Heritage And Voices?

(Forgot to mention that this Remnant has a link to the Creepypasta world where countries actually exist so expect a bit of craziness but that's why your here)

(I'll be adding Raven, Quill, Kali, Willow, Winter, Pyrrha, Weiss, Illia, Female Adam, Nora and Male Ren to the Harem)

(No One's POV)

The two women were a bit shook from hearing a voice come out of nowhere before turning to a tall woman with gentle black eyes, long black hair and bright red lips that somehow went perfectly with her very pale white skin complexion. The woman was wearing a long black dress with that cover everything except for half her cleavage that was without a bra. Her facial expression was that similar of a curious cat that wanted to explore more into something they came across.

Quill:" Uhh, hi can I help you?"

???:" Oh my apologies I should've introduced myself properly."

Raven:" N-no it's fine, just you scared us a bit."

???:" My apologies but I do have a tendency of doing that. Now my name is Catherine Queen and your's?"

Quill:" Oh my name is Quill Branwen and this is my older sister Raven."

Catherine:" Named after two birds I see. I like that but if I may ask, is that little one your child?"

Raven looked down to Brian who was still napping into her chest with tear stains still visible on his little cheeks.

Raven:" I wish he was but unfortunately he was adopted by my ex husband and his new wife."

Catherine:" Oh do you love him that much?"

Raven:" Yes but also for how they treat him, I wish I got to him first."

The woman was confused and concerned when she heard "how they treat him" She then managed to get a good look at the boy and gasped at his condition. He seemed malnourished judging from how she could see his ribs from his sides due to his torn and tattered clothing. His body was littered head to toe in scars, bruises and bandages that looked like he fought a war. What was the worst part was she could sense something from him that broke her heart.

Catherine:" Can I please see him?"

The two women seemed very hesitant to allow a stranger to see the one glimmer of light in their lives but Raven eventually got up and walked to the woman with Brian in her arms tightly where Catherine gently placed her hands onto his face. Unbeknownst to the twins, Catherine was using a spell a friend taught her to see what Brian's memories were like and to say she was horrified was a understatement. Through out Brian's life he was beaten for nothing but for the amusement of four people who were meant to care for him, was given injuries that could have killed him, been left out in the cold seasons without any proper clothing besides the horribly tattered clothing he was forced to wear, left outside in the merciless night where he was exposed to Grimm and other monsters, slept sleepless nights with scraps at best and no food at worst, no birthdays or Christmas gifts from his supposed "mother", "father", or "siblings", night terrors that left the poor child with no confidence but with a horrible problem that she herself had dealt with before and not even a single 'I love you' through out eight years of his short life. Catherine put a hand over her mouth in utter shock while tearing up at the boy's horrible life but then her eyes turned to the two sisters that have been the family this young boy deserved before she gave Brian a kiss on the forehead.

Catherine:" Thank you for being his family but this poor child chose something he needs to leave behind."

The two were confused till Catherine pulled up Brian's left sleeve and to their horror, they saw several cuts made in Brian's wrist and some seem like they were taken today. Both Raven and Quill had tears coming down their faces to see what their nephew/son-figure had resorted to to try and have some form of comfort or control in his life. Raven hugged him tighter with Quill doing the same but this accomplished in waking the young boy up, Brian looked around to see where he was before looking into the crimson eyes of his Aunties.

Brian:" Auntie Raven, Auntie Quill where am I?"

Raven*Crying and Voice Breaking*:" Sweetie, why have you been cutting your wrists? Why did you want to accomplish in doing that?"

Brian's eyes widen when he heard that they found out about that but suddenly Quill picked him up from Raven and made the boy look at her.

Quill:" Sweetie, please tell us why. You doing this to yourself will help nothing but bring you closer to death."

Brian tried to look down so he didn't have to see his aunts cry but his eyes wouldn't obey him so he decided to say why.

Brian:" I-I didn't. Ruby and Yang did."

The three ravenettes gasped hearing that but Brian continued explaining.

Brian:" Sometimes they come into my room and slit my wrists saying that it will remind me of how weak and worthless I am before they just leave but they do another thing before leaving."

Quill*Hesitantly*:" What d-do they d-do?"

Brian:" They would leave cuts on my back, arms, and even my stomach while Tai and Summer laugh at me."

How could people be this cruel?!?! And to a child none the less!?!?! Did Brian mean so little to them that they thought he deserved to be tortured for nothing!?!?!

