The First Turnabout
Name: Y/N L/N
Age: 19
Occupation: Defense Attorney
Normal Clothes: Your choice.
Lawyer Clothes: Same as Phoenix Wright's.
Workplace: Fey & Co. Law Offices
Height: 5'11
Weight: 147 lbs/66.6781
Mia Fey
Maya Fey
April May
Franziska Von Karma
Lana Skye
Angel Starr
Adrian Andrews
[There might be more girls to add in the future... if I can. But for now, on with the story. Now, just so you guys know, you're not a pushover like Phoenix was. You're a young prodigy who takes his work seriously and you don't scare easily.]
August 3, 9:47 AM
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 2
In the defendant lobby, you're seen standing and waiting, adjusting your necktie, awaiting the start of the trial. Even though it's nerve-wracking, you keep a strong game face.
Y/N: "Man, what a fine mess this turned out to be."
???: "Something wrong?"
You look over and see your chief and mentor, Mia Fey. She happens to be your boss at the Fey & Co. Law Offices. She gave you a job some time after you graduated law school.
Y/N: "Oh, hi, Chief. Truth is, this whole case has got me baffled."
Mia: "Oh yeah? How so?"
Y/N: "Well, it's about my client. There's no way he could've done something like this, he's not that kind of guy. I guarantee it because I've known him since childhood."
Mia: "Oh? You knew him before the case? I'm surprised. Both by the history you share with him and the fact that you'd take a murder case right off the bat like that."
Y/N: "I'm full of surprises, Chief."
???: "It's over! My life, everything, it's all over!"
Mia: *looks over* "Isn't that your client screaming?"
Y/N: "Yeah, he's a real loud mouth."
???: "Death! Despair! Ohhhh! I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna die!!!"
Mia: "It sounds like he wants to die..."
Y/N: "Yeah... but that's not gonna happen today."
Larry: *tearful* N/N!!!
Y/N: "It's alright, Larry. I told you I've got your back."
Larry: "Dude, I'm so guilty!! Tell them I'm guilty!!! Gimme the death sentence! I ain't afraid to die!"
Y/N: "What!? Larry, you're my client and my friend. And no friend of mine is getting the death sentence for something he didn't do."
Larry: "But, I can't live in a world without her! I can't! Who... who took her away from me, N/N? Who did this!? Aww, N/N, ya gotta tell me! Who took my baby away!?"
Y/N: *thinks* "Last I checked from the newspaper, it said you did it... but I smell a rat in here."
[fades into black]
Y/N: *narrating* "My name is Y/N L/N. Here's the story: My first case is a fairly simple one. A young woman was killed in her apartment. The guy they arrested was the unlucky sap dating her: Larry Butz... my best friend since childhood. Our school had a saying: "When something smells, it's usually the Butz." In the 19 years I've known him, it's usually been true. He has a knack for getting himself in trouble. One thing I can say though: it's usually not his fault. He just has terrible luck. But I know better than anyone, that he's a good guy at heart. That and I owe him one. Which is why I took the case... to clear his name. And that's just what I'm going to do!"
August 3, 10:00 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 2
There's quiet chatter in the courtroom as the jury takes their seats while you, Mia, Larry, the judge and the prosecution take your respective spots.
Judge: *bangs gavel, silencing the court* "The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Larry Butz."
Winston: "The prosecution is ready, Your Honor."
Y/N: *calm and firm* "The defense is ready, Your Honor."
Judge: "Mr. L/N, am I correct in assuming this is your first case?"
Y/N: "Yes, Your Honor. This is my first case."
Judge: "Then, I hope you can keep your wits and handle this case diligently. Murder is a very serious charge."
Y/N: "I am fully aware of this, Your Honor."
Judge: "Alright, then to make sure we're all caught up, please tell us the full details of the case."
Winston: "Right, your honor. At precisely 4 PM yesterday, a young woman was found dead inside of her apartment. The victim is 22 year old Cindy Stone. Cause of death was from blunt force trauma to the head. The murder weapon was of this statue, The Thinker. *presents statue* Your honor, I have the autopsy report right here for your perusal." *presents report*
Judge: "Very well, the court accepts it as evidence."
