"My Family"

Well, here we go again, me getting punched hard in the face by my "father" to wake up for another day in Hell.

Tai:" Wake up, you little shit!"

I got up to look at him before he grabbed my hair and dragged me to the bathroom of all places before slamming me into the wall.

Tai:" Listen here, you worthless bastard! You are gonna clean up this bathroom till it's spotless, and if I see one damn stain, I'll bash your head against this wall till your skull splits open!"

Boy:" Yes, sir."

Tai:" Now get to it!"

He gave me another punch this time to the stomach before leaving so I sighed and headed to the closet to get some cleaning crap but just my luck standing right by the door was my "twin sister" Ruby.

Ruby:" Hey loser, once you're done with the bathroom, I need you to make me some food."

Boy*Sighs*:" Sure Ruby, I'll make you something."

Ruby:" Good now hurry up!"

She kicked me in the head so hard I hit the wall before she walked away laughing.

Boy:" Great now I have a sore back and a big headache. Better just hurry this up so I can get this day over with."

I got the cleaning stuff and started by cleaning the sink with some wipes, and after a bit, I moved on to the bathtub that for some reason was badly stained so that took me a good ten minutes to clean and finally I had the stupid toilet but before I could get the spray, my "older sister" Yang walked in with a big smirk on her face that I have unfortunately become accustomed to.

Yang:" Hey freak I see that you're cleaning the toilet but let me show you a better way to."

The blonde waste of skin grabbed me by my hair before shoving my head into the toilet and started flushing the toilet. This kept going for about fifteen minutes where I heard two other different voices laughing before she finally let go and I managed to get up. I turned to see Tai and Ruby red faced from laughter before Tai walked over and kneed me in the face, breaking my nose.

Tai:" I said to hurry up you stupid bastard and your in here messing around like a child!?!? You know what, you're grounded for a week...again!"

One thing I should mention is that I'm eight years old so I am a child and I just got swirlies yet I'm the only one getting in trouble.

Tai:" Now get downstairs and make us some breakfast, Summer should be getting home soon."

Now the failure of a "mother" is getting back. Fantastic.

I walked downstairs or should say more fell down since I was pushed down but I made it down to open the fridge to grab some eggs, bacon and hashbrowns before going to get a pan but before I could have, I felt something get smashed on my head and when I turned, I saw Ruby with a big evil smile on her face and Yang with a plate in her hands.

Boy:" What is it?"

Yang:" You missed something loser."

Yang smashed the plate in my face, causing the shards to cut my cheeks and my already broken nose to throb worse.

Tai:" What the hell was that noise!?!?"

Stupid scumbags of "sisters" just loves seeing me get hurt. Now I'm gonna have to deal with an even bigger scumbag. Tai walked in and saw the plate shards on the ground before looking at me with malice.

Tai:" Did you do this boy!?!?!"

I sighed in annoyance knowing that if I told the truth he wouldn't believe me, so I just nodded my head and in a flash I was on the ground with a big red handprint on my face that cut my cheek up good.

Tai:" You can't do anything right can you!?!?! This is ridiculous that you can't do such simple things!!!"

I didn't bother replying so instead I got the food and pan to begin making breakfast before I heard the front door opening so the three went to see who it was while I turned the stove on and placed the pan down. I grabbed a few eggs and cracked them into the pan before grabbing another pan to heat up the bacon, but when I turned to the cabinet to see that my "mother" Summer was back and she looked disgusted to see me.

Summer*Annoyed*:" Hello "son"

Boy:" Hello mam. How was your day?"

Summer:" None of your damn business you worthless brat now shut up and get back to work."

I grabbed a second pan and did what she said and while I was making the food, Zwei the pet walked in and when he saw me, he ran over and gave me a good bite on my left leg. I didn't scream but simply grunted and he stayed there with his teeth in my calf for a good two minutes and when he let go, he growled deeply at me but after he turned to see Summer sitting at the table, he turned from a pissed off animal into a lovable and happy one before running over to her leaving me with a bleeding bite mark.

Boy:" Stupid mutt. Guess I should get the stupid spatula."

I did just that before scrambling the eggs and flipping the bacon then I got two plates and placed the bacon on it, replacing it with the hashbrowns while I removed the now scrambled eggs onto the other plate before cracking more eggs and moving the eggs around the pan. I could hear their laughter and happiness at that table of theirs while I never got anything but being beaten up and treated like an animal. Heck, they didn't even bother to give me a name, I was known simply as "freak", "bastard", "brat", "piece of shit" and " loser" I have no name and after so long of me being treated like trash, I just stopped really caring or even really thinking of what a family even really is. I finished breakfast and walked to the table where their laughter stopped and only began when I went back upstairs. I sighed and laid down on the filthy mattress they gave me and when I looked out the window, I saw that outside was a beautiful blue sky with birds flying around.

