Chapter 19: Wedding

(Elsa's pov)

Today was the day. Me and Anna would marry Hiccup.

I looked into the mirror to see myself in a long sleeve white dress that sparkled with many small diamonds, my platinum blond hair was done in a updo hairstyle, I clipped on diamond earrings and clipped on a diamond necklace, I then approached my desk to see the small golden crown, I picked it up and examined. I snorted lightly at the crown, being Queen of Arendelle had been a tremendous burden; ruling over the largest trading kingdom in England, ensuring that our people are fed, cared for and protected, earning the respect of my army and military leaders, to make a long story short, being queen wasn't easy, not that I would expect nothing less. But, I had both Hiccup and Anna to keep me sane, to make me feel relaxed, in control and loved.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, I picked up the crown and placed it in my hair and turned to my door. "Enter!" I said, the door opened to reveal Anna, she too wore a long sleeve white wedding dress, she too wore a diamond earrings and a diamond necklace and we both shared a warm smile and embraced each other while chuckling lightly. When we broke apart, I looked at her from head to toe and nodded at her. "You look beautiful." Anna grinned and replied back. "Thank you, you look more beautiful." I grinned at her and nodded. "Thank you."

We shared one last hug before turning to the window outside to see thousands of our people and invited guests go to the church, I sigh happily and turn to Anna and ask. "Are you ready for today?" She turns to me and smiles brightly. "I am. Are you?" She asks, I look back outside and nod. "I am." I then turn to a painting of both our parents and mumble. "I just wish Mother and Father lived to see this day." Anna grabs my arm and gives me a reassuring smile. "They are here Elsa. Though not in body, but in spirit. They will always be with us." She said, I smiled at her and thanks and peck her lips, Anna's eyes close as my lips touched hers, and when I pulled away from my sisters lips, I grasped both her shoulders gently and coo. "You and Hiccup are all I care about in this world Anna, I love you both so much, and I will protect you both with my life." My words brought a smile to Anna's lips and she pressed her forehead against mine and we both closed our eyes while smiling. "As will I Elsa. I will protect you and Hiccup if need be." She promised, I chuckled lightly and kissed her forehead before looking into her eyes.

"Lets go marry the man we love."

(Hiccup's pov-- Thirty minutes later)

I stood at the altar inside the church, I was wearing white leather armor and nervous was a grave understatement on how I was feeling right now. Of course I was excited, but at the same time, some of the guests were giving me disgusted and dirty looks. Chadwick the boy among them, that ugly arrogant brat and his group of boys weren't in favor of letting a "heathen" like myself marry both Elsa and Anna. I could hear slight whispers to those who didn't favor the me.

"Heathen bastard."

"He doesn't deserve to marry."

"A filthy animal marrying both Queen Elsa and Princess Anna?! Its absurd!!"

Those were the silent whispers I was able to make out, I wanted nothing more than to hack out those peoples tongues and laugh while they'd try cursing me, but I was changed, I am no longer a Viking, I am a Saxon now. I would not commit violence on such a day, instead I turned to my mother, Valka, who was dressed in a sunset orange dress, wore black flat slippers and black earrings. Having my mother here gave me great comfort, she gave me an encouraging smile and nodded at me, I nodded to her in thanks and smiled back at her.

Then, the doors opened and when everyone turned, they all rose, I looked toward the door and my heart nearly stopped. Both sisters were escorted by their servant Kai, who worked closely with their parents. Both Elsa and Anna wore long sleeve white wedding dresses, they wore diamond earrings and necklaces, the sunlight coming in through the windows made them look... angelic. They were the definition of beauty, and soon they would be mine forever. When they both stood across from me at the altar, we shared warm smiles and the three of us then turned to Bishop Joshua who had the honor of giving out the ceremony, he then turned to the guests and people gathered and cleared his throat.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God– and in the face of this company– to join together Lord Hiccup Haddock III to our fair Queen Elsa and Princess Anna in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all; and therefore– is not by any– to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly– but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these three persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together– let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

I expected those who despised me to object against me marrying Elsa and Anna, but surprisingly, nobody said a word. Satisfied with the silence, Bishop Joshua nodded and proceeded with the ceremony, he recited the next few phrases of blessings and prayers in Latin, before turning back to me the three of us for our wedding vows.

