Chapter 6: Traitors brand

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Sorry for not updating this in a while, but this story is still alive and of course their will be lemon chapters soon with some of the female characters in the harem, also I'm going to add three more female that I feel like deserves some justice. And those girls are

 Scarlet, Rhinka and Rhajat! Yes, I'm adding them to the harem cause Scarlet  deserves to live and Rhajat looks like Tharja, now let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

After some rest within this personal dimension that Kamui took us, each of us prepare in our own ways I'm practicing my sword play with my X-blade and my magic capabilities to increase my magic pool, after a couple of swings I pointed my blade towards the sky ready to fire off a magic blast. But I stop upon hearing Gunter's voice and a female gasp.

Gunter: I see your working hard, my lord.

I put my blade down and turn towards Gunter and a maid with light colored hair, once I see them I dismissed my weapon.

Y/n: Gunter, and yes I got to be at top shape when we have to fight battles and please not to call me lord or prince. We both no, I'm nothing of the sort.

Gunter: Of course, but lady Kamui wants us to meet up for our move on Cheve.

Y/n: Okay, I'll be there soon.

Gunter nods and leaves to the meeting Kamui and the others, while I look towards the maid that didn't follow him eyeing me like she had seen me from some where before.

Y/n: Um, can I help you miss...?

maid: Oh, sorry! But I heard from lady Kamui that your name is Y/n, right?

Y/n: Yes, that is me. But who are you, if I may know the gorgeous maid in front of me.

maid: *blushes* Oh, sorry but I'm Felicia, maid to lady Kamui. *bows* it's nice to meet you Mister Y/n.

Y/n: Just Y/n is fine, Felicia. But any ways let's go see what Kamui needs.

Felicia: Right! [He called me gorgeous!]

We then head towards the direction that Gunter went too, and see that the said aged knight, Jakob, Kamui and Azura waiting for us, which the young dragon transforming princess sees us coming.

Kamui: Ah, Y/n and Felicia, we were just about to make our next move.

Y/n: That's good, so where are we going?

Azura: Well, were planing on heading towards Fort Jinya.

Y/n: Um, you do know that is in Hoshidan territory, right? So that would mean that they won't take too kindly to you Kamui, even me since I sided with you.

Kamui: I know, but I have to try.

I nod to her understanding that she wants to stop the war between Nohr and Hoshido, but doing so can not be easy to do.

Y/n: Okay, I'll help you anyway I can.

Kamui: Okay, let's head on out.

3rd pov

-at Fort Jinya-

As the group were a couple feet away from Fort Jinya with Y/n, Gunter and Kamui up front near the doors, while Azura, Jakob and Felicia were waiting behind them in case a fight were to happen.

Gunter: Listen carefully, Fort Jinya is just ahead. The Fort is sure to be well defended by Hoshidan soldiers.

Kamui: Let's try to reach out for them.

Y/n: That will be easier said than done, Kamui. Not everyone can be reasoned with, some can be too stubborn to listen.

Gunter: He is right milady, but didn't say that you been branded as a traitor? These soldiers have likely been ordered to attack you on sight.

Azura: Also, you must not forget about the curse. You can't tell anyone what you've learned.

Y/n: Right, almost forgot about that whole curse situation.

Kamui: I know, just the same. We have to try and talk to them. No one wants this war to continue forever. Surely some of them will listen. All right, here goes nothing. If I speak form the heart, I'm certain everyone in Hoshido will understand.

The group proceed to head towards Fort Jinya, which they just reach the front entrance of the Fort and Y/n was looking around with his guard up incase of a surprise attack in any direction by Hoshidan ninjas.

Kamui: So this is Fort Jinya... Have Hoshidan forces abandoned it? It's so quiet here...

Y/n: Do keep your guard up, they could be waiting for a surprise attack.

Then, they see someone walking too them, Y/n, Kamui and Azura instantly knew who it is once they step into the light, and that person is non other than Yukimura though he is not pleased to see Kamui in front of Forte Jinya's doors.

Kamui: Ah! Yukimura...

Yukimura: You have some nerve showing your face around here, lady traitor.


Yukimura: And the same goes for you two... Lady Azura, you were raised any other princess of Hoshido, and yet... You seem to have had no trouble turning your back to us when it suited you. I suppose you never truly thought of this kingdom as your home...


Yukimura: And you, Y/n. You were once a proud general of Hoshido, even if you went by the alias known as "Vanitas." Now here you are, with the traitor herself.