Boy:" Will I ever be as free as them?"

I just sat back down on the mattress before my door burst open with an angry Tai being at the doorway.

Tai:" You broke the vase I bought Summer!?!?!"

I felt my face where I realized that was what Ruby smashed over my head when I was making breakfast. I was seriously done getting in trouble over things that weren't my fault, but there was nothing I could say that would change anything.

Boy:" By accident."

He ran and punched me in the stomach so hard I felt something pop but before I could react he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me onto the ground so hard that I felt the wind leave my body. Tai wasn't over and that was evident when he stomped onto my chest three times then lifted me by the hair and threw me into the wall when I felt that popped feeling get worse.

Tai:" You should've just died in the damn womb!!!! Nobody wants you here or anywhere!!!! You're nothing more than a fucking MISTAKE!!!"

I just let him continue his tantrum while I leaned up against the wall breathing slowly while I grabbed my right side where that painful popping sound came from and when I looked, I could see all the scars, bruises and home-made stitches I did myself that littered my whole body. While I was rubbing my cheek, I could also see some of my bones reminding me of the times they haven't fed me just to punish me for nothing. After a bit he gave me another kick before walking out the door and slamming the door, hurting my ears but right now that was the last of my problems. I walked over to the empty closet to get the expensive  med kit one of my aunties gave me and wiped a alcohol pad on my bleeding cheek and on the smaller cuts on my face before getting the bottle of painkiller but I saw that there was only one left so I took it along with a big bottle of water I managed to sneak in before putting the stuff back in the closet and laying on the mattress but when I looked to the floor of this room, I noticed a newspaper article on the ground that I guess Tai dropped when he barged in. I limped over and painfully picked it up to see that the front page had something about five people being killed by what the police guess was a strong rabid animal. Well wish that was me honestly. 

Boy:" I really need to find out a plan to get out of here but they'll stop me one way or another."

I stayed on the bed for what felt like fourteen to twenty minutes before hearing some small talk downstairs but I didn't move since the two "parents" were probably whining about my "failures" but then my door opened and instead of the two little freaks or my "parents" the person who came in was one of my aunts Quill Branwen.

(Ignore the writing and yes Raven will be a good person)

Quill:" Jesus kiddo, did they hurt you again?!"

Boy:" Yeah and as used to it as I am, it still hurts like heck but what can I do auntie?"

Quill:" I don't know sweetie but this can't go on. They'll eventually end up killing you and I can't have a innocent child die."

Boy:" Well what can be done auntie? They won't let me leave and I can't go back to the orphanage. I have nowhere to go."

Yang:" Auntie Quill! Come on, everyone's ready!"

Quill:" Yeah sure! Okay sweetie, my sister will be here soon so you'll be alone with her and she's got some things to tell you."

Boy:" Like what?"

Quill:" You'll understand when she gets here but hopefully it will clear some things up for you."

She gave me a hug and a kiss on my uninjured cheek before leaving. I just sat back down on the mattress and was about to just relax till Summer walked in.

Summer:" Listen brat and listen good. We're going out to talk to a teacher at Yang's school so we want this house spotless when we get back and if it isn't, I'll cut out your eyeballs, understand?"

I simply nodded before she slammed the door shut, leaving me in a dark cold room with no blanket, no food and absolutely no love. After I heard them leave I went downstairs to see that the house was almost completely clean except the kitchen so I got a broom to sweep the floors and after that, I went to get the mop but then I heard a sudden knocking sound coming from outside. This wasn't from the door though but instead it came from something wooden outside, I went over to the counter to see what it was but saw that there was nothing but to my surprise a pretty grey wolf just sniffing around the shed before it just ran to chase a squirrel that came down from a tree.

Boy:" Weird, why is a wolf here? I heard Tai say that no one has ever seen a wolf in this town."

I simply shrugged my shoulders before starting to mop the floor but while I was doing that, I started to feel like there was something else in the area but I couldn't put my finger on what it could be since that "family" left and Quill had to go with them and there dog did as well but whatever. After I finished mopping the floor I moved on to cleaning the dishes even though they completely flooded the sink and that I had to get a chair to reach the sink but the worst part was that they put so many dishes that didn't have a speck on them but guess this will make the day go by faster then so be it. I was wiping the dishes but every time my right arm moved I felt my side that made that popping sound throb in worse pain than my nose when suddenly I felt that feeling again that I wasn't alone so this time I jumped down from the chair and started to look around the whole house to see if there was anyone around but I turned up with nothing. I took some peeks outside to see no one and that the wolf from earlier didn't come back.

