Turnabout Sisters - Part 2
It is now the day of the trial and things were already falling into place for you, your client and the opposing team. This wasn't going to be an easy win, but you were ready to put up a fight.
Y/N: "This is it. I've gathered as much evidence as I could. Now, it's only a matter of finding the truth and getting Maya acquitted."
Maya: "You sound very motivated."
Y/N: "I gotta be. For one, I'm gonna be fighting up there all alone. 2nd, my opponent is one tough cookie of a prosecutor. And 3rd... the real culprit is still out there, probably acting all smug that he's not on trial at the moment."
Maya: "Yeah. I hear you. Just thinking about it tears me up."
Y/N: "Don't worry. You just sit back, relax... and prepare yourself. This one's for you... and Mia." *thinks* "Watch out, Miles Edgeworth... here I come."
[Music stops]
September 7, 10:00 AM
District CourtCourtroom No. 1
Everyone is now seated, murmuring to each other about the trial at hand, all having their eyes and ears open and ready. This was it... the fight for Maya's freedom was about to begin.
Judge: *slams gavel* "The court is now in session for the trial of Ms. Maya Fey."
Edgeworth: "The prosecution is ready, Your Honor."
Y/N: "The defense is ready, Your Honor. *thinks* "Miles Edgeworth... Don't think you can underestimate me just because I'm a greenhorn."
Judge: "Mr. Edgeworth. Please give the court your opening statement."
Edgeworth: "Thank you, Your Honor. The defendant, Ms. Maya Fey, was at the scene of the crime. The prosecution has evidence she committed attempted murder... and we have a witness who saw her do it. The prosecution sees no reason to doubt the facts of this case, Your Honor."
Judge: "I see. Thank you, Mr. Edgeworth. Let's begin then."
Edgeworth: "If we may call our first witness, Your Honor. The prosecution calls the chief officer at the scene, Detective Gumshoe!"
And so, the good detective takes the stand as instructed.
Edgeworth: "Witness, please state your name and profession to the court."
Gumshoe: "Sir! My name's Dick Gumshoe, sir! I'm the detective in charge of homicides down at the precinct, sir!"
Edgeworth: "Detective Gumshoe. Please, describe for us the details of this crime."
Gumshoe: "Very well, sir! Let me use this floor map of the office to explain."
Right away, the floor plan was shown to everyone in the court.
Gumshoe: "The victim was found by this window, here. *points to bottom middle section*
Edgeworth: "And can you tell us how she wound up in her condition?"
Gumshoe: "Loss of blood due to being struck by a blunt object, sir! The weapon was a statue of "The Thinker" found next to the body, sir! It was heavy enough to be a deadly weapon, even in a girl's hands, sir!" *presents The Thinker*
Judge: "The court accepts the statue as evidence."
Y/N: *thinks* "It looks like they're still calling it a statue."
Naturally, the floor plans were added to the court record.
Edgeworth: "Now, Detective..."
Gumshoe: "Y-yes sir!"
Edgeworth: "You immediately arrested Ms. Maya Fey, who was found at the scene, correct? Can you tell me why?"
Gumshoe: "Yes sir! I had hard evidence she did it, sir!"
Judge: "Hmm. Detective Gumshoe. Please testify to the court about this "hard evidence."
[Stop music]
Witness Testimony
-- Maya Fey's Arrest --
Gumshoe: "As soon as the phone call came in, I rushed to the scene! There were two people there already: The defendant, Ms. Maya Fey, and the lawyer, Mr. Y/N L/N. I immediately arrested Ms. Maya Fey! Why? We had a witness account describing her! The witness saw Ms. Maya Fey at the very moment of the crime was committed!"
Judge: "Hmm... The very moment, you say. Very well. Mr. L/N, you may begin your cross-examination."
Y/N: "Gladly, Your Honor."
Cross Examination
-- Maya Fey's Arrest --
Y/N: "Detective Gumshoe, if I heard correctly, you said you arrested her because you had "hard evidence" she did it."
Gumshoe: "Huh? Did... did I say that? Me?"
Y/N: "Yes, Gumshoe. I heard you say it! Loud and clear."
Judge: "You did say it."
Edgeworth: "You said it."