"Do you, Lord Hiccup Haddock take Queen Elsa and Princess Anna to be your wives, to have and hold them from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

"I do..." I muttered faintly, my voice barely audible to my own ears. But everyone heard me as if I spoke with a voice of thunder.

"And do you, Queen Elsa and Princess Anna, take Lord Hiccup Haddock III to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

Elsa and Anna took a deep breath before saying in rich, strong and proud voices in unison. "I do."

Joshua reached into his pocket, taking out three golden wedding rings and eagerly handed the rings to us. I smiled at Elsa and Anna and slid the wedding rings on each sisters fingers.  "With these rings, I symbolize my commitment to you both. It will be an ever-present token of my eternal promise and my unending love." I said lovingly, both sisters eyes watered with joy and Elsa took my hand while Anna slid my ring in my finger and they both spoke in unison. "With this ring, we symbolize our commitment to you Hiccup Haddock III. It will be an ever-present token of our eternal promise and our unending love..."

A tense silence falls upon the land, as if the very Earth was holding its breath. All eyes turned to me and the sisters as they awaited for the Joshua's pronouncement.

A little smile cracked on his face as he declared their marriage. "And now, by the power vested in me by God, I hereby pronounce you man and wives. Lord Haddock, you may now kiss your brides."

I stepped forward and cupped Elsa's cheeks gently and kissed her passionately, she moaned quietly and kissed me back with just as much passion, when we broke apart, I turned to Anna and kissed her passionately, she smiled though our kiss and returned it with eagerness and passion, everyone applauded and cheered, though those who were disgusted by our marriage remained silent and had emotionless faces, though I chose to ignore those fools and focus on my love for Elsa and Anna and for those who saw our wedding as a blessing.

The three of us stood side by side together and smiled warmly at each other and nodded in thanks to our guest and people, Elsa then announced to everyone that we'd have the wedding feast now and that those of royalty and service to their respective kingdoms go to the palace and  that the common folk of Arendelle were to remain outside the palace, though servants would serve them fine foods, sweet pastries and wine. I grasped both my wives hands interlaced my fingers with theirs, we shared warm smiles and made our way to the palace with everyone following us to continue the celebrations.

(Normal pov)

In London, Kingdom of Merica, the city itself was taken by Hysteric, Murderous and Bloodhair tribe, all working as one to sack the massive city. With their combined forces, the three Viking tribes had taken the whole of Mercia, and as a result, have forced the survivors to flee to other English kingdoms for sanctuary. And these events happened just hours ago, when news would spread of the fall of Mercia, Vikings and Danes would join Hallbjorn and Eskil Bloodhair, as well as their fellow chieftains and their respective armies.

Now that London and Mercia belonged to the Vikings, they'd use the massive city as their power base for the time being, with the amount of warriors they had? London was secured.

Hallbjorn and Eskil were in their room and were both looking over a map of all England, they were discussing where to raid next, but they were interrupted by one of their warriors, Hallbjorn looked up at the warrior and roared out. "WHAT IS IT?!!" The warrior pointed toward the door and spoke. "Prince Hans of the Southern Isles wishes to speak with you both." Eskil groaned in annoyance, as did Hallbjorn, but they both nodded for their warrior to bring Hans in. The Prince of the Southern Isles entered, Eskil raised an eyebrow at him. "Shouldn't you be in Arendelle? Preparing for our forces to help you usurp the girl queen? What was her name again?"

"Queen Elsa." Hans said with a disgusted tone, Hallbjorn cocked his head at the young prince and approached Hans. "You do not favor her Hans?" He asked, Hans looked at Hallbjorn and shook his head and spat out. "No. She and her sister have married a heathen who renounced his old ways, but regardless, is still heathen." Eskil approached Hans and raised an eyebrow. "And who is this "heathen" you speak of?" He asked, Hans snorted in amusement and answered. "Lord Hiccup Haddock III."

Both Hallbjorn and Eskil shared a shocked look and turned back to Hans, the Prince of the Southern Isles raised an eyebrow at both brothers. "You know Hiccup?" He asked, both brothers looked at each other and nodded. "Stoick's son is now Christian?" Hallbjorn asked in disbelief, Eskil chuckled lightly and shrugged. "It comes to no surprise to me brother! That boy was always so different. By becoming Christian, he has shamed all of us, all Viking and Danes, Odin and all the gods!!" Eskil then turned back to Hans and gave the prince a shark like grin. "When... do you plan on usurping Queen Elsa?" He demanded, Hans licked his lips and smirked at Eskil before answering. "Soon. Possibly within seven moons." Hallbjorn hummed in acknowledgment and nodded. "Good. We have only just taken London and all of Mercia, we will need some time to fortify our position if we are to hold this city." Hallbjorn wrapped an arm around Hans, and the prince cringed slightly at Hallbjorn's stench; he reeked of sweat and blood. "When we have fortified our position? We will help you take Arendelle. You have our word."

