We- used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
Incessantly- without interruption; constantly.
Love- an intense feeling of deep affection.
Live- make one's home in a particular place or with a particular person.
Yourself- you personally (used to emphasize the person being addressed).
Overlook- fail to notice (something)
Unbecoming- not fitting or appropriate; unseemly.
Glee- great delight.
Overcome- defeat; prevail.
Optimism- hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.
Unknown- an unknown person or thing.
Thinking- the process of using one's mind to consider or reason about something.
With- accompanied by
Internal- of or situated on the inside.
Tormenting- causing torment
Hell- a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering.
Myself- I or me personally (used to emphasize the speaker).
Eternal- lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
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