(A/N: this chapter is committed to the good memory of slave knight Gael, may his soul finally find a place were it belongs and can rest in peace)
Ahri POV:
I woke up next morning after the whole incident with Grey, thankfully no one judged him, I guess Kindred's explanation helped.
The Grey plushy was in my hands, I think I'm developing a habit of sleeping with it, well if I am, I'm not complaining.
I got out of bed and went through my morning routine, when I was done showering and dressing up, I got out to the living room and saw Grey asleep on the couch with Silver on top of him.
I kinda feel bad that he sleeps there, he can sleep in my bed anytime he wants, but then there's Nidalee, maybe we can work something out?
Speaking of her, she just got out of her room, we looked at each other, but without any hostility.
Nidalee: good morning.
Ahri: yeah, morning.
Nidalee: (looks at Grey) he doesn't usually wakes up early, does he?
Ahri: not really, usually I'm who wakes him up.
Nidalee: listen... how about we try to get along? For Grey at least?
Ahri: actually I was thinking of talking about that to you, so how about less fighting from now on?
Nidalee: alright... so how do we wake him up?
I can feel an almost evil smirk appear on my lips, I walk slowly to Grey, gently lift up Silver and set him on the table and bring my mouth to Grey's ear.
Ahri: hey Grey?
Grey: (groan)
Ahri: do you mind telling me why you're sleeping on top of me while your hands are on my breasts?
Grey: wait... (gets up in panic) WHAT!?!
I burst out laughing and Nidalee starts holding her mouth trying not to laugh but failing, Grey slightly glares at me and then starts massaging his forehead.
Grey: (grunt) can you not wake me up like that?
Ahri: oh come on, where's the fun in the that?
Nidalee: I have to admit, it is hilarious.
Grey: so let me get this straight, you two get along great when it's about teasing me?
We looked at each other and then back at him while answering at the same time.
Ahri/Nidalee: pretty much, yeah.
Grey: great... (sigh) I'll be taking a shower.
Nidalee: hey, why don't I make breakfast today?
Grey/Ahri: really?
Nidalee: yeah, I learned how to cook a few things in the jungle.
Grey: well I guess having a meal cooked by a friend once in a while isn't bad.
Ahri: yeah, it could be a good change.
Nidalee: alright, I'll start now.
Nidalee went to the kitchen and Grey went to take a shower, I sat on the couch and looked at Silver, he woke up and started looking around, probably looking for Grey, he jumped down and started running around.
I turned the TV on and started flipping through channels, a few minutes later, Grey showed up and started putting back his armor, when he wore his hat, he started looking around for something.
Grey: hey Ahri, have you seen my pledge.
I was about to answer but then heard a muffled bark, he looked down and saw Silver holding his pledge in his mouth, Grey took it and pat Silver's head.
Grey: thanks boy.
Silver: (barks happily)
Grey sits down besides me and a few minutes later, Nidalee calls telling us that breakfast is ready.
We entered the kitchen and saw she cooked some meat with eggs, we all sat down and started eating after giving Silver his own food, I have to admit, peaceful moments like these with friends are great, even if I prefer that it was just me and Grey.
Grey: this is great Nidalee.
Nidalee: (blush slightly) thanks.
Ahri: we should let you cook more.
Grey: oh right! Nidalee, you have your first match today in the evening, while me and Ahri are free.
Nidalee: official or normal?
Grey: normal.
We finished our breakfast and sat down together on the couch, I turned on the TV and Grey started asking questions about it, it was like a child learning a new thing and I admit it was cute how he confused some of the shows to be real.
We stayed together until lunch time, we went to the dinning hall and found Aki, Ezreal, Lux and Garen together.
Lux: hey guys, where were you this morning?
Grey: in our room, we decided to make breakfast instead of taking some.
Garen: ah, it is good to have a home cooked meal once In a while.
Ahri: so anything going on today?
Ezreal: not really.
Grey: hey Garen, where's Katarina?
Garen: she got a jop from Swain.
We sat around and started talking, until someone came in and started talking In a dramatic manner.
???: I have finally found you!
We looked at the man that talked, and except Grey and Nidalee, everyone's eyes widen, including mine, because even as a fox In Ionia I heard of this man.
He was a man wearing short white robes with gold trimming, he had a robotic arm and leg, and two guns strapped to his wrist, one being a short one and the other a long one, but what made us recognize him was the mask, he was wearing a face shaped mask with a slight smile on the lips.
Apparently he was here for Grey, he stood up and faced the man, I was really worried about what could happen.
Grey: can I help you?
???: I just wanted to meet you, ever since I saw you fight in the rift I was happy to see that there was another artist like me.
Grey: artist?