Y/N: "Exactly what about this suspicious woman in pink's claim was "hard evidence?"
Gumshoe: "Wh-what!? Miss May isn't suspicious, and she sure isn't pink, pal! W-well, I guess she is pink..."
Judge: "That's enough, Detective Gumshoe. Do you have any more solid proof other than her claims, Detective?"
Gumshoe: "Umm... Yes."
Y/N: "Then, let us hear it, detective."
Gumshoe: "Sorry, I got the order of things mixed up in my testimony, Your Honor Sir! There was something I should have told you about first, Your Honor!"
Judge: "Very well, Detective. Let's hear your testimony again."
Witness Testimony
-- Hard Evidence --
Gumshoe: After securing the suspect, I examined the scene of the crime with my own eyes. I found a memo written on a piece of paper next to the victim's body! On it, the word "Maya" was written clearly in blood! Lab test results showed that the blood was the victim's! Also, there was blood found on the victim's finger! Before she was knocked out, the victim wrote the killer's name! How you like that? That's my "hard evidence!"
Judge: "Hmm... Before we begin cross-examination, I have a question for you, Detective."
Gumshoe: "Y-Your Honor?"
Judge: "Why didn't you testify about this vital piece of evidence the first time!?"
Gumshoe: "Ah... eh... I know. I'm real embarrassed I forgot about it, Your Honor Sir."
Judge: "Try to be more careful! Very well, the defense may begin its cross-examination."
Cross Examination
-- Hard Evidence --
Y/N: "Alright, Detective Gumshoe. You said that the victim wrote a message on a piece of paper before she was knocked out. Do you have any proof that she did it? For all we know, it's possible the victim could've been knocked out instantly from the blow."
Edgeworth: "True, but you seem to forget that only you and the defendant were the only ones present at the scene of the crime. Unless you have proof that another person was there, your argument is invalid."
Judge: "Objection sustained."
Y/N: "Very well then, I'll let you take the lead for now, Mr. Edgeworth, but there's plenty of pieces left of this puzzle to put together."
Edgeworth: "Too bad it's gonna take a short time putting together and there's only one outcome to this. Now then, the prosecution would like to call its next witness. This poor, innocent girl saw the murder with her own eyes!
Judge: "Let the witness, Miss April May, take the stand."
Y/N: *thinks* "She's definitely gonna hate me after this."
[music stops]
Moments later, April May is brought up to the stand and still, she's as cute and sexy as ever. Too bad now's not the time for being horny.
Edgeworth: "Witness, your name, please."
April: "April May! At your service!" *winks while her boobs jiggle*
And of course, she charms the hearts of every man in the court before the judge slams his gavel.
Judge: "Order! An introduction should not require any reaction from the crowd! The witness will refrain from wanton winking!"
April: "Aww... Yes, Your Honor."
Y/N: *thinks* "Well, at least we know who's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard."
Edgeworth: "Tell us, where were you on the night of September 5, when the incident occurred?"
April: "Um... gee... I was, like, in my hotel room? Tee hee. I checked in right after lunch."
Edgeworth: "And this hotel is directly across from the Fey & Co. Law Offices?"
April: "Mmm... that's right, big boy."
Judge: "Please testify to the court about what you saw."
Witness Testimony
-- Witness's Account --
April: It was, like, 9:00 at night. I looked out the window, y'know! And then, oooh! I saw a woman with long hair being attacked! The one attacking her was the mousey girl sitting in the defendant's chair! Then the woman, like, dodged to one side and ran away! But that girl, she caught up to her and... and... She hit her! Then the woman with long hair... She kinda... slumped. The end. That's all I saw. Every little bitsy witsy! *winks*
Judge: "Hmm..."
Edgeworth: "Well, Your Honor?"
Judge: "I see. It is a remarkably solid testimony. I don't see a need to trouble the witness any...
Y/N: "Your Honor, I still need to perform the cross-examination.
Judge: "I thought the witness's testimony just now was quite... firm. Didn't you?"
Edgeworth: "Mr. L/N... I understand you were Ms. Mia Fey's understudy, were you not? You must know her techniques well. Her cowardly way of finding tiny faults in perfectly good testimonies."
