Chapter 4: a secret world
A/n: hey guys sorry for not updating this story in awhile but here is the next chapter now I will be adding Selkie and Velouria to the harem while I'm thinking of adding Selena to the harem please let me know what other girls should be in the harem but don't put too many in leave some of the other characters also Kana and Kanna will be using oblivion and oathkeeper as one of their weapons now let the story begin
Y/n's pov
as we managed to get away from the battlefield we stop for a moment for our next move on what to do
Jakob: have you three considered what our next move will be? Nohr and Hoshido are against us we don't have many friends right now.
Y/n: he's got a point lady Kamui we don't got that many allies
Kamui: hmm... it seems like we should lay low for a little bit
Azura: then... I know a place where no one will find us. we should be safe there.
Kamui: really?
Azura: yes and once we get there I have much to tell you. things I heard from my mother.... and the truth about this world....
Kamui: okay * looks at Y/n* and you have some explaining to do Y/n
Y/n: what do you mean?
Kamui: I mean why did Elise call you brother and why did Xander, Leo and Camilla had sad looks when they saw you without your mask?
Y/n: look I'll tell you but not out in the open only when we are in a safe enough area
she nods to me we then follow Azura to this secret location that she spoke about as we made a long trip to the bottomless canyon where I first met lady Kamui which made me curious on why Azura brought us here
Kamui: this is the bottomless canyon where we lost Gunter and where we first met you Y/n
Y/n: yeah but that was when before when I learned who you were but hey some times not everything has good beginings
Kamui: you don't mean for us to hide out here. do you?
Azura: that's exactly what I mean. we'll jump into the Canyon.
Jakob: wait just a minute! if we jump from here we'll all die.
Y/n: yeah I may be able to hide in shadows and use magic but I'm not crazy enough to jump in a Canyon that has the name Bottomless for obvious reasons
Jakob: No one will ever find us. that's for sure but we'll be ghost!
Azura: don't worry you won't die if you jump you have to trust me *looks at Y/n with s slight smirk* or unless the great wielder of the X-blade is too scared to jump in a little Canyon
Y/n: is that a challenge?
Azura: maybe....
Y/n: okay if I jump in with you then you get one thing out of me but if we die then well I told you so
Azura: that will do *thoughts* 'he just made it easy for me to get a kiss from him'
Kamui: Azura.... you'll tell us more of what you know after we jump into the Canyon right?
Azura: yes if that's what you wish.
Kamui:... then we have no choice
Jakob: are you certain about this. milady?!
Kamui: yes everything will be fine. I trust Azura
Azura: *smiles* thank you Kamui. I'll go first and wait for you to follow
Kamui: all right I'll be right behind you
Y/n: and I got your back and if we live through this then that's a check off the bucket list
Jakob: if my mistress is going . then I'll need to find the courage. I would give up my life if my lady commanded after all.
then as we got to the bridge we see Azura on the edge on the bridge then falling into the Canyon as Kamui rushes to look down then follows her then I follow them
Y/n: Leeroy! Jenkins!!!!!
as I begin falling after Azura and Kamui avoiding the formed rocks hanging off the Canyon walls then later catching up with Kamui and Azura as Azura then looks at both me and Kamui over her shoulder then diving ahead to which I could of sworn I saw Azura's panties which I shook my head from those thoughts I then closed my eyes then opened them to reveal a beautiful layout of green land and floating lands
Kamui: ugh... is this... the bottom of this Canyon?
Y/n: holy crap we're alive well looks like I lost this bet
Kamui: that was a heck of a jump. but nothing seems broken...
Azura: thank goodness. I said you'd be all right didn't I *looks at Y/n* and yes you lost the bet but I'll claim my reward later. Jakob how do you feel?
Jakob: I'm fine of course. I'm relived to see that Lady Kamui is unhurt as well.
Kamui: so... where are we? this place looks like it's definitely seen better days
Azura:... this is the Kingdom of Valla. it's responsible for the war between Hoshido and Nohr.
Kamui: responsible? how?
Azura:... follow me all three of you if we linger any longer here we'll be spotted
we then follow her into a cave avoiding being out in the open as we entered the cave I can see two path ways but it's too dark to see any further
Azura: we should be safe here. as I was saying the throne of Valla is occupied by King Anankos. before his arrival this land was a peaceful one. all was well until Anankos killed our king and took the throne for himself. once bountiful farmlands were devastated. replaced by wastelands and graveyards
Kamui: he destroyed an entire kingdom?! for no reason at all?
Y/n: the hell kind of king would purposely destroy their own kingdom for no reason to me he doesn't deserve to call himself a king
Azura: yes and he isn't finished. he wishes to lay waste to the entire world. first Valla, then Nohr and Hoshido. even now he's the hidden influence that quietly forces Nohr and Hoshido to fight. King Garon's invasion is the result of Anankos subtle manipulations.