Boy:" What the heck is wrong with me? Did they hit my head that hard?"

I went back to the kitchen but suddenly saw that that all the sinks were clean and in the washer while the chair was back in it's original place. How did that happen? I was gone for only three minutes. I looked around to see that there still was no one here besides me. I started to feel uneasy at this before almost jumping out of my skin when I heard a knock on the front door of the silent house. I walked over and after taking a deep breath opened the door to be greeted with the only other woman that has showed me love.

Boy:" Auntie Raven!"

I jumped into her arms while she gave me a big hug with my face in her neck. She then took notice of my cut up face and cheek but gasped at the broken nose.

Raven:" Seriously!? That is the twenty third time they have broken your nose this year! And your pants have blood on them! What happened this time!?"

Boy*Sighs*:" Tai kneed my face and broke my nose, Yang gave me the worse swirly ever and smashed a plate in my face while Ruby smashed a vase that Tai got Summer on my head and that made Tai give me a bad beating, finally their dog bit my ankle and I ran out of bandages and painkillers. Now they left to go see a teacher of Yang's."

Raven:" I knew I never should have gotten with Tai then Yang wouldn't be a problem but guess you live and learn.*Bends Down* Sweetie, there are some things me and you need to talk about."

Boy:" Like what?"

Raven:" About who your are but this isn't the place to. Come on, I'll get you some food."

I was picked up and had my face buried into her chest where I could hear her heartbeat before she made a portal that went into town. She walked for a while before we ended up at a small diner with a few people in it but it was pretty quiet and smelled so nice.

Raven:" I know your hungry sweetie so lets get some food in your tummy then we'll talk afterwards."

I nodded happily before a man led us to a table where he gave us two menus and asked us what we wanted to drink. Problem was that I never heard of nay of these drinks, so I just pointed at this light green drink that was called Mountain Dew.

Waiter:" Alright little fella and for you madam?"

Raven:" I'll take a large coffee with a side of milk, please."

Waiter:" Coming right up."

He left and then Auntie put me down so I could sit down and on saw some crayons and paper so I decided to draw a picture till he comes back but I had a hard time thinking of what to draw but the man came back with the drinks and I looked at the green drink, not really knowing what to expect in terms of flavor and the way it looked.

{Raven's POV}

Waiter:" Now can I take your orders?"

Raven:" Sure, I'll take a omelette with hashbrowns. What do you want sweetie?"

Boy:" Uhh, I'll take this here and this Auntie, if that's okay?"

I looked to see him pointing a a order of several chocolate chip pancakes with bananas and some cinnamon rolls.

Raven:" Sure sweetie, *Hands Back Menus* Well, guess those are our orders."

Waiter:" okay and here are your drinks."

He left after putting the drinks down and that's when I saw my poor nephew looking at his drink with curiosity as I would have expected since my ex and team leader never let him have anything sweet.

Raven:" Hey sweetie the drink taste very good so you have nothing to worry about."

He looked at me for a few moments before taking a sip of the drink and I smiled to see his own smile finally dawn onto his face.

Boy:" Wow, it's so good Auntie! I wish I could have this everyday!"

I put some cream and sugar into my coffee to sweeten it up but when I looked up, I saw that the drink was already gone.

Raven*Surprise*:" Oh, well guess we need to get you a refill."

Boy*Cute Burp*


I took a sip of my coffee to wake myself up since last night was insane. Over five people were killed by what Oz said wasn't a grimm due to how precise the injuries were despite those said injuries being bite marks similar to a Beowolf's. I personally believed they deserved it since they were all escaped convicts all guilty of felony charges of sexual misconduct and sexual assault on barely legal of age people. I decided only to investigate since it gave me time to learn of my ne- no my little boy's past before being adopted by those four bastards.

Raven:" Hey sweetie had you heard those two saying anything that sounds important or interesting as of late?"

Instead of saying anything he pulled out a newspaper before handing it to me.

Boy:" There is something about five people getting killed from a animal."

Raven:" Yeah, that's what I've been looking into about for a few days now but I have no leads unfortunately. but where did you get this?"

Boy:" Tai dropped it in my room after he beat me up."

Raven*Sadly*:" Oh I see."

Boy:" Actually Auntie that reminds me of something. When I was mopping the floor I saw this grey wolf with pretty fur walking around the backyard. It had blue eyes and a fluffy tail. It was so cool!"

