Pink Frosted Kind Of Girl

I woke up to someone placing some aspirin and a glass of water on the bedside table.
Groaning in pain,I reached for the pills and the water,my head pulsing.
"Morning sleepy head."
I look up to see Jane..
Did I sleep over at her house?!
Oh God my parents must be worried sick!
I sit up from the bed quickly, squinting from the sunlight coming from the windows.
She picked up on my thoughts and said,"don't worry, your friends covered for you. They told your parents you were staying at Eric's house, and that he was taking you to school."
Once my eyes adjusted, I realized she had a black eye,a bruise on her jaw, and her fist was bloody.
"What happened to you?"I say worriedly staring at her fist.She sighs,"there was a fight, so I went to break it up, but the two drunk idiots decided they wanted to try and fight me.
Let's just say, they look worse."
She threw a shirt and a pair of jeans at me,"here, these are my older brothers but I doubt he'll mind.
I'm gonna go take a shower and change clothes, we'll leave for school in about an hour."
And with that,she left.
I put on the shirt and jeans,and walk down to the kitchen, grabbing my backpack from under the table.
About thirty minutes later she came down to the kitchen,
In a towel.
I blushed slightly looking away as she reached for something,when I noticed lines on her wrist. My eyes widened and She left before I could ask.
A few minutes later she came back in her usual kind of attire.
She was wearing a black leather jacket with ripped black jeans, combat boots,
And a white shirt with black skeleton hands making a heart.
"You ready to go tommy?
We can stop for breakfast on the way if you want any."
Weird she didn't say anything
"Uh y-yeah sure..."
She led me to the garage,
As I nervously followed,
Afraid of getting on the motorcycle again.
But Instead of getting on her motorcycle,she got into a sweet looking black car parked beside it.
I breathed after I got in, looking at the decked out radio.
She sighed,"I know. It's my older brothers old car,but he let's me barrow it.
I might try and get one of these for myself one day..."
She put a cigarette inbetween her lips and lighting it and then pulling out of the garage.
"You shouldn't smoke you know, its just slowly killing you."
She rolled down her window, letting the smoke out of her mouth,"let's just say I don't quite mind that."
I look at her frowning,
But my frown melts seeing her face.
She looks incredibly tired, and suddenly the memory of the markings on her wrists pop back into my mind.
"Are you ok?" I ask, my voice full of concern.
She looks at me,and for a second,
Her face is full of emotion.
Then her regular smug look returns in an instant,and she looks back at the road.
"What kind of question is that Tommy?"
She asks like the answer is obvious blowing smoke out of her mouth.
I don't want to ask her about them, but at the same time, I do.
"You just....look tired.."
She stays silent, gripping the wheel a bit tighter.
She laughs, but it sounds hollow.
"Of course I'm fine Tommy.
Why are you curious? do you care about me or something?" She says the last statement in a baby talk voice, making fun of me.
"Yes, I do actually.
Being your qualified,'bestie'."
She rolls her eyes and responds in a cold voice,
"Yeah? Well don't.
I'm fine."
I sigh,"fine, but you don't have to be a dick."
She finishes her cigarette, throwing the rest of it out the window.
We ride in silence until we get to
A drive thru donut place.
She turns to me,"what kind of donut do you want?"
I ponder the choices for a moment,"two glazed please."
She scoffs at my choice and orders, two glazed donuts,one pink frosted donut, and two coffees.
I look at her,"it's funny, I never took you for a pink frosted kind of girl."
She laughs dryly,"yeah? Well it's not for me."
I look at her slightly confused.
"Then who is it for?"
She doesn't answer,and I sigh.
We pay for the order, and about three minutes of silence later, it's ready.
She hands me the bag with my donuts and continues driving.
Finally, we get to the turn that leads to the schools parking lot, but instead of turning, she goes straight forward.
"Hey where are we going?"
I say nervously.
"Relax Tommy, I just need to make a quick stop."
She pulls into the driveway of red house,and a little girl with long brown hair Runs out,
"Aunt Jane!"
Jane hops out of the car, as do I.
Jane gives the happiest smile I've ever seen her make, and picks the little girl up,resting her on her side, the childs legs around her waist.
"Hello Andy!
Hey guess what.."
She says, dropping her voice to a whisper.
Andy says, whispering back her eyes wide.
"I got you breakfast."
She pulls out the donut bag and hands it to the child,and Andy's eyes light up.
"Thank you aunt Jane!"
She squeals hugging Jane tightly,and Jane laughs, setting Andy back down.
"Hey Andy who are you talking to?" a gruff voice says,as a man opens the door.
"Hi James." Jane says smiling.
The man steps fully outside,a smile appearing on his face.
"Hey little sis..wait don't you have school? Don't tell me that you're skipping classes again."