Kamui: that's horrible!
Y/n's thoughts: 'then could it be this Anankos guy work when Xander, Camilla and Leo Abused me by using Garon I'll have to find that out'
Kamui: but... if it's true. then maybe we can stop this war by defeating Anankos! we need to get back up above and explain this to everyone! if we can get Nohr and Hoshido to work together with-
Azura: I'm sorry but you can't you mustn't talk about Valla to anyone when your beyond it's borders. if you do you'll trigger a curse that will cause your body to dissolve and disappear. that's what happen to my mother... to Arete the former Queen of Valla
Kamui: what? your mother was a queen in Valla. not Nohr? then that makes you...
Azura: yes... I am the Vallite princess. the King that Anankos murdered he was my father.
Y/n: okay now that is mind blown now I have more reason in wanting to take this Anankos guy down
Kamui: no! and your were forced to flee?
Azura: yes... but I wasn't able to tell anyone about this before. because of that curse... even if I wanted to talk I couldn't. I was trapped- no matter how much I missed my parents I had to keep it bottled up inside.... until now
Kamui: Azura...
Azura: listen Kamui. I'm sorry to say this that you chosen this path. you'll know exactly what I've been feeling. no matter how much you want someone to understand what's happening... no matter how much you want to tell them the truth... you won't be able to tell them. you need to prepare yourself for that. I can't even express how painful it is to know the truth and not be able to say it
Kamui: all right. I understand
3rd pov
as Azura moves ahead but not too far from the group she sees something that catches her eye
Azura: What was that?! there are enemies approaching a rather large number of enemies. Kamui we'll have to deal with this threat before we can continue.
Kamui: ok!
Azura: tread carefully our enemies may use the shadows to ambush us
the other nod to her as Kamui moves forward ahead to one of the entrances ahead of them as the darkness uncovers a pad that teleports Kamui back to the group
Azura: some paths are not taken we need to choose carefully
Y/n: great...
then Kamui moves to the pathway on their left with Jakob behind her as Azura follow Jakob and Y/n covers their rear to make sure no enemies getting them from behind then Kamui moves in further uncovering the darkness revealing three enemies then Y/n moves ahead getting in front of Kamui engaging the enemy with a bow Y/n then charges at the bowmen slashing at him with his X-blade as the bowman survived the strike but then gets taken out by kamui who follows up with her own slash
Y/n: thanks for the help lady kamui
Kamui: *smiles* thanks Y/n and please you don't have to call me lady
as Azura and Jakob follow the two close behind them with Azura who was slightly jealous when Y/n praised Kamui get to Y/n on his right as one of the Vallite axe man gets in front of Y/n then sends a strike a Y/n who blocks the attack then Y/n then sends a strike of his own dealing some damage to the Vallite warrior then Azura follows up with a slash with her lance taking out the the axe man then a vallate knight on a horse then charges at Y/n going for a stab with his sword as Y/n blocks with the X-blade then Kamui slashes at the knight then Azura follows up with a stab dealing more damage then Y/n charges at the knight
Y/n: too slow
as Y/n finish off the knight with a down ward slash knocking the knight down to the ground dead as the three enemies were dead the group moves up coming across a two way branched pathway then Kamui head to the pathway on the right uncovering the darkness revealing more enemies as a Vallite warrior with a shuriken then throws it as Kamui but Y/n was quick enough to get in front of Kamui to block the shuriken then a bow man the fires an arrow at Y/n which get's blocked by Kamui then a vallite lancer then charges at Kamui going for a stab but Kamui dodges it in the nick of time then Y/n teleports above the lancer striking him down then the shuriken user then strikes at Y/n dealing some damage to him but not enough to do anything fatel then Y/n sends and upward slash taking out the shuriken user as Y/n then pants from the damage as Jakob goes to Y/n using a healing staff to heal Y/n's injury
Jakob: don't worry Y/n I got you
Y/n: thanks man
then Azura sings for her friends giving them a second wind as Jakob then throws his dagger at the bowmen dealing damage to the bowmen then Y/n follow up with a slash finishing off the bowmen then Y/n move forward to a vallite with a naginata slashing at him dealing some damage to the naginata user as Azura follows behind Y/n stabbing the naginata user finishing him off then the group move to the path ahead to reveal more enemies with a shuriken user in front of the group then Y/n then uses his magic firing a fire ball from his X-blade that then burst into three smaller fire balls
Y/n: gotcha!