Y/N: "That's rich, coming from you. And how do we know your teacher doesn't do any shady practices during their career?"
Edgeworth: "...How dare you."
Judge: *bangs gavel* "That'll be enough! Well, Mr. L/N? Will you cross-examine the witness?"
Y/N: "Yes I will, Your Honor." *thinks* "You're not gonna convince me to back out now and you're not gonna make be back out ever."
Judge: "Very well, you may begin your cross-examination!"
Cross Examination
-- Witness's Account --
Y/N: "Now, Ms. May, how did you know it was the defendant?"
April: "Huh? Well... y'know! S-she had a girlish physique. Women know these things. Look... I-I just know, okay?"
Edgeworth: "There was only one person at the scene of the crime with a short, girlish figure. The testimony is bulletproof, Your Honor."
Y/N: "Girlish physique, huh? Sorry, but I don't buy it."
Judge: "What do you mean, Mr. L/N?"
April: "Yes, what is the meaning! Somebody tell me because I'm clueless! About this, I mean!"
Y/N: "What I mean is this. If you had really witnessed my client, Maya Fey... You would have noticed her clothes before noticing her physique! No one wears clothes like this on a daily basis! *gestures to Maya's outfit* Except her! And I'm no expert on fashion, but her hairdo looks far from normal to me! However, the witness's testimony mentions neither of these things! The testimony is bogus!"
April: "But... but!"
Judge: "Still, we don't know if she was dressed that way the night of the incident."
Y/N: "I can vouch that she did wear those clothes, Your Honor. Because I saw her the night Mia Fey was attacked. And so did Detective Gumshoe! Do you believe me now, Miss May?"
The little pink kitten is now slightly irritated and is currently getting her claws ready.
April: "Rowr! What are you trying to say, you mean lawyer! I-I saw what I saw. I... just didn't think all the trifling little details were necessary, darling."
Judge: "Miss May. The court would like to remind you to please omit nothing in your testimony."
April: "I'm sorry, Your Honor. I'll be a good girl. I promise." *winks*
Judge: "Your testimony again, if you would."
Y/N: *thinks* "Bring it on. I can do this all day."
Witness Testimony
-- Witness's Account --
April: "I did see everything! I did! The victim--the woman--dodged the first attack and ran off to the right. Then the girl in the hippie clothes ran after her... And she hit her with that weapon! I saw it! I did! That... that clock! Um... the kinda statue-y clock? "The Thinker," I think? Well? Does the accuracy of my report not startle you? Tee hee!"
Judge: "I... see. I only wish you had been so detailed from the beginning. Please begin the cross-examination."
Cross Examination
-- Witness's Account --
Y/N: "Miss May... I gotta say, what you just said earlier... it sounded quite... revealing."
April: "Revealing? Oooh, you'd like that, wouldn't you. Naughty Mr. Lawyer..."
Y/N: "You just said that this statue of "The Thinker" was a clock. But there's no way of knowing that just by looking at it!"
The pink fibber flinches from this deduction.
Y/N: "I should let you know that another person in much the same position as you recently called this a "clock," too... And he was found guilty... of murder!"
The crowd murmurs, recalling the previous case you did.
Judge: *slams gavel* "Order! Order!"
Phoenix: "Miss May. Can you explain how you know this was a clock?"
Naturally... she fails to find the words to do so, until...
Edgeworth: "The witness saw the attack with her own eyes! That's all that's important here! The defense is trying to confuse the issue with trivial concerns!"
Y/N: "I beg to differ. What you call trivial, I call highly suspect. How can we call this a fair trial if we leave certain testimonies and pieces of evidence left unchecked? It's our jobs as lawyers and prosecutors to ensure we don't overlook anything."
Judge: "Hmm... Objection sustained. You may continue to question the witness."
Y/N: "Thank you, Your Honor."
April: "Huh? What? So... what happens now?"
Y/N: "What happens now is you answer my question! How did you know it was a clock?"
April: "What...! Th-that's... ...Because... I heard it? Yes! I heard it say the time!"
Y/N: "So, you've been to the law offices of Fey & Co.!"
April: "N-n-no! Hey, I didn't say that! Why would I go there! I heard from my hotel room. Hee hee!"
