018. Tick Tock


Elizabeth gazed upon the hall in awe, shocked at how grand and lavish it had been decorated. Flowers, drapes, and ice sculptures covered every corner, and while she would have preferred her engagement ball to have been smaller, she couldn't say no to William when seeing how excited he was.

Wearing an emerald gown with silver accents, Elizabeth walked next to her mother and Aurora while Adelaide fell behind, who was still disappointed by her sister's decision on marrying the Duke.

"It is truly beautiful!" Aurora expressed with delight, her blue eyes shining more vibrant than ever.

Adelaide scoffed, "You truly have low standards then, dear sister. Just like Lizzie over here."

"Adelaide, stop," Victoria reprimanded as she glared at her past her shoulder.

Elizabeth only rolled her eyes as arguing with her would be useless. She didn't have the capacity to deal with her lack of support, so she settled on ignoring her for the rest of the evening.

"My bride-to-be," William smiled when catching sight of her and practically ran to her side. He held her hand with such delicacy and placed a kiss upon it, his heart now racing faster than ever that this was actually happening.

Elizabeth smiled back, but it slightly faded when catching sight of Anthony and Edwina standing on the opposite side conversing with Kate and Violet. She forced herself to look away and redirected her focus to her future husband, who was now greeting her family as if they were a couple of friends reuniting. Well, with the exception of Adelaide, who wasn't having trouble keeping her dislike hidden.

"I hope everything is to your liking," he gestured to the hall with a nervous smile and tremulous voice. He wanted everything to be perfect, especially for her and her family that would soon become his.

Adelaide glared at him in disapproval, "The decorations are more drab compared to other balls we have attended."

"Adelaide," Elizabeth scolded and discreetly stepped over her foot. It was getting ridiculous how much her sister was adamant on making her opinions about her future husband known. She expected her to already be accepting of her engagement, but from the looks of it, there would be no approval granted anytime soon.

William thought nothing of it. He simply dismissed it as nothing more than a sister's resentment. Even if he didn't have any siblings, he couldn't imagine how hard it must be to watch them get married and leave the nest.

"I apologize, Your Grace. Adelaide just needs to get refreshed," Victoria bid her farewell before dragging her daughter away.

"She will come around," Aurora reassured her sister, hoping it would somehow make everything better. "Adelaide might not like you now, Your Grace, but she eventually will."

"I do hope so, Miss Aurora," William admitted, suddenly afraid of not being accepted into the family of the woman he loves.

"How about you go find Gregory and Hyacinth?" Elizabeth encouraged, to which Aurora happily agreed, and hastily went to search for her best friends. "I do apologize for my sister. She's been struggling with all of this, but I am certain she will have a change of heart."

"Is there a particular reason as to why she doesn't like me?" William curiously asked as he glanced in her direction and watched how happily she conversed with Lady Bridgerton and Miss Edwina.

Elizabeth couldn't admit the true reason was because of her feelings for Anthony, and how much her sister would have preferred she married him instead. "You and I are to be wed soon, which means she and I will no longer live under the same roof. It does not have anything to do with you. It's just a matter of sisters."

William breathed in relief as he now became more certain that perhaps he could win her over before the wedding. All he wanted was to get along with his future wife's family, so he was prepared to do anything for it.

"Please tell me there is champagne," Elizabeth needed the night to be in less focus and by obtaining a drink, she would be able to get through the evening with a much more enjoyable mood.

"Right this way," William guided her to the drinks, to which she eagerly reached for a glass and downed in a giant gulp. He couldn't help but smile at the sight as he felt the most fortunate to be marrying the most beautiful woman in the entirety of England. If he could, he would make the days go faster just so they would finally be married.

"My feet are killing me and we haven't even danced yet," she complained, wishing to remove her heels and return to the comfort of her flat shoes, but her mother insisted that she wear these for the occasion.

"I wouldn't blame you if you took them off," he said and she couldn't help but smile at the idea.

"Do not tempt me."

Raising his hands in surrender, he took a few steps back and surprised her when he removed his own shoes, leaving him in nothing but his socks. "Shall you join me for a dance, my beautiful Duchess?"

Without thinking, she removed her shoes and interlocked her hand with his. She followed his guidance to the floor and despite the concerned stares from the others, she didn't bother paying any attention to their judgment. For the first time, she felt comfortable with him and even if this had been a small gesture, she deeply appreciated it.