Mia: "Y/N, you'll wanna pay very close attention to this case. The evidence is your weapon, the key to solving this case."
Y/N: "Understood, chief."
Winston: "Now then, Your Honor, the prosecution would like to call the defendant, Mr. Larry Butz to the stand."
Judge: "I see. Does the defense have any objections?"
Y/N: "No, Your Honor. Proceed."
And so, Larry takes the stand. Though you were a bit worried as Larry got excited pretty easily due to his nature.
Payne: "Ahem. Mr. Butz. Is it not true that the victim had recently dumped you?"
Butz: "Hey, watch it buddy! We were great together! We were Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony!"
Y/N: *thinks* "You do realize they all died, right?"
Butz: "I wasn't dumped! She just wasn't taking my phone calls. Or seeing me... Ever. WHAT'S IT TO YOU, ANYWAY!?"
Payne: "Mr. Butz, what you describe is generally what we mean by "dumped." In fact, she had completely abandoned you... and was seeing other men! She had just returned from overseas with one of them the day before the murder!"
Butz: "Whaddya mean, "one of them"!? Lies! All of it, lies! I don't believe a word of it!"
Payne: "Your Honor, the victim's passport. *presents passport* According to this, she was in Paris until the day before she died."
He places the passport right next to the other pieces of evidence on the table.
Judge: "Hmm... Indeed, she appears to have returned the day before the murder."
Butz: "Dude... no way..."
Payne: "The victim was a model, but did not have a large income. It appears that she had several "Sugar Daddies."
Butz: "Daddies? Sugar?"
Payne: "Yes. Older men, who gave her money and gifts. She took their money and used it to support her lifestyle."
Butz: "Duuude!"
Payne: "We can clearly see what kind of woman this Ms. Stone was. Tell me, Mr. Butz, what do you think of her now?"
Mia: "L/N... I don't think you want him to answer that question."
Y/N: "Right. *to the judge* Your Honor, my client was unaware that the victim was seeing these other men. Therefore the prosecution's question is irrelevant to this case."
Payne: "Oof!" *he winces*
Butz: "Dude! N/N! Whaddya mean, "irrelevant"!? That cheatin' she-dog! I'm just gonna drop dead! Yeah, and when I meet her in the afterlife... I'm going to get to the bottom of this!"
Judge: *slams gavel* "Let's continue with the trial, shall we?"
Payne: "I believe the accused's motive is clear to everyone."
Judge: "Yes, quite."
Y/N: *thinks* "Larry, seriously... you gotta pull it together."
Payne: "Next question! You went to the victim's apartment on the day of the murder, did you not?"
Larry can't help but gulp nervously.
Payne: "Well, did you, or did you not?"
Butz: *nervously plays cool* "Heh? Heh heh. Well, maybe I did, and maybe I didn't!"
Y/N: *thinks* "I knew it. He went there. I'd better send him a signal since he's under oath." *through gestures* Tell. The. Truth."
Butz: "Er... Yeah! Yeah! I was there! I went!"
The people in the jury were murmuring to each other, starting to think he did it now.
Judge: *slams gavel* "Order! Well, Mr. Butz?"
Butz: "Dude, chill! She wasn't home, man... So, like, I didn't see her."
Payne: "OBJECTION! Your Honor, the defendant is lying."
Judge: "Lying?"
Payne: "The prosecution would like to call a witness who can prove Mr. Butz is lying."
Judge: "Well, that simplifies matters. Who is your witness?"
Payne: "The man who found the victim's body. Just before making the gruesome discovery... He saw the defendant fleeing the scene of the crime!"
The crowd murmurs again, the odds against Larry were stacking up quicker than ever before.
Judge: *slams gavel* "Order! Order in the court! Mr. Payne, the prosecution may call its witness."
Payne: "Yes, Your Honor."
Y/N: *thinks* "Okay, if the prosecution wants to play hard ball, then bring it on, I'll come back at them tenfold."
Payne: "On the day of the murder, my witness was selling newspapers at the victim's building. Please bring Mr. Frank Sahwit to the stand!"
Moments later, the witness appears on the stand while Larry was back in the defendant's chair. Words cannot describe how shady this son of a bitch really is.
Payne: "Mr. Sahwit, you sell newspaper subscriptions, is this correct?"