Edgeworth: "The law offices of Fey & Co., where the murder took place, are very close to the hotel. She could easily have heard the clock!"
Judge: "Hmm. Well, Mr. L/N? Are you satisfied?"
Y/N: "Not quite, Your Honor. Because there's no way the clock could've rung that day. And the reason being is that it's empty. Here, have a look inside and see for yourselves."
You then present the proof by opening up the underside of the statue, revealing nothing inside.
Judge: "Why, you're absolutely right! This clock is missing its clockwork! It's quite empty! Mr. L/N! Would you care to explain to the court the meaning of this?"
Y/N: "And this proves beyond a doubt our crafty vixen here is lying." *gestures to April*
April: "W-W-What?!"
Y/N: "Sorry, Miss May. But the truth is always quicker."
Edgeworth: "Quite a show you've put on for us, Mr. L/N."
Y/N: "Oh? I take it this means you were aware of this clock missing its clockwork."
Edgeworth: "I'm afraid you've forgotten one thing, however. Indeed, the clock is empty. As you say... it can't ring. However, we must ask: when was the clockwork removed? If it was after the witness heard the clock, then there is no contradiction!"
Judge: "! Hmm! That's true. That is a possibility. The clock might have been emptied after she heard it."
Edgeworth: "And that is exactly what happened, Your Honor!"
Judge: "Well, Mr. L/N? Can you prove when the clockwork was removed?"
Edgeworth: "Ho hoh! Impossible, of course..."
Y/N: "Ho-hoh! Oh, I got the proof you need."
Edgeworth: "W-what!?"
Y/N: "And the proof is all right here!"
Judge: "Hmm. That's a very cute cell phone."
April: "Ooh hoo! You have a girlie phone!"
Y/N: "Yes, it is a cute phone. But it's the defendant, Maya Fey's phone, it's not mine. And inside this phone contains a recording of a conversation between the two sisters on the very day that Mia was attacked."
The crowd murmurs about this new discovery.
Judge: *bangs gavel* "Order! Order!"
Edgeworth: *irritated* "The defendant's cell phone!? Th-this wasn't brought to my attention!"
Y/N: "Don't make that face at me, take it up with the detective, maybe he overlooked it."
Edgeworth: *grumble* "The good detective better remember he's up for evaluation soon..."
Y/N: *thinks* "I pity the poor detective for this." *aloud* "Let's hear the conversation."
You then heightened up the volume to maximum before pressing the "replay" button.
[So you just want me to hold on to "The Thinker" for you, then?]
[If you could. Ah... I should probably tell you, the clock isn't talking right now.]
[Huh? It's not working? That's lame!]
[I had to take the clockwork out, sorry.]
[September 5, 9:27 AM]
Y/N: "Your Honor, I think this makes it clear the clockwork was already gone by the time this was recorded, which was well before the witness even arrived at her hotel!"
April was getting more and more agitated as you were quickly burning down her web of lies.
Y/N: "Miss May, would you care to explain this to the court? Just how did you know that weapon was a clock?"
April: "... W-well...! Well, isn't it o-obvious? I saw that clock before! Um... what store was that again? I-I go to so many! Oops! I forgot! *wink*
Judge: "So the witness had seen it before. That would make sense. Does the defense have any objections, Mr. L/N?"
Y/N: "Yes, I do, Your Honor. There's absolutely no way she could've seen this kind of clock in any store whatsoever. Why? I'll tell you." *picks up The Thinker* "This particular clock is a unique design in of itself. Only two of these exist in the entire world. One is here in the court while the other is resting in police custody."
April: "I-impossible! Everything is sold in stores!"
Y/N: "Sorry, Miss May. It's the truth. But right now, I think it's high time you went shopping for a better excuse..."
April: "Mmpf..."
Y/N: "Oh? Excuses not on sale today?"
Aaaaaand here it comes.
April: *snapped* "What's it to you, you rotten fucking son of a bitch!? That stupid clock doesn't matter, okay!? She did it! And she should die for it! DIE!
Judge: "W-w-whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. T-this is a court of law, and the witness will remain calm!"