Brian simply held his head down while the three women cried at hearing this but suddenly the Catherine looked to Brian's right arm to see something appear on it but what took her by surprise was that it was glowing a faint black before finally showing itself to the group.

Brian*Scared*:" Hey what's this? Did I do something wrong?"

Catherine:" Seems that I was right!"

Quill*Concerned:" About what?"

Catherine:" That there is something special about little Brian here. And this mark will help him in the future."

Raven:" Why is that?"

Catherine:" It's a symbol of his heritage and hopefully one that can help him accomplish his goals or whatever he plans to do in the future."

Brian:" Miss uh?"

Catherine*Giggles*:" You can just call me Catherine sweetie and I know you are wondering what it is a symbol of but unfortunately I don't have THAT answer."

Brian as confused as he was, still looked down to that mark before hugging Quill's leg.

Brian:" Auntie, can I get different clothes please?"

Quill:" Sure kiddo, let's go find you something to wear actually."

(Timeskip Raven's POV)

After about half a hour of getting to know Catherine and getting Brian some new clothes, we walked out the store but then I got a call from my cunt of a leader.

Raven*Sighs Angrily*:" I got to take this."

Quill nodded before escorting the other two to a small bench to chat before I answered the call to hear Summer sounding annoyed.

Raven:" What is it Summer?"

Summer*Annoyed*:" Have you seen that little damn runt? He walked off and out of the house for some stupid reason."

Raven:" No I haven't but I'll keep a eye out for him just in case. What are you and Tai gonna do?"

Summer:" Nothing about that damn little bitch that's for sure but I guess I'll have to make dinner this time."

Raven*Hangs Up*:" Fuck you you damn neglecting whore. I swear that you four will one day pay for what you've done."

I put my scroll away and walked back to my family and new friend but when I got there, Brian looked at the sky and seemed a bit happier about something.

Raven:" Something up sweetie?"

Brian:" The moon will be Auntie and I have a feeling it will be a crescent moon."

(A/N: The moon here is actually normal not all busted up)

Raven*Raises Eyebrow Playfully*:" Oh and what makes you so sure kiddo?"

Brian:" I just have a good sense what the moon will be and I bet you it will be a crescent moon."

Raven:" Alright Brian, I have a little bet for you."

Brian*Tilts Head*:" What is it Auntie?"

Quill/Raven/Catherine*Thought*:" SO CUTE!"

Raven:" If it is a crescent moon tonight, I'll give you a little gift tonight."

Brian:" And if it isn't?"

Raven:" I won't, so what do you say?"

Brian nodded and I smiled before seeing that it was already nine thirty so I decided that it was time to head somewhere to sleep and seeing that we have Catherine with us, I think going back to the tribe won't end well.

Raven:" Hey Quill, check if there's any motels nearby."

Quill did that and said that there was one about a mile away so we took a bus with Brian on my lap the whole time and we eventually made it and as I expected much, it was cheap and damn fricking ugly but whatever it works. We got our key and made it to a vacant room where we saw that the room was even fucking worse somehow. How you might be asking? Well, there were cigarette burns in the mattress sheets, pillows and walls, the whole room smelled like horse crap, mothballs and piss and to top it off, the walls were peeling and stained as hell.

Raven:" What did I expect?"

Quill:" Well, it is for one night only so it could be worse."

Catherine:" Yes, well propose that we each take a shower since today has been a stressful day for the four of us."

Me and Quill nodded before Quill walked to the bathroom and Catherine with whatever semblance she had summoned something out of view before she turned around to show me what it was.

Catherine:" I think we need some coffee after how today has been."

Raven:" That be nice actually."

She started making the coffee while Brian was laying down on the bed but then went on my lap.

Brian:" A-Auntie, I don't like that bed."

Can't say I blame him with the shitty way they "take care" of their rooms but I decided to make the best of this situation since anything's better than sending my son figure back to those fucking demons. I took the disgusting sheets off the bed till it got to the bare mattress that was actually clean and got rid of the pillows. Looking around I didn't even see a TV, couch or even a lamp so the room was a faint yellow with a small bulb on the ceiling being the only light in the small room. Just then Quill came out in a towel and a satisfied look on her face.

Quill:" Well they have a okay enough shower. I'll give them that much but anything else, just fricking sucks."

Catherine/Raven/Brian:" Agreed."

Raven:" Hey Catherine you can take the next one. I'll go look for what else this place has."

Catherine:"Thank you mon amie."

