Chapter Eighteen: Home Sweet Homes
"This one on the right. The one with all of the cars in the driveway. That's my Uncle's house." I said. Niall was driving us as we were in my hometown visiting my moms side of the family. We were surprising everyone and they were all meeting Niall. We were going to California tomorrow to see my dad's family.
Niall was quite nervous as he had checked himself in the mirrors so many times on the plane. His hand was shaking. I knew that he could get really worked up so I grabbed his hand and kissed it. "Calm down. They will love you. My family may seem intimidating but they aren't at all. We are big but everyone is quite funny. There will be alcohol and food." I said.
"I know. I'm just nervous." He said.
"You will be fine. I value my families opinion but I won't let it hurt our relationship. I promise that." Niall kissed my hand and pulled into the driveway.
The two of us walked up to the door and had a bunch of gifts with us. I knocked and my mom answered. "Hi!! Come on in!" I gave her a hug and Niall did the same but giving her a kiss on the cheek.
We put the other bags down and I took Niall's hand as we walked down the hall and into the living room. As we came around the corner I saw everybody again and a huge smile crossed my face.
"Sarah!!!!!" My Aunt A. exclaimed. She hopped up and came running over giving me a hug.
"Aunt Aleece, this is my boyfriend Niall Horan."
"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Niall said giving her a hug.
"Hey Sarah. Lovely for you to join us." Uncle B said.
"Nice to see you too Uncle B. Happy Birthday! This is for you." I gave him a hug and then the bag."This is my boyfriend Niall." I said.
"Pleasure Niall." Uncle B said shaking Niall's hand. We said hello to everyone which took forever as there were 25 of us. It was amazing seeing everyone again.
Niall held my hand and we sat on the floor next to my cousins. We were sat next to Brady. Brady was my cousin who was interested in pro football (soccer).
"How are you Brady?" I asked.
"Good. I have a football game tomorrow. The people from the pros will be there making final decisions so I'm nervous."
"You'll do just fine. I promise. Think, you have been playing for a super long time and have accomplished a ton of things."
"Yeah. I guess. What's new with you?"
"Not much except that I'm a 'famous' singer now and my boyfriend is Niall Horan from One Direction."
"Oh my god. I just noticed that. How the heck did that happen?"
"Accidental Fate. We have a surprise for you. Shhhhhh it's pretty dang cool."
"Alright. When do I get my present?" he said with a mock devilish tone.
"Later. We brought presents for everyone."
"Sarah!!!!" I looked over and my cousin Delilah was running over to me.
"Hi Delilah!! How are you?" I said giving her a hug. She sat on my lap.
"I'm good."
"How old are you now?"
"Wow!!! You are growing up so fast!" She smiled.
"Who's that?" she said looking at Niall.
"That's my boyfriend Niall. He's from a band called-"
"One Direction!" she jumped in. I grinned and gave her a high-five. "I have done my job!" I said. Delilah talked a little more with me before her younger brother Milo came over. The three of us talked a little before my aunt called us all into the kitchen.
I had Milo on my hip and Delilah was holding my hand in line. I looked up and Niall was laughing and talking with my Uncle Patrick. "Those two are the loudest." my cousin whispered in my ear.
"Remember. Uncle Petey is your dad Jane."
"I know. We back sass all the time." I made Milo and Delilah's dinner plates and got myself one as well. The three of us sat together on one side of the table. My mom, Uncle B, Aunt Aleece, and Delilah and Milo's Mom and Dad all were sat at the table. Niall was sitting on the barstools with my older cousin Kyle. Everyone else was either sitting outside on the porch or on the couch.
"Where are my presents??" Uncle B said in a royal tone. We all laughed. Delilah and Milo both held my hands as we walked over to Uncle B. Milo sat on my lap and Delilah sat on my left side. I wrapped my arm around her.
Niall sat next to me and held my hand. "Your mom's family is the coolest." He whispered. My uncle opened all of his presents.
