003. Diamond of the Season


There is nothing quite like the sweet-scented smell of success. But after taking in last night's festivities, it is clear the season won't be quite so fragrant for everyone. The Viscount Bridgerton's own mama may have loudly declared her eldest son's lofty intentions to marry, yet I cannot be the only one wondering if this former Capital-R Rake is, indeed, ready to flourish. Perhaps the viscount, like the rest of us, is simply waiting for the Queen to finally name her diamond. Or perhaps this author should take matters into her own hands. Though, of the many purportedly well-trained and bred hothouse flowers on display this year, this author must wonder if a more surprising choice might still be in store. Whichever darling miss receives such high esteem, let us hope there is a suitor available of only the sharpest wit, lest his dry musings leave a young lady wilting like a parched rose.

Lady Whistledown, 1814

Sitting by the window reading the latest Lady Whistledown's issue, Anthony couldn't shake off the bitter taste of last night.

Elizabeth's face, her words, her movements, and the way she mocked him were imprinted in his mind that it was driving him insane. Not even complaining about the encounter to his brother, Benedict, helped. She found a way to create a home in his head and his attempts in evicting her were proven rendered to be useless as she had dug herself deep into him.

He briefly glanced up from the paper and noticed Benedict chatting with Madame Delacroix. Knowing what they shared last season, he could only wonder if the circumstances changed or remained the same.

If only he could have still had the privilege of relaxing for another season. That way, he wouldn't concern himself with finding a suitable match or be forced into dancing with ladies that could barely hold a step.

"Brother," Anthony called out when seeing Benedict's deflated expression upon Madame Delacroix's words. He nudged his head in his direction and couldn't wait until his brother took a seat to ask, "Are you and the modiste still, uh, making a stitch?"

Benedict refrained from rolling his eyes, "Apparently not. Have you found a wife yet? Or are you planning to offend every girl until there are none left? Is mother aware?"

Anthony glared at him with such intensity that it nearly burned a hole into him, hoping his mother wouldn't pry into this after convincing her of letting it go last night.

Violet looked up from her work for a brief moment, "Aware of what? Last night's debacle? I am afraid I know so little."

Sensing his mother's imminent questioning, he rose from his seat in a hurry to avoid a confrontation, "I'm off to deal with our solicitor. Have fun with your pretty pictures, brother." He tossed the paper harshly onto the table and scurried out the drawing room. It took a lot of convincing for his mother not to involve herself into last night's events, especially since his mood had been irritable for the rest of the night.

"Anthony," Violet called out as she trailed after him. "Look, I do not know what happened with Miss Windsor and I might be asking for too much, but Lady Windsor and I are becoming good friends and I would appreciate it if you could try to reconcile with her daughter."

He furrowed his brows in astonishment, refusing to believe she was asking him such an appalling thing. Reconciling with someone as insufferable as Miss Windsor was out of the question. He would rather fall into a freezing lake and catch a cold than speak a word to her.

"I will do no such thing. I have important issues at hand that I must deal with," Anthony started striding with haste to the end of the hall, but she stopped him by holding his arm and turning him to face her.

"Anthony, I know your pride gets the better of you sometimes, but last night was highly unlike you," she spoke in a low voice, hoping her gentleness would soothe him into listening. "You were infuriated and spent the rest of the evening in an irritable mood. You even reprimanded Hyacinth for staying up late despite her having done so before. What was different about last night?"

He didn't say anything as he also couldn't understand why he allowed Miss Windsor to enrage him to the bone. Something about her got under his skin, made him unable to move on from those pesky remarks, or even focus on anything else.

"Miss Windsor and I do not get along," he chose to say instead, but he could tell it wasn't the answer she was after. "That is all you should know and besides, I have greater issues like finding a suitable match."

Violet knew there was something more, but her son was the most stubborn person that she had no other choice than to move on from the subject. Perhaps with time, he would trust her enough to confide in her like he used to before Edmund died.

"There were some lovely young ladies in attendance last night, were there not?" she changed the subject, making him appreciative of such action. "Lady Delilah has beautiful manners, and I hear Miss Goodrum is very accomplished in her needlework. Perhaps you shall get to know them better soon."

"Lady Delilah can barely string a sentence together," Anthony wasn't impressed by her selection of women last night. None of them rose to his expectations and he wouldn't settle for less, "And Miss Goodrum thought that Napoleon fought for the Spanish. As for every other eager chit you pushed in my direction, I'd happily never lay eyes on them again."