As the couple danced without a care, Anthony found himself wanting to gaze away from the sight, but he couldn't find the strength to do so. She was smiling in such a carefree way, like she was actually enjoying herself, and while they had settled on continuing with their engagements, he was tempted to proclaim the truth right about now.

If he allowed his heart to express everything he kept hidden, perhaps this sham of an engagement would cease to exist. He couldn't bear seeing her in the hands of someone else, but that voice in the back of his head kept reminding him to set her free and to let her soar the skies with whom she desired.

Hesitantly, he stayed in the back and despite knowing Edwina wanted to take on the floor, he couldn't bring himself to feign any enthusiasm. Instead, he excused himself and headed for a drink, praying the bitter contents would help wash away the torturous sight. If he had a choice, he would have decided on missing out on this occasion, but he couldn't afford having his mother on his back any longer. Giving her more reasons to suspect him wasn't in the realm of his plans, so by pushing his wedding date closer, he hoped to silence her opinions.

"How is the drink?" Adelaide Windsor asked and he practically dropped his glass when recognizing who it was.

Nodding, he set the drink down, "Exceptional."

Adelaide narrowed her eyes, already sensing his distress was linked to her sister. She knew better than to involve herself in matters that didn't involve her, but if there was the slightest bit of a chance she could prevent this wedding from occurring, she would do anything to ensure it.

"You are being extremely obvious, Lord Bridgerton," she spoke in a lower voice to avoid anyone from overhearing, especially when suspecting Lady Whistledown could possibly be roaming around.

Anthony turned to her, confused on what she meant. "Obvious about what, Miss Adelaide?"

She stared at him like he said the most ridiculous thing, "Are you actually that dense or are you just pretending?"

Months back, he would have been shocked to hear a lady speak to him this way, but meeting Elizabeth made him immune to becoming offended by it. It was obvious their snarky personalities ran in the family, so he could do nothing but answer her back like she deserved.

"I do not have time to deal with this, so just tell me what exactly it is that you want?" Anthony remarked, already dreading having separated himself from the rest.

Adelaide grabbed a drink and motioned toward the floor, "I know you love my sister. Anyone with eyes can see it, but for some odd reason, Edwina is the only one that doesn't. It seems you have her in some kind of trance, which makes me wonder why you are choosing to marry her when it is obvious you love another?"

Anthony nearly choked on his tongue at her bluntness. He was used to his mother or Daphne prying into his business, but never did he expect it from the sister of the woman his heart called for.

"You clearly have no idea what you're talking about," he chose to say, but even he wanted to laugh at his absurdity. "I can see why you and Eloise get along so well. You believe you know everything even when you are wrong."

She laughed in disbelief, "You even sound like my sister. She always dismisses her feelings and pretends they're not there. I can see why you love her-"

"You are truly losing your mind," Anthony finished the rest of his drink and started parting away, but was prevented from doing so when she said those words.

"If you do not tell her you love her, maybe I will," Adelaide said as she went after him in a casual manner. "And I am not referring to my sister."

Anthony knew she was talking about Edwina and while a grand part of him wanted his secret to come out, he was terrified of facing what he's been trying to repress for so long. He wanted to let her do this, but he made a promise to Elizabeth that he wouldn't dare break.

"If revealing the truth is too hard on you, perhaps I might spare you the trouble and do it myself," Adelaide threatened, hoping it would be the necessary push for him to reveal everything. "You have until midnight, Lord Bridgerton."

Before Anthony could attempt to defend himself, she walked away from him in the direction of Eloise. He couldn't believe the mess he got himself involved in and despite knowing it was wrong, he was tempted to break his distance with Elizabeth just for tonight. She needed to know what her sister was up to, and maybe then, this threat wouldn't be forced to see the light of day.

"Everything alright, my lord?" Edwina walked up to him and stared at him with concern when noticing how tense he was. "Are you feeling well-"

"I am perfectly fine, Miss Edwina," he assured her, but his face told a different story.

"Good evening, everyone," William clinked his glass of champagne, a sign of a toast about to occur. "If you could allow me a few minutes of your time."

For the first time, Anthony was grateful for the Duke's existence. He could use this distraction as an advantage to get closer to her and put an end to this threat, but he was prevented from doing so when Adelaide took the spot next to her.

