Turnabout Sisters - Part 1


September 5, 9:08 PM
Fey & Co. Law Offices

Y/N: "Man... why did that stupid traffic jam have to make me run late? *sighs* Whatever, I'd better meet up wi-- huh? That's strange. Where's Mia? Did she go home already? I thought we were having dinner with her sister. And... What's that smell...? *sniffs, gasps* Oh no... Blood! Mia!"


You quickly rush over to her office and notice the place had been ransacked, leaving you almost completely speechless.

Y/N: "What the... Who did this?!"

But then... as you look over by the window, your heart drops at a sight that will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Y/N: "No... Mia... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Maya: *sob* Sis...

Y/N: "Huh?" *to Maya* "What happened here?"

But she didn't answer as the shock of finding Mia made her faint. You caught her before she landed on the ground. You brought her over to the couch and laid her there before going back to inspect Mia.

[Music stops]

Y/N: "Mia... Oh, Mia... please don't be gone."

When you went back, you checked her pulse... by some strange miracle, she was still alive. Her pulse was weak, but still there.

Y/N: "Hold on, Mia... I'll fix this. Just please... hang in there."


The time for worrying had to wait, it was now time to investigate and take note of everything in the room. First off, you walked over to the phone to call the cops, but the phone line was cut off, like someone deliberately did it to avoid getting ratted out. You looked around some more and noticed some broken glass over by the window, right next to where Mia was. But then... something caught your eye.

A piece of paper had fallen out of Mia's hand. You pick it up and notice the word "Maya" on the back written in blood.

Y/N: "Maya? Wait, could that girl be---?"

You paused for a moment and then turned the paper over. It was a receipt for a glass lamp and it was dated yesterday.

Y/N: "Hmm... this has got to be a clue. I'd better make a mental note of this." *sees The Thinker next to Mia, growls* "If I ever find out who whacker her on the head with that thing, I'm gonna fucking bash their heads in with my bare hands!"

???: "Police!? Please, come quick!"

Y/N: *thinks* "What the!? It must've come from the window!"

And you were right. Right across from the office, you see a woman holding a phone, looking down in your general direction.

 Y/N: "I know that look in her eyes. No, I can't worry about that."

Seconds later, you rush over to check on the girl who collapsed. Come to find out she's not on the couch anymore.

Y/N: "Wha... Where'd she go?!"

Then you spot her over in the corner after looking around for a second.

Y/N: "Oh, thank god you're alright. Listen, I know you're in shock right now, but I'm here to help. I work for Mia. Who are you?"

Maya: *hesitant* "...Maya... Maya Fey."

Y/N: "Maya?" *realizes, thinks* "Oh no... There's no way Mia could've written her name on that piece of paper I found." *aloud* "Listen... I know you're still upset with this whole ordeal, but can you tell me what happened here?"

Maya: "... I came in... The room was dark. And Sis... Sis...!"

Y/N: *thinks* "So, she was already attacked by the time she got here." *aloud, comforting* "I completely understand."

Y/N: "So, you're the chief's...?"

Maya: "Sister. I'm her younger sister."

Y/N: "And you were here... visiting? This late at night?"

Maya: "Yes. She said she wanted me to keep some evidence for her."

Y/N: "Evidence...?"

Maya: "Yes... I-it was that clock... It was "The Thinker."

Y/N: *thinks* "Guess Larry's about to lose both clocks." *aloud* "One last thing, there's something that doesn't sit right with me. *shows bloody receipt* Like whether or not it was Mia or somebody else who wrote "Maya" on the back of this receipt."

Maya: *shocked* Th-th-that's MY name! W-why!? *tears swelling in eyes* Why would she write my name?"

Y/N: "We don't know if it was her. Please, calm down."

Before you could get anymore info out of her, you heard the sound of police sirens arriving at the scene, followed by multiple footsteps climbing up the steps to this office. Not long after, you see the door burst open by a man in a green drench coat and multiple other cops.

Officer: "Freeze! Police!"

