CH33: a... date?

Grey POV:

So my sister is here, and she wants to join the Institute... this is not going to end well for me.

Right now I'm waiting for her to come out from the high summoners chamber, it's been at least thirty minutes since our talk.

Ahri, Nidalee and Brite came with me to wait for her while the others stayed in the dinning hall.

Nidalee: so are you worried about your sister?

Grey: yes but not about passing the judgement but what she's going to go through, I know for a fact that Tiara can pass the judgement it's just that she's...

Brite: arrogant?

Nidalee: cocky?

Ahri: rude?

Grey: I was going to say overconfident... but I guess your's work too.

Ahri: hey Grey.

Grey: yeah?

Ahri: ...... do you think I dress up as a whore?

Grey: (blush) I... do I have to answer?

Ahri: yes.

Grey: (sigh) I don't know actually, and I don't care, the way I see it (blush)... you'll look beautiful in anything.

Ahri: (blush slightly) r-really? Thanks.

We heard the door open and I saw Kayle get out... looking pissed.

Grey: Kayle? What's wro-

Kayle: I truly thought that I'll never see a sibling as black hearted as my sister, but I was proven wrong, now I know why you and I got along so well, Grey with all due respect, your sister might be as cruel if not more then mine.

Ahri/Nidalee/Brite: you have a sister?

Grey: (sigh) what did she say?

Kayle: when she saw me, she said 'I thought angels are suppose to be fat and throwing axes around'.

Grey: that's-

Kayle: and then said that the only thing I'm missing is the axes, that I already got the golden armor, wings and being fat.

Brite: well to be honest, you don't look like your following any diet.

Not a second after Brite said that and he was blasted with light into the wall and was stuck there.

Grey: (heavy sigh) I truly am sorry for what my sister said, and Brite... well he deserved it.

Kayle: just keep her in line.

Kayle left and I turned to Brite who just fell from the wall.

Grey: didn't you learn to never speak to a woman about her wight.

Nidalee: yes that should be public knowledge by now.

Brite: (grunt) oh merciful sun.

Grey: get up, you know a healing miracle don't you, so pray it off.

We heard the door open again and I saw Tiara walk out with an obvious headache.

Grey: so?

Tiara: I passed, but now I think I need a drink.

Ahri: it's the afternoon, and you want a drink?

Tiara: yes.

Grey: well my match with Ahri should be soon, so let's go to the dining hall.

Third POV:

They all go to the dining hall, they find Aki, Ezreal, Lux, Sona and Solas sitting together and Silver with them.

Grey: hey everyone, where's Garen?

Lux: he went back to Demacia, your sister actually caused a ruckus back there.

Tiara: so it's my fault your guards are lousy?

Grey: anyway, I think mine and Ahri's match should be soon.

Tiara: before that, Grey have you heard of Vordt, he vanished too so he might be here.

Grey immediately tensed and became hesitate.

Grey: I... well...

Brite: Grey killed him.

Grey: you son of a-

Tiara: you... killed Vordt?......... ok.

Grey: your... not mad?

Tiara: of course not.

Grey was relieved, until he saw the glass cup in Tiara's hand shake and then completely shatter in her grip.


Everyone was taken back by the outburst, and Grey was ready to make a run for it.

But then to his confusion, she seemed to calm down.

Tiara: buuut I know nothing I do to you will be compared to what Pontiff Sulyvahn does when I tell him.

All colors immediately left Grey as his face showed true terror.

Grey: I... never even thought of him, the guy already doesn't like me.

Tiara: (chuckle) you bet.

Tiara took off her helmet for the others to see, both Ezreal and Solas seeing her face for the first time found themselves staring.

She had mid-length dark blue hair tied into a low ponytail, the front was combed to the left covering her left eye and her skin was pale almost even white, all and all she looked stunning.

Even Aki, Ahri, Lux, Nidalee and Sona had to agree she was quite beautiful.

Solas shook his head turning away while Lux gave an elbow to Ezreal's rips and sending him a slight glare.

Tiara: so you have a match soon, that will give me a chance to see how things work.