Y/n: [I wish I could tell him the reason, but I can't risk getting hit by that curse.]

Kamui: Y-you're wrong, Yukimura! We haven't betrayed Hoshido at all! I'm not your enemy, and neither is Nohr! Please, if you would only listen...

Yukimura: Silence! I won't let you try and justify your betrayal.

Kamui: Please, Yukimura...

Gunter: We did not expected this to be too easy. It's unfortunate, but we should prepare ourselves for a battle.

Kamui: Yukimura... just hear me out!

Y/n: Yeah, listen to her!

Yukimura: I don't have time to listen to your poisonous words. You abandon your friends and your family. I wouldn't be surprise if you helped the Norhians capture Lord Takumi!

Y/n: [What?! Takumi has been captured? No, if I know him than it would take more than an ambush to capture him, plus he does have his two retainers.]

Yukimura: And on top of everything else. Lord Ryoma has gone missing...

Kamui: It can't be... My brothers are-

Yukimura: Your brothers?! You dare think of yourself as a member of the royal family? Thanks to you, ill has befallen Hoshido's best and bravest.

Kamui: I... I'm sorry. I never meant for-

Yukimura: I don't want your apologies, I want you to atone for your crimes.

Y/n: Hey! She didn't mean any of this to happen and if you dare lay a finger on her... *summons X-blade* You'll have to go through me as the last wish to Queen Makoto to be Lady Kamui's retainer!

Kamui: *blushes lightly* Y/n...

Yukimura: Guards! Capture the traitors!

Kamui: Will, you not listen to me? Our real enemy is elsewhere...

Y/n: It's know use, we have to fight them. If we managed to exhaust Yukimura and his troops, then they'll probably listen.

Kamui: Good idea, but do try not to kill them.

Once the Hoshidan troops advance on the small group, Y/n blocks an attack form an oni warrior with a iron club and Y/n breaks the lock and throws a punch to the warrior's stomach, using enough force to knock out the Oni warrior. Then a Pegasus knight flies to Y/n trying to attack him from behind, but Felicia deflects the attack with a knife and jakob kicks the knight off the Pegasus then used the butt of his knife to knock out the knight.

Y/n: Thanks for covering my back.

Felicia: *smiles* Any time!

Jakob: Any friend/ally of lady Kamui, is trust worthy in my opinion.

Azura then came up to Y/n signing to him, which the magic in her song rejuvenates him and raises his blade, then a ninja charges at Y/n who was about to block the attack but Kamui gets in front of him and block the attack, which allows Y/n to use wind magic to blow the ninja into a wall and knocking him out. The group slowly but surely taking out the Hoshidan soldiers without killing them and making their way up to Yukimura, who is companied with Saizo and Orochi.

Orochi comes up to the group charging up a magic attack, as she looks upon Kamui knowing full well that she is looking upon the late Queen's daughter.

Orochi: I am Orochi, retainer to Lady Mikoto. The late Queen of Hoshido, I can never forgive what you have done. I will avenge Lady Mikoto! Submit to my magic!

She then sends out the attack taking the shape of a rat, but Y/n get's in front of Kamui and points his X-blade up creating a magic barrier around them, the attack hits the barrier making it glow and Orochi's eye widen knowing it's Y/n's way to counter magic and long range attack.

Orochi: Oh no!

Y/n Reflect!

Orochi is sent back taking the full force of the attack, which leaves her exhausted and on her knees, then Saizo charges and Y/n heads for him using his weapon to block the attack which locks both their weapons. Saizo Glares at Y/n feeling as if his once friend betrayed  his home, while Y/n has a calm expression but understands the hateful glare coming from Saizo, the two broke the weapon lock and jump back from one another. As Y/n and Saizo were going to fight kamui with Gunter supporting her go up against  Yukimura who uses a puppet with strings connected to his fingers.

Saizo: Y/n, why have you sided with the traitor and betrayed you're home!

Y/n: I wish, I could tell you... But I can't not with out a price too great to cost.

Saizo: How can I believe that! You and the traitor say there's a enemy behind the scenes, but I don't see any proof.

He charges at Y/n who blocks the attack, while Y/n was focusing on blocking and parring Saizo's attack waiting for an opening, then Saizo sends a strike with with a ninja blade at Y/n, but the said young man jumps back avoiding the attack and focuses his magic energy at the tip of his weapon creating a small orb of light. Y/n then swings his X-blade at Saizo launching the orb of light, leaving no time for Saizo to dodge the attack and taking the full force of the attack this caused Saizo to be sent back a bit, but still strong enough to continue the fight.