You comply and keep your hands in the air.

Gumshoe: "Alright, I'm Detective Dick Gumshoe, see?"

Y/N: *thinks* "Gumshoe...? What an odd name."

Gumshoe: "We received a report from the building across the way, see. Got a person saying they saw a murder."

Y/N: *thinks* "Ah, so that woman was the one who alerted them."

Gumshoe: "Anyway, I don't want either of you moving one inch, 'kay?"

Y/N: *thinks* "Sheesh, this guy sure is loud."

Gumshoe: *to Maya* "Whoaaaaaaaaaaaah! Scuze me!"

Maya yelps, which was kinda cute.

Gumshoe: "This word "Maya" here mean anything to you?"

Maya: "...! Um... that... That's my name..."

Gumshoe: "WHAAAAT!? The victim drew this here note in her own blood, see? With her dying breath, she wrote down the killer's name!"

Maya: "K-killer...? I'm not--"

Gumshoe: "Case closed! You're coming down to the precinct, ma'am."

Maya: "W-what?

Mia's younger sister, Maya, was arrested on the spot. I was taken in for questioning and didn't get out until the next morning. My eyes were heavy... but I couldn't sleep. I sat around, waiting for visiting hours to begin at the detention center. I had to talk to Maya as soon as possible.

As for Mia... the cops discovered she was still alive and rushed her to the hospital to treat her blunt force trauma. Doctors don't know when she'll wake up.

September 6, 9:07 AM
Detention Center
Visitor's Room

Phoenix: *thinks* "Wow, they have poor Maya locked up like a criminal."

Maya: *appears* Oh! It's you! The lawyer... G-good morning."

Y/N: "Good morning! *thinks* "Poor Maya. She's so tired."


Maya: "Um... Are you going to be my attorney?"

Y/N: "Yeah, if you'll allow me, that is."

Maya: "... They're never going to believe me... are they? Even you, when you found me in the office. You looked at me like I had done it!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Did I look at her like that?" *aloud* "No, I wasn't looking at you accusingly, I was just in shock to find Mia in her current state. I can tell you love your sister so much."

Maya: "Really? *you nod* Thanks. And... I've also heard about you."

Y/N: "Really? What'd you hear?"

Maya: "I... was talking to my sister on the phone the other day..."


Back at the Fey & Co. Offices, Mia is seen sitting in her office and talking to her sister on the phone while going over some case files.

Mia: "Today was my junior partner's first time in court."

Maya: "Wow! Really? How'd that go?"

Mia: "It was quite the scene! Honestly, I was on edge the whole time. It's been a while..."

Maya: "Hah! So, he crashed and burned?"

Mia: "...He's a genius. One of those 'strike fear into the hearts of evil' types... The only thing he's lacking is... experience."

Maya: "Huh, sounds like it was fun! Well, I know who to go to if I ever get into trouble now!"

Mia: "I don't know, Maya. I think you might want to wait... give him three more years. That is, unless you want to be found guilty."

*End of flashback*

Maya: "That's what she said!"

Y/N: "Heh, well I can't blame her since that was my literal first trial I ever handled in my career."

Maya: "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to trouble you..."

Y/N: "No, you don't have to apologize. Mia was just being honest. Still, I can't just sit by and do nothing while you're in here! When I think of the person who did this to Mia, I just..." *clenches fist*

Maya: "... I know..."

Y/N: *calms down* "Anyways, before I go all Yosemite Sam bonkers up in here, I'd like to know a few things first."

Maya: "And what's that?"

Y/N: "For instances, that outfit of yours. What's that all about?"

Maya: "Oh, this? This is what all acolytes wear. It's my uniform, you could say."

Y/N: "Acolytes? You mean like people in religious training? Exactly what is it that you practice?"

Maya: "Oh! It's nothing strange, really! I'm a spirit medium. ...In training."

Y/N: *quirks an eyebrow* "A spirit medium, huh?" *thinks* "If that qualifies as "not strange" I don't know what does." *aloud* "Well, in any case, do you know anything about Mia on the day she was attacked?"