April: "Hrrrgh... hrrrh... Hrrr... heh. Oh? Oh! Oh? Oh hoh ho! S-silly me! *grunt* Did I, um, like... lose it? I guess I did. Tee hee! *wink*
Y/N: *thinks* "Now THAT was entertainment. If only I had a camera and caught that."
Judge: "Miss May, let me ask. Tell me, how did you know the weapon was a clock?"
Now she's not even bothering to look at the judge, she's got her eyes fixated on you and those are sharp daggers she's glaring.
Judge: *shakes head left and right* "Hmm... oh dear. Does the defense have an opinion on this... behavior?"
Y/N: "I do, Your Honor. While she may not have held the clock, she did, in fact, hear about it. And I have concrete proof that she did hear about it being a clock."
Judge: "Well, this is interesting. Let's see it, then. Show me evidence proving that the witness had "heard" the weapon was a clock."
Y/N: *presents Maya's phone* "The proof lies within the defendant's cell phone. Let's have another listen at the recording."
You hit the playback button and let the conversation play out again.
[Mia! What's up? You haven't called in a while.]
[Well, actually there's something I want you to hold on to for me.]
[Again? What's it this time?]
[It's... a clock. It's made to look like that statue, "The Thinker." And it tells you the time!]
Judge: "They do mention "The Thinker." But how would the witness know of this conversation? Do you have proof that she knew of the conversation?"
Y/N: "Yes I do. And the proof is right... HERE!" *presents wiretap*
April: *fuming* "Ah! Oooh! Th-that!? Eh heh..."
Y/N: "This little trinket was found in Miss May's room."
Judge: "Mr. L/N! Please explain to the court what this is!"
Y/N: "Miss April May! You used a wiretap to listen to this conversation! That's how you knew "The Thinker" was a clock! Am I wrong!?
April couldn't get the words out, until...
Edgeworth: "OBJECTION!!! Your Honor, this is ridiculous!"
Y/N: "Your Honor, look at the witness's face? Does she seem amused to you!? The defense demands an answer."
April: "La... laaa... lrrrrgf!"
Man... she is fuming mad and she knows she can't squirm her way out of this mess.
Judge: "Witness, answer the question. Did you tap her phone?"
There's only silence and the lady just won't stop glaring at you."
Judge: "Miss May!"
April: "Shut up, all of you! What gives you the right to talk to ME like that! You... you LAWYER! *long pause, plays helpless* I-it's no fair! All of you g-ganging up on me like that... Oh, so I'm the bad girl, is that it? Is that it!? *cries crocodile tears* Uh... uh... uwaaaaaaah!
Y/N: *thinks* "No use trying to win their sympathies anymore, April. I hate to do this to a sexy lady, but I gotta do my job." *aloud* "Miss May, it's time to tell the truth. Why did you tap the victim's phone that day?" *she doesn't respond* "Miss May... the court has a right to know the truth, you understand?"
April: "Do I have to? Isn't this a murder trial? Isn't tippity-tapping er... irrelevant?"
Y/N: *thinks* "Going along with Edgeworth's instructions, huh?" *aloud* "Miss May. You were tapping the victim's phone. There's nothing irrelevant about this serious matter."
Judge: "I have to agree, the defense clearly has a point. Well, Miss May? Do you have an explanation for the court? Can you prove you had nothing to do with this murder, even though you tapped her phone?"
Y/N: *thinks* "Just gotta wait and see how she responds."
April: "Mr. Lawyer, I know what's on your mind! You were probably thinking "I'd like to see her pull THAT off," weren't you!
Y/N: *thinks* "Yeah, not even close."
April: "Well you're not the first man who's thought that! And of course... I can, and will!"
Y/N: "Then, by all means, the stage is yours."
April: "Okay, you asked for it, and I assure you I'm serious, Mr. Lawyer! Hmph! Okay? So, the killing happened around 9:00 at night? Why, that's just when I was getting room service from that sweet bellboy..."
Y/N: *intrigued* "Room service, you say?" *strokes chin*
April: "Ice coffee, I believe it was? Ice coffee? You know? Like normal coffee, but COLD. If you don't drink it quick, the ice melts and then you have... regular cold coffee."
Y/N: "And you're telling the truth this time?"
April: "Think I'm making this up? Ask the bellboy!" *wink*
Edgeworth: "Ergo, the witness was not on the scene at the time of the crime!"
