Chapter Sixteen: Hospitals Suck
I woke up to a white ceiling.
"Damn it." I murmured. Someone squeezed my hand and I saw Niall. His eyes were red and puffy which meant he was crying.
"Oh my god. You are up. Ok awesome. Do you remember me? Do you know who I am? Do you know where you are?" he said really fast. His hand was shaking really bad. I squeezed it to steady it.
"Yes. You are Niall James Horan from One Direction and my boyfriend. We are in Barbados. I'm ok Niall, I just passed out. It will be alright." I kissed his hand.
"Good. Thank god!!" get bent down and kissed me. He started to cry again.
"Hun. Shhhhhh." I pulled him back down and kissed him. I wiped his tears with my thumbs. I kissed him one more time.
I started to cry. "I'm soooooooooo sorry. I didn't mean to ruin everyone's vacation."
"You didn't! It was unavoidable."
There was a knock at the door. A nurse came in. "She just woke up." Niall said shakily.
"Awesome! Hi Sarah. My name is Maddy I'm your nurse."
"Hi Maddy." She asked me a series of questions.
"We are going to have to take you for tests just to make sure." She unhooking me from a few machines
"Ok. Niall stay here."
"No! I'm not letting you go out of my sights."
"Niall. I'll be fine. I don't care if you call someone over to keep you company but I don't need you stressing even more. I will be ok. I love you Niall."
"Fine. Just come straight back." He said. I stood up and gave him a hug and a kiss. Maddy and I walked out of the room and headed to the testing room.
Niall's POV:
I called Harry and Ali. I didn't want to sit in this big room alone. I sat on the couch in the corner. I was looking through the pictures on my phone. I couldn't help but cry as the ones of Sarah and my family came up. I didn't realise how many pictures I got. I took the one of all 7 of us and made it my screensaver. Ali rushed in the door.
"Niall!" she came and wrapped me in a hug. We cried on each other's shoulders.
"You alright mate??" Harry said after giving me a hug.
"Yeah. I'm just glad she's up. I hope she doesn't have anything that will give her trouble." Sarah walked back in. Ali gave her a hug.
"Hey. How are you?" Ali asked.
"I'm good. I'm tired though so I'm going to get some sleep. You guys go home and come tomorrow." She replied.
"Hell no. I'm not leaving. I'm sleeping on the couch." I said.
"Niall. You have had enough stress for the day. Go get a good nights sleep and come early. I don't care just go home darling."
"No! I'm not leaving you after everything that we have gone through."
"No. I'm not arguing with you."
"Fine. Ali and Harry you guys have to go home." Ali and Harry protested but Sarah wasn't having it. She walked with them to the front.
She climbed into the bed and I tucked her in. She scooted all the way over and patted the spot next to her. I climbed in with her.
"It's not our bed but it'll have to do." She said intertwining our fingers. I kissed her forehead and she started to doze off.
I climbed out of bed and as I turned to head to the couch she woke up and started coughing. She started to swell up and get red and blotchy. I ran over and pressed the emergency button. A nurse came in and grabbed me out of the room.
"I'm going to need you to wait here sir."
"No!!! I'm not go-" she walked back in the room and shut the door.
I paced in the lobby and texted Harry.
M: I don't know whats happening
H: what's up?
M: she fell asleep and then shot up. She was red and blotchy. She was choking and having a hard time breathing. They kicked me out of the room.
H: the 8 of us are less than 5 minutes away.
M: you don't have to come
Next thing I know, they all come running into the lobby. "What's wrong" Perrie said.
"She- she is- I don't know!" I sobbed.
"Mate. Calm down" Zayn said. I was hyperventilating. "What happened?"
"She fell asleep and then shot back up. She was red and blotchy. She couldn't breathe. They pulled me out of the room." I choked out. I couldn't help but cry again. "What if she-"
"What? goes? C'mon Niall that's stupid. She's a fighter and wouldn't do that. You know that."
"I guess. I just don't know what happened it was really scary." I said.
"She will be alright." Sophia said.
"Just think, we can all head home tomorrow." Eleanor said.
"Mr. Horan? May I speak with you?" Maddy said. I walked over and she started to walk Dow the hall so I followed her.
"Is she ok?"
"Yeah. She had an allergic reaction to the medication she had to be on after the test. She's going to be fine. Ahh here we are. Would you like to see her test results?"
"Yes please!" I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"She has no brain damage. There's no concussion or anything like that. She's technically allowed to go home now but we'd like to keep her overnight to make sure her system is okay if that's ok with you."
"Can I speak with her first?"
"Yeah. The room is back down the hall and on the right."
"Thanks for everything!" I said. I just about ran to the room and as I opened the door I saw the others were all crowded around her. They were all laughing. I walked over and they parted a spot for me.
Sarah and my eyes met. She started to tear up. I kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry." she whispered.
"Shh." I responded shaking my head. I wiped her cheek like she had done for me. "They were wondering if you wanted to go home or stay. They want to keep you here to monitor your system. It's up to you really."
"I hate hospitals. Let's leave. I feel fine. I just feel bad that this happened and ruined all of your guys' vacation."
"I swear to god Sarah if you say that one more time I'm going to tape your mouth shut." Liam said.
"Ok. I want you 8 to go home and Niall and I will follow you guys in a couple minutes."
"On one condition." Zayn said.
"What?" Sarah asked concerned.
"That you actually leave and not just say you will." Zayn responded.
"Yeah you have to promise you will leave." Louis said.
"I promise. Now someone fetch me a nurse. I want to get the hell out of here." She said. I pressed the call nurse button and we told her that we were going to head home. She unhooked Sarah from the machines and the other 7 left. Perrie stayed with Sarah and I.
"Ok you are good to go. Here are your sheets so if anything happens in London then you have these." Maddy gave to Sarah.
"Thanks so much Maddy. We appreciate everything." Perrie, Sarah, and I walked out of the hospital. I took Sarah's hand and she put her head on my shoulder. Perrie held my arm. "Thanks for everything guys!" Sarah said. We headed back to the house and went to bed.
It's working now!! I am sorry for the wait. Thanks for reading!!! I'm so close to 200 views. That's crazy!!! this is a cheeky story that is my dream so to have that many people reading is crazy!!
"Be you.
Everyone else is taken."
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