Maya: "Yes! Let's see... that morning, I got a call from my sister. She wanted me to hold onto a piece of evidence for an upcoming trial."

Y/N: "What kind of evidence?"

Maya: "That clock shaped like "The Thinker."

Y/N: *thinks* "The one Larry made..." *aloud* "How exactly was The Thinker supposed to be evidence in a case?"

Maya: "She said something about that... ... I remember! Do you want to hear it in her own voice?"

Y/N: "Her own voice? Isn't she recovering in the hospital right now?

Maya: "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure our conversation is on my cell phone."

Y/N: *gasps* "Of course! Maya, you're a genius!"

Maya: "Yeah! I forgot how to delete those things."

Y/N: "Well, it's a good thing you didn't delete it. That would've been bad for both of us. But anyways, let's see it."

Maya: "Right! *searches her person, realizes, sad* Oh! I just remembered: that detective took my cell phone. Sorry."

Y/N: "Don't be sorry." *thinks* "Of course that detective had to make things harder for us." *aloud* "Next time I see Detective Gumshoe I'll ask him for it."

Maya: "Thanks. I'll write you a note so you don't forget, okay?"

Y/N: "Sure, thanks."

Maya then writes a memo before handing it to you.

Y/N: "Now, changing the subject, you said that you were an honest-to-goodness spirit medium in training, right?"

Maya: "That's right. The Fey family, especially the women, have always been very sensitive to the spirit world."

Y/N: "Wait a second, you said the "Fey Family"? So, Mia was into this stuff too?"

Maya: "Of course! She left the mountain to "follow her career," she said. Her powers were first-class, too!"

Y/N: "I had no idea she was a prodigy in the supernatural. Is there any way you can demonstrate your powers, like... maybe channel a spirit?"

Maya: "I would, but... I'm still in training. I couldn't do something on that level..."

Y/N: "It's alright. I understand."

Maya: "Oh, if you could, I'd like to ask a favor of yours."

Y/N: "Anything, just say the word."

The young medium-in-training then pulled a piece of paper out of her uniform and gives it to you, which you gladly take.

Y/N: "What's this?"

Maya: "It's the address of a famous lawyer. My sister gave me this a long time ago. She said if I was ever in trouble, I should call him. And, well, I'm in trouble. Do you think you could go ask him to represent me?"

Y/N: *nods, smiles warmly* "You got it. Consider it done."

Maya: "Thank you so much! I have no one else to turn to..."

Y/N: "No one to turn to? But, what about your parents...?"

Maya's expression becomes more gloomy and sorrowful, which told you all you needed to know.

Y/N: *sympathetic, heartfelt* "Oh... poor thing. I'm so sorry. Don't worry, I understand, I'll do everything I can to help you."

Maya: "Thank you! The trial's tomorrow... at 10:00."

Y/N: "So soon?! *realizes* Wait, what if this guy refuses!?"

Maya: "They told me that if I don't find one, the state will pick an attorney to defend me."

Y/N: "How long do you have until then?"

Maya: "They're giving me until 4:00 this afternoon."

Y/N: *thinks while checking watch* "I don't have that much time before visiting hours are over, so I'll have to be quick about this." *aloud* "Right, I'll be back!"

After your little meeting, you left the detention center and headed out. First things first, a trip back to the office is mandatory! I gotta find some new leads on the case.

[Music ends...]

September 6
Fey & Co. Law Offices

Upon arriving back at the office, you look around and see that the place is filled with plenty of police officers. They're all busily searching for clues. Suddenly, you're spotted by the same guy in a green trenchcoat.

Gumshoe: "Hey! You there! This is a crime scene, pal! No trespassing! Umm... Sorry, don't I know you from somewhere? Wait, you're that Butz guy, aren't you!"

Y/N: "What? No! My name is Y/N L/N." *thinks* "How the hell would anyone mistake me for my friend, Larry?"