"Hey guys! Niall and I brought presents for everyone so sit down!" Niall, Milo, Delilah, and I went into the hall and brought everyone their presents. Delilah and Milo were so excited when I gave them their bags.
"Brady, open yours first." Niall said. Brady opened the envelope. He read the letter and gasped.
"Shut up! This has to be a joke. You have to be kidding me!" Brady said looking up at Niall and I.
"Nope. Keep going." Brady tore open the box. He pulled out a jersey.
"Oh my god!!! How the heck did you-"
"We did nothing but call. They had made the decision already." Niall said.
"Oh my god!! Ahhhhh!"
"What?" Uncle B asked.
"I made Manchester United!!!! I made a team!!! I start in a month!!"
"Shut up!" everyone started yelling and freaking out. Niall and I made eye contact and smiled at each other. He kissed my forehead. Brady came and ran over to us and picked me up in a huge bear hug. "Ahhh!"
"Thanks man! You are amazing!!" Brady gave Niall a huge hug as well.
"No problem! You deserve it!"
"You didn't do this to get my approval to date Sarah though right?"
Niall laughed. "Nope. This was Sarah's idea."
Everybody opened their gifts and we all headed outside. It was a warm night and there was a gorgeous sunset. All 25 of us sat on the hill in the backyard. I sat with Niall. He held my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Hey! Sarah. No no!" Uncle Patrick yelled at me and Niall. I felt Niall start to loosen his grip on my hand but I squeezed it and turned to him. I pulled his head down and kissed him multiple times.
"You are just like your mother." Uncle Patrick said. Everyone laughed. Niall pulled me in even closer.
"I love you." he whispered in my ear.
"I love you too." I kissed him again. The 25 of us talked as the sun went down.
Before I new it, we were playing a huge game of football. "You are going down Irish!" I yelled as he was on the other team. I luckily had Brady.
"In your dreams missy!!"
"Let's see how good you think you are." I said. Brady kicked it off and passed it to me. I had it and Niall came up and tried stealing it but I got it passed him. I passed it over to Jane. Niall ran after it and I snuck behind him. Jane passed it to her brother who then saw me and passed it to me. I saw Brady by the goal and passed it to him. He knocked it in with a jumping kick thing.
"Ouch!!!" I said walking up to Niall. "Look who's talking smack now boy!"
Niall slowly and softly pecked my lips before walking off. He knew how much I hated it when he teased me like that. "I see your just trying to suck up now."
We ended up drawing 2-2. Our decision as a group was to have a bonfire and make s'mores. Niall made one before I did so I stole a bite of his.
"Thanks babe." I said.
"No problem." He said before kissing me. He held my hand as we were all around the fire. I held Delilah on my lap and we talked about Hello Kitty as we both love her.
"You and mom and dad and Milo should come and visit me and Niall in London soon. You'd like it!"
"Then, we can go shopping!"
"That's sounds awesome!!!"
"Yeah. I miss you guys living all the way over there!"
"I miss you too."
"Aww. Thanks Delilah! Do you want another s'more?" I made her another one but added more chocolate.
"Shhhh. There's 2 bars of chocolate in there." I whispered to her. She took a big bite and had marshmallow on her face. We both laughed. I kissed her forehead.
We talked a little longer before people started to go home.
"Do you want to get to Cali tonight or tomorrow morning?" Aleece asked.
"Let's go tomorrow if you don't mind us crashing here. We are going to leave in the morning so we will be out of your hair."
"You guys are fine. Sarah, you know you are always welcome and Niall you too."
"Niall and I can sleep on the floor in the living room. I know that uncle Patrick and aunt Julie have the guest room and Quinn and Jane have the couch."
"Are you sure?"
Niall and I snuggled up on the floor. I was facing him and he had his arm wrapped around me. I had my hands on his chest.
"Can we just fall asleep like this?" I whispered.