Y/N: "Interesting." *thinks* "Well, at least we know she wasn't the attacker, that's for sure."
Judge: "So, where does that leave us...?"
Edgeworth: "It is my great displeasure to inform you... That the witness appears to have been tapping the victim's telephone. However! That is a separate crime, with no bearing on the current case whatsoever! Her testimony stands! She saw the defendant, Maya Fey, commit attempted murder!"
Y/N: *thinks* "I doubt it. But maybe I should turn my thinking around and look at this case from a different angle."
Judge: "Well, does the defense have anything to say?"
Y/N: "Yes, Your Honor. I propose we call the bellboy to the stand. See if he can clear up the fog in this case."
April: "I think you've sunken quite low enough already."
Edgeworth: "OBJECTION!!! I object to calling the bellboy!"
Y/N: "Care to explain your reason, Mr. Edgeworth?"
Edgeworth: "Because I hold that the wiretapping had nothing to do with the killing!
Y/N: "That's where I beg to differ."
Edgeworth: "If you're so determined to prove me wrong, so be it... If you agree to one condition."
Y/N: "What are you terms?"
Edgeworth: "If Miss April May's alibi is not called into question after you examine the bellboy... Then you will recognize that Miss April May was not the killer, thus she is innocent! Therefore you must accept the verdict of "guilty" for Ms. Maya Fey! That is my condition."
Y/N: *thinks* "I'm in deep shit now. But... that's fine." *aloud* "Fine then, I agree to the terms of your condition."
Edgeworth: "Hmph. Fool... You fell right into my trap!"
Y/N: *thinks* "Just wait 'til I pull an Uno reversal."
Judge: "Very well! The court calls the hotel bellboy to the stand!"
[Music stops]
*Moments later...*
The bellboy eventually arrived and now... it was time to find out if your efforts pay off... or were all in vein.
Edgeworth: "I believe we're ready for the witness to testify. He certainly does look like a bellboy."
Bellboy: "Yes, sir. I received your summons in the middle of work, sir. I'm happy to be of service."
Judge: "That tea set looks rather heavy, so without further ado, the witness may begin his testimony."
Bellboy: "Very good, sir!"
Witness Testimony
-- Miss May's Room Service --
Bellboy: "I am the head bellboy at the fine Gatewater Hotel, in business for four generations! I believe I received a call after 8:00 in the evening from our guest, Miss May. She asked for an ice coffee to be brought to her at 9:00, on the dot, sir. I brought it to her at precisely the requested time, of course. And I delivered the ice coffee to our guest Miss May, herself."
Judge: "I see. The defense may begin its cross-examination."
Y/N: "Right away, Your Honor." *thinks* "This won't be easy, but it's my only shot at finding out May's involvement."
Cross Examination
-- Miss May's Room Service --
Y/N: "Bellboy, you said you saw April May when you delivered her room service at 9 PM, are you absolutely sure?"
Bellboy: "Yes. I can confirm that detail. She was watching a program on the TV, and wished to drink after she finished, sir."
Y/N: *thinks* "Okay, so she was at the hotel at the time of the attack. Let's see if I can work around it from another angle." *aloud* "I see. In that case, let me ask you this. Can you tell me about when you checked in Miss May?"
Bellboy: "Very well, sir. My first thought was that she was a beautiful, beautiful person. She's just my type of girl, so it was a disappointment, really."
Y/N: *intrigued* "Really? Why do you say that?"
Bellboy: "Well, I am not without charm, sir, but even I'd have little chance with her lover there."
Y/N: *thinks* "That's IT! I've got him now!" *aloud, slams table* "Bellboy, does this mean that Miss May checked in with someone else?"
Edgework: "OBJECTION!!! I object! That was... objectionable!"
Judge: "... Objection overruled. The witness will answer the question."
Bellboy: *nervously* "Er... yes, I see."
Y/N: "Witness, why did you not mention this in your testimony?"
Bellboy: "W-well, sir, you er... you didn't ask!"
Y/N: "This is a court of law. And when you're testifying in a court of law, you do not leave out anything, so why hide this information?"
Bellboy: "Ah, yes, quite. Indeed... It was the, er, good barrister there, Mr. Edgeworth, who..."