???: oh where are my manners? (Bows while extending arms) my name is Khada Jhin, the virtuoso, and you and I are artist in the same profession.
Grey: and that is?
Jhin: to make beautiful art, with the blood of others.
I can see that both Grey and Nidalee understood that Jhin was a psycho.
Jhin: I saw your matches, the way you gracefully move with your sword and knife and kill in such an elegant way, and I guess you have the same problem of wishing blood would come In a different color?
He was getting annoying, and I was mad that he was comparing Grey to himself, I was hoping Grey would tell him to leave now.
Grey: your right Jhin, it is annoying that blood comes only in one color.
Ha! Serves that bas- wait what!?!
We all looked at Grey slightly shocked, but he continued.
Grey: but that's were we true artists come in, we will show the world that even with blood coming In one color, we can still make the most beautiful art.
Everyone was silent, I don't think anyone expected that, then Jhin exploded into laughter.
Jhin: HAHAHA, I knew it! I just knew you were an artist like me, I really hope we can meet in the rift.
Jhin walks away and Grey sits down.
Ahri: uhmm... Grey, what was that?
Lux: why were you nice to him?
Ezreal: and how did you know what to say?
Nidalee: yes, even I can tell the guy was nothing but a psychopath.
Grey: (heavy sigh) because as much as I hate to admit, there was a point in my life where I was exactly like Jhin.
Garen: please tell me your joking.
Grey: (shakes head) it was after what happened to the Abyss watchers.
We all looked at him in sympathy, I already told the others about it and I guess he already told Nidalee.
Ahri: Grey...
Grey: After that happened... I went on a rampage, I started going around killing anything that I didn't consider human, either they were evil or not, and I did it all with a big smile on my face, it was the closest I ever got to going hollow, but thankfully... I was saved.
We looked at him with full attention.
Ezreal: saved? By who?
Grey: the red hood, as I call him.
Aki: can you tell us what happened?
Grey: (chuckle) sure.
We all got closer listening to the story and Grey began telling it.
Third POV: flash back.
Grey was in a forest surrounded by three dark wraiths, he was bleeding badly and on one knee.
Grey: (heavy breathing) is that (grunt) the best you got.
The dark wraiths were getting closer, Grey fell on his side having lost a lot of blood and taking a lot of damage.
One of the dark wraiths stood in front of him, all Grey can do is watch as it raised its sword ready to bring it down.
But before he got the chance, someone dashed forward and sliced off the dark wraith's head.
Grey looked and saw a hooded red cape, the cape moved in a way that made it look like a pair of wings.
The person the cape belonged to had an old armor, and an old looking sword with an almost dull end.
Grey saw that he made quick work of the other two dark wraiths, but then he passed out.
When he woke up, he found himself in front of a campfire with a pot cooking on top of it, he saw the person who saved him a few feet from the pot.
Grey: where... am I?
Red hood: ah... your awake.
The man looked up at Grey who sat up, Grey was able to see his face under the hood, he saw it was an elderly man with a long white beard, he also had a scar over his left eye.
Red hood: relax, I'm just making some Estus soup, now what was a young man like you doing in the jungle?
Grey: killing dark wraiths.
Red hood: and why were you alone?
Grey then told the man of what happened, and why he wants to just kill dark wraiths, after he was done, the man stroked his beard in thought.
Red hood: no offense, but to me it seems your just trying to fail.
Grey: what?
Red hood: After what happened, you just went on a rampage, what about being an Abyss watcher?
Grey: there are no more Abyss watchers.
Red hood: then who am I speaking to now?
Grey: I'm... Grey Ashnex.
Red hood: and what are you, Grey Ashnex?
Grey: I'm..... an Abyss watcher.
The man hummed in confirmation, he got a bowl, filled it with Estus soup, and gave it Grey.
Red hood: your friends might be gone, but their legacy lives inside you, don't waste it on pity revenge.
Grey took the bowl and looked at it, he knew this man was right, he drank his Estus soup, and sat quietly thinking for a few minutes.
Grey: hey... thank you.
Red hood: (chuckle) your welcome young man.
Grey: what's your name?
Red hood: my name... is Gael.
Third POV: end of flash back.
Grey: next morning, we went our separate ways and I got back to the abyss watchers temple, I never heard from him since.
Lux: wow, so Gael saved you.
Grey: from both the dark wraiths and going hollow.
It was a little after noon when Grey finished his story, he felt someone tapping his shoulder, when he looked he found Kayle.
Grey: please tell me your here to just join us for lunch.
Kayle: (shakes head) I'm sorry, but at least your not in trouble this time.
Grey: (sigh) well let's see what they want this time.
Grey got up and went with Kayle to the high summoners chambers, when he reached there, Kayle motioned for him to come in alone.