"I don't see why not." He responded. We kissed and I scooted even closer to him. I buried my head in his chest. I could smell him. He smelled delicious. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
I woke up to the classic breakfast smell in this house: Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, and OJ. Niall was still asleep. He still had his arm wrapped around me, the other wrapped around his head. I kissed his forehead and let his arm fall to his side.
I saw Uncle B and Aunt Aleece in the kitchen. "Morning Sleeping Beauty!" Uncle B said. That was my nickname because I could sleep forever and wake up looking terrible.
"Morning guys!! It smells amazing." I got my clothes and got ready. I wore a Manchester United shirt (it was Niall's) and leggings. I put my hair up in a ponytail.
I walked out and Uncle Patrick and Aunt Julie were now up. "Hey guys. Can I ask y'all a question?" I asked.
"Yeah!" Uncle B said.
"Do you guys like Niall?" I said shakily before looking at the floor.
"Yeah! He's awesome!!" Uncle Patrick said.
"The fact that he called a team for my kid to see if he made the team was so thoughtful. I know Brady appreciated it too."
"Yeah." Aunt Aleece added.
"I like him. He's quite humble for being famous."
Thank the lords I thought to myself. These guys approved. Amen. "Awesome! Thank god!" I said.
We were joined slowly by the others. "Morning Niall." I said as he joined us.
"Morning!" He said directing it more towards everyone. He wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulders.
"Hey Brian, do you want Sarah and I to take the dog out for a walk?"
"Yeah! if you don't mind, that would be awesome!" Niall held my hand and laced our fingers. We put Stanley on a leash and took him outside.
"Niall. Your birthday is in 2 weeks. What do you want to do? What do you want?"
"Go out with family and friends. Have a good time. I don't know what I want."
We walked around the block before heading back.
"Good boy Stanley!" I said petting him and giving him a kiss. He ran off down the hall. Niall took my hand and led me into the kitchen. We got breakfast and chatted with everyone a little more.
"I say we get going to head to California, Niall."
"Yeah. I guess."
I gave everyone a hug and kiss before we left.
"See you Brady. Call me and then we can fly you out to come stay with us for a while before you start. We can give you a tour of the land."
"Will do. Thanks so much Sarah."
"No problem. Congrats Brady." I said giving him a hug and kiss.
Niall and I put our bags in the car and waved goodbye to everyone before pulling out of the driveway. We headed to the airport and got ready to get on the plane.
"Oh my god Dad. You are so embarrassing!" I said giving him a huge hug. "Daddy, this is Niall."
"Yep. I remember you. How are you doing man?" My dad said shaking Niall's hand.
"I'm good thanks. You?"
"Good. Ready you two?"
"Yes dad. Let's just get going." I said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and Niall's.
"So. You are meeting my side of Sarah's family?"
"Yes Sir." Niall said.
"Please, call me Jim." My dad put our bags into the van. Niall and I sat in the back.
"So Niall, I'm going to warn you now, we are crazy." My dad said.
"Oh I don't doubt that seeing Sarah."
"You will feel at home though because my Aunt Nan's boyfriend is from Liverpool." I said.
"Awesome!" he said. It was about a 15 minute drive to my dads house. My dad and stepmom had won the lottery and decided to build their dream home. They also paid for 2/3 years for college.
They had a rustic home that was quite big. They had an amazing family room. They had a huge playroom for the dogs.
My stepmom and Dad loves Bassett Hounds and we'd owned multiple before. They now had 4; West, Aggie, Levi, and Sophie. As soon as I walked in, they came running over.
"Hi Babies!! How are you all?" I said to them.
Niall and I carried our stuff to the guest room. Which had been my room at first. "You'll be fine." I kissed him and led him downstairs.
"Hey Jenn!" I said to my stepmom giving her a huge hug.
"Hi Sarah. Hello Niall!" she said giving Niall a hug. "Everyone is landing in 1 hour. You can wait here or go with Jim."
"What do you want to do Niall?"