as the three fire balls hit the shuriken user dealing enough damage to take him out then a bow user sees a gape through the wall to take aim at Y/n as the arrow is fired Jakob stops the arrow by blocking it with his dagger then an axe user goes to Y/n going for a slash but Y/n dodges the attack then follows up with his own attack going for an upward slash taking out the axe user then a second bow user gets in front a group from a distance shooting an arrow at Kamui but she blocks the arrow with little to no trouble then Y/n dives into the ground as a small shadow going to the second bow user then Y/n rises up from the ground spinning his X-blade as well as launching fire balls taking out the second bow user then Jakob uses the gap in the wall to throw his dagger hitting the first bow user dealing some damage as the first bow user the shoots his arrow at Jakob but Kamui then blocks the arrow then Azura sings to give her friends another second wind then Jakob finishes off the first bow user by throwing his dagger then a katana user goes to Y/n for a horizontal slash but Y/n blocks the attack then parries the attack and slashes at the katana user finishing him off quickly then Y/n pick up a key from the katana user and uses the key on the chest next to him as it unlocks he gets a killing edge from the chest
Y/n: not really necessary for me to use but I'll hold on to it just incase
as Y/n puts the killing edge in a spare scabbard the group then goes to a pathway on their left as the darkness uncovers to reveal more enemies one was a heaved armored enemy with a spear then the shuriken user gets in front of the group throwing a shuriken at Kamui but it gets blocked by Y/n then Y/n teleports above the shuriken user striking downward on the shuriken user
Y/n: too slow
as the shuriken user was taken out then a sword user goes to Y/n going for a strike but gets blocked by Kamui as she activated her dragon fang using her dragon traits while maintaining her human form dealing massive damage to the enemy taking him out then Jakob and Azura catches up to the two Y/n goes to the heavy armored enemy striking at the enemy but due to the heavy armor the damage wasn't as good enough then Azura follow up with an attack of her own finishing of the heavy armored man as the group opens the chest getting 5,000G from the chestthen the group head on to the path ahead uncovering the darkness as Kamui then sees something approaching them
Kamui: what the? is there something wron with my eyes? could that knight be...
Gunter: lady Kamui!!
Kamui: Gunter! is that really you?! and your alive?!
Gunter: I am I lost consciousness as I fell and when I awoke I was here. I have no idea how I survived such a fall... but I swear on my blade I'm no ghost my arms and legs are as sturdy as ever
Kamui: it's good to see you in one piece. Gunter I'm so glad we found you
Gunter: I would love to celebrate. milady but it appears we don't have time right now. these foes are truly challenging. I'll help you fend them off!!
as Gunter joins the group he looks over at Y/n with a questionable look be for looking at his X-blade as then his eyes grown wide at knowing who it is but stays quite for a later time due to the enemies as the group goes to the path on the left then down taking out much weaker enemies with little to no effort then opening a chest getting a steel sword from the chest then the group goes to where the last remaining enemies were at once there one of the enemies with a club rushes at the group going for Kamui as he reaches her he swings his club but Y/n blocks the attack allowing Kamui to take down the club user with two strikes from her Yato then Y/n moves on ahead as the katana user rushes Y/n both clashed their swords but Y/n's X-blade was stronger breaking the katana taking out the enemy then Azura user her singing to give Y/n a second wind as him and Kamui double team the final enemy as Kamui then swings the Yato dealing some damage to the enemy as the said enemy then swings his axe as Y/n then gets in front of kamui blocking the attack but also activating his teleport to appear above the enemy striking down ward on the enemy dealing more damage then finally Kamui sends a vertical slash finishing off the enemy and seizing the area
Kamui: Gunter it's so good to see you safe and sound!
Gunter: I'm glad to see you too Lady Kamui... *looks at Y/n* but why is Vanitas here with you?
Kamui: oh don't worry Gunter he's on our or well he's my more recent retainer form Hoshido and his real name is Y/n
Gunter: *goes wide eyed* wait you mean Y/n the Prince that ran away from Nohr
Kamui: wait what do you mean "the prince that ran away from Nohr"?
Gunter: sorry Lady Kamui that something Y/n has to tell you. but any way after I fell I truly thought that I would never see your face again. it seems you've grown stronger while we were apart. as well...
Jakob: so you aren't dead old man. can you give me back the time I wasted grieving over your demise?
Gunter: hmph... you haven't change. it wouldn't hurt to be kinder.
Y/n: well I've got nothing to say to you cause I hardly know you Gunter but to one soldier to another it's good to see you still on your feet
Gunter: you two prince Y/n
Y/n: and please no prince this I'm not royalty just because I was adopted by King Garon after my real father's death still doesn't make me a prince.
Gunter: very well. but tell me why are you all here?
Azura: I brought them.
Gunter: and who are you?
Azura: my name is Azura. if I said I was a princess kidnapped from Nohr as a child... would you understand?