Raven:" Huh?"

Catherine:" That means my friend in the language of my homeland."

I just shrugged my shoulders before being ready to head out the door but I felt a pair of small hands grab mine and turning, I saw that it was Brian with his eyes looking into mine with a scared expression.

Brian:" Will you come back Auntie?"

Raven:" Yes sweetie I'll be back soon. I just need some fresh air since this room stinks."

Brian with great reluctance let go of my hand before I headed out to look around and I saw that besides a empty snack machine next to a door that leads to the "lobby" this place was a dead and quiet as a cemetery.

Raven:" How do you keep this lot if barely anyone is ever here?"

I continued walking around for a bit to see nothing here so I went back to the room to see that Brian was sitting on the bed with a cup of the vanilla coffee in his little hands and Catherine out of the shower in a revealing black robe that barely covered her waist while showing off her legs while her cleavage being showed off pretty good.

Raven:" Hey Catherine, I see that you got out of the shower and got that coffee finished."

Catherine:" Indeed mon amie and I hope you don't mind the little one having a cup."

Raven:" Not at all. Hell, give him a refill if he wants it."

Catherine giggled at that before giving Raven a cup of coffee.

Raven:" Vanilla flavored. Just what I need."

Brian*Shyly*:" Auntie Raven, c-can I have another?"

Raven:" Of course, sweetie, but where did Quill go?"

Brian:" She's right there."

He pointed to the left where I saw a sleeping Quill wearing nothing but a towel. Well today's been pretty stressful but suddenly Catherine handed me a towel, a fresh bottle of green apple smelling soap, a bottle of shampoo that smelled like honey and a robe similar to her's that was my size and color then handed Brian a towel and a pair of shorts and boxers.

Catherine:" I believe it is your's and the tarte mignonne turn."

Raven:" Thank you Catherine but what were the words you said?"

Catherine*Giggles*:" It means cutie pie."

She finished that by booping Brian on the nose that made him make the most adorable noise I ever heard.


Raven/Catherine*Thoughts*:" Such a adorable little bean!"

I grabbed Brian by the hand and led him to the crappy bathroom that had no soap or conditioner or even a damn curtain. This has got to be the worst damn motel in the kingdom. I turned the shower on to warm up the water but suddenly I felt a chill go up my spine that lingered for a good few seconds before slowly dissipating.

Raven:" Hey sweetie, did you feel that?"

Brian:" Feel what?"

Raven:" Did you feel a cold breeze just a few seconds ago?"

Brian just shook his head and when I looked around the small room, I saw the door was closed and that the room didn't have a vent so I guess it was just the night since it's been cold alot recently. I looked back to Brian who was laying his stuff down on the toilet seat so I followed by setting my weapon and clothes on the sink before I bent down to Brian's height.

Raven:" Hey sweetie, I know this may seem strange but we both need a good night's sleep tonight so I think it be best if we share this shower. Can you handle that?"

Brian gave me a genuine smile before nodding his head. Seeing a real smile made me smile before I started to remove shirt and bra while Brian removed his shirt, causing me to see his scarred body but also that strange mark he had on his arm. What was his heritage? What could he do? I saw Brian start to remove his jeans but he stopped at his boxers with a pale pink hue donning his cheeks. I expected him to do that before I removed my shoes and skirt where now all I had on was a red thong. I looked at Brian who looked away from me but then I felt another cold breeze in the room but I just turned the water temperature up more before I took my thong off.

Raven:" Alright sweetheart, it's your turn."

Brian was very hesitant but he did eventually pull down his boxers and got into the tub where I followed and started to wash him since I knew the very limited amount of showers he got made it where he had almost no idea how to bathe himself. I started with his hair that looked like mine before I started to gently rub his head while he just patiently sat there making no fuss about anything but suddenly I felt him press his back into my stomach.

Raven:" Something wrong sweetie?"

Brian:" Auntie Raven, is Catherine my third Auntie?"

I was taken back by that but after a minute of thinking, she has been a big help for us and never asked for anything back. I could tell she was faking anything but I wonder where she's from when she said "homeland".

Raven:" Well Brian, we'll see what she says but for right now we need to clean you up."

Brian nodded his head before I rinsed his hair out of the shampoo and got some soap to rub his body but I was very gentle with his scars since several were fresh. Brian then turned to me and nuzzle his face into my chest with his left ear pressed against me.

Raven:" Why are you doing that sweetie?"