"Im not honest,
I just wanted to say hi"
James looks over at me, his eyes narrowing.
"Who's this?"
"That's Thomas, my bestie."
I wave awkwardly,"h-hi"
He scoffs and looks back at Jane.
"Does he kno-"
"No." Jane cuts him off.
Suddenly her watch beeps,and she frowns,"anyways I was just stopping to say Hi. I've got to go to class, see ya James."
He pulls her into a hug and ruffes her hair."bye,stay out of trouble."
Andy walks over and tugs on Jane's leather jacket and Jane gets on her knees hugging her.
She pulls away and walks back to the car, I walk back to the car as well waving,"nice meeting you." I say awkwardly.
James narrows his eyes, watching me get into the car, keeping eye contact until we drive off.
"Thomas don't tell anyone about what just happened."
I look at her confused,
"Why can't I?"
"Number one, Because I said so,
And number two because I don't want people to think that I've gone soft.
Got it?"
She says in a harsh tone.
I nod.
Once we're parked,I see Melody getting out of her car,my eyes glued on her until she enters the building.
"So you like Melody?"
"What?! No I j-just...."
I sigh,and Jane smirks knowing what the truth is.
"Ok f-fine y-yes."
"Hmm well I wouldn't if I were you. She's a snake."
"What? No she's not."
"Yes she is, she's petty and only thinks about her self.
she's a total bitch."
"No she's not Jane."
"Yes she is Tommy."
"No she's not," I say, my tone suddenly harsh.
"What makes you so sure Mr.boring? I bet you've never even talked to her." She says her eyes narrowing.
"Because I've known her for six years, and you've seen her around school for two days.
she's never talked to you once, and I don't think she would ever like to, because you act like a bitch half of the time!" I say in a cold tone.
She sighs frustrated,like she's holding something back.
"What-the fuck-ever Tommy.
I was trying to look out for you."
She gets out, slamming the car door so hard,I jump.
She walks away quickly suddenly I feel terrible About what I said.
I try to follow her, but Melody waves me down, walking over to me."hey Thomas!
"Uh Hi Melody."
I say looking at her,
But all I can think about is Jane's hurt face.
"So Tomas,you know that the spring dance is coming up next week right?.....and I was wondering-"
My eyes snap to hers, and blush and a blush appears on her face.
"-if you would want to come with me?"
She says, a shy smile on her face.
"Uh heh well y-yeah sure.." I mutter.
Oh my God oh my God oh my God.
I'm going to the spring dance with Melody.
My hard is beating so fast I feel like it might pop out of my chest.
"Great! I can't wait.
Oh here's my number,I'll text you the time to pick me up and everything."
She gets out a piece of paper and scribbles down her number.
She hands it to me and kisses me on the cheek.
"Talk to you later!"
She walks off, and I'm still stuck in a haze trying to tell if I was dreaming.
Suddenly I remember what I was doing, and I continue my search.
Sadly the bell rings,and I convince myself that it's fine and I'll see her in second period.
Needless to say, second period she doesn't show.
I start to get even more worried
And start remembering the scars
On her wrists once again.
Max taps my shoulder,"Hey is everything ok man?"
I bite my lip suddenly raising my hand,
"May I be excused?"
The teacher nods at me busy with another student, And I leave the room so quickly I forget my backpack is still on.I walk down the hall going to the nearest exit door to outside.
I look left and right, until I see something float into the air,
Cigarette smoke. I walk along the side to see Jane sitting on the ground her back to the brick wall,her eyes closed.
She had her ear plugs in as she nodded her head to the beat.
"When you were here before,
Couldn't look you in the eyes.
You look like an angel,
Your skin makes me cry."
My eyes widen,hearing her gentle voice.
"You float like a feather,
In a beautiful world,
I wish I was special,
You're so very special."
She pauses for a moment.
"But I'm a creep,
I'm a weirdo,
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here."
She bites her lip,
"Don't care if it hurts,
I wanna have control,
I want a perfect body,
I want a perfect soul.
I want you to notice,
When I'm not around,
You're so very special,
I wish I was special.
He's running away
Oh he's running.
Oh he's running away,
Oh he's running."
She pauses again.
"Whatever makes you happy,
Whatever you want,
You're so very special."
Her voice turns raspy as she puts out her cigarette, pulling out a pocket knife.
"I wish I was special,"
She rolls up her sleeve showing bleeding cuts and my eyes widen.
I step forward putting a hand on her shoulder,"what are you-?!"
Suddenly she jumps up,
Pinning me against the wall the knife against my neck,as her sleeve falls back down.
"Tommy?" She says in Confusion,
Then she remembers that she's
Mad at me.
"What are you doing out here?"
She says in an angry tone our faces about four inches apart.
"What am I doing?!
What are you doing?!"
I respond just as angry.
For moment her eyes are full of emotion once more,
And then she scowls at me.
"It's none of your business Thomas,"
She states,letting go of me, taking the knife from my neck and putting it into her back pocket.
"Go." She says coldly.
I shake my head,"No."