Hans nodded in thanks and spoke. "I shall send message to you when it is time to strike." Eskil extended his arms out and then poured himself, Hallbjorn and Hans cups of ale, once each man had his cup, Eskil raised his cup and toasted. "To power." Hallbjorn and Hans nodded and said in unison. "To power." The three men then downed their ale in seconds and were eager to seek more power for personal reasons and for their people. Either way? More blood would soon be shed and with Hans as the brothers puppet? All Vikings and Dane would enter the whole of England with ease.

(Hiccup's pov)

The dining hall was jammed packed with royalty, servants were all over the place; serving their kings, queens, lords, ladies and nobles their food and drink. At our table, Elsa and Anna sat beside me, and my mother and those close to her sat with us, as well as Irwin, Godfrey, Edgar and many of Elsa and Anna's closest friends. As I was eating, I saw Elsa and Anna chatting with their cousin-- Rapunzel of Corona. Her and her parents sat with us, congratulating myself and the sisters about our wedding, as they continued talking with their guests and friends, I turned to my mother who smiled warmly at me.

"Oh Hiccup, I'm so proud of you son." She said, I smiled at her in thanks and nodded. "Were you as happy as I was when you married Stoick?" I asked, Valka chuckled lightly and took a sip of wine before turning back to me. "I was. Indeed I was happy, but... as time when on son, I realized that your father isn't someone I want to be with anymore." Valka said, I nodded in understanding, Stoick the Vast was a dragon slayer and my mother was one who bonded and love dragons, and as a result, the two of them would never accept each others ways. Ever.

"I understand mother. I'm just glad that you're here to celebrate my wedding day." I said with contentment, Valka smiled at me and raised her cup toward; toasting to my wedding, I raised my cup toward her and we both took a drink of wine before engaging in more conversation with those seated at our table.

(Stoick's pov)

It made my heart soar with pride as both Hooligan and White Wolf people working as one to create our new village, but these last few days have also given me time to dwell on what Astrid her group of shield maidens and valkyries saw. They laid eyes on the very demon who snatched my wife away from me so many years ago. And with that dragon and its rider out there? I would not rest until my hammer is embedded in that beasts skull and I would see that the traitor who rides that damned devil flayed of their skin and burned alive.

I ran a hand through my auburn hair and sighed heavily, I was in my newly built home and grabbed a jug of water and poured it in a cup, when I drank the cool waters, I couldn't help but think of my son. If he were still alive, he'd be married by now. That thought alone brought tears to my eyes. I had lost my son and the Haddock bloodline was surly cursed by the gods. There are times where I wonder if I should remarry, produce an heir to carry on the Haddock legacy and name.

As the fire in the fire pit crackled, I laid eyes on a shield that had a portrait of myself and Hiccup, I picked it up and smiled at the picture, its when my son was fifteen, though he did not have the physic of the average Viking male, he had a powerful mind, and that is a gift, one that I should've praised him for rather than curse.

"Odin... is my bloodline damned? Am I to die as a failure of a husband to a wife I couldn't protect? Am I to die as a failure as a father who failed to protect his one and only child?" I looked up to the ceiling, I sighed and closed my eyes before licking my lips and continuing to pray. "I ask you Allfather to guide me. Whether to take up another woman as my wife and produce more heirs or simply... or simply give myself to the gods and t you." I then looked into the fire and watched the flames dance, I then looked back at the portrait of me and my son, I sniffled lightly and nodded. "Forgive me Hiccup, forgive me for not being there for you, for not loving you a father should love his son and forgive me for treating you as a curse." I then set the portrait down and put the fire out before exiting my home and carrying the memory of my dead family with me.

(Astrid's pov)

I ran a hand through my long blond hair and sighed heavily, I turned around to see my naked husband who was fast asleep, he and I had sex last night, and I hated every second of it. Not wanting to dwell on the memory of his cock inside me, I got up and approached the bowl of water near the window of our home, I grabbed a clean cloth and drenched the cloth in water and washed my face and body; I washed every inch of my body and pretended that the water would make me pure again, untouched by man.

