With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?

It was a couple days after the Friends of Humanity had their hateful meeting when Jake volunteered to get more milk at his dorm. Jake was at the local store, walking on over to the dairy aisle. He sighed happily and smiled, thinking of his girlfriend. He was blissfully unaware of the danger that was right behind him as one member of the FOH was stalking him. We'll call this guy Ike. Ike was following Jake as he got to the milk section. Jake was debating whether to get whole milk, half fat, 1%, or fat free. Jake shrugged and then decided to just get half fat milk. As Jake put the milk in the cart, Ike said behind him, "are you Jake Phillips Jr?" At first, Jake was startled by the person who snuck up behind him. He turned around and said, "sorry, you scared me half to death. Yeah I'm Jake. What's up?"

"What's up is that you're coming with me, mutant lover," said Ike as he pulled out a gun, ready to hold Jake at gunpoint. Jacob immediately recognized the FOH armband with the symbol on his left arm, realizing this douche was a member of the mutant hate group Friends Of Humanity. "Whoa, dude!" Jake calmly protested while raising his hands, "please put down the gun, you don't have to do this..." Ike glared at Jake and shouted, "SHUT UP!!! You and me, we're going on a ride..."

"And if I refuse?" Jake asked, realizing that his calm reasoning wouldn't de-escalate anything. Jake then decided to try and telepathically ask for help, using all of his mental willpower, whatever he had, to try and mentally reach out to Professor Xavier or Jean Grey. "You don't get a say in the matter," said Ike. Suddenly, Jake felt the back of his head being struck with a hard object. It was Ike's partner Dan who hit him with the back of his gun, and Jake was knocked unconscious. His last thoughts telepathically said, "Jean... Charles... Anna... Help..."

Jake's absence did not go unnoticed by his roommate Rick Jones. Rick spent most of the night awake, wondering when Jake would come home. When he didn't come home by midnight, Rick became worried. Rick called and texted Jake five times, and when Jake didn't answer his phone, this gave Rick even more concern to be worried. He went to Jake's family home to talk to his parents and Jake's sister, despite how late in the night it was. "What seems to be the problem Rick?" Jacob asked in concern. "It's your son Jake," said Rick, "He offered to get milk for our dorm and he hasn't come back since. It shouldn't take over 5 hours to buy milk! I've tried calling and texting, but he hasn't answered! I think he might be missing Mr Phillips..." Jacob gave a concerned look and said, "that does sound serious. I'll try to contact Jake's girlfriend. She's part of the X-Men, so she and her teammates might be able to help..."

Meanwhile at the Xavier Institute, Jean Grey Summers was struggling to sleep in her bedroom that she shared with her husband Scott. She paced the room because she could hear Jake's voice telepathically saying to her, "Jean... Charles... Anna... Help..." Scott observed his wife's pacing and asked, "honey? Are you having trouble sleeping?" Jean looked at her husband and said, "yeah... I think Jake was mentally trying to reach out to me. He called my name, then Charles, and then Anna... The last thing he said was help. He sounded so scared Scott... I think Jake might be in danger." Scott got out of bed and said, "if that's the case, then I think we'll need to warn Rogue about this. For all we know, you could be right and Jake needs our help." They left their bedroom and wandered over to Rogue's bedroom, knocking on the door. A minute later, Rogue opened the door, wearing nothing but a green jersey with a yellow five at the center and her yellow glows, she was barefoot. "Now why y'all knockin' on mah door at this time of night?" Rogue asked while yawning, rubbing away any eye dust from her eyes. "Anna, I got a telepathic message from Jake a few hours ago," explained Jean, "I think he might be in danger..."

"What do you mean?" Rogue asked, wondering if Jake was okay. Suddenly, Rogue's cell phone started ringing. It was Jake's father. Rogue picked up and said, "hello?" Jacob said on the phone, "Anna, do you know where Jake is?" Rogue shook her head and replied, "Ah don't. He ain't at the institute. Ah was speaking to Jean, she said that she heard your son's voice telepathically. She thinks he might be in danger." Jacob applied, "according to his roommate Rick, Jake was out getting milk. He's been gone for a few hours and didn't make it to the dorm and he's not at our house. Mrs Summers may be right." Now Rogue was getting worried. "If he's been kidnapped or anythin', Ah promise you Mr Phillips, we will rescue your son," promised Rogue. "I believe you." Jacob said on the phone, "I'll call the police, see if they can do anything to find my son. If he's been kidnapped, we'll make sure the kidnappers are arrested. Good luck Anna." Rogue nodded and said, "thank you. Bye now." She hung up her phone and looked at Scott and Jean. "Ah think you just might be right about Jake bein' in danger," said Rogue, "He ain't back at the dorm and he ain't at the family house. Someone musta kidnapped him."

"Alright then," said Scott, "I'll see if we can get Logan and Piotr to help us find Jake. We'll suit up and search all of New York. I promise you Anna, we will rescue Jake. Jean, do you think you can use your powers to mentally reach out to Jake so that you can find his location?" Jean nodded and said, "I know I can. Let's suit up."

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