09| CDC
"Glenn's my anchor."
I cocked my gun, hastily stepping inside the building.
There was a blonde man stood at the top of the stairs, eyeing us.
"Anyone infected?"
"One of our group was." Rick answered. "He didn't make it."
The man started to walk down the stairs, coming closer. "Why are you here? What do you want?"
"A chance."
"That's asking an awful lot these days."
"I know."
I watched the man's eyes scan over our group. "You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission."
Rick nodded. "We can do that."
The stranger lowered his gun. "You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed."
Almost immediately, everyone turned to Glenn and I.
"Okay, we'll get your stuff." I rolled my eyes, taking my best friends arm as we headed back to the RV.
Glenn was grinning like an idiot and I faked a smile, not wanting to ruin his mood.
There was something odd about the guy. For starters, he seemed almost too accepting. But most of all, he gave me a strange vibe that I just couldn't put my finger on.
With the help of Daryl, Dale and T-Dog, we managed to bring everyone's things inside.
Dale and T-Dog closed the door shut behind them.
"Vi, seal the main entrance." The man said, to what I presumed to be an alarm system. "Kill the power up here." The shutters closed quickly and I glanced around, knowing there was well and truly no way out now.
Rick turned to the stranger, holding his hand out to shake. "Rick Grimes."
The man looked down but didn't shake Rick's extended hand. "Dr. Edwin Jenner." He looked up at the rest of us and walked around Rick.
We followed him from the entrance to an elevator. The doors opened and we all squished inside.
"Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl questioned.
"There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough." Jenner joked. He looked down at Carl. "Except you. I'll have to keep my eye on you."
The elevator came to a stop and I let out a breath of relief, trying to get past as I was squeezed between Glenn and Lori.
"Are we underground?" Carol asked, a hint of worry laced in her voice.
Jenner looked back at her. "Are you claustrophobic?"
"A little."
"Try not to think about it." He said, turning back around. "Vi, bring up the lights in the big room." Jenner paused and turned to address us all. "Welcome to zone 5."
Jenner didn't lie, the room was big. It was filled with computers and all sorts of impressive technology.
Then I realised something. This is a lab.
So where is everyone?
"Where is everybody?" I spoke up. "The other doctors. The staff?"
"I'm it." He stopped, looking at me with a shrug. "It's just me here."
"What about the person you were speaking with?" Lori questioned. "Vi?" She prompted.
"Vi, say hello to our guests." Jenner paused as he spoke to air. Then he smiled. "Tell them welcome."
"Hello, guests. Welcome." The automatic voice said.
Jenner shook his head sadly. "I'm all that's left."
Jenner placed a tube connected to a needle to Andrea's arm.
"What's the point? If we were infected, we'd all be running a fever." She pointed out.
"I've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here. Let me just at least be thorough." Jenner replied, pleasing the tube inwards. I watched as the blood from Andrea's vein was sucked out. "All done."
Andrea stood up, but stumbled on her feet. Jacqui and I were almost instantly by her side, holding her up.
"Are you okay?" Jenner questioned.
"She hasn't eaten in days." I stated.
"None of us have."
This seemed to spark an idea in Jenner's mind.
"You know in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner." Dale mentioned as he poured more wine in his glass. "And in France."
Lori shook her head, covering Carl's glass with her hands.
"Well, when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some."
"What's it gonna hurt? Come on." Rick laughed. "Come on."
Lori sighed and gave in, making everybody chuckle. Dale poured a small amount of wine in a glass for Carl. "There you are, young lad."
We all watched him take a sip with amused grins.
He screwed up his face in disgust.
"Ew!" He exclaimed.
We all laughed whilst Lori rubbed his back. "That's my boy. That's my boy."
"Well, just stick to sour pop there, bud." Shane smiled.
Daryl looked over at Glenn. "Not you, Glenn."
Glenn looked up with a smile. "What?"
"Keep drinking, little man. I want to see how red your face can get." Daryl grinned, causing Glenn to reply with a sarcastic laugh.
"It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly." Rick spoke up.
"He is more than just our host." A slightly drunk T-Dog raised his glass, causing the rest of us to follow.
"Booyah!" Daryl yelled, raising his glass in appreciation too.
"So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, doc?" Shane asked, now taking a more serious approach. "All the- the other doctors that were supposed to be figuring out what happened. Where are they?"
"Jesus Christ, we're celebrating Shane." I set my glass down harshly on the table. "You don't need to do this now."