I then put my crimson tunic on, strapped on my leather armor, spiked skirt and leather boots. I made my way downstairs and fetched my shield and my battle axe before exiting my home and being greeted by the sight of our combined people working together to continue to fortify our position and continuing to build our new home.

I made my way to the training pits to see my fellow shield maidens and valkyries training with each other, I see Ruffnut and Alva training together. Alva raised her shield up as Ruffnut thrusted her spear at the shield maiden, Alva then drew out her sword and swatted away Ruffnut's spear and slashed at the valkyrie, Ruffnut however ducked underneath the attack and swept Alva's feet out from under her, causing the brunette shield maiden to groan in pain as he fell to the ground and froze when Ruffnut's spear was in her face.

"Lost your footing did you?" Ruffnut snickered, Alva rolled her eyes and got back up, the two women turned to me and approached, I nodded to them in greeting, Ruffnut however could see the annoyance on my face and was the first to speak. "Lemme guess, you and Bjornolf had sex again?" She asked, I nodded and twirled my axe in hand before replying. "He's been dying to have children, so every night he's wanted to plough me. Though I've denied him many times, last night? He wouldn't take no for an answer, so he ploughs me all night long and prays to Odin that I produce him a son."

I began by practicing my form on the training dummies we have, as I hack and slash at the dummies, Alva speaks out. "Do you want a child though?" I turn to her and nod. "Yes, but not with Bjornolf. The man I had hoped to have a child with is..." Before I could finish that sentence, I flush slightly as I think of Hiccup being the man I want as a father to my children, so instead of finishing my sentence I shake my head. "...never mind."

Ruffnut placed a hand on my shoulder and cocked her head slightly. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks, I turned back to the training dummy and embedded my axe deep into its face and turn back to Ruffnut. "No. What I want to do is train, maybe get a scar or two and forget that my husbands cock was inside of me for the majority of the night." I say bitterly before urging my fellow female companions to join me for real training. I was ready to blow off steam and sparring with my friends was exactly what I needed right now.

(Normal pov)

Chadwick the boy and his lackeys had seen enough of this... perversion of a wedding. The ugly boy was furious that not only that heathen dog married Queen Elsa but also Princess Anna. The boy hadn't the appetite to eat anything after witnessing the wedding, so instead of joining the festivities, Chadwick and his lackeys met up at a brothel and sat in a dark corner to discuss the events that have just taken place.

"That heathen is now one step closer to the crown. And the lucky bastard he is, he gets to hump both Elsa and Anna all night long." One of boys in the group snarled out while chugging down ale, Chadwick grunted in agreement, he had ambitions of his own to marry Anna and solidify a seat of power for himself, but now with that ambition snatched from his hands, Chadwick was craving to spill blood.

Hiccup's blood to be exact.

"We kill him." Chadwick said, the boys at the table looked at each other and turned back to Chadwick, one of them shook their heads and spoke up. "Its too soon Chadwick, Elsa knows that you despise her husband now, and if he's so soon after the wedding? We'll all be killed for treason." Those gathered at the table grunted at the table, Chadwick scratched his head and growled out. "Then we wait. We wait for an opportunity to present itself and we kill Hiccup, his mother and the other heathens that have been accepted among us." Chadwick took a swig of ale and looked up to his friends. "We will see this done, and if I'm the only one to see it done than so be it. Do you all have the balls to see this done?" He asked in a challenging tone, the boys looked at each other and nodded at Chadwick, the ugly boy nodded and smirked. "Then wait for an opportunity and we'll all solidify a seat of power, mark my words."

(Hiccup's pov)

The day had gone by so fast I found it hard to believe that it was already late evening, after the wedding feast, the royals all let myself, Elsa and Anna dance and when our dance was over, everyone else began dancing, I shared another dance with Rapunzel, I was beginning to like her more and more, she's like the sister I never had. She did also threaten me in a friendly manner if I treated her cousins wrong? She'd ensure that I'd suffer her wrath, I knew she was playing around, but I did promise her that I'd never hurt them, not now, not ever. Soon enough though, Elsa declared that the party was over and thanked everyone for attending the wedding and wished everyone safe travels back to their respective kingdoms.