Gumshoe: Ah, guess I got the wrong name, Mr. L/N. Sorry 'bout that. That Butz guy, he was a killer! And you're no killer! Right?

Y/N: "Actually it was Mr. Sahwit who was the killer. Larry was found not guilty in the trial. But enough about him. You're Detective Gumshoe, is that correct?"

Gumshoe: "You got that right, pal."

Police: "Hey, Dick! Get over here!"

Gumshoe: "Y-yes, sir! B-be right there! Umm... ahem! *to you* You're her lawyer, right, pal? If you got business here, you'd better do it quick!


Y/N: *thinks* "Ah, so he thinks I'm her lawyer, huh? Well, I might as well go with it. Heheh. So far, there's no autopsy report since she's still alive." *aloud* "Regarding Maya..." 

Gumshoe: "Yeah! I'm looking forward to the trial! Sorry, pal, but this is one trial you aren't going to win!"

Y/N: "And why do you say that?"

Gumshoe: "The city's put Prosecutor Edgeworth on the prosecution!"

Hearing that name struck a cord with you.

Y/N: "Edgeworth, huh... you mean Miles Edgeworth?"

Gumshoe: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you know about him."

Y/N: "Yeah, he's a gifted prodigy who became a prosecutor as the ripe young age of 20 and has gotten many defendants guilty in his 4 year long career, am I right?"

Gumshoe: "Yup. You sure know your stuff."

Y/N: *thinks* "How could I forget? He's changed a whole lot since his dad was murdered." *aloud* "Yeah. And before I forget, Maya wanted me to give this to you." *shows her memo* "It's a request for her cell phone."

Gumshoe: "Oh yeah, I still have it. Here." *realizes* "Wait a second, pal! Tricky lawyer!"

Y/N: "I'm not trying to be tricky." *thinks* "I'd better improvise." *aloud* "It's regarding that strap on her phone."

Gumshoe: "This? Hmm... it says "The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo"... "The Steel Samurai"... that action hero on TV?"

Y/N: "Yeah, you see that strap is a collector's item... She... was worried it might get lost if it went down to the precinct."

Gumshoe: "That what she said?"

Y/N: "Straight from the horse's mouth. Yes.

Gumshoe: "... Okay, pal. I wrote down all the numbers she called anyway. Here you go."

Y/N: *obtains Maya's phone, thinks* "Seems he didn't notice the recorded conversation..."

Gumshoe: "You all done, pal?"

Y/N: "I sure am, thank you. I'll be heading out now."

Gumshoe: "Oh, wait. One more thing I wanted to mention to you. I don't suppose you're planning on talking to that witness. Anyway, you'd better not! No influencing the witness with your lawyerly ways, pal!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Oh, right. I almost forgot about her." *aloud* "The... witness?"

Gumshoe: "Yeah, Miss April May. I'm sorry 'bout this... But I can't tell you anything about her!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Too late. You already told me her name." *aloud* "So you've sent her home already, then?"

Gumshoe: "Ahah! You're trying your lawyerly tricks on me now! She's not to go outside her room until the trial!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Hah! You just told me where she's at." *aloud* "I guess I should know better than to try to get a detective to leak information.

Gumshoe: "You got that right, pal!"

Y/N: *thinks* "I'll be sure to pay Ms. May a visit. I'm dying to know what juicy info she's keeping about the case."

And so, you left your mentor's office and headed off to the Gatewater Hotel to visit the eye witness at her hotel room.

[Music stops]

September 6
Gatewater Hotel - Room 303

So, here you are, at the hotel room Ms. May is staying at and just as you arrive, you meet the pretty face staying there.

April: "Well! Hello there, handsome."

Y/N: *keeping it cool* "Well, hello to you too, beautiful." *thinks* "Not gonna lie, she's a real cutie pie."

April: "You're the lawyer, aren't you? The detective told me... He said, "Don't say nothing to that lawyer, pal!" Tee hee!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Dick Gumshoe, you're really giving me a run for my money, big guy."