He looks up only to see Y/n rushing at him with his weapon, once Y/n was close enough he swings his weapon at Saizo and make sure that his attacks only exhaust the older ninja and not leave any serious injuries, then Y/n launches Saizo into the air and follows up by slamming him back down to the ground, next to Yukimura who get's knocked back by kamui. Y/n lands on the ground next to kamui as they look onto the three warriors panting in exhaustion from the fighting.

Yukimura: I don't understand... We're defeated... Why don't you kill us?

Kamui: Because we don't need to continue this senseless violence. I know how to end it! However, I need your help in order to do it.

Yukimura: Ugh... Helping you means turning against Hoshido. And you say I must do this to help Hoshido? I don't believe you. How can I trust someone who has turned against everything I love?

Orochi: Y-yeah! We'll only trust you if you can bring back all the lives you've taken! Return Lady Mikoto and maybe we'll listen!


Y/n: Orochi, you and I both know that your are asking the impossible.

Saizo: There is no other way.... I must sacrifice my life to rid our lands of these Norhian fiends...

Just then, Saizo's body then lights up in flames and getting ready to charge at kamui's group, while Y/n readies a water spell to douse out the flames and save Saizo's life.

Saizo: I'll show you what true dedication and loyalty mean! Gaaaaaaaah!!!!

Gunter: Get back! He intends to sacrifice himself in attacking us!

Kamui: Saizo, stop!

Saizo: I believe in Hoshido... Even if I must give my life, I will stop you! Raaaaah!

Y/n: Wa-

????: No, brother! You're wrong!

Just then a green haired ninja and Sakura both arrive and get in front of Saizo, preventing him from attacking Kamui and her group.

Sakura: Stop, please! Saizo, d-don't hurt my sister!

Kamui: Kaze! Sakura!

Saizo: Why are you interfering? These people deserve their fate. They've turned against Hoshido!

Kaze: Brother, you mustn't be so rash! Lady Kamui is trustworthy! When I was a prisoner in Nohr, it was Kamui who let me escape! She saved me, an enemy without worrying about what would happen for doing so.

Sakura: Kamui is... a very kind person. Look! Even during this battle, she didn't kill a single defender! Even Y/n only knocked out or tired out the defenders. Why would they do that if they had truly betrayed Hoshido?! There must be a reason! Please, just listen to her!

Saizo: Grrr....

Saizo reluctantly backs down and the flames around him die out, leaving the ninja unharmed and Y/n lowers his weapon as they can talk now, thanks to Sakura.

Kaze: *smiles* Thank you, brother....

Saizo: Hmph. This doesn't mean I trust her. But I will listen to what she has to say.

Kamui: Our real enemy is not in Nohr or is hidden in Hoshido. It lies somewhere else... The explosion in Hoshido, the death of my mother... These events weren't set in motion by King Garon. Somewhere else, a powerful and ambitious force is manipulating us all.

Saizo: So that's it? An enemy we haven't heard of is the reason for this conflict? Sounds like the work of an active imagination, nothing more. Educate us, then... Who is this mystery enemy?

Kamui: I'm sorry... I can't say much. Only that... A day will come when the skies above Nohr and Hoshido will switch colors. If you need proof of that what I say is true, meet me at the Bottomless Canyon.

Saizo: Do you think us fools?

Kamui:  No, I don't think that at all. I just... I'm sorry, but I can't say more.

Yukimura: Well then... It seems this was a waste of our time. I've heard enough , away with you.

Seeing that they didn't believe her, Kamui and her group were about to leave while Y/n was giving Kamui a pat on the back to cheer her up, Sakura runs up to them surprising them that she did that.

Sakura: Wait, sister! Please!

Kamui: Sakura?

Sakura: Um... Please... T-take me with you! I'm not very good at fighting, but I'm sure I can find a way to help!

Yukimura: *surprised tone* Lady Sakura, why are you-?!

Sakura: I'm sorry. Yukimura, but I believe that Kamui is telling the truth. We haven't spent much time together, but I can tell... I can tell by the look in her eyes... She isn't trying to trick us.

Yukimura: Lady Sakura... I didn't expect this. I don't know what to say right now... I've been by your side since you were born. I can tell your mind is made up. I won't try to stop you, just... promise me that you'll be careful.

Sakura: Th-thank you, Yukimura.

