Chapter Twenty Six: DisneyWorld
"Thanks mate." Harry said to Zayn who had driven the 3 of us to the airport. Harry was going to his home in LA so we figured that we would ride the jet together and Niall and I would get off in Orlando.
"No problem guys! Have fun! I think it will be either Tommo or Perrie and I picking you all up."
"Ok. Just text us whomever." I said.
"See ya!!" Zayn said. The three of us went through security and quickly hustled to the jet. Niall had to stop at a food place of course.
After we finally got on the jet (God! How much food did Niall need to eat?), Harry went on his laptop and curled up with a blanket. He had his beanie on as well. I snuck up and took a picture.
"Really?" He said laughing at me.
"Yes. I'm tweeting that so all of the fangirls can be sexually frustrated." Harry started cracking up.
"Let's selfie" He said pulling out his phone. I sat next to him and then smiled into the camera. We took a few and then I headed back over to Niall.
"God, these leather seats are the best." I said collapsing into one.
"I know! Come snuggle.." Niall said wrapping his arm around me. I tweeted out the pic of Harry.
@Sarah_Official- Look who hijacked our plane ride. My brother is looking cute...directioners, u with me? @AliStyless you got it good hun.
@Sarah_Official- @AliStyless-You should change your handle coz some think u and my brother are married....
@Sarah_Official- @Harry_Styles sorry but @Niall_Official is still hotter......
I saw that Harry retweeted my tweets and tweeted our pic.
@Harry_Styles- I'm jumping on a plane with my lovely brother and sister. @Sarah_Official @Niall_Official thanks for the ride.
I saved our pic and retweeted Hazza's. I pulled out my laptop and started playing games.
After about 2 hours, I looked on my shoulder and saw that Niall had fallen asleep snuggled up to me. I took a picture 'coz he looked adorable.
I kissed Niall's forehead and held his hand. I fell asleep with him.
You are in Orlando. We will be leaving for Los Angeles in 10 minutes. Have fun guys! The pilot said.
"Bye Harry!" I said after grabbing my bags and giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"See ya Sarah. We shall pick you two up in a few days."
"See ya mate" Niall said giving Harry a bro hug/fist. Niall and I grabbed everything and headed into the airport. We went through security and quickly ran out to the car. Well, tried to. There was a mob of paparazzi outside. Niall took my hand and led me to the car. We put our stuff in the back and then got in.
"Are you excited?" Niall asked me.
"You have no idea.." I said.
We had a short drive and then pulled up to a DisneyWorld Hotel. Niall grabbed our bags out of the back and we headed into the lobby. He went to the receptionist to check us in. I grabbed my bag and his free hand and ran to the elevator. After putting in the key, Niall hit the penthouse button and a short ride later, we stepped out into our room.
"You did not book us the penthouse suite!" I said looking around in disbelief.
"Maybe I did.." Niall said closing the door behind us. I dropped my luggage in the corner and went to the bed. I jumped into it and patted the spot next to me. Niall came over and scooted next to me. There was a knock on the door.
"I got it." I said pulling away and then running to the door. There was Mickey Mouse and he gave me an envelope.
"Thank you Mickey!" I said before closing the door. I opened the envelope and read the letter.
"Dear Mrs and Mr Horan,
I invite you to my castle tonight for dinner. In your closets, you shall find dresses and suits. Please wear these tonight. I shall see you at 5:30.
Princess Cinderella" I read aloud.
"Mr and Mrs Horan ehh?" Niall grinned.
"Shut up. I know you have done that. I must go get ready!!" I said running into the closet and opening it. I pulled out this stunning blue dress and decided that I would try it on. I snuck into the bathroom and slipped it on.
It was a beautiful dress. The bodice was tight and then had a dropped waist. I decided to curl my hair and keep it down for dinner. I decided to keep it elegant. I knocked on the door and called to Niall.
"You ready?"
"Yes princess!!" I opened the door and stepped out. Niall had on a suit and tie. He looked really good. Niall's jaw dropped as I stepped to him. He spun me around and pulled me into a hug.
"You look like a princess."
"You look like a prince as well."
"Let's go. We have royalty awaiting us." He held out his arm which I took. We walked to Cinderella's castle. It was 5:20 when we arrived. We knocked on the door and a guard opened it.
"Mr and Mrs Horan?"
"That's us." Niall said.
"Follow me." The guard said stepping aside and letting us in. He led us upstairs to the castle dining room. He knocked.
"Come in!" A sweet voice called. The guard opened the door for us. We walked in the room and saw Cinderella and Prince Charming.
"Hello!! Welcome to my castle!! I'm Cinderella and this is Prince Charming." she said curtsying and Prince Charming bowing. Niall and I did the same.
"I'm Sarah and this is Niall."
"Pleasure to meet you. We will have other guests tonight as well if you don't mind." Prince Charming said.
