A Psychic Reunion

"Lucario, Vaporeon, Flareon, Leafeon, and Umbreon, to me." Absolight called. Everyone looked to her confused.

"Daddy, have you forgotten? The science is going to pick us up soon. You know, for your research." Professor Sycamore looked thoughtful until a look of shock came up on his face.

"That's right! I totally forgot! Ash, everyone, me and Absolight have to go. We will see you guys at Anistar City. Absolight, let's go back home." Absolight nodded and started to walk back.

"Okay, Professor. We'll see you there." They went their separate ways. When Absolight knew they were far enough from the others, she teleported back to the house with her dad and pokemon.

"I can't believe I forgot about my research that I was to perform at Anistar. What would I ever do without you, Absolight?"

"You would do fine without me. You did use to rely on your team before I came around. You will just have to do it again."

"You're right. I'll go and get my gear. You wait in your room."

"Do I have to be invisible in the back of the truck?"

"Yes. I don't want you visible in town unless you are with Ash and the others, a gym leader, a champion, or any of the elite four. You are too precious to lose."

"Daddy, you forgotten that I have been protecting this lab since I got here. I can take care of myself."

"Absolight, I know you can, but I worry about you. I don't want to lose you. Not like I lost your mother." Absolight sighed.

"Alright, daddy. I understand. I'll be invisible unless I'm around the others. I'll be waiting in my room."

"Thank you, Light." Then they got ready.

Time Skip

The research team arrive at Anistar City in front of the Anistar City Sundial. Absolight sat quietly in the open trunk, watching as Professor Sycamore and his team set up some equipment in front of the Anistar Sundial, until it was destroyed by a red haired girl and her Sigilyph using Psywave. Absolight used Psychic to move her father and his team out of the way. Absolight jumped out of the trunk and stood between her father and his team and the red hair girl, still invisible.

"What are you doing? That's dangerous!" Professor Sycamore said.

"This is a warning." The redhead said.

"A warning?" Professor asked.

"To The-one-who-will-show-the-way, leave this place right now!" She said.

"Professor Sycamore!?" They all turned to see Ash and the others running towards them.

"Hey, it's Ash." Ash and the others stood before all of the destroyed equipment.

"Look!" Serena pointed out.

"What happened?" Ash asked.

"I can't believe it!" The redhead said in shock. She looked as though she remembered something, "Now Sableye, go!"

"What's going on?" Serena asked.

"She's battling us," Clement answered.

"Hey, what have we done to you anyway?" Serena used her pokedex to scan Sableye.

"Now, Power Gem," the redhead commanded her Sableye. Her Sableye attacked, but Absolight used Psychic to move Ash and the others out of the way to her father's team.

"Stand back Professor," The professor and the others moved out of the way, but Absolight stayed in front of Ash, "Pikachu, use Electro Ball." Pikachu attacked, but Sigilyph dodged it. Then Ash summoned Frogadier.

"Alright Frogadier, Water Pulse." Frogadier attacked Sableye.

"No, Sableye! Sigilyph, Psywave." The girl's Sigilyph attacked Pikachu, but it he was still able to stand. "Can you still battle Sableye? Then use Shadow Claw." Sableye attacked Frogadier. Absolight used Psychic to carefully place Frogadier down.

"Oh man, ah, are you okay, Frogadier?"

"Froga." Frogadier answered.

"Kay Pikachu, Thunderbolt, let's go." Pikachu attacked the girl's Sigilyph, who quickly fainted.

"Quick, Sigilyph, return now. Why you!" She glared at Ash, who stared back with determination.

"Now, Power Gem!"

"Water Pulse, go!" Both attacks canceled the other.

"Now use Aerial Ace!" Frogadier jumped up above Sableye and drop kicked it, causing it to faint.

"Quick Sableye, return." Sableye returned to its trainer, "How dare you!? For the sake of Anistar and Kalose leave here immediately." She was about to through another pokeball, but Absolight had enough of this girl's unreasonable actions and used Psychic to through her next pokeball into the air. Everyone gasps. Absolight had the pokeball go straight to Olympia's hand so they didn't suspect she was there.

"She's floating!" Serena stated.

"It's so weird," Bonnie said.

"That must be Psychic Power," Clement clarified.

"Stand down now, Carrie," Olympia said.

"What! Stand down!?-"

"You heard me!" Olympia interrupted. Carrie fell to her knees.

