6 | Old Friends


Hamza called not long after I started watching my favourite series of all time Riverdale. There was a time I even binge watched till dawn. Oh Allah I was crazy about the mystery that never seemed to end in that series!

"Salamu Alaykum my queen. Ya kike? (How are you?)"

"Wa alaykumusalam. I'm alright. How about you?"

"Well...I'm ok and I'm not ok."


"You didn't want to stop and talk to me today. I'm sad." He said in this really sad voice.

"I'm sorry about that. You wouldn't understand even if I explained so please just forget it. Tell me about your day." I changed the topic to avoid explaining the inexplicable.

He understood and didn't push further.

"Well...as you said I was playing FBI. And you were playing Velma ko (or) Carmen Cortez ne?" He laughed, his amazing laugh causing tiny ripple effects in my stomach.

"You're not serious. Your head needs to get checked. So you're Bilal's friend yeh? How did you guys meet?"

"We met during our second year of studying engineering at the University of Surrey."

"Oh that's nice. I was studying at Queen Mary University Of London but now I don't go there anymore. Bilal used to visit me every weekend while I was there. He is my favourite cousin. I miss him but so much has happened that we aren't as close as before."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. So what were you studying there?"


"That's a good course. Tell me about yourself." He paused and I was sure he was contemplating whether to tell me what was in his mind or keep it to himself but blurted it out anyway "I know one thing for sure you're beautiful and witty.

I had a problem with replying people when they gave me too much attention or said too nice things so I decided to just continue the conversation as if nothing happened.

"There's really not much. I love anything related to strawberries, I love reading novels, I once tried fencing in school and enjoyed it. I'm obsessed with perfume, chocolates and I like running. My favourite colour is torquoise and black plus I love cooking. Tell me something about you that I don't know. I know you like snooping around like a ninja." I smiled remembering everything that transpired between us some hours ago.

"I love pancakes, suya, food in general if it doesn't taste like the under of my shoe. I like running too, my favourite colour is white and peach. Also I love watching movies. And snooping around if its for a good reason." He laughed.

I joined him and laughed. Masha Allah his laugh was contagious and I relished the fact that he made me laugh in such a short time after just meeting him. I haven't laughed in so long that I forgot what laughter sounded like and what smiles looked like till I met this fallen angel. And I prayed that this would last...because I didn't have anyone.

I would've said I had Safiya but I'd be lying. We met in secondary school when she came to my school for a science competition then the next year she fully enrolled as a student when we were in Ss2.

We became close friends till we parted ways to find our destined paths in the tertiary institutions we sought to get our education from so we only met during holidays. I told her almost everything but became wary when my parents died. I realised everyone around me was a liar even Nadiya who was once nice to me but turned against me when her mother poisoned her mind.

Safiya was a keeper. She was known for hoarding alot of people's secrets but once I found out her mother was Hajiya Mairo I told her less of what lived in my heart till I stopped eventually and now we spoke to eachother as classmates, or maybe acquaintances since she comes to Aunty Raliya's house for holidays and we'd spend hours reminiscing about the mischief we indulged in. I still looked at her as a friend but again as a risk who'd spill everything to her mother and I'd be left to lick my own wounds alone after Aunty Raliya finds out I was telling her about her promiscuous activities or how she maltreated me from the day she got a hold of my parents wealth to date.

"Aaliyah! Are you still there?"

His worried voice broke me out of my thoughts then I took in a sharp breath before answering him.

"Sorry. I'm still here. I'm feeling a bit sleepy. Where were we?"

"You should sleep. It's late.

You're probably tired. Tomorrow we'll talk more. Just tell me one thing before you sleep."

"Shoot." I said, yawning.

"Why were you running the first time I tried to approach you?"




"Am I that ugly?" He said to brighten the mood.

I laughed "Don't worry you're very far from the word ugly. Just sleep. That answer is for another day. I'm sleepy. Good night Hamza fari mai farar aniya (Hamza with the good heart)."

Finally our conversation ended and I slept like a baby.


I was sleeping after saying my azkar in the early hours of the morning when I felt Safiya tapping my shoulder.

"Tashi (wake up) Aaliyah. Kinyi baƙo (you have a visitor)."

My eyes clear once I hear a visitor has come to see me. My body shook with fear as I prayed that Aunty Raliya had gone out with one of her numerous Alhaji's whom she called friends but I knew they were more than that.