"That's fine. Do you mind if we got a picture?" I asked.
"Yes!! We shall take pictures!" I pulled out my phone and took a selfie with the Princess and Prince. They sat us down at a table and went and greeted the other guests.
"Thank you for bringing me on this trip."
"I knew that you have always wanted to come here. I also planned it so that tomorrow, all of the Christmas lights go on."
"Yay!!!" I said excitedly.
Shortly after, we were served a lovely dinner and dessert.
"Thanks for everything your majesty." I said curtsying before leaving.
"It was a pleasure. Have a great night you two!!" Niall took my hand and lead me out of the castle. It was about 7:00 and had started to get cold.
"Hey, are you cold? Do you want my jacket?" Niall asked.
"No I'm ok."
"No I insist." Niall slid off his suit jacket and held it out for me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in.
"Can we go back to our room? I'm tired. I say tomorrow is all DisneyWorld." I said.
"I agree. Let's head back." We walked back to our room and got changed into our pyjamas. We climbed into bed and snuggled up.
"Thanks for the great night. I love you."
"I love you too Sarah."
I kissed Niall's forehead and crawled out of bed. He was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and climbed in.
I decided to wear some ombré high waisted shorts and my Nutella tank top. I dried my hair and then put it in a ponytail. I did my makeup and then went back by our bed. Niall was still asleep so I wrote him a note that I had gone to go get breakfast. I placed the note on my pillow so he would see it.
I took the key and headed to the breakfast room. I got a bagel, toast, and a yogurt parfait. I got Niall some sausage and eggs. I headed back up to our room.
"Sarah?" Niall said groggily.
"Yeah. Good Morning baby. I brought you breakfast." I said kissing him and sitting next to him in bed.
"You're the best." He said propping himself up in bed. I handed him his food and got out mine. We sat on the bed and ate breakfast whilst watching TV.
"You go get ready and I'll clean up. We have some roller coasters to ride!! Let's go!" I said kissing Niall then pushing him out of bed. He laughed and grabbed clothes before heading in the shower. I threw away the trash and then got my shoes on.
I pulled out my phone and checked it. I had a text from Perrie.
Hey girly! Let me know how Disney is. Take lots of pics and send me some!!! I can't handle all these routy boys by myself!! Love and miss you!!
Hey Perrie!! I'm having a great time. Niall and I dined with Cinderella and Prince Charming last night. Here are some pics we took. I'm wearing this outfit today. I'm waiting for Niall to get ready so we can go on some rides. I'm sorry!! Love and miss you as well!! More pics to come!!!
I sent her the message and went on YouTube. Gregg texted me as I was almost done watching Connor Franta's new video.
Hey Sarah! Theo wanted to say hello to you!!
I clicked on the video and hit play.
"Hi Aunty Sarah! Love you!" Theo said in the video. My heart melted. I recorded my own message.
"Hi Theo!! I love you too buddy!! I miss you and Uncle Niall and I will see you soon." I said before sending the message. I instantly got an idea. I smiled and texted with Gregg for a bit. He gave me a list of stuff that Theo wanted for Christmas.
Niall came out of the bathroom. "Ready?" He asked me.
"Yeah. Hold on let me send this last text." I said.
Thanks Gregg!! Niall and I should be coming for your family Christmas. We love and miss you all. See you soon!!! xoxo
I sent the message and turned off my phone before putting it in my pocket.
"Let's go." I said taking Niall's hand and pulling him off the foot of the bed. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and then dragged him out the door to the elevator. We started our day going on Splash Mountain which was my favourite as a kid. I loved going to DisneyLand has a kid so I knew a few rides. We went on ride after ride for a few hours. Niall and I both got hungry and we realised it was 2:30.
I got a cheeseburger and Niall got pizza. We sat and ate at the 'restaurant'. Afterwards, we went on more rides and met more characters till about 7:00. We had covered most, if not, all of the park.
"Let's head back to the Main Street. The parade will be starting." Niall said taking my hand. We strolled over as we had time to kill. When we got to Main Street, we had about 20 minutes left. I brought out my phone and had Niall and I selfie.
Niall and I sat at a spot on the curb and talked for a while and before we knew it, the parade had begun. I felt like a little kid again. Niall kept saying I had a huge grin on my face the entire time.
After the parade, the two of us strolled to the room and watched a movie. I have my own Prince Charming. Sorry Disney!
Hiiiiiii!!!! I hope you are doing fantastic!! I'm doing good.
600+ VIEWS?!? HOW THE HELLO DO YALL DO IT??? I truly love you all so much. Message me to talk!!
"I know they'll be coming to find me soon but my Stockholm Syndrome is in the room. Yeah I fell for you."
-Stockholm Syndrome
FOUR by One Direction
#perfection #thefeels
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