Chapter 2: the meeting the kidnapped princess of hoshido

Author note: hey guys theirs still time to choose a love interest for this story so make sure you choose your pick cause I'm keeping count on the votes and remember the choices are in the bio now let the chapter begin

Y/n pov

After the little skirmish with some of the norhian royalty me and sizo head back to the capital of hoshido to inform Ryoma and queen mikoto what happened at the bottomless canyon

Mikoto: wait you said you encountered a young woman which white hair and red eyes at the canyon

Y/n: yeah is there something I'm missing here?

Ryoma: y/n the girl you just described is are missing sister and Mikoto's daughter

y/n: wait..... WHAT!!!!!!!! are you saying I just fought the missing princess

mikoto&ryoma: yep

as we continued the conservation I just cant believe I'm just shock on what I just heard that the norhain woman was the missing princess of hoshido and related to Ryoma and his siblings then we hear Kaze come in the room with a smile on his face

kaze: milord milady and general y/n I have good news for you

Mikoto: Kaze what is the good news that you have for us?

Kaze: milady your daughter princess kamui has returned to hoshido when Rhinka reported she was at her tribe

after he said that Queen Mikoto smiled with tears of joy knowing that she will finally be reunited with her daughter after she was kidnaped by king Garon 

Mikoto: *joyus tone* thats wonderful news Ryoma please let her in I ned to talk to Y/n in private

Ryoma: I will

then me and mikoto went to a seprate room to talk in private I wondered what she wanted to talk about as we entered another room she closed the door behind us

Mikoto: y/n theres something I want to talk to about

Y/n: what is it Queen mikoto?

Mikoto: please just mikoto is fine y/n the reason I wanted to disccus about is that i want you to be kamui's retainer along with Kaze

Y/n: wh what?! are you sure Mikoto?

Mikoto: yes I'm sure because I believe in both yours and kaze's abilites of protecting kamui

Y/n: if you put that much faith in me then I'll do it

Mikoto: good now lets go meet my daughter I hope she rembers me after so much time

with that we exit the rom we where in and head back to the throne room as we made it to the throne room mikoto was talking to her daughter while taking some glances at me cause I still had my helmet on

Mikoto: I see you already met one of your retainers kaze this is your other retainer his name is

Kamui: vanitas why is he a retainer

Mikoto: easy there kamui vanitas is not his real name *looks over to me* could you please remove your helmat

I nodded then I proceeded to remove my helmet to let my h/c and e/c be shown to her when she sees my face she blushes just by looking at me 

Y/n: allow me to introduce myself more properly my name is Y/n L/n the name vanitas is actually a fake name I use when I'm fighting norhian soldiers or any of their royal "family" and why are you blushing?

Kamui: *snaps out of her daze* n nothing its just I never seen what your face looked like due to the helmet it's nice to meet you Y/n *her thoughts* I never expected him to be so handsome

As we continued our conservative until a hoshidan soldier came in a hurry I wonder what could it be?

Hoshidan soldier: milord we got a situation your sisters hinoka and sakura got ambushed by faceless

Ryoma: understood we got to get to them before its too late kamui and y/n let's go

With that we nodded and head to where the faceless are easy creatures to defeat but if hinoka and sakura by the faceless then it will be trouble some

Timeskip to the snow mountain area

3rd pov

At the snow mountain the two princesses hinoka and sakura they are surrounded by a group of faceless a norhian monster

Hinoka: damn we're just near home now we've got trouble I hope help can come

Sakura: I'm sorry sister for slowing your down if

Hinoka: don't worry sister it's not your fault we're just unlucky enough to get ambushed by these things

Then one of the faceless went to attack hinoka she blocked the attack but the force knocked her off her Pegasus then another faceless went a try to crush hinoka but a sound of a slash was heard the faceless fell to the ground dead both hinoka and sakura looked to see the person that killed that faceless was y/n

