This is a proper instruction about me. I feel like you guys don't really know me at all. And as I promised, now that I've hit 200 followers, I'll propely intruduce myself. Here is a long introduction where I actually go through everything and get deeper into things and explain.
So, hello there. My name is Aurora and I use she/her pronouns. You can use they/them too though, I won't mind. I just prefer she/her. Also I want to clarify that Aurora isn't my real first name nor is Kivi my real last name. I know I say this quite often but just in case there is actually a person called that, I don't want to accidentally get them in trouble. I'm a cisfemale. And I don't say my exact age in public. I only tell it to my friends that I feel comfy with them knowing. I can give you a 14-18 yo age gap though. I'm 14 to 18 years old. I'm Finnish and still currently live in Finland. (Suomi perkele ny torille) I'm aromantic and asexual.
I'm an introvert. It's kind of silly, actually. You see with my friends I'm talkative, make the most dirty minded jokes and seem like a full on extrovert. But I also spend most of my time alone and I love hanging out by myself. The thing is, that it's almost as if I had two completely different personalities. With other people I'm always smiling. I'm always trying to make others laugher at least smile. I will always comfort them when I feel like they are upset. In a group I'm talkative, because I don't want to be left out. However when I'm by myself, I'm the most chill person. By myself I'm the most comfortable. I have a great talent; I can always come up with things to do by myself and I always know how to make myself smile. As a child I used to be very extroverted. I was friends with everyone and had a big friend group. Things have changed, a lot.
I'm INFP, if that means anything to you. To me it doesn't really mean anything. I'm not into that type of stuff but I've made the test. I prefer getting to know people by myself and judge their words and body language myself. The thing is that sometimes the person themselves don't know them at all and their judgement may be completely wrong. Usually I can tell by the first two minutes of talking if a person is worth my time. I'm not a professional but I'm still good at reading others. I can tell what their body language means and to the opposite of way too many it seems, I actually pay attention to other people's body language. I can tell if someone is uncomfortable or having the time of their life.
I'm the only child of a happily married couple. However sometimes I wish I had siblings, a twin to be specific. I don't care what their gender would be. I just love the idea of sharing a room with them. We could spend so much time together and rant to each other. Sometimes it's so tiring having to explain your whole life to a someone. It would be amazing to have someone who wouldn't have to explain it all to.
I'm that girl who doesn't like studying and doesn't really study but still gets good grades. I don't know how. Usually I listen at class and memorize it. I have pretty good memory and I can remember random ass things for no reason. I pay attention to such weird things it's actually hilarious. As an example my ex Finnish teacher; I can remember exactly what her water bottle looked like (it was made out of medal. It was medium size and turquoise. It had these artistic flowers on it of different colors. She'd drink from it about every 15 minutes.) but I can't remember her name.
I don't like that type of hobbies where you go to a certain location, like a studio and then there would be other people your age and the teacher to tell you exactly what to do and how. I'm not saying thing just because I believe I won't like it, no. I have tried. I went to art school for two years, went dancing for 9 years, to circus school for a year, to teather club for two years, and on top of that random courses during summer like minecraft camp and dance camp. Also two writing courses that lasted like half a year in total.
I prefer hobbies where I can decide when and what by myself. I have a lot of hobbies, but none of them are lead by someone else. As you guys already know, I'm an author and I like writing. I started writing two years ago when I dowloaded wattpad. I started writing because I felt like it would be fun. Back then I was kind of trying everything out, trying to see what I'd like. Writing was a way to express myself and still is. I feel like I have something special. They talk about natural gifts. Fuck no I was not a natural gift at all. If only you guys would have seen the first things I ever wrote as an author. Ew. Nah I practiced writing for ages. I'm still not completely satisfied. I make a lot of typos and grammar mistakes. I feel like I can make it one day though. I have recently took writing siriusly; I read book about writing and read daily. I practice writing by writing and by filling in those books where they give you free short plots or pics to get inspo from. I have tried different methods and found what works with me best. Writing is a constant process for me but I find it rewarding. I mean come on, I have written a book with over 110k reads, surely I already have done something right. Really, it's a gorgeous feeling and I couldn't be more grateful. <3
I started reading with Harry Potters. As a child my friend recommended the series to me to the point where she was basically forcing me to read them. So I did. It took years because I didn't like writing but I forced myself through it. A couple months before I dowloaded wattpad, I started reading Harry Potter memes from google images for no reason, really. This is also when my marauders obsession started; through wolfstar memes. I started reading way more after I dowloaded wattpad. Back then I only read in Finnish but with wattpad I could start with basic English and finally was so god that I could read a whole actual book in English. Now I barely ever even read in Finnish. There's something so damn magical about reading. Especially the marauders fandom. Fuck I love being a part of this. I also started just book tabbing and I believe it's the thing for me. I love writing down my thoughts. It's like leaving your own mark down onto the book for if someone else picks up the book at reads it, they may see my thoughts and emotions.
