need you
special extra chapter : 2
Talulah clasps her hands together as she waits for the door to ring- her nerves building in her stomach as she stays quiet.
"Look who's nervous." Her dad says as a snicker leaves his lips. Her mum joins him, standing beside him as they take in the sight of their young, love sick daughter.
Talulah sits on the couch- acting oblivious to her parents, her phone in front of her, on the glass table, with her legs apart as she waits for her boyfriend.
A knock on the door is heard, followed by the loud, melodic ring. Talulah and her parents make eye contact and they all rush, to see who can open the door first.
"Move!" Talulah pushes her parents as she stands in front of the door- ready to see Taehyung. "You're going to make him nervous-"
They don't listen, instead they open the door with bright plastered smiles on their faces which disappear quickly as an old lady stands quietly in front of them.
"You're dating our neighbour?" Talulah's dad asks- slowly turning to her with his brows furrowed and a growing grin.
"No!" Talulah playfully hits his shoulder before listening to the lady talk to her mother.
Nothing goes into her head because she's wondering where her actual boyfriend is. She starts to daydream and Talulah appears in a nervous daze- staring at the patch of grass behind the lady.
That's until her eyes spot a scruffy pair of boots.
Talulah's heart beats faster in her chest as her eyes come across a manly figure. Jeans fitting slender legs, coloured with darkness which makes her want to laugh- knowing Taehyung likes to wear loose clothes. A belt around his waist and above that, an ironed blouse tucked into his pants. A beige, slightly see through blouse that shows off his wide frame, but also hidden by the velvet black jacket, keeping him warm.
Taehyung meets his love's eyes across the short distance they are apart from each other. Brown meets brown and Talulah stares at every feature of his handsome face. Wide, chocolate coloured eyes that fill with anxiousness and fear when noticing her parents. Glowing skin that stands out in the moonlight along with his flawless eyebrows, copper hair that sits messily on his head- strands falling in his face.
Talulah wants nothing more but to satisfy their need to hug each other when seeing each other after so long.
"Time to open your present." Taehyung sings as he rushes over to sit on the couch with Talulah- a bag hanging on his bony wrist.
"You actually brought me something?" Talulah continues to lean back on the couch, slumping in her seat as she puts her phone away. "So did I, so ha." She smiles a close lipped smile- looking up at her soft looking boyfriend who's too busy staring at her lips.
"Tal." Taehyung clicks his tongue and glares at her. "I told you not to." He places the bag onto the floor and cuddles into her side- leaning his head on hers.
"Who want to go first?"
"I want to go last." Taehyung pouts and mumbles.
"Fine then." Talulah sits up in her seat which makes Taehyung stumble and lean his head on the couch instead- still pouting. "This is way too much pressure baby." She fiddles with her present in a bag.
When Taehyung stays quiet, Talulah turns her head to take a look at him and he's staring. He's concentrated on her as he leans back and Talulah can't help but feel aroused at the sight so close- Taehyung leaning back with his arms on either side of him, the top buttons of his blouse undone, his long legs apart and his ring covered hands pushing his hair back which does nothing as it returns to cover his glorious forehead.
"Stop staring!"
"What?" Taehyung's eyes widen as he sits up again- baffled. "You called me baby and I lost it."
Talulah controls herself internally and tries not to fangirl. She finds it hard to since her boyfriend could do anything and she'd want to scream as loud as possible. But for now, she grips the pillow.
"Okay are you ready?" Talulah turns to face him, bringing up her knee to the couch and leaning it on his thigh as she places her present for him on her lap.
Talulah claps her hands excitedly- loving peoples reactions, especially the people she loves.
"Always ready for you baby-" Taehyung says with a smirk and rubs her thigh playfully.
"Now is not the time to make me horny-"
"Everything alright in there?" Talulah heats her mother shout which makes her flinch- shoving her present at her still cocky boyfriend.
Taehyung chuckles to himself as he notices Talulah's flushed cheeks and distracted eyes. He busies himself with opening her present- excited and nervous.
"Remember when you said Gucci was too expensive?" Taehyung hears Talulah as his hands fiddle with the wrapping paper- revealing a heavy box. "Well ... it is but I saved up and got you a watch."
Taehyung can't help but smile in surprise and it's a smile that takes up his face- lifting up his cheekbones as his eyes make contact with hers. He wants to kiss her with joy.
So he does.
"Thank you." He mumbles when pulling away from her lips- still holding the delicate box in his hands. "So so so much."
"Now open mine!" Taehyung can't contain his excitement as he throws his present in my lap- squealing like me when I fangirl over him, every day every hour every second.
Talulah unwraps the present and she immediately bursts into laughter. Hers and Taehyung's laughter mix together as she clutches her stomach- astonished by her present and his uniqueness.
"Shoulder pads? Oh my god-"
"Yes! Since you love bumping into me so much."
"But wait." Taehyung stops laughing and the duality catches Talulah off guard as he suddenly takes out a small box, from inside of his jacket- placing it in front of Talulah. "This is the real gift."
"Bitch I am the gift." Talulah raises her brows.
Taehyung rolls his eyes and Talulah smiles, lifting the box with care as she shoots her boyfriend a questioning look. It has to be some sort of accessory due to the type of jewellery box.
And when Talulah opens the box, she looks back at Taehyung's big, brown and anxious eyes- seeing nothing but more and more love.
The gift is a necklace that holds a precious couple.
T & T
Talulah hates how fast her mood has shifted in a matter of seconds. She opens the door to her bedroom with an annoyed sigh.