Y/n: it's a good thing we made it in time

Then ryoma and kamui killed two other faceless then y/n leapt in the air and send a wave of black lightning killing three faceless then he charged at 20 faceless while kamui and ryoma take on five of each faceless while seeing hinoka's and sakura's safety as y/n stabbed one of the faceless then fired a fireball magic taking out two of them then another faceless tried to attack y/n from behind but y/n dived into the ground entering his own shadow then came back up striking the faceless while launching a couple of small fire projectiles taking out five of them once y/n landed on the ground then another faceless hit y/n only for him to teleport above the faceless then strikes down on it

Y/n: ok I'm getting tired of you guys

then y/n pointed his x-blade at the last group of faceless ryoma, hinoka and sakura took notice of this knowing what he is preparing to do and quickly took cover with kamui

Kamui: what is it why are we taking cover

Ryoma: because he's going to use a powerful magic attack that will wipe out the enemy

Y/n: mega flare!!!!!!!!!

as he said that he fired the magic orb as it made contact to the faceless it exploded with a blinding light after a while the light died down as ryoma and the others got out of their cover only to see the remanding group of faceless nothing but dust

Kamui: oh my god that was awesome your not kidding when you said it was his strongest attack it literally wiped out the faceless

Y/n: you can say that again but enough me I believe theirs someone who really misses you

Hinoka: sister is it really you?

Kamui looks to see hinoka and sakura standing next to each other hinoka's eyes widen knowing who it is as for sakura she was giving a confused expression then hinoka walks towards Kamui and hugs her 

Hinoka: it really is you sister your finally back

Sakura: um am I missing something?

Y/n: sakura kamui is your missing sister taken by norh who return

Sakura: s sister 

Ryoma: I know this reunion is nice but lets return to the kingdom and continue with takumi

everyone: right

with that they returned to the kingdom of hoshido as they were about to enter y/n stops

Y/n: hey guys you go on ahead ill catch up with you guys later

Ryoma: of course after using that attack you must be tired

Y/n: yeah after just one does leave me exhausted 

Hinoka: you used your mega flare I'm not surprised that your tired

Sakura: yeah please don't over do yourself we care about you just as close as family

Y/n: will do I'm just going to relaxed at the lake ill catch you guys later

everyone: okay

with that y/n went to the lake to take a breather as he got to the wooden dock of the lake he sat at the edge he then laid on the ground and took a little nap but unknown to him a certain songstress just arrived at the dock and see him napping

songstress: *quietly speaks* oh its y/n and he is taking a nap but he looks uncomfortable there

so the songstress sat on the dock and puts the young man's head on her lap and begins to sing

Y/n's pov

as I was taking my nap I felt my head on something comfortable and I also hear a familiar song that always puts a smile on my face and relaxes me then I opened my eyes to see the one person I trust with my past at norh

Y/n: its always good to hear your voice azura

as I said that I feel her body slightly jolt a little meaning I startled her I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction then she looks at me with a pout on her face that just makes her really cute

Azura: *pouts* you know I don't like it when you spook me like that y/n

Y/n: *chuckles* sorry azura but I just couldn't help it when you don't notice but your singing as always put me at ease and you look cute when you pout at me like that

Azura: *blushes* please don't tease me like that y/n but I thank you for you liking my singing 

Azura is the one person who knows what happened in my past between Xander, Camila and leo but she promised not to tell anyone unless its someone we both trust cause if we were to tell Ryoma and the others they would not  be happy about this so this is just between us at the moment

Y/n: so how long have I been out?

Azura: for awhile I found you her napping so I put your head on my lap to make you comfortable and also sing to you to make sure your past doesn't haunt you 

Y/n: huh I guess we should head back before the others start to worry if we're gone too long

Azura: yes lets go 

with that we both head back to the kingdom once we made it back the others were wondering where we've been I told them that I was napping at the dock while Azura found me sang to me help me get comfortable and remove any fatigue then we head of to bed for tomorrows celebration on Kamui's return 

to be continued


Autor notes: hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter now im still waiting on votes for this story love interest so make sure you make your vote on who the remember the choices are in the bio so ill catch you guys in the next chapter  

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