Everyone gathered around holding their glasses of champagne, simply admiring the Duke and the way he gazed at his future wife with such tenderness. Anthony had to look away to roll his eyes, but Adelaide's presence had now become the second thorn by his side as she urged him through her stare to reveal the truth to Edwina before she did.

"I have never been a man that enjoyed social events. I preferred solitude over sharing dances all night," William expressed. "My mother used to say that in sharing a dance, it is where your soul would find the one. I never believed her, but it was not until I met Miss Windsor when I knew her words were nothing but the truth."

Elizabeth sheepishly smiled. She wasn't used to all the attention considering she preferred staying in the shadows, especially for events like these. The only reason she opened herself up this season was to find a husband, which worked, but now that she was out in the light, she wasn't sure how to return to her old ways.

It sure didn't help noticing Anthony looking her way. It's been days since they last spoke and even if they agreed to move forward with their decision, it ached her knowing it meant they could never be friends again. She urged him to look away, but he remained adamant on studying her as if she were a lesson, and while she felt vexed by it, she couldn't prevent from loving it.

But it was wrong, so forcefully, she turned to her future husband.

"I had surrendered to living in the darkness, settling that I would never find the one, but the second I saw you enter the hall in that blue dress..." William trailed off, his gaze setting strictly ahead as if he were remembering that evening. "The light came back to me. You became my sun and I will forever be grateful for Lady Danbury forcing me to attend her ball."

Guilt consumed her at his declaration as she wanted nothing more than to reciprocate his feelings. He was the most kindhearted and deserving person of love. From the way he looked at her, it was undeniable how much he loved her and she wished to the heavens to love him back, but she had simply met him too late.

"I look forward to our future, to knowing each other fully, and to always expressing how much you mean to me," William gazed at her with adoration as he was now speaking to her only. "To my future wife and to the grand future that awaits us."

Everyone applauded and raised their glass in a celebratory way. Elizabeth felt herself crumble at the celebration as she wished for nothing more than this night to end. She felt undeserving of this, of his love, of him, but it was too late to backtrack, especially with their wedding right around the corner.

"Congratulations to you both," Adelaide spoke loudly as she clinked her utensil against the glass. "I am so glad you have found true love in this match. I know this is meant to be your celebration, but I am so overwhelmed by all the love in the air that I must address the other couple in the room."

A few puzzled looks were exchanged between the families, but more so in Victoria and Violet, who clearly knew what was being insinuated.

Glancing toward Anthony and Edwina and back to Elizabeth, she loosened her smile for the briefest seconds. "Both of you have made me realize that honesty is the most important virtue. When I look at you both, I wish for the same passion and genuinity for my marriage." Now raising her glass, she took a deep breath as if preparing herself to reveal everything, "Here's to both couples, who have been true to themselves and to their partners. I truly wish you all the best."

Elizabeth withered under her sister's accusation disguised as a celebratory remark. She was on the verge of losing her patience at her lack of support. It's been weeks since her engagement was announced, so her support should have been granted by now. Even if it didn't come from the heart, she would have preferred an insincere one at least.

Now, she's realizing Adelaide will never get on the same page and it would be rendered useless to expect it.

"Thank you, Miss Adelaide," William said and soon enough, everyone resumed the celebration.

Elizabeth rushed to her sister and hastily took her somewhere more private. She ignored her attempts at shoving her off, refusing to let her get away with this, especially during her engagement ball.

"Let go of me!" Adelaide shook her hand off with an extreme force, her face turning a beet red and eyes burning hotter than the sun. "I must get on with the celebration, or is that not what I'm supposed to do?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"I believe you know why," Adelaide got closer and lowered her voice to prevent anyone from overhearing. "Your marriage to the Duke is not something meant to be celebrated. I cannot believe that you expect me to put on a smile and pretend as if this isn't anything but a mistake."

Of course this would be her answer. It was all she ever seemed to care about. Despite having explained how her marriage would bring them all prosperity, nothing seemed to settle her stubbornness. Adelaide was adamant on voicing her opposition to her engagement and if she were to continue going down this path, things would definitely unravel for the worst.

"Can you stop making my betrothal about you? This does not concern you, so stop acting like such a child and be mature about this!" Elizabeth angrily whispered, wishing to be able to belt everything with her entire might, but that was exactly what her sister would want.

