but also his racing heart.
"You're as smooth as a cactus, hyung," Jinyoung mocks him and Jaebeom truly tries to look offended, but he can't when Jinyoung looks so joyful in front of him.
"At least I tried, I don't see you saying anything about it," a bit of vulnerability leaks in his voice, showing his anxiousness because even if it looks like his awkward confession made Jinyoung happy, the younger hasn't given him an answer.
"I would like that... a lot," Jinyoung's smile becomes shy, just as his cheeks get painted in embarrassing rosy.
"Then wake up, soon if you can."
And that blinding sight of happy Jinyoung disappears; concern, fear and anxiety bring shadows to his handsome features as he looks down, breaking the eye contact.
"I don't... I don't know if I can. I don't know how," the younger whispers and Jaebeom feels that fear in his heart again.
"Still... can you try? For me?" His own voice is light like a whisper, his anxiety making it waver a bit.
"Please?" Jaebeom interrupts, pleading. Jinyoung looks up, meeting his eyes and the older can see how scared the other boy is.
"I'll... I'll try," promises Jinyoung, and that's enough for Jaebeom, it's enough to make him feel relieved. Jinyoung's will to live is the hardest thing to achieve and getting him to agree to even try means a lot to him.
Relieved as he is, Jaebeom leans forward, kneeling and finding space between Jinyoung's legs to get closer, moving slowly to give Jinyoung time to realise what he's doing and move in sync so the older can hug him tight, his face buried in the younger's neck, breathing slowly as his arms wrap tightly around the other's slim frame. Jinyoung hugs him back and it's so confusing. Jaebeom can feel the other man in his arms, his warmth and it just feels real to him... which makes him wonder if it'll feel different hugging Jinyoung when he's awake and well.
Jaebeom pulls back, just enough to meet Jinyoung's eyes from very up close. The younger still looks vulnerable but he smiles up to Jaebeom.
"I'll be waiting by your side," he promises, cupping Jinyoung's face in his hand ever so softly. "You just try your best and wake up soon."
Jinyoung nods but he does not utter any words, and Jaebeom can guess why because the younger looks choked up with emotions, eyes dancing with joy and fear, hope and dread. He can see those feelings so clearly and knowing Jinyoung as he does now, he can totally understand why he'd feel like that.
Trying to reassure him even more, Jaebeom leans forward until his lips touch Jinyoung's forehead. Closing his own eyes he kisses the younger reverently while his thumb softly caresses Jinyoung's cheek.
"I'll be here, I won't go anywhere."
He can feel Jinyoung's gratitude and acceptance in the way he wraps his arms tighter around Jaebeom, almost clinging to him. There isn't much else he can do to help Jinyoung, no way to push him to wake up. All he can do is promise he'll be waiting and just stay by the younger's side, no matter what. Even if it hurts seeing him in coma, even if it triggers him... he'll do it for Jinyoung.
And Jaebeom sticks to his promise, going to see Jinyoung at the hospital in his room when he's done with uni, sitting by his bedside. It hurts him seeing the younger in the bed, as unresponsive as his mother was not long ago. But he takes a deep breath and talks, telling him what he did that day and how he's still struggling with his final project. He talks and talks even if other people are in the room.
The nurses are surprised to see him there, next to Jinyoung. He doesn't explain much what their relationship is and lets people assume whatever they please, he's there only to make the younger company and hopefully be there when he wakes up.
Jaebeom stays by Jinyoung's side till he's told visiting hours are over and he needs to go home. But he doesn't, instead he goes to the rooftop hoping to see Jinyoung in his other form. He calls for the younger and waits, but no one shows up. As the night sky becomes blacker and Jaebeom gets colder, he accepts Jinyoung is not showing up.
Jinyoung doesn't show up the next day, nor the day after.
Jaebeom only sees him in that bed, seemingly sound asleep, so still he almost looks dead. Jaebeom takes comfort in the warmth he can still feel when he grabs Jinyoung's hand as he talks to him, either about something that happened that day, or a worry of his.
He tells Jinyoung about his friends, how Jackson teases him now for having made-up and spending all his free time with his (in Jackson's words) soon-to-be-boyfriend and forgetting all about his loyal childhood friend. He chuckles as he tells the story of Jackson and how dramatic he was being, just trying to get Jaebeom to reassure him he was his best friend and would always be. He feels dejected because Jinyoung doesn't laugh with him, doesn't say anything about how Jackson sounds like a mix between a child and a golden retriever. He ends ups saying:
"Wake up soon. I can't wait to introduce you to Jackson and Mark. I'm sure you'll become friends instantly."