April: "Gee! This is all like something out of a movie! It's all so exciting I can hardly contain myself! Ooh! Let me go freshen up so I can look the part of the beautiful eyewitness!"

Y/N: "Take your time, gorgeous." *thinks* "If I have to cross-examine her, it'll be one hell of a show, that's for sure."

While she's getting nice and pretty, you decide to let your eyes wander around for anything out of the ordinary. In the corner, you notice one of the drawers open and a screwdriver that was sticking out.

Y/N: *thinks* "What's that?"

As you walk over to take a look...

April: "Hey! H-h-hey!!! *blocks you off* What are you doing!? No touching! Oooh. Bad boy! Y-you really shouldn't pry around in other people's rooms, now. You wouldn't want to make me upset, would you?"

Y/N: "Whoa! Easy now, I meant no harm. I just got a little curious, that's all. Please don't be mad at me, you're just too cute to be mad." *thinks* "Fucking hell, she looks like she was about to explode for a minute there."

April: "Hmm, well... okay then. But only because you called me cute." *giggles adorably, winking*


Y/N: "Anyways, Ms. May."

April: "Oh, call me April. I don't mind." *giggles*

Y/N: *blushes slightly* "Okay then, April. Can you tell me what it was you observed during the incident last night?"

April: "Ooh. "Observe," "incident"! You sound just like a lawyer in the movies! *gets up close* I like a man with a big... vocabulary."

She was really flaunting her stuff, even pressing her huge jugs into your chest while you try hard not to crack.

Y/N: *thinks* "Head in the game... Head in the game!" *aloud* "Yes, well... if you have any information, I'd be exceedingly grateful."

April: *in your face* "Well, in that case..." *pulls away, playfully* Dream on! If you want to know, you'll just have to come to the court tomorrow, Mr. Lawyer!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Well, at least I hung in there. But man, I'm gonna be stuck with some serious blue balls after this." *aloud* "In that case, why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

April: "Oooh, Mr. Lawyer! Are you hitting on me?"

Y/N: "With a girl who's out of my league? No, I'm just doing my job."

April: "Tee hee! You know, you're cute when you blush."

Y/N: "Well, can you blame me? You're just so cute yourself, I can't help myself but blush, I can be shy at times."

April: "Awww, aren't you sweet. But sadly, no. I bet you had your little hopes up."

Y/N: "Not really. I tend to take reality with a grain of salt. By the way, I see you have two glasses on the table over there."

You point to the two empty glass cups.

April: "Oooh! What amazing powers of observation! You must be one of those famous detectives, like on television!"

Y/N: "Not a movie star, just a lawyer."

April: "Say, Mr. Big Detective, why don't you go look for clues... in the garbage? Hmm? Miss May doesn't like nosey little lawyers... Hmph!"

Y/N: *shrugs* "Have it your way. *taking your leave, stops at doorway* And for the record... I actually do think you're kinda cute. See you at the trial... sexy." *winks*

April wasn't gonna lie... she did see something in you that even made her blush and her heart skip a beat. But for the sake of her boss, she had to keep her own head in the game. As you left the hotel, she began to feel... uneasy.

April: *to herself* "Do I really want this?"

[Music stops]

September 6
Grossberg Law Offices

Upon arriving at the office, you hoped to find the man Maya needs, but find his desk empty.

Y/N: "Hmm... that's odd. Where is he?"

???: "Ah-HHHHEM!"

Y/N: *thinks* "If that wasn't the most over-the-top clearing of the throat I've ever heard!"

You look to where it came from and find a rather... heavy-set elder man in a brown suit standing right before you.

Grossberg: "Ah hah! So, you're the one they say has been looking for me?"

Y/N: "Yes sir, that's me." *thinks* "He looks even... grander than I imagined!"


Grossberg: "Hmm...? That badge on your collar...? Ah, so you're a lawyer, are you now?"

Y/N: "That's correct."

Grossberg: "And what do you want? I'm not particularly busy these days... Please, proceed!"