Sahwit: "Oh, oh yes! Newspapers, yes!"
Judge: "Mr. Sahwit, you may proceed with your testimony. Please tell the court what you saw on the day of the murder."
Witness Testimony-- Witness's Account --
Sahwit: "I was going door-to-door, selling subscriptions when I saw a man fleeing an apartment. I thought he must be in a hurry because he left the door half-open behind him. Thinking it strange, I looked inside the apartment. Then I saw her lying there... A woman... not moving... dead! I quailed in fright and found myself unable to go inside. I thought to call the police immediately! However, the phone in her apartment wasn't working. I went to a nearby park and found a public phone. I remember the time exactly: It was 1:00 PM. The man who ran was, without a doubt, the defendant sitting right over there."
Judge: "Hmm..."
Y/N: *thinks* "Interesting lie... but it's a lie, nonetheless."
Judge: "Incidentally, why wasn't the phone in the victim's apartment working?"
Payne: "Your Honor, at the time of the murder, there was a blackout in the building."
Judge: "Aren't phones supposed to work during a blackout?"
Payne: "Yes, Your Honor... However, some cordless phones do not function normally. The phone that Mr. Sahwit used was one of those. Your Honor... I have a record of the blackout, for your perusal."
He places the blackout record with the other evidence.
Judge: "Now, Mr. L/N."
Y/N: "Yes, Your Honor?"
Judge: "You may begin your cross-examination."
Y/N: "Yes, of course."
Mia: "You know how to proceed, right?"
Y/N: "Sure, I did learn from the best, right?" *winks at Mia*
Cross Examination-- Witness's Account --
Y/N: "Now, Mr. Sahwit, you claim that you found the body at 1:00 PM, are you sure about this?"
Sahwit: "Yes, it was 1:00 PM for certain."
Y/N: "Well, frankly... I find that quite hard to believe. Your testimony directly contradicts the autopsy report. If you recall, the autopsy report clearly states she died at 4PM. There was no body to find at 1PM, so how do you explain this 3 hour gap?"
Oop, you've got him good. Now he's sweating bullets.
Sahwit: "!!! Oh, that! Oh, er..."
Payne: "OBJECTON! This is trivial! The witness merely forgot the time!"
Judge: *shakes head left and right* "After his testimony, I find that hard to believe. Mr. Sahwit... Why were you so certain that you found the body at 1:00 PM?"
Sahwit: *nervous* "I... er... well, I... Gee, that's a really good question!"
Mia: "Great job, Y/N! Way to put him on the spot! That's all you have to do: point out contradictions! Lies always beget more lies! See through one, and their whole story falls apart!"
Y/N: "You're right, chief."
Sahwit: *recomposes* "Wait! I remember now!"
Judge: "Would you care to give your testimony again?"
Y/N: *thinks* "Bring it on, Pinocchio."
Witness Testimony-- The Time of Discovery --
Sahwit: "You see, when I found the body, I heard the time. There was a voice saying the time... It was probably coming from the television. Oh, but it was three hours off, wasn't it? I guess the victim must have been watching a video of a taped program! That's why I thought it was 1:00 PM, terribly sorry about the misunderstanding..."
Judge: "Hmm... I see. You heard a voice saying the time on a taped program. Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine the witness."
Mia: "L/N! You know what to do!"
Y/N: "I've got this one."
Cross Examination-- The Time of Discovery --
Y/N: "Mr. Sahwit, what you said just now doesn't add up."
Judge: "What might that be, Mr. L/N?"
Y/N: "The witness claims the victim was watching a taped program, but there was a blackout at the time of the discovery. *presents Blackout records* And these records prove it."
Aaand the witness is nervous again.
Y/N: *turns to Frank* "Therefore, there's no way he could've heard a video or the television."
Sahwit: *exclaims nervously* "Gah!!! I... well... urk!"
Judge: "The defense has a point. Do you have an explanation for this, Mr. Sahwit?"
Sahwit: *nervously* "No, I... I find it quite puzzling myself! Quite! ... Aah! W-wait! I remember now!"
Judge: "Mr. Sahwit? The court would prefer to hear an accurate testimony from the very beginning. These constant corrections are harming your credibility. That, and you seem rather... distraught."