Kaze: Brother, I would ask for your understanding. I would like to accompany Lady Kamui on her mission.

Saizo: If you are set on that course, you may do as you wish.

Kaze: I am.

Kamui: Thank you, Sakura. Kaze. Thank you for believing in me. Let's head to our next destination...

The group then leaves Fort Jinya, Kamui heads to a lake that reminded her first meeting with Azura with Sakura who reunites with her sister, while Y/n heads back to Astral plains with the others to rest before heading to their next destination. Y/n was looking around the plains and spots a temple looking shrine in the plains, Y/n being curious heads inside to see what is inside of the temple and sees a small creature.

Creature: Who are you? You're not Lady Kamui.

Y/n's pov

I was standing in front of this small creature on an orb, looking at me with a curious look on it's face which matches my expression.

Y/n: My name is Y/n, former General of Hoshido and now Retainer for Kamui. But who or what are you?

creature: Oh, well my name is Lilith a guardian of Lady kamui so to speak, and what I am is an astral dragon.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Lilith and sorry for trespassing.

Lilith: It's no problem at all, it's rather nice to get some visitors now and than.

I couldn't help but look directly at Lilith's eyes, they almost look like Kamui's eyes but yellow instead of read, by me staring at her didn't go unnoticed by the said dragon which makes her slightly nervous.

Lilith: Um, wh-why are you staring at me like that?

Y/n: sorry, is just that your eyes look similar to Kamui.

Lilith: I see... [I hope he doesn't find out.] By the way, how are you not uncomfortable wearing that?

I look down at my clothes and I could see why she would ask that, since my clothes are practically a jump suit with a cloth wrapped around my waist, but this luck was better with the mask and to hide my identity from Xander, Camila and Leo. But now they know who I am, I may need a change of clothes soon.

Y/n: Eh, not really. But I am thinking of getting a new set of clothes since the helmet I made with this outfit... was destroyed.

Lilith: Oh, well I hope you get some new clothes soon.

Y/n: *smiles* Thanks Lilith, I'm going to look around some more. It was nice meeting you.

I left the temple leaving Lilith for some time, while I was looking around the plains seeing some weapon shops and item shops, but the only weapon I truly need with my is my X-blade while minding my own business. I didn't notice it was getting late, then I heard someone calling my name, I looked behind me to see Kamui coming up to me.

Y/n: Kamui? Is there something you need?

Kamui: Well, I was wondering if you have a place to sleep for the night?

Y/n: Well, I was thinking of sleeping in a tree or next to a wall.

Kamui: What?! No way, you'll be sleeping with me for tonight and I'll make a place for you tomorrow.

Y/n: What? No it's fine Kamui, it doesn't-

Before I could say my words, Kamui gives me a look that makes me shut up and just from her look it would say "I won't take no for an answer." So knowing that I sighed not in the mood with arguing on where I sleep with her, plus it was only for a night and I could always sleep on the couch.

Y/n: Fine, but only cause I know you won't take no for an answer.

She smiles in victory and leads me to what looks to be a tree house, once inside it was a rather nice looking room with a large bed and a decent size couch that I could lay on, I notice Kamui was quick to switch out of her armor and into some sleep wear. While I don't have such with me yet, I was going to sleep on the couch but Kamui stops me.

Kamui: Oh, no your not going to sleep on a couch. You'll be in the bed with me, I don't want you to be uncomfortable.

Y/n: No, I'm fine on the couch, besides I wear what can look like a jump suit which I'll look into for new clothes soon.

I was about to remove my hand form her, but she tosses me on the bed and quickly lays on top of me, I was about to get her off me but she wrapped her arms around me stopping me form doing so. I struggled but for a princess she's got a really strong grip on me, I look at her to see that she is giving me a smug smile.

Y/n: You planned this, didn't you.

Kamui: *smiles* Yup!

Y/n: Clever girl. *sighs* You win, let's just get some sleep.

As if on cue I hear Kamui let out a rather cute yawn and proceeds to sleep on top of me, seeing her cute sleeping face I just accept this and let sleep take me.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, now I'm going to fine some new clothes to give the reader, since the helmet is destroyed and is incomplete with out it, plus I'm going to remind you the girls in the harem right now are...

female Kamui, Azura, Hinoka, Sakura, Camlia, Rhinka, Scarlet, Rhajat, Selkie, Velouria, Selena, Flora, Felicia and lilith.

Now do let me know on some child ideas for the reader and the girls and I'll catch you in the next one.

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