Jinyoung doesn't wake up that day, nor the day after.
But Jaebeom doesn't give up and continues waiting, telling him about his struggle with his final project and how he wants to do something that's meaningful, something that tells what's in his heart. He considers doing it about his mother, but he realises he should've taken pictures from before, it won't portray as he wants if he just starts taking pictures now.
"I took so many photos of you that I thought you could even be the topic of my final project... but you're not in the pictures," Jaebeom laments to an unresponsive Jinyoung, knowing that if he were awake he'd tease him for being obsessed and sounding like a stalker. "They are all pictures where you should've been." He heaves a deep sighed, sad and tired. "Wake up soon so I can actually take pictures of you."
But Jinyoung doesn't wake up, he doesn't show up at the rooftop and Jaebeom wonders where his soul is. He panics as he thinks maybe asking him to try was wrong and made him disappear forever. He is scared that Jinyoung might not wake up and he won't be able to see him at all, ever.
With every passing day, he becomes more anxious, more scared he pushed Jinyoung to do something he should't have, but he doesn't give up and continues waiting. His mother woke up, Jinyoung can do it too. He purposely doesn't think of how it was thanks to Jinyoung that his mother woke up and how the younger doesn't have anyone else pushing him, wherever he is. Jaebeom clings to hope, that's all he has left. He waits, visiting Jinyoung every day, only staying away when the younger's mother comes for a quick visit.
He's only seen the woman once when she was talking to the doctor when she was leaving. She looked so much like Jinyoung, same raven hair and fair complexion, slim and elegant frame. She looked tired as she spoke with the doctor and Jaebeom was too scared eavesdrop what they were saying. Later he realises he should've listened because what if she decided to give up on Jinyoung?
Jaebeom's terrified so he talks to the nurses and makes them promise they'll tell him if Jinyoung's family decides to do anything drastic. Confused, they agree, probably taking pity of the anxious boy who can't bear losing anyone.
And he waits, for days, weeks. More than a month goes by without seeing Jinyoung anywhere else but that hospital bed, the sadness in his heart is catching up with his hope, almost drowning it.
"How much more are you going to keep me waiting?" He asks Jinyoung one day, holding his hand and watching his face so closely. "Jinyoungie, please, just wake up."
Jaebeom sighs, feeling tired. He's not doing anything but waiting, yet he feels drained. He tries to pull himself together, taking deep breathes as he rest his head on the bed, his face against the covers, his hands squeezing Jinyoung's ever so tightly... until he feels a slight pressure back.
His head snaps, his whole body tensing as he sits straight and just looks at Jinyoung's face, waiting, holding his breath. He almost screams when he sees Jinyoung's eyelids fluttering, his eyes moving under them.
Jaebeom is going to have a heart attack.
"Jinyoungie..." he whispers, choked and about to start crying.
In that moment Jinyoung opens his eyes, barely, slowly, blinking and closing them again so fast. He shuts them tight as if the light hurt them and Jaebeom feels his own eyes filling with tears as he squeezes Jinyoung's hand even tighter.
Jinyoung tries opening his eyes again and Jaebeom is smiling like a fool, his heart racing in his ribcage. As the younger opens his eyes and succeeds at keeping them like that, he scans his surroundings but almost immediately he notices the man next to him, locking eyes with Jaebeom.
Happiness, excitement, relief... any of those emotions is what Jaebeom expect to see, but his heart breaks when all he sees is confusion and disappointment, so much disappointment.
"Jinyoungie," he breathes out, voice broken with fear.
All what the younger does is looking away, looking defeated and miserable as he sighs and a single tear falls from his eyes. That's the moment Jaebeom lets go of his hand as his own heart breaks in a million pieces with realisation.
The Jinyoung that just opened his eyes doesn't know him.
Sorry for the delay... truth be told, I don't want this story to end so I avoid writing it and posting it.
On the bright side I have great news for those actually like this story.
Acrophilia is HAVING A SEQUEL!
After thinking about it I realised the story actually needs it and a little spoiler: it's going to be from Jinyoung's POV.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Bel, xx
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