"This is about me!" Adelaide countered. "This is about all of us and how you are only marrying him to ensure our place in society-"

"Exactly. I am doing this to protect you," Elizabeth defended her reasons, but it was obvious her words were entering one ear and coming out the other. "It has always been my responsibility to care for you all. With my marriage, you and Aurora will be able to follow your hearts. If you do not wish to marry, you won't have to. Is that not what you want?"

Adelaide shook her head, appalled her sister wasn't understanding her reasoning. "What I want is for you to be happy. I have spent many years watching you do everything for us. You always put yourself last and I tried to move past it, but this marriage..." she gestured to the main hall, more specifically to the Duke. "This is the final straw. I cannot let you sacrifice your happiness for us, so all I want is for you to be honest with yourself. You love the viscount and he loves you-"

"He does not," Elizabeth refused to believe Anthony could ever love her. He couldn't. It was laughable to even consider it. Someone like her could never be worthy of such sentiment. She couldn't imagine anyone wanting to spend a lifetime with her and even if the Duke appeared to desire it, she knew it would only be a matter of a couple of days when he would realize their marriage was a mistake.

Adelaide noticed the anguish in her eyes and it pained her knowing her sister thought so little of herself. "I hate that you do not think you are worthy of love. You are worth much more than anyone and I wish you'd be able to see it and choose yourself for the first time."

Elizabeth brushed past her advice, not daring to permit herself to follow her desires for the first time. She had a role to fulfill and she wouldn't dare break it for anything, especially for herself. "If you really care for me, you would be supportive of my decision like I have been with yours."

Adelaide refused to toss the towel just yet. She needed to make her see that her role could be fulfilled while also following her heart. It happened with their mother and father, so marrying for love and for responsibility can be done at the same time. "Lizzie, you have the opportunity to be happy by being honest. For God's sake! Loving someone is easier than breathing, but in your case, it is the complete opposite!"

She couldn't continue having this conversation. If she didn't listen to her mother's advice, then she certainly wouldn't with her sister's. She knew what she was doing and even if Adelaide couldn't see it, this marriage needed to happen.

Just as Elizabeth reached the doorway, Adelaide stopped her with the most terrifying words. "You have until midnight to tell the truth. If you do not, I will," she walked closer, ignoring the panic in her sister's eyes. "I gave the viscount the same opportunity, so tick tock, sister. Be honest before it's too late."

Her own sister threatening her was something she never saw coming. Not in her wildest dreams. How could her own blood be pushing her to destroy everything she's worked for? Everything she's doing for them?

Her voice was low and deadly when she said, "If you do this, I will never forgive you."

Adelaide noticed the resentment in her gaze and while it terrified her more than anything to lose the love of her family, she was willing to bear on the pain as long as it meant her sister would be happy. This ultimate sacrifice needed to be prevented and if it led to an eternity of grudges, then she would gladly accept her fate.

"You will thank me for this once this is over," Adelaide assured her before turning around and heading back to the grand hall.

Elizabeth took a glimpse at the clock and her heart nearly dropped when realizing she had an hour left. Things like this shouldn't happen. They belong in fairy tale books or in those fables told to children before bed. They shouldn't happen to her, especially on the night when she's supposed to be celebrating.

She couldn't allow her sister to ruin everything. Her threats wouldn't affect her and instead of being open in expressing her panic, she settled on rejoining everyone. Perhaps if Adelaide saw how unaffected she was, her mind could possibly be changed and this absurd attempt of hers would be placed aside.

God, she truly hoped it did.

"Everything alright?" William asked, noticing the distress in her expression and the forced smile laying upon her face.

"You look rather worried, Lizzie," Aurora innocently commented, unaware of the tension between her older sisters. "Perhaps it was the champagne I could not have."

"You are still so young for it, dearest," Victoria reminded her, but knew it was of no use since her daughter was just as stubborn as her other ones.

"I wish I could be older," she complained, her face turning pouty and arms folding across her chest.

"Believe me, you do not," Elizabeth wished to return to those simpler times, but even then, she couldn't have a proper childhood. With taking care of her sisters and grieving mother, she was forced to grow up so quickly. If she were able to return to the past, she would change everything and find a universe in which her father was still with them.

"She's right, Miss Aurora. Enjoy your childhood as much as you can, because once it's gone, you will be wishing to return," William added.