Valka and I wished each other a goodnight hug and she once more congratulated me on my wedding and retired to her chambers, I turned to my wives who were still wishing guests a good night and safe travels, so I made my way to my chambers and stripped off my white leather armor and ran a hand through my auburn hair, then poured myself a cup of water and drank, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, I was married now. I had always had fantasies of marrying Astrid, but thinking about my old crush made me shake my head and frown. Astrid meant nothing to me now, she made it perfectly clear years ago that she's no better than Snotlout and those who chose to beat me down with their fists and their words.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even hear my door lock and ice freezing my door shut, I felt hands on my bare shoulders and I turned around to see my wives, they gave me smiles that evaporated my frown and replaced it with a bright smile. I kissed them both passionately as I helped them get out of their wedding dresses.

When they were both naked, Elsa turned to Anna and began to pinch and fondled Anna's nipples, earning moans of approval from her sister before taking one in her mouth. I watched Elsa's tongue circle Anna's full breast. They were slightly bigger than Elsa's, not that it mattered to me. Breasts were breasts, and all shapes and sizes were amazing.

Moaning loudly, Anna looked over at me, seeing me rub myself through my leather pants and giggled. She grabbed Elsa's chin and lifted her up. ''Elsa, don't be rude and leave out our husband.''

I gulped and was surprised I didn't melt into a puddle as my two gorgeous wives got up from the bed and approached me. Anna and I shared a look, leaning our heads forward although hesitating slightly to tease each other when our lips finally touched, our tongues danced, enjoying the rhythm and taste. I couldn't stop myself from running my hand through her strawberry hair, I can't wait to grab it as I fuck her.

We pulled apart, and I watched as Elsa then started kissing Anna passionately. I could see their tongues having their own little tangle before Elsa stopped and turned to kiss me next. She kissed, licked and sucked my mouth, wanting to get a reaction out of me.

''This is so hot.'' Anna giggled, causing Elsa and I to stop kissing so that we could laugh as well. I then cupped Elsa's breasts and kissed along her neck, and Anna joined in by doing the same to the other side of her neck. Elsa moaned and grabbed our hair respectively, tugging and encouraging us to continue.

I then gasped the loudest when I felt two hands rub over the bulge forming in my pants. I backed away and looked to see that Elsa was holding Anna's hand, guiding it so that she was groping my erection through the leather. Elsa smirked. ''Prepare yourself.''

My hand moved up to grab Anna's breasts, feeling how soft and pull they were. They were so heavy in my grasp, I wanted to bury myself in them and never come out, Anna locked her seductive eyes with mine. I licked my lips. ''You can challenge yourself on me, I don't mind.''

Both of them then got on their knees. As got to work unbuckling my belt, I was cut off and moaned in delight when Elsa lifted herself so that she could kiss my toned abs. Meanwhile, Anna took off my belt and pulled down my pants, allowing my cock to spring free. Without a single word, she grabbed it and took it in her mouth. I moaned at the feeling of my cock wrapped in warm wetness.

She bobbed her head slowly, trying to ease more of me into her mouth as she pumped the bottom of my shaft. In seconds, she was sucking me expertly and I started thrusting my hips forward, careful not to hurt her. My mind exploded when I felt Elsa's mouth on my balls. I glanced down and I thought I was in heaven. I grabbed their heads and let them work their magic.

Everything became fuzzy as the pleasure was coursing through my body. I slowed my movements, letting them take their time and please me however they wanted. My moans turned to grunts. It only got better when they switched position, so Anna was now licking my balls while Elsa deep throated me with no trouble. The feeling was too much for me to handle and I ended up releasing my seed into Elsa's mouth. She kept her lips sealed while Anna leaned back to watch her suck me empty.

Elsa pulled back, stroking my shaft to keep it stiff as she glanced over at Annaa. ''Sorry I stole that from you.''

''No worries, it looks like she can go another round.''

''Or perhaps all night.'' I joked.

Elsa threw me a quick smirk before turning back to Anna with a wicked smile. ''Get on the bed doggy style and give him another blowjob. You can finish her off and have a taste.''

''What'll you be doing?'' Anna asked.

''I'm going to be behind you so that I can eat your pussy.'' She said without falter.

None of us hesitated. I quickly marched over to the side of the bed and waited for Anna to lay with her belly on the linen beneath us before taking my cock back in her mouth. We've had plenty of practice with foreplay before our wedding, and since then? Elsa and Anna could make me cum within minutes while blowing me. While Anna resumed to suck my cock, Elsa moved behind her. I was never going to forget this image for a long, long time.