I looked at her, confusion blocking my brain from processing what she had just uttered then she said

"Go and freshen up quickly. Wai Sunanshi Bilal (that his name is Bilal). He's fine ooo, gashi yana hawa babban mota (he even has a big car). They're two, the other one too fine." I laughed at her stupid statement.

One thing I knew about Safiya was that she was very materialistic. Money and phones were enough to kidnap or kill her. She'd made me laugh years back when I visited her and a man who sold rice at the nearby market came on his tiny scooter of some sort to see her. She humiliated him and went as far as telling him her regular catchphrase 'Idan baka da kafa kar kara zuwa gidan nan' (if you don't have a car, don't come back to this house again) and I'd laugh but advice her to quit disgracing them because she had no idea who'd be her future husband.

"Is Aunty Raliya around?" I asked, fear evident in my voice.

"She went out since around ten haka and since then bata dawo ba (she hasn't come back)." She shrugged.

I was supposed to be at ease since she said it was Bilal but I wasn't because he was still a member of the male specimen so if Aunty Raliya were to come back now I'd be dead. Actually that'd be after he leaves then I'd be six feet under the ground.

Also I wondered who he'd come with. I pray it wasn't Hamza.

Saying his name gave me vibes that were foreign...whatever.

"Ok. Tell him I'll be there soon."

She nodded and gave me a reassuring smile before leaving the room.

I quickly grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower then brushed my teeth and came out to rummage through my wardrobe for a nice outfit.

I found a pink atamfa gown with a flowery pattern and lace at the arms then left with an off white veil that matched the intricate designs of the pattern.

I came into the living room and found Safiya sipping on her favourite Ahmad Tea flavour; peach. She pointed at the the main door of the house with a smirk for me to go and talk to them then she turned, continuing to watch Baywatch as she held the tiny, cute, tea cup with her pinky hanging in the air as if she was having tea with the queen of England.

Bracing myself, I turned the handle and I saw Bilal sitted on the boot of his car, his attention deeply invested in his phone and to my surprise his older brother; Abba, who was also my ex boyfriend sitted on the passengers sit of the car had already seen me before I got the plan of running back into the house in motion.

And in a swift, Bilal too turned towards my direction, looking at me with a poker face but seconds later his face broke into a look of worry then guilt. He got down on his feet and walked up to me.

"How is my favourite cousin doing? Kin share ni (you've stopped talking to me). I just came to see how you were doing and a gift was sent to you from my friend no wait he's your friend now since you've stolen him from me ko kun shiga stage din love ne? (or you guys have entered the love stage?)" He teased and a for a second he was quiet before he continued "I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you and you deserve to be angry since we're family and I wasn't there for you. Kiyi hakuri (I'm sorry). At first I thought you were pushing me away, I got angry but later I understood you were hurting so please don't be angry with me. Smile for me mana." He grinned and I couldn't help it to also smile.

He opened the back sit of his car and handed me a bag that I chose not to open till he left. We were craking jokes and throwing insults at ourselves when Abba came out.

"What do you want?"

"Can't I come just because I want to see my cousin too?"

"Well you're not welcome!"

"Aaliyah you still don't want to understand kuma (and) I'm tired of explaining to you. We're not together because we're just not meant for eachother."

"Bilal tell your brother to go back inside the car or else I'll go back to into the house."

"Ya Abba please kayi hakuri ka koma (please go back inside). I'll join you soon."

He went back into the car and continued to tap the screen of his phone without stopping to even glance at me and I was grateful for that.

"So Bilal you're the one playing match-maker for your friends ko?"

He laughed "No oo abeg I have my own problems."

"Gaskiya yana da kyau kuma (tbh he's handsome and) he has a nice personality. I feel like I can talk to him to an extent maybe after a while trust him. I think I like him but don't tell him or else I'll kill you."

"My lips are sealed." He mimicked dragging a zipper across his mouth like a mime out of a black and white movie and we laughed till tears came out of our eyes.

"Why did you bring him sef?"

"He said he wanted to come with me and you know I can't say no to him. Don't be angry. Just ignore him."

I heard the sounds of the gates being opened by Baba Tanko and I literally felt my heart drop to my stomach. Seconds later, Aunty Raliya was being dropped out of a car that wasn't hers. I mustered a bye to Bilal and ran back inside.

You know what to do with that star🥺❤️

~Aisha Safiyanu🥀

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