"Whoa, wait a second. This is why we're here, right?" Shane glanced at me before looking at Rick. "This was your move. Supposed to find all the answers. Instead we-" Shane chuckled. "We found him. Found one man. Why?"
"Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just left." Jenner said. "Went off to be with their families. And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun, the rest bolted."
Shane narrowed his eyes, an almost smirk on his face. "Every last one?"
"No. Many couldn't face walking out the door." Jenner defended. "They opted out. There was a rash of suicides. That was a bad time."
"You didn't leave." Andrea frowned, obviously curious now. "Why?"
"I just kept working. Hoping to do some good."
"Dude, you are such a buzzkill, man." Glenn said, no longer looking joyful. He looked miserable now.
Shane had really killed the mood.
After the awkward tensions in the room, we were ushered away to another section of the facility.
"Most of the facility is powered down. Including housing, so you'll have to make do here." Jenner said as he lead us down the corridor. "The couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you like. There's a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy. Just don't plug in the video games, okay? Or anything that draws power." He crouched down in front of the two kids, who nodded. Then he glanced up at the rest of us. "The same applies. If you shower, go easy on the hot water."
Glenn, who was near the front, looked back at the rest of us, making eye contact with me.
"Hot water?" He asked hopefully.
T-Dog grinned. "That's what the man said."
When I walked into the room, my mouth instantly twitched into a grin. I'd forgotten what a bedroom actually looked like, but this one was perfect. The bed wasn't too big, wasn't too small. Everything was a nice size.
I closed the door, smiling at the peaceful quietness I hadn't heard in such a long time.
I tugged at my hair, pulling my ponytail out. I ran my fingers through my hair, brushing it out.
I grinned, noticing a door that obviously led to the bathroom. I felt like a little kid waking up on Christmas morning again. The anticipation, the excitement.
I turned the door knob and glanced inside, noticing a pristine shower and a mirror in the corner.
I headed back into the room, unzipping my bag and pulling out a spare change of clothes, before walking back into the bathroom and closing the door shut.
I glanced at the mirror before shaking my head. Although it was tempting, I really didn't want to see how much of a mess I looked.
I stripped off and opened the shower doors, slipping in and turning the knob for the water.
I couldn't remember the last time I'd took a hot shower. But I didn't want to waste another second. I was itching to get under that water.
I watched as grime, dirt, and blood mixed into the water and washed away.
It was a relief to get rid of it. To feel clean again.
I tilted my head back, allowing the hot water to cascade down my face.
I reached for the shampoo and closed my eyes, massaging it into my hair.
The water was soothing. It made me feel relaxed.
But I couldn't help but wonder about my family.
Where are they now? Are they safe? Are they alive?
I couldn't tell whether it was water or tears dropping down my face now. All I could think about was my family; the people we've lost. All the things we've had to do to survive.
The necklace hit my skin and I took it in my hand, staring at it.
An anchor.
Tears blurred my vision again and I closed my eyes shut.
I had to be stronger now. I couldn't be weak, not in this world. I had to be a survivor.
I opened my eyes, looking down at the necklace. The necklace I got from Glenn. I smiled, thinking about him. Thinking about our friendship.
Glenn was my anchor. Glenn kept me grounded, kept me sane. Glenn was the reason I still had my humanity.
I couldn't break now.
After letting the water slide down my body for a little longer, I reached up for the handle and turned off the water.
I stepped out onto the mat and draped a towel around me.
I dried off and slipped into my new clothes before staring at the mirror once more.
Should I?
Shouldn't I?
I sighed. Of course, it was inevitable that I was going to look eventually.
I took a step towards the sink, gripping onto the edges with my hands.
I slowly lifted my head up, looking at my appearance.
Honestly, I thought I would have looked worse. I mean, I probably did until I showered.
Sure, my face was thinner than before and there were dark bags underneath my eyes, promoting my lack of sleep.
I had a cut on the side of my forehead and I instinctively touched it.
I had no idea where it came from.
My hair didn't look as healthy or shiny as it used to. It was still a dark brown but it was dull now.
I shook my head, pushing myself away from the mirror and entering the bedroom again.
I yawned, letting myself flop onto the bed.
My eyes closed and I let out a moan of relief when I felt the comfort of a mattress.
I shivered slightly, pulling the covers up to my chin.
My eyes fluttered shut and I snuggled into the blankets, closing my eyes for a much needed sleep.
Words: 1888
Published: 23rd January 2016
sorry for the late update xo
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