"I don't care. I guess we can stay so they have room in the van."
"Alright. Sarah, do you want to make the bacon dish?"
"Yeah!" I ran around the kitchen getting everything I'd need.
"What is the bacon recipe?"
"It's a heavenly secret recipe. That you have to try."
"Ok. I'll trust you. If they're good, then you are going to have to make them at home."
"Ok. Jenn? Are you making the cake?"
"Yes I am."
"Yeah!! Niall it's so good. I always get this cake for my birthday. It's a secret Tangerine cake. Also delicious."
My dad walked into the kitchen and the 4 of us sat and talked in the kitchen.
Before I knew it, the house was filled with laughter and the smell of good food.
It was amazing to see my family again. I loved seeing them. My Aunts boyfriend Colin (the one from Liverpool) and Niall spent a ton of time talking.
I talked with everyone as Niall and my dad went to the back of the house to talk.
"So do you all like Niall?" I said nervously.
"Yeah. He's a good bloke." Colin said.
"Yeah. He can keep up with us which is a good thing." my uncle said.
Niall and my dad came back into the room. Niall sat on my lap.
"Hey, you got this backwards. I sit on your lap."
He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He kissed my head. I looked up and he winked at me. I smiled at him and then paid attention to the conversation.
"Hey Harry. What's up?"
"When will you be back home?"
"Tomorrow why?"
"Ali and I called it off. She started yelling at me and I got fed up and stormed out. She texted me and said she had enough and was done." He started crying.
"Harry I'm so sorry. Where are you now?"
"I'm in California. I don't know what to do."
"Harry. I'm sending you directions to my dad's house. You need to come here but stop crying first ok?"
"Ok. See ya soon." The line went dead
"Oh my god." I said.
"What's up?" Niall asked.
"Harry is on his way here. He and Ali are over she called it off."
"Oh my god. Is he ok? Is she ok?"
"He's a hot mess. I haven't-" my phone went off. I saw it was Ali calling me.
"Hey hun. Are you doing ok?"
"No! Why am I so stupid? He's not answering his phone or texts." She was sobbing.
"I don't know why you've been so stupid. He's on his way to my dads here. He's a hot mess."
"Oh my god. I need to come."
"No. You need to stay there. Go to bed and think about everything. He's not going to want to talk tonight. Goodbye Ali." I hung up. I was quite mad at her. I knew she could have these moments.
It was about 10 minutes before the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and opened the door. Harry was stood there.
"Hi Harry." I pulled him into a big hug.
"Thank you so much. I hope your parents don't mind."
"No. It's fine. I talked with them. Come follow me. You can sleep in the guest room with Niall and I."
I wrapped my arm around his waist and gave him a huge squeeze. I walked him into the room.
"Mate, come here." Niall said wrapping Harry into a huge hug. Harry laid down on the sofa.
"Harry, take the bed." I said.
"No. Goodnight." He sniffled. I took a blanket and laid it over him.
"Goodnight Harry. I love you." I said. I kissed his forehead. I climbed into bed next to Niall.
"I love you Sarah."
"I love you too Niall." I kissed him softly trying to make as little noise as possible. He pulled me in closer.
"I think this has made me more grateful that I have you." he whispered.
"I'm glad you have stuck with me through everything. You have helped me in ways more than you know."
"Not now. I'm not ready to tell you."
"Ok. Goodnight babe."
"Goodnight love."
OMG!! If you aren't reading the Can We Dance series by BethJanoskians, you need to. It's about The Vamps. It's amazing and the latest chapter is so FREAKING fantastic I'm crying.
A lot has happened in this chapter so I'm sorry if it was confusing. I love you all. OH MY GOD!! HOW COULD I FORGET? I HAVE OVER 320 VIEWS. THAT'S MAD!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY CHEEKY STORY! I LOVE YALL SO MUCH!!!
"Self confidence is the best outfit. Rock it and Own it."
-Mrs1D238 ❤️❤️
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