Y/N: *thinks* "Not busy? Then, why did I hear that you were hard to get a hold of?"

Grossberg: "Hmm? Something the matter? You came to see the one-and-only Marvin Grossberg, did you not? Well, here I am, boy! What do you want? Out with it!"

Y/N: "Okay, here's the thing. I came to you because I was requested by Ms. Maya Fey to come and get you."

Right as you mentioned her name, his face turned pale and began to sweat a little.

Grossberg: "...! Ah... yes. Maya Fey. Go on."

Y/N: *thinks* "That was weird. Why'd he react like that?" *aloud* "Okay, here's the deal--"

Grossberg: "A-cha-cha. I'm really quite busy here, son. I can't go taking cases on a day's notice! No, it's quite impossible."

Y/N: "Hey, I didn't ask you-- wait a second! How did you know the trial was tomorrow!?"

Grossberg: "Urk? Ahem! A-anyway... I'm afraid it's entirely impossible for me to represent her. Sorry. End of discussion."

Y/N: "What?! Why would you refuse right out of the blue? This is Maya Fey, Mia Fey's younger sister! How could you refuse her?! Mia trusted you!"

Grossberg: "I know that. However! I'm sorry but, I must refuse. Sorry. Good-bye."

Y/N: *growls* "And you call yourself a lawyer? Fine! If you won't represent Maya, then I will!"

Grossberg: *grumble* "... Think not."

Y/N: "What did you say?"

Grossberg: "I think not, I said."

Y/N: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Grossberg: "I'm terribly, terribly sorry. But I'm afraid that no lawyer worth their salt will take on this particular case. Terribly sorry, m'boy."

Y/N: "Oh yeah? And why's that? Tell me, I'm all ears."

Grossberg: "I... I cannot say. ... I beg your pardon, but could you leave? Now? I've nothing more to discuss with you."

Y/N: "You... are unbelievable. And to think... Mia trained under you."

You then stormed out of the office, slamming the door shut, leaving the husky lawyer to collect his thoughts.

Grossberg: *to himself* "Forgive me, Mia... Forgive this old fool... for betraying you and Maya."

[Music stops]

September 6, 3:42 PM

Detention CenterVisitor's Room
You arrived back at the detention center just in time to see Maya again and she looks to be happy to see you.

Maya: "Oh! You're back! Did you find the lawyer?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I did. *sighs* Maya... I got some bad news."

Maya: "... What happened?"

Y/N: "That... *clenches fist frustrated* That bastard outright refused." 

Maya: *shocked* "He did?!" *sorrowful* "... I see. I've been abandoned, then."


Y/N: "I'm so... so sorry, Maya. I tried to convince him, but he just wouldn't budge."

Maya: "It's not your fault. You did all you could."

Y/N: "I know I've already said this, but... what about your parents?"

Maya: "Mia's all I have left. My father died when I was very young. And I don't know where my mother is."

Y/N: *thinks* "So then it's possible she could still be alive." *aloud* "Okay, so... can you tell me more about your family?"

Maya: "Well... The women in my family have been mediums for generations. They say a lotta spiritual power runs in our blood. About fifteen years ago, our family was involved in an... incident. There was a man, and he... he... He ruined our mother's life.

Y/N: "That's awful!"

Maya: "After that, she disappeared. Several years after that, my sister announced she would "become a lawyer" and she left the mountain."

Y/N: "... So, in other words, you live by yourself."

Maya: "Yes. I've gotten used to it. Oh, also... I had to become independent, or I would lose my powers!

Y/N: *thinks* "Poor Maya." *aloud* So, who was this man who, um, "ruined" your mother?"

Maya: "About 15 years ago... there was an unusual murder case. It made quite a stir, everyone was talking about it, apparently. The police were running out of leads, and they were getting desperate..."

Y/N: "They used a spirit medium, didn't they?"

Maya: "The police convinced my mother to try to contact the victim."

Y/N: "What happened after that?"

Maya: "The case was solved... we thought."