"I am looking for perfection, mother," he cut her off, taking her by surprise at his choice of words. "And you should be too. The woman I marry shall be the Viscountess Bridgerton. The lady of this household, responsible for launching my sisters and bearing my children. Do you desire them to be raised by a woman who does not know how to so much as hold a map right side up?" He knew his demands were disappointing her, but he had a role to fulfill and he would rather drop dead than marry someone with a lack of intellect and grace, "This is the duty I must fulfill."

Anthony took off to the exit, but was stopped in his tracks when his mother said the words she once told him, "You will end up alone with such expectations."

He despised the disappointment in her voice as all he wanted was to make her proud. Everything he did was for his family and it would kill him to ever let them down. Reluctantly, he turned in her direction and became shattered at her ashamed look, "Good day, mother."


The Windsors were once again attending the second ball of the season. After last night's debacle, Elizabeth was determined not to let her emotions dictate her actions. No matter her vexation for the viscount, she would never let him get under her skin again.

"Try to control your temper this time, Lizzie," Victoria pleaded once they presented themselves to the Queen and walked away. "If you see the viscount, just ignore him and focus on the other gentlemen."

"You do not need to worry about me," Elizabeth assured her, standing up straight and fixing her white dress. "I have only one thing on my mind and it is to dance with as many suitors as possible."

Teasingly, Adelaide placed her palm against her sister's forehead, "Are you feeling well? Since when have you been drawn to this kind of thing? I simply agreed to come because of you."

She gnawed at the inside of her cheek as she was certain if they knew her true intentions for debuting this season was to save them from perdition, they would lock her at the manor to avoid her entrapment.

"Just thought it was time for me to put what I've learned for good use," she simply said and ignored the curious look her mother sent her. "Your season is the next one and you're here to observe and learn so you're better prepared."

Adelaide rolled her eyes, dreading for the time when it's her turn, "What if I want to remain a single independent woman? I love my freedom way too much to give it."

"If you find the right man, you will always have freedom," Victoria stated as she was reminded of her relationship with her late husband. Marrying him had been the best decision of her life and she would forever be grateful for fate having brought them together – even if it was for a short while.

Elizabeth knew better than to argue with her mother's beliefs. She understood her optimism that perhaps her daughters would be fortunate to be blessed with a love like she did, but a love match is quite rare. Nowadays, marriages are nothing but a business transaction. Husbands would flaunt their mistresses, but if the wives did the same, they would be shamed. How sexist was that?

"Freedom is non-existent these days," she muttered under her breath, low enough so only Adelaide could hear.

"Hence why I will be perfectly content with becoming a spinster," Adelaide whispered and nearly had a heart attack when the sudden sound of a fanfare filled the hall.

Everyone looked up from their conversations in the direction of the Queen. She walked down her chair with an incredible poise and addressed the ton with a commanding stance, "Your presence is noted, and your queen most appreciative. Allow it to now be my honor to present to you the season's diamond." Queen Charlotte glanced in Lady Bridgerton's direction for a split second before her eyes wandered to the Sharmas. She paused in thought for a moment until finally, the diamond was named, "Miss Edwina Sharma."

Elizabeth applauded as loud as possible as there was no better person to deserve this honor than Edwina. She would be the perfect diamond and worthy of the attention the title would grant her.

Edwina was guided by the Queen's right hand man to the front. She walked elegantly with a delicate smile and Elizabeth could tell just from her look how shocked she was to have been named the diamond.

A few gentlemen walked forward in hopes of acquiring the first dance, but the Queen's attention was placed solely on Anthony Bridgerton. She looked past the other suitors and addressed him, "Viscount Bridgerton. Have you yet met my new incomparable?"

Every nerve in Elizabeth's body became agitated when seeing him. She couldn't let Edwina get involved with someone as atrocious as him. A love match was what she desired and she was certain if she told Kate about the viscount's true intentions, this courtship would never see the light of day.

"I am most grateful for the introduction, Your Majesty," Anthony thanked the Queen without removing his gaze from the diamond. "I only hope I shall be afforded the pleasure of a dance."

The music resumed and Edwina walked to the dance floor with Lord Bridgerton. Their dance began and Elizabeth took advantage of this moment to find Kate. She must know about the viscount's intentions and then, it would all be left in her hands if she chooses to allow her sister to continue her pursuit.

"Have you seen Edwina?" Kate asked as she looked around the hall.

"She's dancing with Lord Bridgerton," Elizabeth tried to refrain from sounding bitter, but despite her voice remaining composed, her face told a different story.

"For heaven's sake, isn't he the intolerable one you had an encounter with?" Kate's forehead creased in concern, not wanting her sister to be in the hands of someone like him.

"You should know he does not seek a love match. He only wants a wife to fulfill his duty and worst of all, he wants her to be perfect as if he was," she rushed through her words and was pleased when Kate matched her distress.