She sighs Frustrated.
"Fine I'll leave."
"No." I grab her wrist to try and stop her from leaving and she hisses in pain.
I loosen my grip a bit, not wanting to hurt her.
She glares at me,
Trying to pull away as I try and roll up her sleeve.
"Thomas stop-" she says angrily,
But it's too late.
My eyes widen seeing the deep cuts along the underside of her arm up to her elbow.
Not deep enough to be fatal,
But deep enough to probably hurt like a bitch.
"Jane what the fuck have you done to your arm?!"
She looks away.
"Jane look at me."
She still doesn't look at me, and I start to walk, dragging her with me.
"Thomas where are we going?"
She says, her voice almost panicked.
"To my house."
We walk in silence until we get to my doorstep.
"Aren't your parents ho-"
"They're both at work."
I say, interrupting her.
I drag her inside and lead her to the couch,"Sit here, I'll be back in a moment."
I walk into the bathroom and get the first aid kit,then I walk back to Jane who's sitting on the couch almost nervously.
I motion for her to follow me, as I walk into the kitchen.
I set the kit on the counter,and
Gently roll up her sleeve, moving to the sink, letting water run over the cuts.
Then I wrap her arm in gauze, since we were out of bandages.
She gazes at me while I do so
Unsure what to say.
She sighs running a hand through her hair,
"I'm sorry."
I look at her furrowing my eyebrows,
"What are you sorry for?"
"For talking to you,
For inviting you to my party,
For letting you stay at my house,
And For calling you my bestie.
You shouldn't be involved with me.
I'm a horrible person.
I'm an asshole
And I definitely don't deserve a Friend like you."
She looks down at the floor,
Sighing,"after this I won't bother you anymore.
I know that you probably don't want to be friends after you saw me-"
"That's enough."
I snap.
"You aren't a horrible person.
And I still want to be friends.
I just want to know why."
She brushes the hair out of her face looking away,"I don't know..."
"Don't lie to me."
She looks me straight in the eyes.
"I have severe depression Thomas.
I'm a fuck up, and it seems like the world always wants to screw me over.
There I said it.
And my parents barely care that I exist and-"
I pull her into a hug,
At first she doesn't do anything,
Letting her arms stay by her sides,
But then she slowly wraps her arms around me,and it sends a weird wave of warmth throughout my body.
We stay like that for a solid three minutes, before she pulls back.
"Sorry about calling your crush a snake." She says,but she doesn't really sound sorry.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"Its ok, that wasn't what I was upset about in the first place wasn't the reason I...."
We stand in silence.
"Can we pretend that this Never happened..?"
Jane says awkwardly.
I nod, for the next few hours we play video games, until my parents get home.
"Ohhh who's your new friend honey?" My mother says smiling at Jane.
"This is Jane," I say pleading for her not to embarrass me.
"Well hello Jane, it's a pleasure meeting you! Are you going to stay for dinner?"
I answer before she can,
"Yes she is."
My mother smiles again,
"Alright I'll go whip up some casserole, brb as you kids say."
She leaves and I groan.
"Sorry about my mom, she's pretty embarrassing."
jane laughs "it's fine."
My dad arrives home next,
Smiling just as brightly as my mother,
"Oh Thomas, I see you finally got a girlfri-"
She's just a friend."
"Surrree," he says winking at me.
He walks to his office, shooting finger guns at me.
"Ugh sorry."
Jane laughs again,
"It's fine Thomas, your parents are adorable."
Once dinner is ready,
We all sit at the table.
"Thank you Mrs.Greyson,"
Jane says smiling,
"This casserole is really the bomb."
My mom laughs,
"Oh it's nothing,
I bet your mothers casserole is
Jane's smile fades,
"Not really, my parents aren't home much."
My mother frowns,
"Oh you poor dear,
Feel free to come over here whenever you like."
Jane replies awkwardly.
She finishes her plate, and stands up from the table.
"Well I'd better be's getting late.
Don't worry I can walk, my house isn't too far from here," she lied.
I don't know why but, I wanted to find a reason for her to stay a bit longer.
But as if an answer to prayer,there was a flash of lightning,and rain started pouring down.
"Jane dear,
How about you stay here tonight,
It's raining too hard to drive,
Much less walk.
You can sleep in the guest room if you want."
She nodded,
Being too nice to argue with my mother.
"Here Jane I'll show you where it is, follow me dear."
Jane followed my mother with out another word.
I took my phone out and checked my messages while walking to the living room.
Hey Thomas 😊

Hi 👋

Melody ❤:

Oh nothing.

Melody ❤:
I'm just thinking
About something.


Melody ❤: like
Me right?


Melody ❤:
Oh good.
Do you maybe
Want to go out
On a date sometime?
I know we're going to
The dance together,
But I want to go
On a real date
If you don't mind.

You mean
like a cupcake?


Shit *couple?

Melody ❤:

As in you want to
Be my girlfriend?

Melody ❤:
Oh God do
You like someone else?
Of course not

Melody ❤:
You had
Me worried
For a second lol
Let's plan
Something this
Weekend ok?
I gotta do
Night Thomas

Night Melody ❤


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