Brian:" So I could hear your heartbeat Auntie."

Raven:" My heartbeat? What about it?"

Brian:" Whenever I hear someone's heartbeat, it helps me sleep and tells me I'm not alone somewhere."

Raven:" Oh I see now."

Brian:" I-I can stop if you want."

I hugged him closer to my chest before gently patting his back with one hand and his head with the other.

Raven:" I don't mind my sweet boy now how about I finish you up?"

Brian gave me another smile before rubbing his head against my chest.

Raven:" That's a good boy for ma-Auntie."

Crap I almost called myself his mama! That would have been something to explain but thankfully Brian didn't catch my near slip up since I was pouring some water onto his back and finally he was clean.

Raven:" There you go sweetheart now it's my turn to clean up."

Brian:" Okay Auntie Raven."

He got out of the tub but instead of leaving he turned to me before grabbing my right hand.

Brian:" I can help you Auntie if you want me to."

Wellllll I always did have problems washing my back so why not? Besides, I want to spend more time with the only family I have.

Raven*Smiles*:" Alright sweetie, come back in and you can help me."

Brian got back in and I sat down before giving him the bottle of soap to use. He put some on his hands and gently rubbed my back, which actually felt good since my back has been getting some pain from killing grimm and criminals lately. While he was doing that, I grabbed the shampoo and started washing my hair since I always like my hair a certain way. After about five minutes, Brian rinsed my back and I turned around to face him before giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Raven:" Okay baby, now you have my front to do and don't worry, we all make mistakes at some point."

Despite blushing a faint red, Brian grabbed a little more soap and started with my legs and thighs at a gentle pace.

Brian:" Your legs are so smooth Auntie."

Raven*Giggles*:" Thank you Brian, it's nice that you think so but can you get stomach after your down there?"

Brian nodded his head with a smile before moving down to my feet but instead of scrubbing them, he started tickling them.

Raven*Laughs*:" Wait, wait! I'm ticklish there Brian! Stop!"

After a few more minutes he stopped then started cleaning my belly while I catch my breath from his sudden attack on my weakness that only my sister knew. Brian was cleaning my stomach before rinsing that off and now I was finally clean.

Raven:" Alright kiddo, looks like we're done here. Dry up and let's get to bed."

Brian responded by grabbing the towel and drying himself off with me doing the same with my towel. After that I put on the robe and the warmth of it was amazing while Brian got on the boxers and shorts before lifting his arms out for me, I smiled and lifted him up to carry him to the room where I saw that Catherine was asleep like a vampire would be on the bed while Quill was just sprawled out in a mess. I shook my head and giggled before going to the other bed with Brian in my arms and set him down.

Raven:" Okay kiddo tomorrow we'll go out for breakfast and then we'll be having a talk with those two bastards. You won't be there so don't worry but I need to know if your willing to be a big boy for me and your auntie."

Brian was silent for several moments then put on an adorable, determined expression.

Brian:" I understand Auntie and I promise to be strong for you."

I smiled then decided it was time to get him the prize for the bet. I lifted up Brian again before hugging him close to my nearly exposed chest then finally giving him a big kiss on the lips. I could tell he was surprised and blushing red, but he simply gently grabbed my robe collar before just relaxing into the kiss. Believe it or not, this was my first kiss since that son of a bitch just wanted my body rather than a relationship so we never kissed but I am for damn sure relieved I never have kissed that bastard. After a few more minutes I pulled away to catch my breath before laying down on the bed with the blushing flustered boy on my chest.

Raven:"~ Goodnight my little baby boy~"

Brian*Flustered*:" Goodnight Auntie Raven."

(No One's POV)

After Raven had fallen asleep, a still awake Brian was starting to get comfortable hearing his Aunt's heartbeat and the softness of the robe but before he could rest into her chest, he heard something he's been hearing his whole life but never managed to get used to: Voices. They started to say things to the young boy but unlike all the other times they've "spoken" to him, this time they said actual words

Voice:" Child, the three woman in the room with you are the ones that you must trust if you want power."

Brian*Scared*:" W-Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Voice:" Calm yourself and I assure you I mean you no harm but instead of justice and the promise of power."

Brian*Scared*:" C-Can I-I at least know your n-n-name?"

Voice:" When the time is right, yes but right now you need to understand that when the time comes, this world and a neighboring one will see what you are and many will revere you as well as fear you."

Brian*Scared and Confused*:" Wha-

Voice:" Remember these thirteen words child."





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