Y/N: "What do you mean "you thought?"

Maya: "The man my mother helped the police capture was innocent."

Y/N: "Uh-oh... that must've spelt bad news for your mom then, huh?"

Maya: "Yeah. The police's consultation with a medium had all been carried out in secret, of course. But... A man found out about it and leaked it to the press. He told all the papers that my mother was a fraud, and the media jumped on it big time. She... my mother... became the laughing stock of the nation."

Y/N: "That's awful. Who would do such a thing?"

Maya: "... White..."

Y/N: "Excuse me? White?"

Maya: "That was his name. My sister told me."

Y/N: "I see."

Maya: "Anyways, it's just a little longer now before the state-appointed lawyer comes, I guess..."

Y/N: *stands up* "Maya, I've decided. At this moment, I'm going to handle your case."

Maya: *taken aback* "Why?

Y/N: "Why? Because..."

Your mind then wanders back to the time when you were just a kid and you were seething with anger and tears were running down your eyes. Many fingers were pointed at you and all you could feel that day... was anger, resentment... betrayal. No one was by your side, except... for two kids, slightly older than you.

Y/N: "Because, Maya... I would never abandon someone who's in dire need and for that, I plan to win you your freedom no matter what."

Maya: *moved to tears* "Thank you... Thank you so much..." *sniff*

Y/N: "Stay strong, Maya."

After comforting her and officially becoming her lawyer, you took your leave and headed back to a certain hotel. There was still one stone you have yet to turn.

*right afterwards*

You find yourself back at the hotel and come back up to May's room, only to find someone else there, instead of Ms. May.

Bellboy: "Good afternoon, sir!"

Y/N: "Oh, good afternoon. Who might you be?"

Bellboy: "Ah, I beg your pardon, sir! I am the bellboy of this establishment, at your service, sir."

Y/N: "Ah, okay. Nice to meet you."

Bellboy: "I've just come up to deliver room service, sir."

Y/N: "I understand. Say, do you know where Miss May might be?

Bellboy: "Ah. I believe our guest Miss May is currently using the, er, facilities...? If you've no need of anything, I'll be taking my leave. Please, stay as long as you like. Enjoy..."

Y/N: "Alright then. Take care now."

Bellboy: *stops just right behind you* "Ah, I almost forgot!"

Y/N: "Hmm? What's up?"

Bellboy: "Might I ask you to inform Miss May that there is a message for her? Please tell her that Mr. White, of Bluecorp phoned."

Right afterwards, the name hit you like a ton of bricks, but you choose to play it calm and professional like before.

Y/N: "Of course. I can do that." *after he leaves* "Mr. White, huh? And Bluecorp... It seems like there's a connection here. Could he be the same White who ruined Maya and Mia's mother?"

Your thoughts snap back to reality and you hurry over to the drawer with the screwdriver sticking out. You reach in and pull out... 


Y/N: *thinks, astonished* "A wiretap?! Hmm I wonder what April was doing with this trinket. No matter, I'm gonna find out what it is. Hope she's ready, because I tend to play... rough."

April: *from the shower* "Oh, bellboy...? Still there?"

You quickly rush out of there and head off to your final destination... an important place you feel is necessary for you.

[Music stops]

You are now at the hospital and are currently in the room where Mia's at and there she is, in her hospital bed, unconscious, her head wrapped in bandages, hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor, showing her heart is stable still. 

Seeing her in this state... it felt like a hole was drilled into your heart. She'd done so much for you and fate does her dirty like this. You tenderly stroke her warm hand with your thumn while holding it. You wanted to let her know you were there for her. Some blood from her head still lingered on her.

Y/N: "Mia... *collects blood in fingers* I give you my word. *forms fist* ...I vow to win!"

[A/N: Bet you weren't expecting this, huh? Yes, Mia is still alive, but she is unconscious from the blow to the head. She won't wake up until later on in the story. When, you ask? Well, you'll have to find out for yourself. Anyways, the trial is about to begin the next chapter, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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