Overcome with pleasure, I bucked my hips forward, now deep throating Anna as she continued without any doubt or caution. Her moans caused vibrations to travel throughout my body, driving me insane. Those moans increased when Elsa mimicked my position spread Anna's ass cheeks so that she could move her head down and lick her sister's dripping pussy. ''How does our husbands cock taste?'' She called out in between licks.

Anna moaned loudly in approval, unable to say anything with my cock deep down her throat. I grabbed her hair, tugging it as I thrust harder and faster into her mouth, feeling like I was about to explode again. From behind, Elsa started to finger Anna, ploughing two fingers in and out as quickly as possible.

Anna's body trembled and shook the bed. She had to be close to her own orgasm soon. Her moans turned to screams and the feeling enveloping my cock caused me to go over the edge quicker than I expected. I spurted ropes of cum into her mouth, more than before. It was so much, that even when I thought I emptied myself, I pulled out of her mouth only to see more of my cum fly out and splatter over her face. Although, judging by her look, she quite enjoyed the sensation.

''Thanks for the shower." Anna teased before pressing her face into the bed to suppress her moans as Elsa fingered her with more ferocity. ''Elsa... oh God...''

''Cum for me! Give our husband a feast for his eyes." Elsa ordered.

A loud scream erupted from Anna and she flopped on the bed, shaking in the aftereffects of her orgasm. Elsa crawled on top of her and proceeded to kiss and lick my cum off her face, cleaning her properly. I hopped onto the bed with them and we all shared a quick make-out session.

I then grabbed Elsa and pushed her down on the bed so that she was laying on her back and her head was hanging over the edge. When I got up and stood above her, she remembered this position and grinned with delight. I smirked. ''Open wide my queen.'' I purred at Elsa, she gave me a coy smiled and did as I commanded her to do.

With my cock standing right above her face, Elsa ran her tongue over my balls and then glided it up the entire shaft before she adjusted herself so that I could start fucking her mouth. Anna had other plans. She moved her head down between Elsa's legs and start lapping up her sister's juices. It was Elsa's turn to moan with her lips around my cock.

At the same time, Anna and I moved our hands to grab and cup Elsa's breasts. It didn't matter if our hands met, we just wanted to give Elsa the ultimate pleasure, making her squirm and thrash between us. She would take me all the way down to the base, my balls slapping her face with every thrust. Anna stepped things up by inserting three fingers in and out of Elsa's pussy, and then a single finger into her ass.

Elsa's hands reached around to cup my ass and bring me forward, even though she'd already taken all of me in her mouth. She wanted it harder, and I was going to give it to her harder.

Anna's mouth was soaking wet with Elsa's juices. It was sexier because she also still had some of my essence on her face, so she tasted Elsa and me at the same time. She buried her tongue deeper into her pussy and thrust her finger faster into her ass, making Elsa's hips buck wildly, signaling another imamate orgasm. She wasn't alone, I could already feel another climax approaching.

She knew it too, because she kept me in her mouth, someone finding a way to hold her breath for the longest time as I gasped and shot my seed in her mouth. She pushed me back but kept her mouth open, letting me watch the thick strings shoot into her mouth. She also needed space to scream as Anna drove her insane and brought her another orgasm.

Elsa panted on the bed, her sweaty body clinging to the sheets while Anna and I looked at each other proudly. However, if we had thought we tired Elsa out, we were wrong. She quickly flipped Anna over and kissed her. Everyone's taste on their lips was erotic. Watching them, my erection throbbed again and Elsa noticed this, smiling at Anna. ''Ready for the big one?''

''You know it!'' Anna said confidently.

I grabbed Anna over my shaft and moved so that I was nestled between her legs. She hooked them around my hips in anticipation. The tip of my cock rubbed her entrance before I slowly started to enter her. The wetness she felt and the lubrication of the saliva from both their mouths made it easy to find a steady and slow rhythm as I began pounding into her.

''Fuck her, Hiccup. Fuck my sister like you would fuck me!'' Elsa ordered and I was happy to follow her instructions. Anna clawed my back and cried out her enjoyment. Stroke after stroke sent us higher into the heavens. Anna's body rocked into mine while I thrust my body harder and faster. Elsa moved closer to me, kissing and biting my neck. I gasped when I felt her hand fondle my balls as I fucked her. ''Come on, Hiccup. Don't hold back. She can take it. I know. You've fucked her plenty of times with toys crafted from ice that are almost as big as you.''