Y/N: *looks at Edgeworth accusingly* "Oh, is that right?"
Bellboy: "He asked me not to mention it if I wasn't specifically asked, sir."
Edgeworth: *flinches, frustrated* "Oof! Y-you fool!"
Y/N: *shakes head* "For shame. But, I'll worry about your antics later, Edgeworth. Right now, I need confirmation from the Bellboy. You claim Miss May checked in with a man, correct?"
Bellboy: "Yes, sir."
Y/N: "Then, when you brought them room service, you didn't see that man in the room...?"
Bellboy: "That's right, sir."
Judge: "Hmm..."
Y/N: "Your Honor! We have just learned of another person involved who may have been the assailant! In light of this new fact, I hold that it's impossible to judge the defendant. You agree, Mr. Edgeworth?"
Edgeworth: "And who, Mr. L/N! Who is this "other person"?"
Y/N: "It can only be one person." *slams hands on table* "It was the man who checked in with Miss May!"
Edgeworth flinches again from your counterargument.
Y/N: "Your Honor! As has been previously revealed, Miss April May was tapping the victim's phone. Yet Miss May herself has an alibi at the time of the attack. However, that does not clear the man that was with her! The bellboy saw no one else in the room at the time Mia Fey was viciously assaulted and hospitalized!!!"
Edgeworth: "M-my, what a convenient little setup... but it's too late..."
Y/N: "Yeah right, you wish it were too late, wouldn't you... After all, it was you who hid the presence of the other man from this court!"
Edgeworth: *flinches again, glares at you* "Oof! Upstart... amateur...! T-these accusations are... ludicrous!"
Judge: *slams gavel* "Enough! The court acknowledges the defense's argument. I expect the prosecution and defense to look into this matter fully! Am I understood?"
Edgeworth: "Yes... *gasp* Yes, Your Honor."
Judge: "That is all today for the trial of Maya Fey. Court is adjourned!" *slams gavel*
September 7, 2:24 PM
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 1
Maya: "Mr. L/N! You were amazing in there!"
Y/N: "Just doing my job, Maya."
Maya: "I think I might be your newest fan!"
Y/N: "Ah, you flatter me. Still, we're not outta the woods yet."
Maya: "True... though, I gotta admit, that other attorney was pretty cool, too..."
Y/N: "Edgeworth is a tough cookie, I'll give him that."
Maya: "That face of his! With his eyes wide, and trembling lips! It sent shivers up my spine!"
Y/N: "Heh, if you say so."
Maya: "So, what happens with me? Do I get to go home now?"
Y/N: "No, the case still recognizes you as the prime suspect."
Maya: *slightly depressed* "Oh... I see."
Y/N: "It's not all bad, though. I managed to get a lead."
Maya: "A "lead"?"
Y/N: "That man with Miss May! He's the key!"
Maya: "Oh! I get it. What happened to Miss May after that, anyway?"
Y/N: "I heard they arrested her. I guess she's learning her charms won't work everywhere. She's probably at the detention center now. I may have to go down there later. Anyway. This case is far from closed."
Maya: "Yes sir!"
Y/N: "I'm going to find out more about this man."
Maya: "Do you think he was the one who...?"
Y/N: "I'd bet my badge on it."
Maya: *tearful* Sis...
Y/N: "Don't worry, I'll find him by tomorrow. I promise. And as soon as Mia wakes up, we'll all celebrate with a big meal."
Maya: "I'm counting on you!"
Moments later, after cheering Maya up, you put your next plan into action... a plan of attack.
Y/N: *narrating* "I asked for a full record of April May's testimony. I thought it might come in handy during the trial tomorrow. But now that I have it, I'm not so sure. Most of her testimony was all lies... In fact, there's only one part that hasn't been stricken from the record. I don't know how much good this will do me at all, now. Anyway, time to hit the pavement and do some investigating! Maya doesn't belong in that detention center, and it's up to me to set her free! Mia... please wake up soon."
To be continued...
[A/N: Here you go guys, another chapter up and ready. I'm gonna start working on one of my other stories since a lot of people have been very patient with them. The trial will continue in due time, so... STAY TUNED!!!]
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