Sahwit: "...! M-my apologies, Your Honor! It... er, it must have been the shock of finding the body!"
Judge: "Very well, Mr. Sahwit. Let's hear your testimony once more please."
Y/N: *think* "He's making this way too easy for us."
Mia: *thinks, smiling at you* "Well, someone's on fire."
Witness Testimony-- Hearing the Time --
Sahwit: "Actually, I didn't "hear" the time... I "saw" it! There was a table clock in the apartment, wasn't there! Yeah, the murder weapon! The killer used it to hit the victim! That must have been what I saw."
Judge: "You saw a clock? I guess that would explain it. The defense may cross-examine the witness."
Y/N: "Gladly."
Cross Examination-- Hearing the Time --
Y/N: "So, Mr. Sahwit. You said the victim was struck by a... clock?"
Sahwit: "Y-Yes, of course it was a clock!"
Y/N: "I'm gonna have to stop you right there. The murder weapon wasn't a clock, it was this statue of The Thinker. *shows statue* Now, tell me, in what way, is this a clock?"
Once again, Mr. Sahwit is struck by the truth and is now getting agitated by your counterattacks.
Sahwit: "Whaa!? Y-you with your "objections," and your "evidence"... Just who do you think you are!?"
Y/N: "Just answer the question, Mr. Sahwit."
Sahwit: "Hey, I... I saw it there, okay! That's a clock!"
Payne: *nervous* "Your Honor! If I may..."
Judge: "Yes, Mr. Payne?"
Payne: "As the witness stated, this statue is indeed a clock. The neck is a switch. You just tilt it, and it says the time out loud. As it doesn't look like a clock, I submitted it as a statue. My apologies."
Judge: "I see. So the murder weapon was a table clock after all. Well, Mr. L/N? It appears that the witness's testimony was correct. This is a clock. Do you have any problems with his testimony now?"
Y/N: "Yes, Your Honor. There's still a gaping hole in the witness' testimony. The only way he could've known it was a clock is to hold it in his hand, yet he testified that he never went into the victim's apartment. A clear contradiction in this case."
Judge: *nods* "Hmm... indeed."
Y/N: "That can only mean one thing." *points to Frank* "You're lying, you actually went inside the victim's apartment!"
Sahwit: *flinches* "Oh yeah? Prove it! Prove I went in there!"
Y/N: *slams hands on table* "Oh, I'll do better than that! I can prove you were the one who killed her! You struck her with the clock, and the shock of the blow triggered the clock's voice!"
[Picture yourself in this shot instead of Phoenix Wright]
Y/N: "That was the sound you heard!"
The odds against Larry were now shifting towards the witness. Things were now looking up for you and your friend/client.
Judge: *slams gavel* Order in the court! Intriguing. Please continue, Mr. L/N."
Y/N: "Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Sahwit, the sound must have left quite an impression on you. Understandable, since the murder weapon spoke just as you hit the victim! That voice was burned into your mind. That's why you were so certain about the time!"
Payne: "OBJECTION! W-w-what's the meaning of this? This is all baseless conjecture!"
Y/N: "Baseless...? Just look at the witness's face! I'd hardly call that baseless!"
Frank Sahwit was seething with anger and annoyance as the heat was now on him.
Judge: "Would the witness care to elaborate? Did you strike the victim with the clock?"
Sahwit: "I... I...! That... that day... I... I never! Look... I... the clock... I heard, no! I mean, I saw...Saw... nggg! Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
[Music stops]
In a fit of anger, the shady asshole removes his toupee and threw it at you, but you caught it like a boss and simply dropped it to the side with disgust on your face.
Sahwit: *angered* "Shutupshutupshutup! I hate you! I-it was him, I tell you! I saw him! H-he killed her and he should burn! Burn! Give him death!"
More murmurs in the crowds could be heard.
Judge: *slams gavel* "Order! Order in the court I say!"
Payne: "Your Honor, a-a moment please! There isn't a shred of evidence supporting the defense's claims!"
Judge: "Mr. L/N!"
Y/N: "Your Honor?
Judge: "You claim the sound the witness heard came from the clock... Do you have any evidence?"