Gunter: ah! yes I remember when you were little. I apologies for my failure to protect you from your Hoshidan kidnappers...
Azura: there is no need to apologize. really... it doesn't matter at the moment. I'd rather learn how you survive here. you are quite the knight to have avoided meeting a terrible fate.
Gunter: you seem familiar with this place. Lady Azura where are we exactly?
Azura: this is Valla. an invisible kingdom tied to the world by bottomless Canyon. it is ruled by Anankos who wishes to destroy the entire world. so as long as he remains on the Valla throne. the world will not know peace.
Jakob: now listen up gramps. I'm only going to warn you once.
Y/n: geez Jakob you didn't have to say it like that
Jakob: if you talk about any of this whilst not in Valla. a curse will dissolve you!
Gunter: what! is that possible?
Kamui: it seems so... also I've... made enemies of both Hoshido and Nohr Gunter. I couldn't bring myself to side against either of them. so both turned on me. whenever we meet next. it will be a difficult fight. will you stand with me?
Gunter: of course Lady Kamui. I shall remain at your side.
Kamui: thank you Gunter.
Gunter: I feel like I must be in a dream. surviving being attacked and falling so far... though I have to admit... Hans was a disappointment. he barely left a scratch.
Kamui: ah that reminds me. Hans said something strange. he claimed he was following King Garon's orders by attacking you.
Gunter: I'm embarrassed to admit this. but... King Garon despises me.
Kamui: despises you? why?
Gunter: after being honored for valor in battle. I was granted an audience with King Garon. he offered me dragon's blood accepting would require absolute loyalty to the king. it would have meant becoming his most trusted retainer. the highest of positions. how ever it would have meant leaving my homeland, my wife and my child. I turned him down. I wanted to live a normal life. I begged for his understaning. I will never forget his resentment... his rage.
Kamui: I didn't know...
as they proceed to head out of the cave they were stopped by three flames that slowly formed people but the appearance is invisible unable to be seen
????: leave now... you should not be here.
Kamui: what the?! who are you?!
????: I am the mage of Valla... you were warned. Vallite warriors. eliminate them.
Azura: this is bad... I don't think were strong enough to defeat them. let's retreat to the other world!
the group then makes a run for it following Azura who leads them back to the other world back to the Bottomless Canyon
Kamui: phew... it looks like we've made it back who was that woman down there? she said she was a mage...
Azura: when dawn turns to dusk. when dusk turns to dawn. then the door will spawn.
Kamui: huh? is that a poem Azura?
Azura: my mother... she said those words to me a long time ago. she said that when dawn turns to dusk and dusk turns to dawn... the pass in the Bottomless Canyon opens or closes.
Gunter: when dawn turns... hmm... oh I get it. once every few decades. the skies above Nohr and Hoshido will reverse. if I remember right. that should happen in a few months from now
Azura: yes. I'm sure that's a sign that the pass down there has opened or closed. since we're obviously able to travel down there now. it will close next time. once it closes it will stay that way for decades. we won't be able to get there... we don't have much time.
Kamui: I see. then we'll need both kingdoms to stop fighting each other and help us. if we had Xander and Ryoma. there's no way we'll lose
Azura: but how can we convince them? we can't tell them the truth!
Kamui: well just have to find another way. it's the only chance we have. now I know there is a common enemy for both countries to fight... I think we can save Nohr and Hoshido. all I can do is believe in myself and try to convince other to join us.
Azura: Kamui... I suppose you right. I suppose your right. I felt so powerless on my own. but together we might be able to pull something off! nothing will change if we stay here. let's return to Hoshido first. I feel like they might be more wiling to listen to us.
Y/n's pov
as we enter the personal world of Kamui called the Astral plain where we can prepare and rest before I could go off do my thing Azura, Kamui, Jakob and Gunter stop me guess it's time I explain my side of the story
Kamui: Y/n I like you to explain why Gunter called out the "prince who ran away from Nohr"
Y/n: *sighs* well I guess it's time but first before I tell you this don't bring this up with Ryoma, Hinokan Takumi and Sakura because this is between me and Xander, Camilla and Leo
Kamui: of course now please can you tell us so we can get a better picture of the situation
Y/n: well this is going to be a long story so let's find a place we can talk about this
the others nod to me as we head to the building that provides food for people as we sat at a table I then breath in preparing to share my past
Y/n: okay the reason why Gunter called me that is because I'm... an adopted child of King Garon
To Be Continue
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now there was something I forgot to add was adding Lilith to the harem along with Felicia, Flora, Selena and Sakura they will be in the harem as well also give me suggestions on which kid should the reader have with each girl in the harem and what type of keyblade will be more suited for them also please let me know which other girl should be in the harem please let me know in the comments and I'll see you guys in the next chapter
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