This was turning me on so much, I couldn't hold back as I pounded our sweat-covered bodies together. The slapping of flesh echoed throughout the room and the erotic sounds only fueled my lust for both my wives. I cast aside my thoughts, all that mattered to me now, was making Anna feel pleasure while Elsa continued to encourage me.

I almost lost control when she ducked her head under to start kissing and licking my toned pecs while biting my nipples. She was trying to push me over the edge before I did the same with Anna, but I held back, I wanted Anna to reach ecstasy first. I gave slow rhythmic thrusts, Anna gasping with every slap our bodies made. Elsa serviced me, bringing me closer and closer but I held on.

Anna's body thrashed and her back arched as she squirted all over me and Elsa. That was my cue to release as I filled her with my seed. Seeing Anna gush like that made me feel so happy and it must have felt the same for Elsa because she couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight. In fact, she really wanted to feel it up close and personal.

Elsa grabbed Anna's leg, hoisting it up and then straddled her, moving her pussy and rubbing it up against Anna's. The two of them were now scissoring. ''You like getting fucked by us, don't you my sister?" Elsa cooed to Anna seductively, causing Anna's eyes to screw shut and gasp in pleasure. ''Yes! More! More!'' Anna cried out.

I still felt like I could do more, but I wondered what. Anna looked exhausted already but I wondered what I could do to Elsa. My eyes drifted downwards to her behind, mesmerized by how it moved every time she rubbed herself on her sister. I then positioned myself behind Elsa, lining up the tip of my cock with her asshole. I spread her cheeks and then entered her from behind.

Elsa let out a silent gasp, stopping her movements to adjust to my sudden entrance. After a moment, I started to pound her. This caused her body to buck into Anna's and thus, creating pleasure and friction for all three of us. I reached around to grab Elsa's neck, cupping it as I lay kisses all over her skin. She didn't let go of Anna's leg, and didn't stop tribbing her as I fucked her asshole at the same time.

It was like this for a few minutes, I would push into Elsa and she would push into Anna. It went on and on until Anna let out another scream and was spraying her juices all over Elsa's body with some hitting mine. ''I need to stop. I need to stop.'' She gasped.

Carefully, Elsa helped her roll to the side and once she was out of the way. I pushed Elsa down so that her hands were on the bed and I fucked her harder and faster, not having to worry about the position being uncomfortable for Anna. ''Fuck!'' She screamed in pure pleasure.

I spanked her and pulled her hair, causing her back to arch as I thrust into her harder and faster than ever before. With my other hand, I reached underneath to rub her clit, pleasing her and pushing her over the edge so that she could have her orgasm first before me. Anna watched in delight as I caused Elsa to collapse on the bed, still thrusting into her ass as she rode the shockwaves of her climax. I wasn't too far behind as I pulled out and stroked myself, spraying ropes of my seed on Elsa's back. She lay there and took it, letting herself get drenched.

I then collapsed on the bed with my wives on either side of me, they both wrapped their arms around my torso, intertwined our legs together and nuzzled their faces into the crook of my neck. We all just laid there panting and then all looked at each other and started laughing.

"That. Was. Incredible." Elsa purred out, causing me and Anna to hum in agreement. "I hope you two aren't done for the evening." I said, I then turned to each of my wives and grinned at them. "I want to worship your bodies and show you both how much I love you." I cooed, Elsa and Anna smiled and then winked at each other before crawling down my body, I gasped and my pupils dilated as they both kissed and licked down my toned torso and reached my cock, Elsa looked up at me and grinned. "You will dear husband. But first..." Elsa cupped my balls and massaged them, causing me to hiss in pleasure while Anna stroked my cock and added to Elsa's words. "...let us give you pleasure while we recover." She cooed, both Elsa and Anna tongued and sucked on my balls and cock and I closed my eyes, threw my head back in pleasure and moaned happily.

It was going to be a very long and blissful night. I would expect nothing less.

A/N: Sorry I didn't update yesterday, work had me completely drained and thankfully I have Saturday and Sundays off, but I just slept pretty much all Saturday so I could recharge my batteries. But yeah, Hiccup is now married to Elsa and Anna, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and stay tuned for more! Its going to get pretty dark and dire for the trio, but until then? Enjoy the chapter and ill catch y'all in the next one.

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