I'm a music obsessed little bitch. I'm not even joking. I'm constantly listening to music and always wearing my headphones. In fact I'm doing that right now too! I used to be a big Lovejoy and Wilbur soot fan but then well, the thing happened and now I support neither anymore and don't listen to their music anymore. If someone doesn't know, Wilbur Soot is a content creator who mainly posts Minecraft content with his friends like TommyInnit, Ph1lza, Turbo, Ranboo, Technoblade, etc. Recently we found out that in fact Wilbur abused his ex-girlfriend by biting her as hard as he could and left bad bruises on her daily. Wilbur was a part of a band called Lovejoy and now Lovejoy or Wilbur is supported. Back to the main topic, I have a playlist that is over 17 hours long where I add every song that I like. You can find it from my Spotify acc that's AuroraKivi. I don't have a favorite band or musician anymore.
I like playing video games a lot. I have played Hogwarts legacy, both Little Nightmares 1 and 2, etc. I used to be a big fan of Minecraft and the sims 4. I don't play neither much anymore though. Currently I mostly play Fall guys and stardew valley. I play and have played a lot of other games too by the way, these are just like the main. I play on xbox usually.
I like crocheting but I'm not extremely great at it. I'm good but not great. It's great because I love making book marks with it. I have recently taught myself how to do those little leaves they put on headphones and as bookmarks. They are so cute!!
I like photography and I can take surpassingly good pictures. I don't really go specifically to look for a place to photograph. I rather just take pictures when I happen to stumble to something interesting. I could show you some pictures sometime. Mostly I can take good pictures because I know how to use my phone's camera app to its best ability and I can see when something is worth taking a picture of. I don't photograph people though.
Some of my favourite things here now.
Book: I'm a Gay wizard by V.S. Santoni. (ATYD is second fav). Other great books are Boyfriend material and Husband material, Red white and royal blue, No longer human, They both die at the end, The secret history and Good girl's guide to murder. I have a very gay taste, I know
Authors: I don't fave favorite author but some of my favorites are really just authros that have written some of my favorite books.
Colors: I don't actually have a favorite color. I like white, brown and yellow though.
Foods: I like Italian food a lot, but I'M OBSESSED WITH CHICKEN CAESAR SALAD. Like god, it's so good.
City: Edinburgh. I'm planning on moving there on day.
Games: Atm Stardew Valley and Fall guys
Netflix series: It's called How to get away with murder. It's actually the best thing I have ever watched. It's so fucking good, omg. I recommend. It's about a group of law students and their teacher. It has a lot of sexual scenes though.
Characters: Sirius and Remus. I actually kin them both too.
Animals: Cat. No doubts. I love cats, I wants cats, gimme cats.
Comedians: Bo Burnham. 100%.
There's this silly thing about me and plants, you see they usually don't stay alive under my care because I'm too lazy to water them or water them too much. I'm surprised that I have two avocados that are very alive and that I have raised from seed.
I don't have pets. However we used to have two cats. Their names were Mari and Piri. They passed away a decade ago. I still miss them so muchhhhhh. I want to have cat again but I have a fucking cat allergy.
I like teddy bears. I have two teddy bears. That's actually half of my plushies as I have only four plushies.
I usually tell people I'm a vegetarian, but that's not actually true. You see I'm almost a vegetarian, but I also eat sea animals and chicken. Otherwise I don't eat meat though like sheep, pigs or cows. I think it's morally wrong to eat animals but that's not why I stopped eating them. I stopped because I actually felt like throwing up. I have been eating with this diet for the past two years and I'm happy. I'm healthier. The last time I tried to eat cow meat I couldn't finish it. It was in a burger, to give you some perspective how much meat it was. I could not finish the meat because I felt like I was going to throw up. It just grosses me out so much for some reason.
My most used apps are Spotify, Wattpad, Discord, Snapchat, Pinterst, WhatsApp and google chrome
Some of my other fandoms are mcyt, Sherlock Homes, South Park and Good Omens.
And one ore thing, I like Pepsi more than Coca Cola.
I'm not sure if I went through everything here, but if you have any questions that were unanswered, ask in the comments and I'll make sure to answer to the best of my ability.
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