As Aurora ran off to Gregory and Hyacinth, Victoria couldn't prevent from noticing the tension between her eldest daughters. While she knew it was linked to the engagement, a part of her sensed there was more to this. She excused herself and headed to Adelaide, hoping to receive some answers once and for all.


Elizabeth looked away from her sister when hearing Edwina's voice. If she was coming, that meant Anthony was as well. It didn't matter if she longed to see him. With her sister breathing down her neck, she couldn't afford giving her more motivation on fulfilling her threat. She glanced up and sure enough, he was following behind Edwina with a stern expression.

"We have been missing each other all night," Edwina expressed through a smile before pulling away from their embrace.

"Yes, well, it's been quite an eventful night," she said, nearly tempted to take the champagne from William's hand and drown herself in it.

"Congratulations to you both. I cannot believe the wedding is getting closer."

"Thank you, Miss Edwina," William noticed the way Anthony kept looking at Elizabeth. He knew better than to allow him to get under his skin, but his presence was more than enough to fully vex him. "Congratulations to you both as well. Your wedding is right around the corner and let's not forget the Queen herself is hosting."

"Yes, it is truly exciting!" Edwina glanced at Anthony with a smile, holding onto his arm as if it were her lifeline. "In a week from now, we shall be married."

Elizabeth bit the inside of her cheek and tried her hardest to appear supportive, but it was getting harder to pretend this wasn't hurting her. They were supposed to follow through with their engagements and never encounter the other again, but it seemed the possibility of never crossing paths again became inconceivable.

Forcefully, Anthony offered an unconvincing smile. It was getting harder pretending to be ecstatic over his soon-to-be marriage, but he reminded himself of the good it would bring to his family. With finally fulfilling his role as viscount, his siblings would be well taken care of by his viscountess, but the curse upon his heart prevented him from believing such a decision would be proper.

But it was too late.

"Shall we dance?" William asked her once the quartet started playing the song they danced to when they first met. He hoped she would notice, but her mind appeared to be elsewhere, like she was focused on the beyond and that beyond happened to be the man right in front of her.

"I would love to, but I am afraid I'm still weary from the previous one," Elizabeth hoped he wouldn't choose to remain by her side, seeing as she needed to find an excuse to get a word with Anthony. Perhaps they might be able to find a solution to her sister's threats, but to do so, they needed to be left alone, which would prove harder than expected.

"What if I carry you?" he teased and Anthony nearly lost all sense of morality at his close proximity.

"You shall not, but perhaps you might find another partner for the meanwhile," she suggested, causing him to sigh in defeat.

"Perhaps you shall accompany Miss Edwina," Anthony suggested after having come up with an excuse not to dance with her again. "I wouldn't want her to be standing on the sidelines when instead, you both could take on the floor together."

William knew better than to trust his intentions. It was obvious he didn't want to dance with his intended just to be near his. Anyone with eyes could see it, but it would be rude of him to deny a dance with Edwina, seeing as she was clearly still in the dark about Anthony's feelings.

"Of course," he said, offering his hand to her. "Would you like to share a dance with me, Miss Edwina?"

"I would be delighted, Your Grace," Edwina laid her hand on his, both of them walking off to the floor and leaving the conflicted pair behind.

Despite the music, the silence between them was quite loud. She wished to tell him everything, to express everything to her heart's content, but the words were unable to pass through her lips. It sure didn't help catching sight of Adelaide glaring at her with expectancy and coincidentally, the clock was standing right next to her.

Thirty minutes left.

Her throat began closing as the walls caved in. She couldn't do this anymore. She couldn't pretend the clock ticking wasn't suffocating. Seeing everyone dance without a care was agonizing and here she was surrendering like a fallen soldier to the pressure.

Why couldn't she breathe?

Where had the oxygen gone?

The music faded into a piercing silence, pounding against her ears and piercing her skull like blazing knives. She tried holding on to anything, but her hands made their way to the base of her neck as if an invisible force was cutting off her oxygen. She couldn't stay here. Not with many spectators waiting for anything to create a scandal of.

Anthony was saying something, but his voice was muffled. She felt the coldness of the wall slam against her back, causing shivers to run down her spine as if an electric jolt had been ignited. She noticed his hands reaching out for her, but she couldn't allow him to get close. She didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve any of his comfort.