Y/N: "Absolutely, Your Honor. The sound the witness heard was indeed this clock. All we have to do is sound it right here in this court. Your Honor, may I have the clock?" *statue is given* "Thank you. Now, I ask the court to the listen very carefully."
Putting your hand on the head, you twist the statue's neck and let the truth be heard.
Thinker: *beep* "I think it's 8:25"
Judge: "That certainly is a strange way to announce the time."
Y/N: "Well, he is "The Thinker," after all."
Judge: "So, we've heard the clock. What are your conclusions, Mr. L/N?"
Y/N: "Mr. Payne... can you tell me what time it is now?"
Payne: "It's 11:25... Ack!"
Y/N: "As you can see, this clock is exactly three hours slow! Precisely the discrepancy between what Mr. Sahwit heard and the actual time of death! So, Mr. Sahwit... Try to talk your way out of this one!"
Sahwit: "... ...Hah! Hah hah! You forgot one thing!"
Y/N: "Oh? And what's that, Mr. Sahwit?"
Sahwit: "While it may seem like that clock IS running three hours slow... It proves nothing! How do you know it was running three hours slow on the day of the murder!? If you can't prove that, you don't have a case!"
Y/N: "Unfortunately for you, I have concrete proof. All we gotta do is turn our thinking around on this case."
Sahwit: "Hah! Tough words! Let's see you pull this one off!"
Y/N: *thinks* "This is all or nothing. Now think... why was the clock 3 hours slow?" *eyes then turn to passport, realizes* "THAT'S IT!" *aloud* "Alright then, how's this for proof?"
Y/N: "Let's review this piece of evidence one more time. *presents passport* Earlier, we discussed that the victim returned home from abroad in Paris the day before the murder. As we all know, the difference between here and Paris is 9 hours! When it's 4PM here, it's 1AM the next day there. Therefore the clock wasn't 3 hours slow, but 9 hours fast! The victim, Ms. Cindy Stone hadn't reset her alarm when she returned home the day before the murder. That's why the time you heard when you struck her dead in her apartment was wrong." *slams hands on table* "So, is that proof enough for you, Mr. Sahwit? Or should I say... Mr. DID IT?"
[Music stops]
Aaaaaand he breaks down from the truth and collapses, foaming at the mouth, causing the crowd to murmur at the final truth.
Judge: *slams gavel* "O-order! Order, I say!"
[Moments later...]
Judge: "Well... This case has certainly turned out differently than we all expected. Mr. Payne... Your witness?"
Payne: "He... er... He was arrested and has been taken away, Your Honor."
Judge: "Very well. Mr. L/N?"
Y/N: "Yes, Your Honor."
Judge: "I have to say, I'm impressed. I don't think I've ever seen someone complete a defense so quickly... ...and find the true culprit at the same time!"
Y/N: "Thank you, Your Honor."
Judge: "At this point, this is only a formality, but... This court finds the defendant, Mr. Larry Butz..."
Crowds roared with glee. Larry Butz was found innocent for the crime he didn't commit and got to keep his freedom.
Judge: "And with that... This court is adjourned."
Moments later, everyone left the courtroom, most people satisfied with the verdict, a few... not so much.
It turns out that Frank Sahwit was a common burglar! He posed as a newspaper sales-man to check and see when people were out of the house! That day... When Larry went to her apartment, the victim wasn't home. After he left, Mr. Sahwit let himself in to do his dirty work! While he was searching her place, the victim returned! Flustered, Mr. Sahwit grabbed the nearest blunt object he could find...
The rest... you know.
August 3, 2:32 PM
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 2
Y/N: *sighs* "At long last, it's finally over."
Mia: "L/N! Good job in there! Congratulations!"
Y/N: "I had a good teacher. It's thanks to your teachings I got to win the case for Larry."
Mia: "Not at all, not at all! You fought your own battles in there. It's been a while since I've seen a trial end on such a satisfying note!"
Y/N: *thinks* "Man, I love seeing that beautiful smile on her face. Imagine how Larry's feeling now that he's--" *sees Larry*
Butz: *weeping* "My life is over..."
Y/N: "Larry! You're supposed to be happy! What's wrong now!?"