"Yes, ma'am." Then another girl with long blue hair came running up to Carrie.

"Hey, do you have any idea what you just did, Carrie?" The bluette asked.

"What?" Carrie asked.

"Do you think that they're that trainer's friends?" Ash asked.

Olympia floated closer to the group, while Absolight stood closely behind Frogadier.

"The purpose of our appearance is to admonish Carrie for her actions."

"Admonish?" Serena asked.

"Lady Olympia, I only did it to protect Anistar-"

"Silence, Carrie."

"Yes, ma'am." The bluette walked closer to Carrie.

"This has become a bad habit of yours, Carrie. Acting on what you think Lady Olympia's vision of the future means. How many times has this happened!?"

"Right, I'm so sorry for everything."

"Excuse us," Ash started.

"We have no idea what's going on."

"Oh my. You're Olympia, Gym Leader of the Anistar Gym."

"Gym Leader?" Ash asked. Olympia came closer.

"Indeed, I am."

"We ask that you graciously forgive Carrie for her actions," the bluette stepped forward, "My name is Charlene. I am Lady Olympia's apprentice."

"Professor Sycamore, children, please forgive my other apprentice for her rude actions," Olympia asked.

"Now Carrie, apologize to them," said Charlene.

"I'm so very sorry," Carrie said.

"Now I'm glad we were able to clear that up. What was this future you referred to?" The professor asked.

"We saw a vision of it," Charlene started.

"I saw a disaster approaching soon, and your fates are all connected to that threat," Olympia said.

"Carrie thought you were enemies of Kalose based on Lady Olympia's premonition," Charlene continued.

Ash looked at his Frogadier.

"Enemies?" He asked.

Just then, Olympia had another vision, "There it is. I see it."

"What!? What's going on!?" Serena asked.

"What did you see, Lady Olympia?" ask Charlene.

"Your futures," Olympia said as she pointed toward Frogadier and Absolight.

"You mean Frogadier?" Ash asked.

"We'll discuss this at the gym."

So everyone made their way there. When they were inside they were amazed.

Clemont, Serena, and Bonnie all wanted to talk about having Olympia see their futures. Until, Charlene interrupts them.

"I'm afraid that is not quite that easy. It's the voice of the stars that guide Lady Olympia to perceive the future," Charlene explained.

"That's what happened at the seas off Hoenn," Professor Sycamore said.

"Yes, lead by the voice of the stars, Lady Olympia foresaw the clash between Groudon and Kyogre. The world saw incidences of extreme weather, but Kalos was prepared. Thanks to Olympia's vision, Kalos escaped these incidences largely unharmed," Charlene said.

"Could we be connected to something as large a scale as the threat you perceived?" Clement asked.

"That is something we must figure out," Charlene said.

"Please tell me, Charlene. Are these really the ones who will bring danger to Kalos?" Carrie asked Charlene.

"Your training has been quite inadequate. Lady Olympia never said they would bring danger to us."

"Oh," was all Carrie said.

"She said they would be trapped inside a vortex with this threat," Charlene finished.

"Young man, it appears that the vision I perceived earlier concerns you and the future of your Frogadier. As well as your's, my good friend." Everyone was confused. Absolight moved and hide behind Frogadier.

"Lady Olympia, are you talking about the other strange presence I feel?" Charlene asked. Olympia nodded.

"What other presence?" Carrie asked.

"Professor, are you alright with her showing herself?" Olympia asked.

"Only if everyone will agree to keep her a secret, then I'm fine with it." Everyone hesitantly agreed to keep the secret.

"Absolight, everyone has agreed to keep you a secret. You can come out now."

"Are you sure, daddy?" They heard Absolight's voice everywhere so they didn't know where she exactly was.

"Yes, Absolight. They all promised. It's fine." Absolight became visible, surprising Frogadier, Ash, and Pikachu. They almost fell over, but Absolight used Psychic to prevent them from falling down.

"Who are you!?" Carrie screeched. Absolight fell to her knees and covered her ears as Carrie's voice echoed through the gym.

"Absolight!" Professor Sycamore rushed over to his daughter and hugged her.

"Carrie! Watch your volume! Absolight has very sensitive hearing," scolded Olympia.

"I-it's a-alright. I'm fine. It's great to see you again, Olympia."

"As it is with you too, Absolight."