My eyes widened when I heard that. A grey wolf in Patch of all places could be the reason but still though, this came with some good questions. A wolf on it's own is strange and rare since wolves were pack animals, why one was in Patch and one taking down five full grown men with guns seemed pretty unlikely. 

Raven*Smiles*:" Thank you sweetie. I needed a lead and that is the only one I got."

Boy*Smiles*:" Your welcome Auntie!"

Just then the waiter came back and set down our food and gave my little boy his refill before giving us a smile.

Waiter*Smiles*:" Enjoy."

{Boy's POV}

That smell was amazing! I never even seen or heard of these pancakes until today but they look so good! The chocolate on them looked amazing too and I could even smell it since they were melted. The other food I chose that were called cinnamon rolls smell so good too and had a kind of icing that smelled amazing.

{No One's POV}

The young boy looked at the silverware but since he never seen pancakes or cinnamon rolls before he had no idea at all how to eat them and he didn't want to embarrass his auntie by using his hands.

Raven:" Something wrong sweetheart? Is it not cooked good enough?"

Boy:" Oh no it's just I never had this before."

Raven:" Oh! Well come here sweetie and I'll help you with that."

The young boy got up and walked over to Raven who placed him onto her lap before grabbing his plate and silverware. Boy looked at the table before seeing a little glass cup like thing with something dark inside of it.

Boy:" Hey Auntie, what's that stuff?"

Raven:" That sweetie is called maple syrup. It makes pancakes even better."

Raven picked up the bottle and poured some on the pancakes before cutting a piece to lift up to the boy's mouth. Boy's mouth watered at the sight of the delicious smelling meal before taking a bite.

Boy:" Oh my gosh, it's amazing Auntie! It's the best thing I ever had!"

Raven*Giggles*:" Only the best for you Brian."

Boy looked up to his Auntie when he heard that. Brian? He can't remember ever hearing that name from anyone.

Boy*Confused*:" Brian? Who's Brian Auntie?"

Raven:" Eat up and I'll explain to you sweetie."

Boy just nodded and was continuously fed pancakes and the cinnamon rolls till he was full or more so actually having his hunger set aside for now. Raven paid for the meal and made a portal to a park where she sat them down on a bench before looking at him with sad eyes.

Boy:" Auntie, who is Brian? Is he someone you care about?"

Raven:" Yes because my little nephew... You are Brian."

Boy:" Wait what?"

Raven:" Brian is your birth name sweetie. You do have a name."

Boy's or rather Brian's eyes widened when he heard that. He actually had a name!? Why was he never called it though!?

Brian:" W-Wait if that's my name, why have I never been called it?!"

Raven:" Because sweetie the two scum bags that you have to live with are not your real parents."

Brian felt like his heart stopped when he heard that. Summer and Tai weren't his parents!? Then who was!?! Wait then that means that Ruby and Yang weren't his sisters too! Did his real parents not want him so just abandoned him? Brian had so many questions and he didn't know what answers would be given or if he even would ever find out.

Brian:" A-Auntie then wh-who are my real mommy and daddy?"

Raven:" I sorry sweetie but I don't know but I know that they loved you because you are the sweetest person I've ever met."

Brian felt tears poke his eyes before he just erupted into sobs at what he just learned. His real parents were nowhere anyone would know, he was left with abusive pathetic excuses of "parents" and "sisters" and it took eight years for him to finally know who he is. But suddenly he felt a warm embrace cover his small scarred body and when he opened his eyes, he saw his beloved aunt hugging him close to your chest. She didn't say anything but did just hug Brian close, letting him unleash all of his emotions into her chest. After ten minutes of crying and comforting, Brian eventually just fell asleep into his Aunt's chest due to the exhaustion of the discovery of his identity and of his chores. Raven held Brian while having a saddened tearful look on her face but suddenly she felt someone wipe her tears away before saying this.

Quill:"  You told him didn't you sis?"

Raven:" Yes and he passed out after ten minutes of crying. Poor child doesn't deserve any of this. I never should have gotten with that blonde bastard and had that stupid worthless bratty, self entitled whore daughter."

Quill:" Yeah but our bitchy leader and her filthy fucking silver eyed bitch had to make it worse. What the hell is the point of adopting a child if you don't even want to care for them? Me and you might as well be his family since we're the only ones he has."

Raven:" Yeah, he's been like a child I never had and what that bastard couldn't give me but with my criminal record and your drinking, no person in their right mind would allow us to become parents."

???:" Well, maybe someone who doesn't  have a right mind can help you."

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