Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Say Goodbye

Sarah's POV:

"Niall. Babe. As much as I don't want you to, you have to get up and get ready. You guys have to be in Australia." I said shakily.

"Hmmpff." he groaned into his pillow. Niall snuggled in closer to me before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Babe. Please get up. You have to go on tour."

"I don't wanna leave." He whined.

"Come on. I have to drop you off at the airport."

We climbed out of bed and got changed. Niall put on a white tee and soccer pants with an LA Lakers SnapBack. I put on leggings and one of Niall's flannel that he let me keep as he was gone.

It was about 20 minutes from our home to the airport. Niall and I spent the car ride in a comfortable silence. His hand never left mine.

We got to the airport about 1 hour early.

"Can we grab some Nando's as our last meal together for a while?" Niall mumbled.

"I'd like that." I rested my head on his shoulder and we kept our hands intertwined.

The two of us walked into a Nando's by Niall's gate. We both ordered some chicken-- Niall's favourite-- and ate quickly so we could snuggle up before he left.

We plopped down on the floor of the gate. Niall pulled me into his shoulder and wrapped both of his arms around me.

"I'm going to miss you so much." He mumbled into my hair. He tugged on the elastic making my hair fall out of my ponytail.

"Niall!" I scolded. "There are people around and you know how my hair looks down!"

"I personally love it babe."

"Shut up Horan. Let's just cuddle."

"If it makes you feel better," he placed his SnapBack on my head covering my crazy hair.

Flight 238 to Australia is now boarding.

"That's my cue." He said sadly.

"Bye Niall. I'll miss you so much." I let the tears fall down my face.

"Hey. No tears remember?" He used the pad of his thumb to wipe the tears off my cheeks. "I will text you everyday and Skype you so much that you will get annoyed of me."

"I could never. Now go get em hottie. I love you so much! Goodbye." I said.

"No. See you soon."


"Don't say goodbye. I'm not leaving you. I'm just going on a work trip. I will see you soon."

"I'll see you soon. Now go! I don't want you to miss your flight."

"One last kiss and hug." he pulled me in for a passionate kiss and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Here's a little something from me." I said giving him a box. "Don't open it till you get on the plane. I love you Niall."

"I love you too. My side. 1st drawer. 13-09-93. I will let you know when I land. Bye Babe!" Niall said before running off and quickly boarding the plane.

I turned around and headed home. His words rang through my mind the whole drive. My side. 1st drawer. 13-09-93. What is that supposed to mean?

"My side: he sleeps on the right side of the bed. 1st drawer: his nightstand. 13-09-93: his birthday." I questioned aloud. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

I got home and got out my phone. Niall had texted.

Thanks for your charm! I will put it on my necklace. I'm going to sleep so I will call you as soon as I land. I love you. See you soon babe. xx Ni.

Anytime babe. I love you. As soon as I figure out what the hell My side. First drawer. 13-09-93. means, I'll let you know. Miss you already. Love you to the moon and farther. Xxxxxxxx. Your Princess.

"Ok. Let's just see where this takes me." I ran up into our bedroom and opened Niall's nightstand. There was a tiny safe with a bow on it. I put in the three digits and the lock popped open. There was a beautiful diamond infinity sign necklace that I had always wanted in there. I gasped. It was not cheap and I knew that. "Niall!" I yelled.

I texted him back straight away.

Niall James Horan. I told you to stop buying me expensive gifts! This necklace is not cheap. Where is the receipt? I'm getting you your money back. Stop spoiling me! S.x

About 30 minutes later, Niall was calling.

"Niall I swear to god why the hell did you spend so much on a necklace?" I reprimanded.

"I have landed. Love you too. Oh and by the way, I'm glad you love it. It's yours to keep. I ripped up the receipt and threw it away."


"Love you princess. I have to go. We are getting mobbed but check on the fridge. Love you!"

"What? Ok. See you soon. Love you sexy! Call or text later."

"Will do baby. See you soon." And with that, our phone call was over.

I took the necklace out and put it on. It was beautiful and I knew I wasn't going to be taking it off much. I went downstairs to our kitchen and looked on the fridge. There was a blue post it note on it with a message and numbers. The message was; Hiiiiiii princess. I love you.

This boy is going to be the death of me and I know it.

Hey guys. One more chapter left before 2 epilogues. It is crazy to think that this story is coming to a close. I appreciate all of you that have been reading this cheese.

So get ready....some new things are on the way.

"What screws us up in life is the picture in our heads of how its supposed to be."

I Support 1D ❤️🇬🇧

-Mrs1D238 ❤️❤️

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