"Why do they even bother coming home?" She says to Taehyung who follows closely behind- listening to his girlfriend. "There's no point." And she throws her hands in the air.
Talulah watches Taehyung close her bedroom door as she takes a seat on the edge of her bed. She continues to rant- knowing Taehyung will be the one to listen, to hear her out and understand. "It's not even home." She says honestly- sadness creeping into her slowly.
"It's a house with one teenager that hardly sees her parents. I have to make my own meals ... I barely even get a phone call from them!" Talulah scoffs. "They come home once a month and all they care about is work. It's like a fucking worship." And it angers her because if she were to ask them to choose over her and their career- she would already know the harsh answer.
"They don't even take into account their only daughter and her boyfriend sat in front of them. Did you hear them? All they can talk about even at dinner is work. How rude can you get?" Talulah recalls the dinner they just had downstairs, where her parents ignored her and Taehyung entirely.
"I guess it's a good thing they didn't notice anything at dinner though, right Taehyung?" Talulah takes a moment to lighten up the atmosphere, but her small smirk fades away fast.
Taehyung is taken aback. He stands across from her- his back against the wooden door as he thinks about what to say. He wants to be his best self for Talulah. "Yeah-"
"Right yeah. But it's like ... your only daughter- where's the care, the support and the love? Why can't they ask me how school is? How my exams were? It's all about a pass or fail." And she remembers the time she constantly came home to an empty house with a failed exam paper- yet the coldness and mistreat her parents gave, even when being far away, still hurt.
"What about my health? My boyfriend? Everything that makes me.. me- they don't even know me." Talulah sighs in disbelief and looks at familiar brown eyes.
"I love it when you rant." Is what Taehyung says abruptly which surprises Talulah- she wasn't expecting him to say that.
"Really?" She appears confused- her eyes focused on him.
"Yes but ... I understand." Taehyung breathes out- lifting up his back from the door. He gathers his thoughts and feelings about the situation- wanting to give his girlfriend, the best support, love and guidance.
"Our families don't know the real meaning of a family." He admits- thinking about his own experiences, just like anyone else would. "Families are supposed to know you, respect you, love you for who you are. Families fall apart." And although it's inevitable, it hurts.
"And how do they expect us to love them back when they don't know the real us? Because they don't care, they don't ask and they don't know."
Taehyung approaches Talulah- both of their hearts heavy with understanding and need. "They don't know the real us- the ones we have to hide behind a mask. They don't know the things that make us who we are." Like poetry, writing, art, people, the world-
He takes her hand in his- focusing on how their hands interlock so easily. "I know the distance between your parents and yourself is so big mentally but physically, the proximity is the very opposite. I wish it was easy for them to understand that today's society is so different to what it used to be and that it's not easy being who you are ... out there in the world with so many influences."
Talulah starts to smile, squeezing his hand when she thinks about the things that make her her. "Yeah, exactly." A laugh leaves her lips. "I love the smell of tea, I love having people relating to my situations or fangirling with me about the craziest things, I love making new friends like the boys that are your friends, I love holding your hand, I love feeling emotions and there's so much to me as a person but all they see is their birth daughter."
"We shouldn't have to hide who we are from our family." Talulah notices Taehyung nodding at her words and she starts to play with the thin rings on his fingers. "But it's fucking crazy how some parents have no idea what's going through their children's minds." It's scary.
"They even expect us to be honest with them, but how can you when you know they'll react negatively and not listen? Like I know so many people who are afraid to come out to their parents, afraid to open up about their eating disorder ... people who just want a family where they can be who they truly are. be loved."
Taehyung sits next to Talulah on her bed. "But, sometimes parents never know ... like their kids first love, first kiss, their thoughts about marriage, their feelings about the future .. all the deep things."
Talulah nods in understanding. Her parents don't know any of those important things, her true identity and the reasons for her passionate personality. "You shouldn't have to hide who you are from your family ... yet here we are."
"Sometimes the people who are meant to be family are less important, because although we're related to them through blood, they don't care and love and respect us like a real family should."
"But we have a family, we do." Talulah whispers, swinging her leg over Taehyung's thigh- wrapping her arm around his back.
"Do we have a real one though?"
"Yes. I'm part of your family and so are the boys." She leans her head on his shoulder, feeling him squeeze her hand. "We love you, care for you, respect you, support you and will always be here for you. Now that's what a real family is."
There's a pause of silence between them, where they hold each other and take a moment to think about their meaningful words. Taehyung then presses an affectionate kiss to the back of Talulah's hand. "I love you tal, so much."
"I love you most." Talulah smiles.
"Last night my stepdad was an emotional wreck. My mum was having a panic attack, pulling her hair out and screaming. She cried all night about how she wanted to recover but she can't, she wants to give up but she also wants a better life for herself. She's stuck." Taehyung starts to discuss what's on his mind- his heart beating fast as he bounces his leg.
"She said she loved me, so did my stepdad which surprised the fuck out of me and I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet." Taehyung brings Talulah closer.
"I've never said I love you to anyone except for you."
"Yeah and it's now that I realise that even the boys deserve an I love you from me. Because like you said, it's a real fucking family."
To meow yoongi:
I love you
From meow yoongi:
good for you
To worldwide friendly guy:
I love you
From worldwide friendly guy:
To jungcocky:
I love you
From jungcocky:
From jungcocky:
I love you too tae
To namjoonie:
I love you
From namjoonie:
tae? you alright?
To my soulmate:
I love you
From my soulmate:
To hobi:
I love you
From hobi:
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