Butz: "Aww, N/N... Don't worry 'bout me! I'll be dead and gone soon!"
Y/N: "Larry, don't you go spouting that nonsense. You're innocent! The case is closed."
Butz: "... But... but my Cindy-windy's gone, man! Gone forever!"
Y/N: *thinks* "You're seriously still fawning over that sl-- you know what, nevermind."
Mia: "Congratulations, Harry!"
Butz: "H-Harry...?"
Mia: "Yes, you! I can practically see the headlines now: "Harry Butz, Innocent!"
Butz: "Heh... um... thanks! I really owe you one. I won't forget this, ever! Let's celebrate! Dinner? Movie? My treat!"
Mia: "Oh, no, I couldn't."
Y/N: *thinks* "Oh sure, treat my boss out to dinner while I was the one who acquitted your ass."
Butz: "Oh, hey! H-here, take this! It's a present!"
Larry reaches into his pockets and gives Mia... a statue of The Thinker?
Mia: "A present? For me? Wait... Wasn't this the evidence that..."
Butz: "Actually, I made this clock for her! I made one for her and one for me."
Mia: "R-really? You? You made this? ... Well, thank you. I'll keep it as a memento."
Butz: "Yo, N/N... Can you believe it? I was so into that chick... And... And she was just playing me for a fool! Don't that make you wanna just cry? *sob*
Y/N: *thinks* "Oh, Larry."
Mia: "... Are you so sure?"
Butz: "Ex-squeeze me?"
Mia: "I think she thought quite a lot of you, in her own way."
Butz: "Nah, you don't gotta sympathize with me, 'sokay."
Mia: "Oh, I'm not just sympathizing, really. Isn't that right, L/N? Don't you have something to show your friend? Something that proves how she felt about him?"
Y/N: *processes her words, figures it out* "Oh, now I know. Larry, Mia's right. Have a look at this for a sec." *shows The Thinker murder weapon* "This is proof positive that you weren't just some chump to her."
Butz: "Huh...? What about that clock?"
Y/N: "This is the clock YOU made for her, Larry! And she took it with her when she traveled.
Butz: "Whatever. She probably just needed a clock, that's all.
Y/N: "Are you sure? Because this is a pretty heavy clock to take traveling... Well, make of it what you will."
Butz: "... Hey, N/N. *cries happy tears* I'm glad I asked you to be my lawyer. Really, I am. Thanks."
Y/N: "...You're welcome Larry."
Mia then put a hand on your shoulder and gestured you to come over. You follow her a few feet away to listen to what else she has to say.
Mia: "L/N? I hope you see the importance of evidence now. Also, hopefully you realize, things change depending on how you look at them. People, too. We never really know if our clients are guilty or innocent. All we can do is believe in them. And in order to believe in them, you have to believe in yourself. L/N... Listen. Learn. Grow strong. Never let go of what you believe in. Never."
You nod, taking her words to heart.
Y/N: "No problem. No matter what, I will defend my client as well as find the truth behind each new case. That is my solemn creed."
She chuckles and pats you on the back.
Mia: "Good. Well, I think our work here is done! Shall we be off?"
Y/N: "Yeah, I'm in the mood to celebrate."
Mia: In that case, how about dinner. On me? We'll drink a toast to innocent Butz!"
Y/N: "Sure, but I can't drink since I'm not 21."
Mia: "That's alright. I'll just get you water or a soda."
Y/N: "Works for me."
Mia: "Oh, speaking of Harry... You were saying part of why you became a lawyer was because of him."
Y/N: "Yeah, he's part of the reason."
Mia: "You'll have to tell me more about it sometime! Maybe... over drinks?"
Y/N: "Sure, but still... a water or soda will do it for me."
And so, your first trial came to a close. Larry slapped you on the back and said, "Gee, N/N, it's good to have friends!" But it's pretty clear he's not going to pay you. Unless you count the clock he gave Mia. ...You didn't know it then... ...but that clock was soon going to be at the center of another incident.
[A/N: I've always been a fan of Ace Attorney, so I decided to do my own rendition of the game/anime series. For the record, no, Mia will not die, she is just gonna be knocked out for a while, so she will still live and be part of the story. Anyways, the stage is finally set, so... STAY TUNED!!!]
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