Hastily, Elizabeth parted from the hall to the furthest place as possible. She needed an escape from everything and from everyone. It was torturous pretending to be happy with this engagement and especially being forced to reveal her deception due to her sister.

How could she be so cruel?

Couldn't she see how much more harm this would bring?

"Elizabeth!" Anthony trailed after her, not bothering to care if anyone were to see them as all he cared for was ensuring she was safe. She had been there for him when he panicked that morning at Aubrey Hall. She made sure to help him pass through his crisis despite knowing it wasn't her burden, but she still did it.

How could he dare leave her to face this alone?

"Elizabeth, wait!"

The music became much quieter the further they went. They were nearing the opposite side of the estate, granting them the needed solitude to settle everything. She knew it was wrong to be alone unchaperoned, especially after what happened between them countless times, but not being able to breathe or think straight prevented her from thinking rationally.

How could she focus on honor when the world was crumbling upon her shoulders?

Elizabeth didn't realize having entered a room until hearing a door slam. The moonlight shone through the windows, allowing her to notice it was a library with two floors. Usually, she would have been excited over this discovery, but she was terrified. Time was running out and it was only a matter of when until their deception would be revealed.

She wanted to remove the pearls William had gifted her. They were strangling her, holding her captive, and reminding her of the binding contract about to be signed. The small beads were carving into her skin and leaving behind a mark, one that burned her soul and ached her heart. She reached for the necklace and harshly removed it, the pearls coming down like boulders rolling down the hill.

Anthony held her hands and tried alleviating her struggle, but she was too deep in her mind. She was trapped in her obscurity and nothing he did was bringing her back. It was as if she were dream hopping, landing in different places and torturing herself with the past and the present. She was far gone to notice the real world and it broke his heart seeing her this way.

"Lizzie," he desperately said, his hands reaching for her face and wiping the tears that escaped. "I'm right here. Nothing will happen to you."

The warmth of his graze was magnetic and brought light into her darkest parts. She gazed into his brown eyes and that's when she knew that she was safe. She was home. Nothing could happen to her as long as she was by his side. He was her sanctuary, her wish upon a dandelion, and the shooting stars in her empty night.

He was her home.

"I got you," he whispered, their foreheads now pressing against the other.

Closing her eyes, she slowly felt the air returning to her. She was able to fully breathe for the first time and he was the reason. He had become the air she breathed and without him, she would suffocate in an eternal damnation.

"I'm here, my Elizabeth," Anthony assured her as he brought his hand down to hers, their fingers interlocking and performing their secret dance. He felt the light returning to him once hers did and that was enough for him. It didn't matter if their fates were never meant to become one. As long as she was safe, it would suffice.

She held him so close as if afraid he might vanish, afraid this was all a dream and she would awaken at any second. It didn't matter if chaos was about to unravel in a short while. Here, it was just them.

Anthony held her with delicacy and fervence as he permitted himself to dive into his dreams. He laid a kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering longer than they should. His comforting words whispered against her ears, granting her the liberation from her torment.

"It's nearing midnight," she finally said, her voice low and tremulous.

"I know," he sighed heavily, dreading the moment when they have to head back.

Elizabeth didn't want to return. She wanted to remain in his everlasting hold, but time wasn't on their side. The clock was ticking and the inevitable would occur. Adelaide would reveal their deception, ruining everything they had worked for countless years.

"Are you feeling better?" Anthony questioned.

She nodded, "I am, because you're here."

He softly smiled and held her much closer, but even if they wanted to remain in this position, the moment to cease this encounter was getting nearer.

"I might have a solution to our problem," he reluctantly pulled away, caressing her cheek one last time.

She furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering what scheme he has up his sleeve. "Do tell me. What are you thinking about?"

Anthony paused in thought for a moment and she nearly considered he was doing it on purpose for dramatic effect. Regardless, she waited for him to explain what they would do. It didn't matter if she believed it was an absurd plan, but if her sister wanted their secret to be revealed, then so be it.

A secret would be given.

Author's Note

Hey, everyone! Hope you're having a great day!
And yes, I made Adelaide pull a season 3 Eloise on her sister.
There's a reason I made them friends, so Eloise will definitely be taking pointers from her.

Hope you guys liked the chapter!
Let me know what you think!

Don't be a ghost reader!
Comment as much as you'd like! Reading comments helps me stay motivated to continue writing this story, so keep them coming 🫶🏼

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