"How did Ash and his pokemon not fall? They were just about to," Carrie asked.

"I stopped them. I just used Psychic is all." Absolight took off her black sleeveless hoody and handed it to her dad. Then she flew to Olympia's side and hugged her.

"I missed you. Guess what! Daddy allowed me to finally go on my very own journey. With precautions of course, but a my own journey nonetheless!" Olympia hugged her back.

"That's wonderful to hear." Everyone stared shocked at the two floating figures.

"What the heck are you?" It was whispered, but Absolight heard and let go of Olympia. She slowly flew down in front of Carrie. Carrie quickly took steps back. Everyone was confused.

"I don't think you should know. You are very irrational and right now, you fear me." Carrie quickly pulled out Sigilyph.

"Sigilyph, Psywave."

"Carrie, no!" Absolight didn't move as Sigilyph landed its attack creating smoke. Absolight stretched her wings out, clearing the smoke, Absolight still stood there as if nothing happened. Shocking those who didn't know Absolight.

"I see," Absolight looked down, "you are one, who also fears what you can't comprehend. In that case I'll make you regret attacking me like all of those who did the same. Umbreon, I choose you."

"Absolight, what are you doing!?" asked Professor Sycamore.

"I'm teaching Carrie a lesson. Now Umbreon, Dark Pulse." Everyone was shocked at how large the Dark Pulse was. Sigilyph tried to dodge, but couldn't move. The attack landed causing a huge shock wave forcing everyone away. The the smoke cleared, both Sigilyph and Carrie fainted. Absolight walked ever so slowly to the two, and place a hand on both. Everyone watch as Absolight used Healing Pulse. Then she went back to the others as if nothing had happened and put on her jacket.

"Absolight, why did you do that? You hurt not only Sigilyph, but also Carrie!"

"Do what, daddy?"

"Professor Sycamore, don't. You know that wasn't her fault, but her instincts," Olympia said.

"Her instincts?" he asked.

"You know what she is. She was protecting herself. Do not worry about it so much."

"Alright then. Why don't we just get back on topic then." Olympia nods.

"The vision that occurred showed me that your Frogadier as a pokemon with a curious fate that is clear seeing its past and future." The group wandered amongst themselves of what Olympia said.

"Frogadier, a pokemon like no other." Olympia proceeded to show them Frogadier's past. Then they understand that Ash and Frogadier will get stronger together.

Time Skip

"What about Absolight? What role does she play in the future?" asked Professor Sycamore.

"Absolight plays a key role in all of it. She will be the one to determine the outcome of Kalos, and maybe all of the world." Olympia shows images with Absolight, showing two different scenes. One of Absolight overseeing a town burning while the other Absolight being surrounded by pokemon and humans as she helps build homes. Everyone was shocked and turned to Absolight. Absolight shook in fear as she looked at herself over seeing the destruction.

Then she had a sharp pain in her head. She showed a vision of her own as she gripped her head and fell to her knees. The vision showed a shadow figure standing with machines around him. He shoots a red beam at Absolight. The vision shifts to Absolight with dull eyes. The figure is next to her and points to the city. Absolight flies up and shoots large red beams down at the city. Then the vision fades as Absolight faints. Everyone was shaken by what they had seen.

All of Absolight's pokemon came out and surrounded her. Lucario sat above Absolight's head and glowed a calm blue. That same blue surrounded Absolight, until she woke up.

"Lucario? Oh, hey guys!" Absolight hugged her pokemon to her.

"Light, sweetheart, are you alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be, daddy?"

"Do not try, Professor. She doesn't remember. It seems that there is another force at work here that affects Absolight. She doesn't remember any of the visions of her and that is fine. It is better to keep her calm and innocent as long as possible to avoid such future. We need to treat her with lots of care." Everyone nodded as they look at Absolight smiling at her pokemon, not noticing that they are talking about her.

Everyone turns to Olympia as her starts to yell.

"Ah, what's wrong!?" Serena asked.

"The sundial is in grave danger." Olympia said.

"The sundial?" Ash asked.

"Use Helping Hand." Olympia's pokemon flew above her, the black one using Helping Hand on the white one "That's it, Future Sight."

They all talked about the sundial and some went to see that it was okay. Leaving Absolight in the gym. Staying out of sight playing with her pokemon, while she waited for the others to come back for her.

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