"But Edwina is looking for love."

Elizabeth nodded, "My point exactly."

Lady Danbury couldn't help from overhearing and chose to intervene, "Marriages nowadays are nothing but a business deal that have worked for centuries. It is a true love match that is quite rare."

"I am aware of it, but I just thought Edwina should be informed so she could have a choice," Elizabeth remarked, ignoring the suspicious beam in Lady Danbury's eyes.

"How about we leave the protection to her sister?" Lady Danbury countered and started guiding Kate in the direction of Edwina and the viscount. Elizabeth huffed and turned the other way, refusing to come in close contact with him, but Kate thought differently and held her by the forearm to drag her with them.

"Kate!" Edwina called her sister over with excitement.

"Ah, Lord Bridgerton, I see you've met Miss Edwina," Lady Danbury began, but Anthony couldn't listen to a word she was saying. He could only focus on the sight of Elizabeth standing by Miss Sharma. It seemed that his attempts at staying away from her were in vain since it was obvious the Windsors and the Sharmas knew each other. "This is her sister, Miss Sharma and you have already met-"

Anthony cut her off with a sharp voice, "Miss Windsor."

Elizabeth's gaze hardened once his eyes locked into hers. She focused on maintaining a neutral expression as she refused to let him know just how much his presence was affecting her. If he knew how infuriating he made her feel, she was certain it would raise his opinion of himself.

"Lord Bridgerton," she bowed her head, prompting him to do the same.

"The Viscount Bridgerton is a most excellent dancer," Edwina broke the moment of silence and turned to him with a soft smile. "Perhaps I may learn a thing or two from you, my lord."

"Would you join me in the returning room, sister?" Kate interrupted the moment after remembering what Elizabeth had informed her about. When Edwina remained in place, Kate reached for her hand and glared at the viscount with a plaguing look, making him realize that Elizabeth must have turned her against him just so he wouldn't court Edwina.

Anthony turned to her, his gaze harsh and voice grim, "What did you tell Miss Sharma? Did you put her against me so I am unable to court Miss Edwina?"

Elizabeth gave a nonchalant shrug as her lips curved into a conceited smirk, "Should I have not? I just thought since you were so open in your declarations, you wouldn't have a problem if I told her sister about them."

Anthony laughed, more out of sarcasm than humor, "For someone who claims not to be interested, you certainly get involved in my business too much."

"Edwina is my friend and I would hate to see her get hurt by you," she countered while striding a couple steps forward. "She wants a love match while you don't. I will not apologize for looking out for her."

"She has her sister for that," he remarked with a heavy voice. "And Miss Edwina is perfectly capable of making her own decisions. If she becomes interested in me, I would gladly court her and make her my wife."

"That is if Kate allows you," Elizabeth challenged and he stared at her with pure disbelief. He couldn't understand what her deal was, but if anything, it just made him satisfied in knowing she also despised him like he despised her.

Lady Danbury finally had enough and got in between them. She glared at the two with a shameful look and pushed them apart with her cane, "I think you should keep your distance and stop behaving like feral animals."

Elizabeth knew Lady Danbury was right and if she continued creating a spectacle, the ton would definitely get the wrong idea. With Lady Whistledown reporting about every little thing, she refused getting herself involved in any type of scandal regarding anything with him.

With her head held high, she brushed past him and tried her hardest to ignore his piercing gaze, but a part of her felt satisfied when feeling his eyes follow her all the way to the exit.

"She is a lovely diamond, dearest," Violet commented without knowledge about the small banter having occurred. She looked ahead at Edwina with a smile and felt certain her son would finally find someone after so long.

"Indeed," Anthony agreed, but his gaze remained fixated on Elizabeth instead. He couldn't comprehend how someone as beautiful as her could be one of the most vexing woman in the entirety of England, but if anything, that signified a path being paved that he most definitely take. "She is who I shall marry."

Color, clarity, carat, cut. At long last, the Queen has named her most precious stone. While this author finds Miss Edwina Sharma to be an exceptional young lady, it is about time I used these pages of record for something else. A shift. Is the entire practice of naming a diamond not, well, rather ridiculous? Should a woman not be valued for so much more than her dancing skills or her comportment? Should we not value a woman instead for her candor, her character, her true accomplishments? Perhaps if the Queen abandoned this absurdity that is the diamond, we would all see that a woman can be so much more.

Lady Whistledown, 1814

Author's Note

Anthony claims to despise her and yet he goes and thinks of her as beautiful 😌

Gotta love their "hate." 😉

Hope you guys liked the chapter!
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