When he entered, he made his presence known.
Grey: you called for me?
Summoner1: yes, there is a matter we need you to resolve.
Summoner2: we sensed strange energy from the forest near the mother lands outside of the Institute.
Grey: and why are you sending me personally?
Summoner3: because what we felt is similar to what we sensed when you came into our world.
Grey: (eyes widen) you... think it's from my world?
Summoner4: which is why we're sending you, if it's hostile, then you would know how to deal with it.
Grey: very well, I'll leave as soon as I can.
Summoner1: much appreciated.
Grey takes his leave and sees Kayle, he waves at her and continued his way.
He made it to his friends and they looked at him.
Lux: so what is it this time?
Grey: another mission apparently, one that can't wait.
Nidalee: so you won't be around to see my match?
Grey: I'm really sorry Nidalee, but they think it's something from my world, you saw Vordt, we can't really ignore something like this, but I promise to make it up to you.
Nidalee: thanks.
Nidalee was a little depressed, that's when Ahri decided to step in to cheer her up.
Ahri: hey, don't worry, I'll be here to watch your match.
Nidalee: (smile) thanks Ahri.
They heard a bark and saw Silver at their feet.
Grey: (chuckle) and Silver too, can't forget him.
Nidalee: no, I can't, but aren't you taking him with you?
Grey: (shakes head) no, too dangerous, but I should be back before midnight.
Ezreal: wait, where are you going?
Grey: the forest around the city outside the Institute.
Garen: well, good luck my friend.
Grey: thank you, and good luck to you Nidalee with your match.
Nidalee: thanks.
Grey: (looks at Silver) listen to Ahri and Nidalee while I'm gone, okay?
Silver: (barks of confirmation)
Grey takes his leave making his way to the gates of the Institute, when he made it out, he went to through the city making to it's edge and getting into it's forest when the sun started setting.
Grey POV:
I have been searching the forest for a few hours now, the sun had set a long time ago, and the moon was high in the sky.
Grey: well, I didn't find anything yet, so it's either hiding, or I'm dealing with a mimic, I sure hope not, I really hate those things, and I'm going to be late for Nidalee's match now.
I decided to search for only a little longer and then return so that I can hopefully still make it to see her match.
After a few minutes, the clouds covered the moon making it darker, I was about to just return.
But then I jumped and rolled away from something that was about to strike my head.
It was a staff, I saw a few leaves sliced which means there's a blade at the end, I pulled my sword and knife ready for battle.
Because of the dark area I couldn't see who attacked me, but I can make their outline.
They raised their staff again and brought it down, I rolled out of the way and jumped for a slash.
Only for them to jump back, I anchored my knife to help me with another slash only for them to roll away.
I jumped back and we both dashed forward and clashed weapons into a lock down, i still couldn't see them.
???: (proudly) how do you expect to beat me, when you don't even praise the Sun?
Grey: wait... praise the sun!?!
???: that voice!?!
We both jumped back, the clouds move away from the moon... and I couldn't believe who I was looking at.
It was a man with almost my hight, he was wearing a full silver armor, the helmet had a pair of wings like horns, and on his back was a short cape, in his hands was a black helbard, but what truly surprised me was that I knew who it was.(A/N: if you couldn't tell, it's the silver knight set with the black Knight helbard)
Grey: Brite?
Brite: Grey?
We both lowered our weapons after recognizing the other one, next thing I knew, I was brought into a back crushing hug.
Brite: HAHAHA, oh Grey it is you, I'm so glad to see you, (let's go) what happened to you? You've been gone for weeks! (Looks around) what is this place, (raises finger) and the most important question... (looks at Grey) did you finally start praising the Sun?
Grey: no.
Brite: well you will soon, now where are we?
Grey: (sigh) this is going to need a little explaining.
I started telling him where we are, about this world, and joining the Institute, but I left out being a lord of cinder, because I don't know how he'll react to that.
Brite: so... we're in a different world?
Grey: yes.
Brite: and this Institute preserve peace through champions?
Grey: that's right.
Brite: and you joined because you found a reason to fight for?
Grey: exactly.
He hummed in thought while scratching the chin of his helmet.
Brite: well... I have a request.
Grey: what is it?
I think he'll ask if they can send him back, come to think of it, I didn't even bother to see if they can after I decided to stay here.
Brite: (proudly) I would like to join this glorious League of legends you spoke of.
Grey: ............ what?
(A/N: thank you for reading this, I sure hope you enjoyed this chapter, and sorry about the last one, sadly that bald son of a b**ch managed to get away, but he shouldn't be a problem, I wish you can enjoy the future chapters and feel free to comment on whatever you want)
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