Aki: oh right! Grey, there's a new skin for you that got quite popular, I even heard your going to use it in the match.

Grey: wait, really?

Aki: yeah, do you want to see it.

Grey: sure, why not?

Grey stood up and walked back a couple of steps from the table, Aki waved her hands and a few minutes later Grey appeared in his new skin.

Grey was now wearing some kind of space military suit, it was green in color and the visor covered the face and was pitch black.

Instead of his sword, he was holding a big chainsaw and his knife was replaced with an army knife.

Grey: (looks at hands) this is... unusual.

Aki: they call it the Doom Slayer, it even has it's own quote, just say the first thing that comes to your mind.

Grey: alright... 'I used to be stuck in a room with demons... now, demons are stuck in a room with me'.

Ezreal: you look like your ready to rip someone apart.

Tiara: I kinda like it, it has a 'don't mess with me' vibe.

Ahri and Grey started glowing and after a few seconds they vanished and the orb appeared in the middle of the hall.

Everyone looked at it and saw Grey and Ahri with the blue team.

But Grey's picture was of his new skin holding a demon in one hand and the other raised into a fist ready to deliver a punch.

Inside the rift:

Ahri and Grey opened their eyes to see their team were all familiar, Annie, Ekko and to their surprise, Zed.

Ahri: Annie, it's good to see you again.

Ahri: hey Ahri, how are you? And whose this?

Grey: it's me Annie.

Annie: Grey?

Grey: yes, this is a new skin.

Annie: you look really cool.

Grey: thanks, and hello again Ekko.

Ekko: hey dude, nice skin.

Grey: thanks.

Annie: oh yeah, Grey, Ahri, I got something to tell you after the match.

Ahri: sure.

Grey turned to Zed as Ahri and Annie were talking while Ekko was checking his gadgets.

Grey: Zed.

Zed: Abyss watcher.

Grey: I believe we got off on the wrong foot, want to start over?

Zed: let me make one thing clear, we are not friends, and I have no intention to become your friend, so don't act like we are.

Grey: true but we still can become allies.

Zed: didn't you hear what I just said?

Grey: I did, but allies don't have to be friends, for example, your our allie in this team even though you don't like any of us.

Zed looked at the other members, he couldn't stand either Ahri or Annie, and Ekko's machines didn't appeal to him either.

Yet here he was, fighting with them In the rift.

Zed: fair point.

They heard a noise meaning that the match began and they all took their own way.

Ahri went with Annie in the middle, Ekko alone in bottom, Zed in the jungle and Grey top.

Outside the rift:

Aki, Ezreal, Brite, Nidalee, Sona, Solas and Tiara were watching the match, and Silver was on Nidalee's lab.

Tiara: so this is how a match goes.

Solas: this is actually my first time seeing one as well.

Tiara felt someone tapping her shoulder and looked to see Sona holding a paper.

Sona: '''just wait and see, Grey is really good'''.

Tiara: I already know that, also, does this mean you can't speak?

Sona: (nod) '''yes, but I'm ok with it, also I'm good friends with your brother'''.

Tiara: yes I can tell by the way he looks at you, also you can use sign language if you know it.

Sona: [you know sign language too?]

Tiara: who do you think taught it to Grey? I used to work in Lothric castle, and a prince there was like you.

They turned back to the match to see Grey fighting a woman with blue skin and short hair.

Lux: urghh, Evelynn.

Tiara: whose that? and I thought Ahri looked like a whore, (chuckle) that thing makes a prostitute feel ashamed.

Sona: [Evelynn is some sort of lust demon]

Ezreal: just know that nobody likes her.

Inside the rift:

Grey rolled away from another strike and anchored his knife in the ground to spin and swing his chainsaw to Evelynn striking her.

He realized that his chainsaw deals the same amount of damage as his sword.

Evelynn: (chuckle) oh, you like to play rough, don't you?

Grey ignored her and rolled away as Evelynn sent purple spikes at his direction.

Once he stood up, he immediately jumped and struck Evelynn with his sword and knife.

She recoiled back slightly and Grey took his chance striking with his chainsaw as strong as he can finishing her off.

Evelynn fell dead on the ground and Grey took a glance at her.

Grey: Rip and Tear... why did I just say that?

He shrugged it off, drank from his Estus Flask and started fighting enemy minions.

Outside the rift:

The match went on for thirty minutes and both teams were pretty even.

Tiara: Ha! I knew it.

Brite: what?

Tiara: you said Grey was a Lord of cinder, but he died a couple of times and I didn't see any proof.

Ezreal: just wait, I bet he's saving it.

They saw Grey at the enemy base, he was being ganged up on, and Ahri, Annie and Zed were making their way through the opening Grey came in from.

Inside the rift:

Ahri, Annie and Zed came into the enemy base to see Grey being defeated and taken down.

The enemy champions were Evelynn, a giant creature that slightly glowed red with a big sword, and the crocodile humanoid Ahri fought before.

They began battle, Ahri fought Evelynn, Zed the demon with the sword, and Annie the crocodile.

But then they heard a wolf's howling, and the blood appeared and disappeared inside Grey.

He stood up with his suit slightly glowing red and his chainsaw came to life while setting on fire.

He dashed forward swinging his chainsaw at the crocodile and dealt great damage.

The crocodile got a lot of damage and then was hit with a big ball of fire and then Tibbers came in and finished him off.

He turned his attention and saw that Zed had his enemy under control so decided to help Ahri.

Ahri dodged another round of spikes using fox fire, she threw an orb of deception and dealt decent damage.

Evelynn was ready to attack but then a flaming chainsaw struck her followed up by an explosion of fire.

Grey looked back at Ahri who smiled and nodded and they both attacked at the same time.

Evelynn was able to dodge the attack from Grey but not the attack from Ahri, she was dazed which gave Grey the perfect chance to finish her off.

He jumped swinging down his sword and finished Evelynn off in an explosion if fire.

They both turned around to see Zed finish off his enemy, so they all joined Annie attacking the crystal.

Luckily, they managed to destroy it before any champions came to them.

Announcer: VICTORY, blue team.

Outside the rift:

Tiara: so he really is one.

Brite: told you.

Solas: (chuckle) pay up.

Tiara: little son of...

Tiara handed Solas a small patch of gold, while Grey and Ahri's team was declared the winner.

Sona: [I told you Grey was good, he really is something isn't he?]

Nidalee: was it right to put a bet like that?

Tiara: oh please, we used to make much more extreme bets than this.

Ezreal: now we just wait for them to show up.

With Grey and Ahri:

Grey and Ahri both got out of the rift with the rest of the champions and Grey was also back to his normal look.

Grey: (looks at hands) ah this is much better.

They got out and met with Annie and Ekko, Zed had already left.

Ekko: that went better than I thought.

Ahri: yeah.

Evelynn: hey cutie.

Grey groaned as Evelynn appeared besides his shoulder and Ahri scowled.

Grey: (turns around) what do you want?

Evelynn: you know, you were quite brutal back there, it really got me going.

Grey: not interested, now leave.

Evelynn: whatever you say.

Evelynn left and Grey turned to face back everyone else.

Grey: so Annie, you had something to tell us?

Annie: oh right! Ionia is celebrating the bloodmoon night tomorrow, I just wanted to see if you guys are interested in going cause I am, me and Tibbers really love that celebration.

Ahri: the bloodmoon! I love it, when I was a fox I used to watch people have fun, (frown) but I never got to join.

Grey: well here's your chance.

Ahri: what?

Grey: remember before I left on a mission and brought back Nidalee? I still owe you some time together like I promised.

Ahri: "urghh, how can I forget that?"

Grey: so why don't you and I go to Ionia tomorrow and enjoy the celebration.

Ahri: really?

Grey: sure, why not?

Ahri: (hugs Grey) thank you so much! (Lets go) it's a date then!

Ahri quickly leaves both excited and happy, meanwhile, it took Grey a second to process what she said.

Grey: wait... did she just say date?

(A/N: ATTENTION!!! First, thank you for reading this, second, the next chapter will be a special interactions in the rift and not part of the story, and if you have any ideas, please voice them out, because in truth... I'm fresh out of them.)

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